Chapter 9

I practically skipped to my next class after free period with Patrick.

The equestrian instructor, Ms. Aine, greeted me as I walked into the stables. She is a sweet woman with long, dark hair that's only slightly greying. She has kind hazel eyes that accompany her gentle demeanor. She always wears a long sleeved sweater or button-down under a navy blue Ralph-Lauren vest and tan riding pants with dark brown riding boots. Her hair is always braided into a tight Dutch braid, so she always looked like she stepped out of a Polo magazine.

"You're a bit early, aren't you Arden?" She asked.

"I have a free period before this and I was nearby." I said absent-mindedly.

Looking around for Nina at the stables reminded me of when she had gone missing and gave me a sick sense of deja-vu.

"Something on your mind dear?" Ms. Aine gave me a knowing look.

"I'm just a little worried for Nina, she wasn't feeling well today at lunch." I said.

"Oh, that's too bad. I'm sure she'll turn up." She said.

I nodded my head and scanned for her as the students trickled in.

When I didn't see Nina after the bell for the start of class had rung, I texted her and asked if she was okay.

"All good, just felt a little soon to go back is all." She responded.

Feeling temporarily relieved, I put my phone back into the pocket of my blazer.

"Today, I want each of you to spend some time caring for your horse. It'll be an easy day, no riding. Only brushing, washing, or cleaning your horse's hooves or stall is on the plan for today." Ms. Aine announced. Each of the students contentedly walked over to their selected horse.

"Arden, we have two extra horses that aren't assigned to anyone. I want you to spend your time with both horses today, see which one you might want to work with for the remainder of the term. Have you had any riding lessons?" Ms. Aine asked.

"I haven't." I said. Unless you count one from camp almost 10 years ago.

"That's quite all right, dear. I was merely asking to see where you were in your skill level." she said as she patted my shoulder.

I walked over to a chestnut colored horse named Gus and chuckled as he nuzzled my hand. I know almost nothing about horses, but I could tell that Gus was a gentle one. He stood patiently as I gave him some feed and water. While Gus was eating, I went to see the other unassigned horse.

This horse was as black as my soul, with white diamond shaped markings on his forehead and chest. I read the name on the stall, and couldn't help breaking into a huge grin as I remembered watching the masked crusader as a kid.

"Hey, Zorro. Let's give that mane of yours a brush, yeah?" I spoke to him as I entered the stall.

He made protesting snorts as I grabbed the brush from the plastic carrier hung on one side of the stall.

I gave him a look as I got closer, and he settled down.

While I brushed him and filled his feed and water buckets, I lost track of time.

Ms. Aine poked her head into the stall and smiled at me.

"My apologies, I seem to have forgotten about you back here." She said.

I glanced around, noticing the lack of students milling around.

"We lost track of time, didn't we, boy?" I asked him as I patted him on the nose and he snorted at me.

"Huh. Looks like he likes you, at least enough to let you brush him." She chuckled.

I smiled at him. "I think it would be smarter for me to pick Gus if I'm going to be riding, because he seems gentle and I am new to riding. However, I don't know if I can resist this guy!" I patted his neck softly as I spoke.

"We will just play it by ear. He may need some time to get used to you before you can ride him. He can be quite feisty with new riders." She petted his muzzle.

"Sounds great to me. To be honest, Ms. Aine, I am a little apprehensive about riding anyway. We can both work up to it." I said.

She smiled. "It's decided then. And please, call me Rhiannon."

"Got it." I said. "See you later, Zorro."

He whinnied loudly as I left the stall and I chuckled at him.

I walked back to my dorm happy that I won't be riding anytime soon. I started to remember the one time I rode a horse. Everything was fine until I got on the horse. I kicked a little too hard and he took off running. Thankfully one of the camp counselors caught up to us on her horse and settled him down, but I didn't like the feeling of having no control. I'm lucky I didn't get hurt. Riding horses might have been one of my biggest fears, which is exactly why I wanted to face and overcome it in the Equestrian class.

Nina was at her desk working on homework when I walked into our room.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I've been better. But I'm getting there." She offered a small smile.

I sat on my bed and pulled off my black Doc Martin's. I propped myself up to say something when I noticed how calm she looked. It still amazes me how well Nina is dealing with everything that happened to her. Unless she's in shock...

Noticing my inquisitive stare she said "I'll be fine, really. You don't need to worry."

I just nodded and busied myself by scrolling through my phone until Henry texted to say that he was here.

Rolling off my bed I said, "Gotta go! Junk food calls."

Henry was waiting by the front door with a bag filled with takeout from Nando's.

"You remembered." I said as I took the bag from him.

We walked to the courtyard and set up our spread on one of the tables.

He sat across from me and took a bite of his chicken with worry lines deepening into his forehead.

"Okay. Out with it." I said.

"I just sat down." He protested.

"Yes, I know. That's how I know you're gearing up for a lecture." I said.

He rolled his eyes but smiled anyway.

"Well, you've brought me takeout, which is as close as I will get to junk food around here, so lay it on me." I said.

"I'm just worried for you, kiddo. You said this other girl still hasn't been found?" He asked.

"Evie. No, she hasn't." I looked down at my take out box, feeling less and less hungry.

"What have your teachers said about it?" He asked.

I thought about that for a minute. Had any of them said anything? No.

"I don't know. I don't know her, and she went missing before I got here. So I'm not sure if anyone asked about her before I got here." I said, pushing the food around in the Styrofoam box.

He sighed but didn't say anything. We ate in silence for a few moments.

"Maybe you should take a self-defense class." He offered.

I just gave him a confused and slightly annoyed look.

"What? Like they don't have that at this fancy school of yours." He scoffed.

"No, not unless you count fencing." I grumbled.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to upset you. I just wonder if you're safe here." He said.

"I don't know, but I do know that I'm not running away this time." I said.

"You need to learn how to protect yourself." He insisted.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "I'll be fine, Henry. Can we talk about something else?"

"Sure." He said.

"How's the job search going?" I asked him.

"It's going well. I have an interview lined up at a museum. The whole janitor gig was always temporary and lasted much longer than it should have. I'm a historian, not a custodian." He chuckled.

"That's great Henry!" I said happily. "You single-handedly helped me pass history last year. If you can do that, then you're probably the best historian out there."

"You really need to pay attention this year, Arden. Are you going to all of your classes?" He asked.

"Of course! You know me, studious as ever." I said sarcastically. We won't talk about the fact that I skip class and don't pay attention when I do go... Details, details...

He just chuckled, knowing that school and I don't always get along.

I just shrugged my response.

After we finished our meal and said goodbye, I headed back up to my room.

Nina was lying on her bed reading the Nephilim book Wyatt found.

"Nina?" I started as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hmm?" She murmured, but didn't look up.

"I was wondering something about Evie." I said.

She eyed me from behind the top edge of the book.

"Has anyone said anything about her disappearance? Teachers, her friends maybe?" I asked.

She paused for a moment as if she just realized something.

"No, and that's the weirdest bit. Since we're not close friends and this is a big school, it took me a while to realize she was actually missing and not just sick or something. We're in English and Equestrian class together, but when she didn't show up after almost a week I started to worry. I asked Rhiannon, but she said she knew nothing about it." Nina explained.

"Who else might know something?" I thought for a moment. "What about the headmaster?" I asked.

"Headmistress. She won't be of any help." Nina said quickly.

I conceded, but her quick response determined that the headmistress was who I needed to go to if I wanted real answers.

Sorry for the wait, friends!! Had a bit of writer's block but am very excited about this chapter and chapter 10!!!
I have been itching to add in more characters such as teachers and the headmaster (and some students soon!! Finally lol)
Very pumped about Rhiannon Aine!
So, are you more of a studious person like Nina or more unfocused like Arden?
Let me know in the comments and please vote and share!!
Much love!
