Jeremy Gilbert

"Miss me" I said coming up behind Jeremy and giving him a hug from the back. He was a little shocked at first.

"We talked all night, last night." He laughed, while turning around to face me.

"I know, it's been 7 hours." He smiled. Oh my goodness, his smile always makes my day.

His phone vibrated. He checked his phone. I could tell something was up, he always gets in a protective position when something's wrong.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"Elena needs me" he said grabbing his stuff.

"I'm coming with you"

"No. It's to dangerous Y/n, I'm not going to let you get hurt" He said in very sexy demanding voice.

"Sorry Jeremy, but that's not your decision. Last time you went to go do something, you didn't wake up until three days after." We were headed towards his car.


I entered Jeremy's house looking around for anyone.

"Elena" he shouted.

"In here Jeremy help!" We heard Elena shout back from the kitchen, she sounded hurt.

We ran towards the kitchen to help her, there was blood on her shirt and she was on the floor.

"Omg Elena, what happened." I said while, I ran towards her.

The thing was that it wasn't Elena, but Katherine. She had grabbed me from behind and was holding a knife over my neck.

"Katherine, let her go" Jeremy said.

"She wasn't supposed to be the one that got hurt Jeremy. You were suppose to come alone." She put the knife closer to my neck.

"I was her for you, I was going to kill you. That would've pissed off precious little Elena. But if I kill you little girlfriend instead not only will it hurt Elena, it'll hurt you."

"Noo! Take me. Just let her go." Jeremy was trying to trade his life for mine"

"Don't hurt him" I could barely speak.


The front door slammed, Stefan and Elena were here.

"Ohh no, there here to ruin the fun" Katherine said, fake pouting.

"Katherine, you don't want to do this" Steven said.

She picked up the knife we all thought she was going to drop it, but no. She stabbed me right on my side.

"That's were you wrong Stefan, I play by my own rules" she said, before dropping me on the floor and speeding out.

"Y/n" Jeremy ran towards me, he fell to the floor. He was holding me.

"Elena do something" his voice has filled with so much worry.

"Jeremy, I have to tell you something." I could barely speak.

"No. You can tell me after, after you live." He moved my hair to the side to you could see my face.

"Jeremy, I love you" was all I could say before I blacked out.


I woke up, I was on Jeremy's bed. I only dreamt of this about a billion times.

"Hey sleepyhead" I looked to my right to see Jeremy sitting on chair.

"What happened, all I remember was blacking out. I thought I was gone" I said sitting up.

"Stefan fed you his blood." He got up from his chair and got up on the bed next to me.

"I was scared" I said, I was leaning on him. He had a arm wrapped around me, comforting me.

"You should sleep, you need your rest" I laid down, and closed my eyes.

"I love you to, Y/n" he said before kissing my forehead, and going to sleep next to me.
