23. Klaus

Part 2: You and Klaus have been together for centuries, by his side through thick and thin, partners in crime and then one day he found out what you have done that he could never forgive you for. (See "18. Klaus" for part 1)
Years after, when you and his brother Elijah reunite for the first time for a truce, or maybe a revenge.

"Elijah" I say softly walking up to him as I fix his well suited tux he always wears, "I don't think I could face your brother. I mean for what I have done to him? And he driven a stake through my heart, and without you coming in time before he could've kill me, I would be dead right now." I say nervously looking up at my handsome boyfriend. A few years ago, I have done something horrible that hurt the original hybrid's heart, which fell for his brother behind his back. I know Niklaus have never fell for someone in a long time before I came into his life, he thinks love is a sign of weakness, but I showed him it wasn't and he fell deeply hard for me. And to cheat and fall for his brother? It was not a very good idea...

Elijah looks at me, he grips my hand softly looking down at me. "Listen Y/N, he has reach out to us to speak. I know Niklaus, he is sometimes negotiable, when he reaches out to something he wants." He said softly and reaches my right hand up kissing it softly. "I promise you love, he will not hurt you."

I sigh softly and nodded slowly. I am ready to face Niklaus Mikaelson...

"Finally the people who I have love the most, that have betrayed me have finally showed up!" Klaus says as he turns his chair around, his eyes landed straight to mine, and his lips from into a devious smirk. I know that look.

Elijah steps Infront of me, "Brother, I hope you invited us for a truce, I perhaps. We're family and-"

"Stop! I do the speaking here." Niklaus says and stands up from his seat. Then he places his arms behind his back as he walks closer to us. "She..." He says pointing at and continues "have ripped my heart into little shreds and have betrayed my love for me!" He snaps slightly and then calms down letting out a sigh, "but that was a few years ago correct Y/N?"

I clench my jaw as I held onto Elijah's arm, I can see Klaus trail his eyes to my hands giving onto his brother, I can see in his eyes that he is still hurt for what I have done to him, I don't blame him. "Yes Niklaus, and I would do anything for you forgiveness, just don't hurt Elijah."

Elijah turns his head to me, "Y/N dont say that." He whispers knowing if I said I'll do ANYTHING, Klaus knows a good way accept forgiveness, but it always comes with a price.

Klaus's raises his eyebrow and then motions me to go near him.

I look at Elijah and then grip onto his cheeks kissing him passionately, I knew I'll never see Elijah again after this..

Elijah pulls away, "No Y/N you are not doing this." He begs holding me tightly. Then he looks at Niklaus, "Niklaus if you hurt her-"

"Oh brother, don't worry about it now Y/N come here"

I pull away, "I love you." I say very low to him. I turn around walking towards Klaus. "Just get it over with." I say softly as I turn my body around standing in front of him, but my back facing him. I know exactly what Klaus was going to do, before I let Elijah knew we were going to speak to Klaus. I mad a deal with the hybrid that I will spear my life to save Elijah's...

All of a sudden a group of hybrids surround Elijah as two of them hold him tightly. "No!" He says trying to fight their grip.

Niklaus leans against my hear, "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. For what you have done to me, you death will be slow." He says and then moves his hand to my hair moving it to the side, "Actually since I still have so much love for you, I'll make it quick love."

I let out a sigh and nodded. Finally, I felt him ram his hand through my chest and ripping my heart out.

"That's how I felt when you betrayed me..." I hear his voice trailing off...


SORRY THAT THIS WAS A QUICK PART 2 IMAGINE. THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING PATIENT WITH THE UPDATES. I need to look through these imagines again to see if I need to do a part 2 for some of them. Also I'll be glad to take some imagine ideas from y'all, and I'll give you credit for the idea!! Also, I've updated a new chapter of What Lies Beneath story with Damon. Please read and vote, because I think the story is really interesting and I get so excited when I write it and I have everything planned out for that book already!! Thank you!
