Chapter 4

A couple days later ,Red and Josh were playing a dancing game on the wii and let's just say that Bane and Dimitri got front row seats since they were competing against each other. Their father told  Josh an idea to play the Nyan song with the Nyan dance. So when it was Red and Josh's turn he picked it and they had to do the Nyan song, Red only agreed to do this if he got loads of fish. Red thought' I better get a load of catfish and salmon for this...'

After they did the dance Bane and Dimitri thought at the same time,' that was so cute' Jason said to  their father, " we get money for that right?" Red said" How many fish can I have?" Bane and Dimitri looked at their father and said" you paid them to do that?!?" The father said" Yes... I am, and if you don't admit it, their will be more to come!" Red and Josh didn't know what they were talking about so they just went to open the door of whoever was knocking.

The door opened and revealed that it was one of the princesses, that looked at the two boys and thought' these must be the princes' pets! A human and a hybrid interesting!' She said " Can you carry my bags to the guest room? and My name is Princess Astrid by the way." Josh jut followed the instructions with Red since she prodartly thought they were servants or at least that was what Red and Josh thought anyway. Then another girl came in and said" Hello! I'm princess Isabel!" They nodded and Josh said" names Josh, this is Red." Red said a small hi and got her bags. Bane and Dimitri's father was the first to meet the girls besides Josh and Red. He was greeted by the girls," hello King Donn!" He smiled at the girls and said " hello princess Isabel, Princess Astrid.. Josh, Red can you two take their bags to one of the rooms besides the princes..." Red and Josh didn't like that their room was being claimed by two vampire people but they do what they were told for not wanting to get on the king's bad side. I mean he is letting them stay here, the queen , Luna also likes having two other boys in the house for they may live in a mansion, but they don't have many loyal servants, so queen Luna, Red and Josh help the cook with the cooking. Queen Luna wanted the girls to come and get here early since she wanted her two boys and them to bond. Donn thought' Oh no, I forgot about how nosy my Luna can be.'

Red and Josh packed their things into the other guest room across their 'friends.' Then they put the luggage in the room since their rooms were white, Astrid said " Thank you!" They said " Your welcome" they went into their room and was lucky to get help from one of their friends, Chi to get another bed in the room. They agreed to share the room since it was really big,and they wanted to not see those girls. They never really saw what royalty people behaved like... so them treating them like that was something they didn't like.

Back with Bane and Dimitri, they rather be with their mates instead of the girls, they were pretty but not compared to their mates. Astrid said" So why do you two have a human pet and a hybrid pet?"  Dimitri repeated the word but as more of a question, " Pet?" Astrid and Isabel nod. Bane said, changing the subject, " We haven't been in the garden yet, you did want a tour of the whole area,right.?" Isabel said" yes please, show us to the garden, prince Bane." He nodded and they followed him to the garden... When he thought about the garden, he thought of one day when Red was in the flower bed sniffing and rolling in  the flowers. The weird thing was that they didn't get squashed or anything,  like Red was only a drop of water on them. They grew right back. Dimitri thought of the day that it was raining and Josh was in the garden , crying. Josh told him that he missed his family but since the Assassination Organization is bad... Who can humans turn to? Bane had no answer for that only that, humans are very fragile but they can always get back up.

Bane and Dimitri snapped out of it and said" This is the flower bed area." The rest of the time they talked was giving information about themselves to the girls and about the mansion. The girls asked questions like, favorite color, food snakes, which animal  was their favorite. Bane said" A fox" and Dimitri said " A snow leopard or wolf."  Josh and Red heard something in the back of their heads," Bad! Get Bane  " or in Josh's mind " Get Dimitri" So they went to Bane and Dimitri only to catch them kissing the girls. Bane looked like he was kissing Astrid and Dimitri looked like he was kissing Isabel. They stormed out , and went for a run. Josh said" I don't know why but I'm angry at those two!" Red nodded in agreement and said,"I am too, for some reason.." Josh thought ' I'm glad that Red's hear for confirmation and being a friend.' Red said" why are you mad at them?" Josh said the first thing that came to mind," Well when Dimitri kissed me, I kind of thought that he ... liked me but then again I guess i should of guessed from a vampire prince that it wasn't true." Josh thought,' I guess that would make me jealous of them? Or her?' Josh said " What about you?" Red said the first thing that came to mind," I don't know I trust him but then ... I really don't know why I'm angry. I don't have a valid reason like you... I guess I'm mad for what they did to hurt you." Then red's fox growled 'mine' to no one in particular. Josh said " Man.. What was that about?"  Red said " I have no fox just says what it wants to say.." They went back into the mansion, gave death glares behind Dimitri's and Bane's back, then went to get ready for bed, taking a shower, putting on pajamas, brushing their teeth, then went to bed. Not having talked to Bane or Dimitri the whole day.
