27 - Wedding


My hand rested in Damir's elbow as we made our way through the halls of the palace. Almost all of the servants had hidden themselves away or were waiting for me to arrive at our wedding. I strolled through the castle, my heels clicking on the floor. Damir's footfalls matched mine, and I was glad to have him by my side. We made our way to the door to the gardens. There was ample open space in the gardens where sometimes events took place, and we were so lucky to have our wedding held there.

In weeks past, we had hosted different Alphas and even Alphas from other kingdoms, and now the next event hosted was focused on Griffin and me.

We stopped at the doors, and Damir turned and pressed his lips to my forehead. "You're going to rule wonderfully, Queen Alena."

I smiled sweetly. "Thank you, Alpha Damir."

A blush covered his cheeks at the title, and the doors were pulled open from the outside, ending our conversation effectively. I stepped out into the sunshine, Damir matching my pace.

Across the garden, I could see our friends and family all sitting with their backs to me, and I watched Griffin chatter nervously with Sebastian, who was officiating our wedding. I watched the musicians realize that I was walking out, and the music changed to the usual wedding march. I made my way down the aisle, smiling at my friends as I inched closer to my crowned fiance, who would be my husband in a matter of minutes.

Griffin finally turned to see me, and his hand immediately covered his mouth in shock. I grinned at him, my eyes welling with tears immediately. Almost too quickly, Damir and I stood in front of Griffin and Sebastian. I passed my bouquet to Damir and stepped to take Griffin's hands.

"Who brings this woman to be married to this man?" Sebastian asked, looking to Damir. I turned to face my brother and watched his eyes fill with tears.

He spoke softly, "Her brother, along with her late mother and father." A tear rolled down my cheek at his words. Griffin's hand lifted and wiped the tear gently.

"Thank you." Sebastian dipped his head, and the wedding was silent for just a second out of reverence.

"Welcome, honorable guests, as we join King Griffin Nocleotune and Queen Alena Nocleotune in holy matrimony." He began, and my face turned to Griffin's, a broad smile crossing my face. Griffin's grin matched mine, and we listened as Sebastian spoke.

"We have all had the gracious honor to watch Griffin and Alena grow in their relationship together. Because we are bestowed upon each other as soulmates, we know that marriages are not necessary. Even with that information, it is a courageous act to stand before friends and family to proclaim and affirm this bond."

Griffin's hand squeezed mine, and I squeezed back.

**Are you listening to what he's saying?** I asked in the mind link, blinking slowly at my mate.

A mischievous grin crossed his face. **I may simply be observing my beautiful mate.** I rolled my eyes and turned back to Sebastian.

My previous Alpha smiled at me. "Now, we will witness Griffin and Alena declare their intent to wed." He first looked to Griffin. "Do you, Griffin, take Alena to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, reserving yourself for her for as long as you both shall live?"

Griffin's eyes met mine, a bright twinkle filling the sea of blue. "I do."

Sebastian looked at me, but I kept my eyes locked on Griffin's. "Do you, Alena, take Griffin to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, reserving yourself for him for as long as you both shall live?"

I nodded. "I do."

Sebastian reached into his pocket and procured two rings. I watched as he handed the smaller ring to Griffin.

"A ring is an unbroken circle and is a symbol of infinity and your infinite love for each other. As you exchange rings, you will speak words concerning your commitment for all time. Griffin, please repeat after me." Sebastian turned his body to face Griffin slightly. "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever."

Griffin repeated him slowly, sliding the ring onto my left ring finger to sit nestled against my engagement ring.

I repeated the same process and words, sliding the gold band onto his left ring finger.

"Griffin and Alena have opted not to share their vows publicly but do vow to live them publicly." Sebastian smiled at the crowd as Griffin and I held hands. "It is my great honor and privilege to pronounce you husband and wife. Griffin, you may kiss your bride!"

Griffin leaned forward to me, wrapping one arm around my waist, and the other supported my neck as he pressed his lips against mine. My hands rested flat on his chest as we kissed. After a few seconds, he pulled back, leaving his hand around my waist as we turned to face our guests.

"I am so proud to introduce to you as husband and wife, King Griffin and Queen Alena Nocleotune!" We walked down the aisle and back into our home as our guests applauded. We made our way into a private room while waiting for the guests to enter the banquet hall to attend our reception.

Griffin pulled me to his chest, wrapping me in a deep hug. "Can't we just leave and catch up with everyone later?" He pressed his lips against my forehead gently.

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed, rubbing his back.

I didn't realize how lucky I truly was. Everyone knew the reputation that Caelan had held, and I was fortunate to have been mated with Griffin and not the other monster who had tried to claim me, which brought up a question that had me puzzled from the beginning. Why would Caelan claim me when I knew that I was Griffin's mate?

Griffin leaned out of my embrace and stared at me, a look of confusion crossing his eyes. "Alena, what has you so perplexed?"

I groaned. "I'm just thinking about the day that we met." I laced my fingers with his as I settled onto the couch in the private room. Griffin sat down next to me, his posture rigid in his handsome tuxedo.

"Are your thoughts about me or someone else?" he asked, then pressed my hand against his lips. He seemed worried that I would take flight and run.

I sighed and responded, "Both, my love. You know my heart is only for you, but I'm still so confused at why Caelan would claim me when you and I both know that we are destined."

Griffin nodded. "I understand how you feel. I sent some historians and researchers after information as soon as it happened, but they haven't had any conclusive findings."

I frowned. Griffin hadn't told me that he was looking, and even though he was looking, he especially hadn't informed me that there were no answers. I wanted to know why someone had to die over me. "Have there been any inconclusive findings?"

Griffin shrugged. "There's a theory that you were a twin in utero, and Caelan was attached to your twin, but there's no history or backing for that idea." I nodded. A knock sounded at the door, and we watched as Brennan walked in. He dipped his head out of respect, but Griffin waved him over. Now that Griffin and I were the ruling monarchs, people would even expect Brennan to bow to us.

"Son, Alena, you both look wonderful today, and I could not be more proud." He smiled at us, and Griffin gripped my hand tighter. Brennan shifted his gaze to Griffin. "Your mother would have been just as proud." His hand patted Griffin on the shoulder gently. I watched Griffin blink away a tear, and I squeezed his hand gently.

"Thank you, Brennan," I said softly.

He nodded to me and spoke once more. "Everyone is in the hall and waiting for you. I'll head in and let them know you're on your way." Brennan made his exit quick, and I turned to face Griffin.

"You don't have to say anything." Griffin pressed his forehead against mine.

I nodded. "He's right, you know." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "You're going to be a wonderful king and an even better husband, Griff." I pressed my lips to his gently, and his hands grasped my waist, pulling me closer to him and deepening the kiss.

I giggled and pulled back. "Come on, loverboy. We have a wedding reception to attend." I grasped his hand and pulled him toward the ballroom, and he soon matched his pace to mine. We stood outside the doors to the ballroom and adjusted our clothes, making sure they were sitting correctly on our frames.

Griffin nodded to the guards, and they pulled the doors open, revealing us to the crowd of friends. A smattering of applause filled our ears, and I grinned widely.

"Their royal highnesses, King Griffin and Queen Alena!" Sebastian's voice echoed through the room. We stepped in and made our way toward the head table. It felt like I was floating; I had never felt so excited.

When we reached the table, Griffin pulled out my chair for me, and I sat gently, tucking my dress under me properly. He pushed it in slightly then took the seat next to me. As soon as we sat, everyone else in the room sat. Servants walked into the hall carrying plates of food to everyone, starting with Griffin and me, then going to Brennan, working its way down the hierarchy until they had served everyone. Griffin sliced a bite from his salmon, lifted it to the people, and then brought his fork to my mouth.

In shock, my mouth dropped open. He gently dropped the bite of salmon in my mouth, and I closed my lips, savoring the first bite of our wedding meal. I had selected a combination of fish and chicken to adorn our plates, along with a small pile of mashed potatoes and a scoop of green beans. Griffin waved for everyone to eat, and they began.

I narrowed my eyes at Griffin. **What are the people going to say when they see you giving so much to me and not taking for yourself as a king should?**

**They'll think that I'm absolutely taken by you and your beauty, my love, as they should.** I blushed and looked down at my plate. The food was already cut into pieces, as tradition leans toward women not using knives at meals not to seem brusque. I picked up a bite of chicken and offered it to Griffin, my hand shaking slightly. He bit the chicken off of the fork, chewing it slowly. He winked at me, and a blush coated my cheeks. We ate our food at a moderate speed, watching our guests interact while still eating quickly enough to be prepared for dancing.

When I scooped the last bite of potatoes into my mouth, and Griffin ate the last bite of his fish, he rose and took my hand, lifting me out of my seat. He led me to the middle of the room, which had been left bare of seats to form a dance floor, and we swayed together to the gentle music; Griffin's hands rested on my hips, my arms wrapped around his neck.

When I was young, I always questioned what people talked about during slow dances. Now, in a calm dance with my husband, our topic of conversation was casual and familiar.

"You say I may be a good king and an even better husband, but there is something you exceed me in millions of times over," Griffin said softly in my ear, pulling me around the floor.

I laughed. "What would that be?"

"You're going to be the best parent our child could ever wish for."

I blushed and leaned in, relishing in the calmness with the musicians playing one of Griffin's favorite tunes.

This was my happy place, and I was glad to be here over anywhere else.

