The Witches Fortune (Episode 5)

The White Room

An ice cold wind flies around as Cat lies motionless on the ground in the middle of a white oblivion. About ten meters away from Cat's silent breathing swings a relaxed Angel of Death, the Angel swings back and forth while on a black chained swing. Every creak of the chain moving makes Cat's eyes move a centimeter closer to springing awake. Kyphi moves a closer towards Cat and the creak makes a deafening noise to force her eyes to reveal the white oblivion. Her upper body moves forward and a beaming headache can be felt across not only her forehead but the whole head, the white room makes her eyes super sensitive until the outline of Kyphi Krakze is seen, but this time the swing and chains are no longer there and her creepy red and white eyes stare back at her. Cat lets out a small scream and attempts to move back but Kyphi moves with Cat. Two large wings escape from her back and flap around causing a warm feeling against her, the voice that Cat speaks with is a silent whisper but it is loud enough to echo around the white room. 

Cat Montreddins: Where am I? Am I dead?

Kyphi doesn't speak for a second until her floating body reaches the "ground" of the room and a sudden table and comfy chairs appear out of nowhere. The whole chair is decorated with a deep black furr and a stuffed fox on the back of the chair growls in pain, on the floor rests also a stuffed bear that is getting a massage from the table legs. As Cat sits on the chair, it welcomes her with the comforts of the furr. It felt like a chair you could never leave from, meanwhile on the table a few parts from the oblivion fly onto it, two burning lit candles, Turkish delight rests on a silver tray while snow of powdered sugar flies onto it, a distant bird chirps and lands on a big 1700's chandelier hanging above the table, everything remains in place and is calm. Cat sighs before Kyphi starts to speak.

Kyphi Krakze: My name is Kyphi Krakze, also known as the Angel of Death. You have been specifically summoned here as a warning sent by your ancestors.

A big white leaflet now floats out from the white oblivion and lands itself perfectly infront of Cat, on top marks the Montreddins Family Line and a white feather. Her shaky hand attempts to open the book but before she can reach the soft front and ink that has sunk into the book for generations, it flies open and many pages swim by as if it was like nothing and the ancestry didn't matter. She notices the years at the top of the pages, it is halfway through the book and the dates have dated back to 1854 but it still carries on to 1924, 1965, 1998 and finally to the recent January 7th 2001 of her birth date. Resting above of her name is a moving portrait of herself on her sixteenth birthday party and even further are the names of "Hunter & Angelina Montreddins", but of course Angelina's portrait is crossed with red ink and she is missing from her portrait. On the opposite side sits Hunter slouching on a couch sleeping like a baby awaiting its mother. 

Kyphi Krakze: Now the warning consists of an agreement leaflet written and signed in 1855. Every other magical family that was involved has dropped out from the agreement apart from the Montreddins. Now you can either consider the agreement or-

A man seen previously in the book approaches from the white oblivion this time and immediately Cat's response is to hug the person. However, as soon as she reaches the manly figure to embrace the warm feeling of a "hug" she is within his body and it is noted that this is not reality.

Cat Montreddins: Daddy, what are you doing here?

The man looks down upon Cat and reacts with pushing her off his transparent arms but as soon as this action is completed, he kneels down to Cat who now appears six years old and as innocent as ever before.

Hunter Montreddins: Young Cat...

He rubs her cheeks in affection, the voice he speaks is with a calm ASMR style which sets Cat's eyes switching from open to closed. At the same time, Kyphi grows teary watching the memorable scene.

Hunter Montreddins: The agreement was created to ensure no talking Witch or Wizard is present with a Non-Magical Human for more than sixteen years. As you are now seventeen, you have broken the promise our family has held onto for generations. You can enter back into the Human world and reside as a Human with all your magical powers stripped away, or save the lives of two innocents taken by a powerful source haunting over the magical world. 

Cat Montreddins: But, daddy, why would you do this to me?

Hunter Montreddins: Family traditions.

She looks innocently back towards Kyphi who slowly bows her head and back to her father who slips away into the oblivion. A bright beam of light shines from the oblivion and a loud horn can be heard, the young girl covers her eyes and face with her two skinny arms and the loud surrounding cars, tall intimidating buildings and people talking and arguing about first world problems snaps her back into reality. A bus bright with a black and yellow canvas like a New York Taxi grows closer and closer towards her until luckily a gentle hand grabs her back onto the sidewalk and she is knocked into Toby.

Toby Savannah: Cat, you nearly got yourself killed!

Cat Montreddins: Ianuae magicae ad domum approbatione...

Cat whispers this between herself and Toby. The tall buildings, argumentative people and angry car drivers all disappear and a new set of surroundings around them change to a road full of colorful houses and bright beaming street lights but, mostly important, is the full moon shining from the sky and onto the approval house that stares at the two teenagers infront of its gates.

Toby Savannah: How did- we was just there.... and now we're here...

Cat Montreddins: Toby...

Toby Savannah: What are you?

Cat Montreddins: TOBY! You have to find Smithie and run away with him... I have some unfinished work here and it's dangerous for you, SPECIFICALLY YOU to help... run!

Toby stares within Cat's eyes and leans into Cat just in time for her to push him back.

Cat Montreddins: I said RUN!

He takes this message finally and breaks into a run back down the street, Cat turns towards the house, her breathing becomes shaky now as she leans down towards her right shoe and pulls out a dagger from her right sock. Her final move can be seen of her walking towards the house through the already opened gate. The camera moves up into the midnight sky as "The Untold Stories" rests within the distant thunder and moonlight, a song slowly builds up until the camera goes black and a door can be heard slamming.

Cat Montreddins: Hello?

Her voice echoes throughout the corridors and rooms of the house but there is no response or reply back apart from the distant struggle of someone in the kitchen. She holds the dagger up close pointing the opposite direction from her stomach as a distant crash can be heard and the grunt of a known and friendly voice. She casually walks into the kitchen and notices Nikos struggling on the floor with a wound in his stomach. The dagger hovers from Cat's hand and automatically slips back down into Cat's right sock without her actually doing the actions.

Cat Montreddins: Wh-what happened to you?

Nikos Lees: Some guys ran past me with Kalani in their arms and then another one stabbed.

Cat hovers her palms onto Nikos' stomach and the blood from the floor travels back into the body, the damaged cells around the wound repair themselves and in fifty seconds, the wound is back to its normal place before the bleeding as if nothing actually happened.

Nikos Lees: I've never seen a witch or wizard do that- where did you learn it?

Cat Montreddins: My mother taught me it when i fell over and broke my ankle.

She stands up and offers a hand for Nikos to get back onto his legs. The surroundings appear damaged from the recent unheard attack.

Cat Montreddins: You said Kalani was taken by masked people- I think I may need your help.

The camera floats upstairs and onto the hallway leading into the bedrooms, Chelsea's body is missing and the deathly scent is now gone. Everything is back to its ordinary self and everything looks untouched and the same from the last night. The camera passes through the lock hole in the door and onto Cat and Nikos sitting on the bed, staring and pointing at the laptop that sits currently on Cat's lap. On the laptop screen rests a map of the surrounding areas of the Approval House and the street it rests in.

Cat Montreddins: It says here: "The Hillsford Farm is located west of The Temple of Krakze that was previously The Krakze House now used for Drug Hideouts and Drug Deals, the police have said that people who enter it are never seen again...." this could be a lead of where Kalani is?

They both look into each other's eyes before she scene changes again to Cat and Nikos using flashlights in the woods, surrounding leaves are crunched under their feet and wild animals and insects buzz in excitement of visitors. A distant flap of the wings of a bird can be heard calling its friends of the arrivals and toads leap from the ponds and lilipads close by to keep watch of the visitors walking close to their territory. The Hillsford Farm can be seen to the far right and a girl and boy argue infront of the big barn house that rests close to it. Two coughing teenagers walk past Cat and Nikos that can be easily detected that they are high and recently from the Temple. The closer they get the more they can hear the talking of people selling drugs closeby. They eventually come across two purple signs with the words "Entrance to the Temple" and as they walk even further past the signs they notice at least fifty people whispering to each other and shaking hands. Both Cat and Nikos take about six minutes to search and look around for the temple entrance until they notice two people standing infront of a mossy entrance to the temple, they walk towards the entrance but the people notice them and exchange dirty looks.

Boy: Where are you going?

Boy 2: Are you looking for something?

Nikos Lees: We just need to go into ther-

Boy: You think you can just walk into there? No, the last time someone went in there was three months ago and they have never been seen since. We won't allow it.

Cat Montreddins: We need to go into there and if you don't allow us I will cut both of your dicks off.

The previous dagger seen in the House is now back in Cat's hands and she casually swings it around, clearly unafraid of it accidentally stabbing her. The boys squint their eyes at the swinging dagger until they look at each other and move to another spot of the temple walls. The camera stays in the same spot as Cat and Nikos take a spiral staircase and slowly walk out of the camera frame... By the time they reach the bottom, grey bricks line the entrance of an underground of what appears to be a labyrinth. Next to the labyrinth entrance appears to a table platform with a purple book with a gold outlining on it, they both pick it up at the same time and open it, it possesses Cat's voice and reads:

Cat Montreddins: The Grey Labyrinth is part of the Underground Defence of the Krakze Treasure that has been lost and never claimed for centuries. Today it ispresumably around the cost of $25 trillion dollars. Other rooms within the labyrinth were made as traps for trespassers and only relatives or close species of the Krakze's know where the true Chamber of the Krakze's lay hidden.

The rest of the beautifully designed book is grabbed by a mechanical hand and taken in what location most would think the treasure is hidden, however a trap opens up not close by to an automatic death from lava. Behind the staircase another door opens up with two torches on either side, on the floor is a skeleton who has retired from the search. A distant spider's legs can be heard crawling from the damp sided part of the walls and a distant scream can be heard about walking dead people. 

Cat Montreddins: Lux!

A bright beam of blue light shines through the dark tunnel but by the time it reaches the middle of the labyrinth, something tall hits it and the light goes out. Cat and Nikos look back at each other with wide eyes, she sends two and then three and then four more blue lights until they make out a sleeping troll blocking the labyrinth. Both of them eventually gain enough courage to grab the torches and walk into the darkly lit tunnel leading towards the sleeping troll, it's snoring rumbles the ground around them making wild worms fall through the ceiling. They hear another stepping behind them as they reach the troll's legs.

Toby Savannah: What is that?

Cat and Nikos respond with fright as they turn around with their eyebrows down and confused at who made the noise until another Lux Charm is thrown and it reveals Toby.

Cat Montreddins: Toby... what are you doing? I told you to run.

Toby Savannah: You really think I could leave you to complete a "dangerous" task?

He uses his fingers for the word dangerous mentioning he doesn't find the task very dangerous so far. Cat passes him her torch and makes her way through the tiny gap created from the troll's leg. Next to come through is Toby who slides the torch through the gap and then himself and last is the second torch and Nikos. Although as soon as they are prepared to take on the remaining parts of the tunnels, the troll tumbles over onto his side and grunts loudly as he is awaken by the sudden fall. 

Troll: Who goes there and enters into the forbidden?

Cat Montreddins: Be quiet and don't move.

Troll: Yes be quiet and don't move I will find you somehow... what am I kidding i'm too tired for this.

They all shrug it off and carry on walking down the corridor but it never ends, the trolls snoring becomes more quiet and the atmosphere now becomes unsettling until a giant growl can be heard up ahead. 

Troll: You thought you could escape me unwounded? I've killed one thousand eight hundred and twenty two people and nobody else has passed unharmed. 

The troll licks its lips while eyeing the three young teenagers and bounces the large wooden bat with black and grey spikes sticking from the ends of it through its two ghastly hands that are the size of a house.

Toby Savannah: Cat... do something. Wingardium Leviosa or something! Use your wand!

Cat Montreddins: Magic doesn't work like that... wands are not a real thing.

Troll: Wait... magic? Young witch... i'm so sorry.

The troll bows down to the witch as Nikos and Cat exchange confused emotions until Cat gasps as the book appears in a small frame with grey smoke around it. "close species of the Krakze's" echoes back into the scene of Cat, Nikos and Toby standing awkwardly infront of the kneeling troll.

Cat Montreddins: Yes... I am a witch, troll... and was there a young boy being dragged by three or four people around here?

Syphex: Please miss... call me Syphex. There was also a young girl screaming about someone named Meagan and then later a boy who claimed to be a half wizard and has a sister with a direct claim to the Royalty Throne. 

Cat Montreddins: Can you lead me to where they all ended upon?

Syphex: Right this way... miss.

They pass some odd looking guardians of the Temple on the way to the where the three unknown people lay beyond. Some were a half breed of what appeared to be man-sized spiders and wild dogs, leopards that made monkey noises, bats with purple laser eyes and blue-colored zombies that rattle onto the prison cells trying to grab hold of Toby and Nikos who cower away and stay close in the middle of the corridor. Finally what felt like hours of walking they reach a viny entrance to what appears to be a chamber, inside they notice dried up blood and can smell the scent of ghouls and deadly beings around. They all cover their noses and leave Syphex waiting outside the entrance.

Nikos Lees: Reveal yourself! Someone is over there...

He points towards the shady area of the wide room where bright eyes run into the light and charge towards the three, Cat swings up her dagger and it splits into two at the same time fire spits at the edges of it. Nikos' eyes light up blue and a magical whip appears out of nowhere onto his hand it lights up with electricity and a loud buzz comes from it causing a headache to all around it, Toby notices these two moves and just puts up two fists. The manly figure still tries to attack the others, he sees Toby as weak and puts out a knife which slices his head.

Cat Montreddins: NO!

Cat grabs hold of Nikos' whip and flaps it around the floor, the manly figure falls close to Toby and attempts to stab him once more but just in time the whip grabs hold of the knife and it flies towards a nearby concrete wall. The manly figure takes off the black hood covering his face and reveals himself to be Charles Poppies.

Nikos Lees: Charles?

Charles Poppies: Sorry... I thought you were them coming back to finish them off... Rachel sent me to save Kalani...

Cat Montreddins: Rachel- sent you... to save... Kalani?

Cat immediately bursts into laughter while everyone else looks back at her confused of why she is laughing, she quickly notices this and drops the laughter. Toby coughs as the bleeding gets worse, the bleeding shines in the light from the only source in the room, Cat immediately responds and heals the same way as she did to Nikos the blood from his nose and shirt flies back in and causes a bruise.

Nikos Lees: So who did you come to save?

Charles Poppies: Rachel said two people would be kidnapped and brought here... but when I got here the hooded figures all freaked out and left in a rush, they could be back any minute. There's also a red door over there that one of the figures came from but as soon as they left y'all came in.

They all creep closer and closer towards the red door until they finally gain enough courage to open it and what it reveals inside. Inside of the red doors is a chamber with hospital lights and hospital tiles all around it. In one corner is a young boy with a wound around his neck and two patients lying on top of two hospital beds. Surgery materials like knives, drills and saws remain on a silver tray and someone else's dried up blood is visible on a one of the walls. A humming can be heard from one of the bodies with a white sheet over their body and hiding their face, Cat is the first one to step close to the body and reveal the person... Winter Anderson. She appears with a red band in her mouth and more red bands tying her hands and ankles onto the hospital bed. Cat attempts to take the red band out of Winter's mouth but it struggles a little until the band is finally out of her mouth.

Winter Anderson: Get me out of here! 

Cat nods towards Nikos and Charles who untie Winter, at the same time Cat walks over towards the other hospital bed and unreveals it to be... Kalani Samiskowski. He looks simply back at her with fright written across all over him until he notices it is Cat and the fright turns to excitement and calmness. This time Cat easily takes off the red band inside Kalani's mouth. The other body seems unresponsive and like it's been dead for some time now.

Kalani Samiskowski: You found me! I was expecting Kieghan and Sophie to.... but you found me!

Nikos Lees: And we did...

Nikos, Toby and Charles all wave at Kalani and Winter who are now being untied by the four saviors. They all manage to hug each other after Kalani and Winter are untied from the hospital beds and leave all in laughter until they notice a white and golden elevator in the middle of the previous room. As the six slowly walk closer towards it, at the entrance of the beautifully heavenly-sent elevator a golden note can be read on it:

Unknown Voice: This elevator can only take three people every thirty minutes... if any more enters... the elevator will go down into automatic shutdown mode and blow up within thirty seconds.

Cat Montreddins: I think Charles, Winter and Toby should go... we three can handle each other.

Charles Poppies & Winter Anderson: Alright...

Toby Savannah: There's no way i'm leaving you here, i've come all this way for you to send me away?

Cat Montreddins: These corridors and dungeons are not for a non-magical person to go through... me and all the others are allowed since we're from the magical world but you are a life to be meddled around with. Charles and Winter will take you to find Smithie.

Nikos grabs hold of Toby's arm and drags him towards the elevator entrance but before he enters, Toby grabs hold of Nikos' face and throws him into Charles and Winter. The three grow eye-wide as the elevator descends from the floor and up through the ceiling. Cat sighs and Kalani frowns while awkwardly looking at the floor behind Cat.

Cat Montreddins: Fine... but you better not die.

They finally leave the temple and at the other end Syphex appears happy that Cat and Toby have come back for him but secretly and never says it out loud of why Kalani is there and Nikos is not. They silently walk down the dark and damp corridor and end up to where the blue zombies where but they are no longer in their cages. A distant one runs from the inner cage and breaks it down, charging towards Toby. All the other zombies follow lead and do the same but luckily at the same time Syphex swings at them, his loud grunts and slow voice is a warning to the three.


They all rush behind Syphex but not close after the zombies are the leopards that bark as dogs, they all charge and growl at Toby. Kalani stands infront of Toby and starts to scream, the scream has enough power that the ground and walls start to shake and scare off the barking leopards. Cat and Kalani high five in the air which gets the attention of the leopards again and the three run off immediately. This time Kalani and Cat take lead in the three and walk ahead of Toby who walks behind, holding onto his bruised gash. A distant wind and walking of  legs can be heard.

Cat Montreddins: I have this one...

She pulls out the dagger that splits into two as it sets on fire again and swings at the half-spiders half dogs, making them back away and a clear path for Toby and Kalani forms in between them. After what feels like hours of backing off the weird creatures they finally reach the entrance where the skeleton sleeps and the wall moves to its side for the three to bump into, the wall quickly moves back into its ordinary place and like nothing happened. They look around and the purple and golden book rests back at its normal place again and the lava trap and mechanical hand are no longer there. 

10 Minutes Later

Cat, Kalani and Toby finally make it towards the front of the Approval House, where Winter stands waiting for them silently infront of the black glazed gates.

Winter Anderson: Charles left with Rachel and Nikos went back to Llama where they are planning to tell the others about the.... Witch Hunters. Sophie and Kieghan are back with a new Housemate and Chelsea is nowhere to be seen so that's the news.

Cat Montreddins: Toby, this is your time to go and find Smithie, abandon the Fraternity... he'll know where to go.

Cat, Kalani and Winter burst through the open doors of the Approval House, their thunder of feet gets the attention of Ethel as she can be seen walking down the stairs and shrieks.

Kalani Samiskowski: Where is Kieghan and Sophie?

Ethel points towards a dark wooden door, the three burst through the doors as Sophie and Kieghan stand ready to go into battle and Llama just finishes his sentence. Sophie and Kieghan's faces light up greatly and hug the three who burst into the room.

Cat Montreddins: We know who has been killing all the Innocents...

Cat Montreddins & Llama MacCarones: Witch Hunters.

Professor Llama MacCarones: There's only one way to solve all of this... The Witches Fortune can only be used every 82 years during the black moon which luckily is tonight. It is the trade between one that is obsessed with Death and a dead one. It has only been used twice in the past... the Dolohov Family and the Jones Families, but it came with a price as both times the murdered came back within twenty-eight hours and the revived died... the Gods disagreed with the agreement, we have to be careful as to select the right one to die and the right one to be revived.

Winter Anderson: Meagan... she's been mourning the death of her brother since and has attempted twice. She wants out of this world but if you choose her I will not attend this barbaric business.

Professor Llama MacCarones: Fine by all of us...

15 Hours Later

The witches and wizards all stand in a circle of order: Cat, Sophie, Kieghan, Kalani, Rachel,  Smithie and Llama. The black moon shines in the sky but is invisible to the naked eye as the sky just looks black all over.

Professor Llama MacCarones: Where is Ethel?

Sophie McDonald: She didn't want to attendant due to similar beliefs as Winter-

Kieghan South: And why did you have to invite this foul beast?

Rachel Poppies: Foul beast has a name.

Kieghan South: Okay... Killer of Chelsea and Loocie-

Sophie McDonald: KIEGHAN - Stop!

In the middle of the circle appears Chelsea's spread-eagled body and Meagan kneeling infront of it, praying her last words away. The seven surrounding Meagan and Chelsea all grab hold of each other's hands and chant something while mumbling. Their words echo into the dark night as Meagan's arms and head are thrown up into the air at the same time, a small ball of a soul escapes from her mouth and slowly flows towards the sky. A distant thunder can be heard as a lightning bolt hits a tree and the burning of the tree spreads around the woods. In the middle of the circle, four balls escape from Meagan's body. The first to escape the ball is Jasmine Clyde who appears with stab wounds and blood all around her, she cries as she is trapped within hell. The second to break loose is Loocie Moonies who skips along happily in heaven until a sudden gunshot hits her. The third to break loose is Chelsea Williams who sings in a show until she is shot in her leg and screams. The last is an unknown woman who Cat wipes a tear from seeing, she appears to have a baby come out of her and falls onto the ground. Sophie's eyes expand as she notices the first girl to escape the ball...

Sophie McDonald: Ja- JASMINE!

Loocie, the Unknown Woman and Chelsea all grow back into their balls and fly back into Meagan's body. Jasmine's ball flies into Chelsea's body and the body turns into Jasmine who coughs up dirt and black blood. The circle is broken and Llama looks angry with Sophie.

Jasmine Clyde: Where am I? who are you people? I don't remember anything...

Professor Llama MacCarones: See Sophie? You just revived a Non-Magical... I knew something was wrong.

Llama goes up into a tornado that teleports him back to the approval house, he looks at Sophie angrily and agitated. Smithie and Rachel slowly hold onto each other's shoulders and go into the same tornado. The wind from both winds flap everyone's hair and the leaves from the trees to go crazy.

Kieghan South: Do you really not remember anything?

Jasmine Clyde: No... I just remember doing this at some point.

She points her finger towards a bush and the whole thing gets set ablaze. Some of the creatures and insects inside of the bush manage to leave in time although some die and their screeches can be overhead the gasping from Kieghan and Kalani. 

Kieghan South: Soooo.... let's take you back.

Approval House

Sophie walks into her room as Kieghan now resides in a bed on the other side of the room and opposite Sophie's bed. Her towel wraps around her wet hair like Marge Simpson and her cupcake pajamas fall with her onto the bed.

Kieghan South: On the good side, we have more Housemates now to gang up on Rachel.

Sophie McDonald: Rachel's not that bad...

Kieghan South: She's like Regina George... with bad written all over.

Kieghan gets out from her bed and smiles at Sophie while walking out the room. Sophie smiles as Kieghan walks away but crawls towards her pillow and pulls out a tiara with five sapphires leading to a diamond in the middle, as she rubs the tiara-

Ashley Mahone: Who goes there?

Sophie quickly turns to see Ashley staring right back at her infront of the doorway, the camera changes to the attic where Jasmine's body is nowhere to be seen and Nikos is tied up in the coffin. Llama stands infront of it and has his hands ready to close it on him.

Professor Llama MacCarones: I told you if you helped her I would kill you... but I like you too much for that and so therefore nobody will ever see you ever again and you won't have to worry about them for much longer.

He smirks back down at Nikos as the camera turns black. The scene finally changes into Cat's room where she lays lying on her bed with plain white sheets while rubbing some bright blue and pink fluffy pillows, the camera moves out of the window to the unknown woman who appears transparent, she takes one last look before slipping back into the woods. "The Untold Stories" is shown with zombies running from the left to right, the credits start to roll after this:

