Chapter 9

What did I do wrong?

Maxi, Jesse, Skylar and Hayley were walking toward the base of the tower when several towels were chucked their way by the other lifeguards. The four started chatting about the rest of their week when Jesse mentioned how himself and Maxi went to the gym for workout and sparring sessions. He invited Hayley.

"I mean I'm not very good at anything, and I don't have much of a punch on me..." she trails off.

"We can teach you – it's easy once the technique is right," Maxi insisted.

Hayley grabbed her friend by the shoulder, spinning her round to join the conversation. "Only if she can come."

"Deal." The two shook hands.

48 hours after the lifeguard challenge saw the duo walking in the sun, on their way to meet the boys for their first gym session. Skylar was chatting away, discussing the types of exercises she preferred; cardio, weights, and so on, while Hayley was nervously fiddling with her fingers. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about Chappo's look of disappointment – was he jealous of her and Jesse's interactions? Or was it her friendship with Maxi that was causing a problem?

No sooner they arrived did the boys have them working up a sweat. They were stood at either end of the gym while the girls ran between them, serving 10 punches into the boys' pads and sprinting to the opposite side of the room again. Skylar and Hayley began to laugh as they started speeding up, intending to race each other. When they figured they were both pretty evenly set, they decided instead to attempt to trip each other over while they ran past. Everyone was laughing at this stage.

Following their running, Maxi took Hayley off to do some sit ups with the sparring pads while Jesse took Skylar to do some weight training. He was stood on the tips of her trainers to prevent Hayley's legs from rising as she performed each sit up with his hands held out to allow her to punch the pads. However, the more sit ups she did, the further away he began to make her reach until she flattened out on the floor with a thump.

"Maxi..." she sing-songs in complaint.

"Hayley..." he mimics in the same tone, hands on his hips with his eyes rolling like a spoilt teenager. "Go, Hayley, go! Go, Hayley, go!" he begins to chant like a cheerleader, waving his arms around as if he was holding pom poms instead of sparring pads.

Next came the running machines. Maxi and Hayley were running side by side while Jesse and Skylar took over the punching pads for core strength. Maxi quickly increased the speed of the blonde's treadmill, without her permission, causing her to squeal in surprise as she was forced to pick up the pace.

"Maxi, I'm going to fall off!"

Instead of sympathising with her, he resorted to using his bottle to squirt water at her. "Run faster, then!"

"I can't, I'm too tired!"

"I watched you finish your race at a sprint, I know what you can do!" He grinned as her eyes rolled but nonetheless, she picked up the pace for the final sprint.

Hayley hopped off the running machine after she had calmed back down from her sprint training. "That's it, I am done! No more for today thank you!" she announced and then lead flat out on the cool floor.

The boys had suggested they go for lunch before starting their afternoon shift on the beach, but the girls were not happy about going out in public in the state they were in. They all decided to go to their apartments to freshen up and gather their work clothes before meeting at a small café.

Hayley strode into the lifeguard tower, having had the previous two days off as she was working the weekend instead, and received a few suspicious glances from a few of the boys. This caused her stride to slow and her brows to frown in silent question as the lads turned back to what they were doing. The rest of her shift remained this way – that was until she cornered Taco coming out of the men's changing rooms. She rested her hand on his pectoral muscles and pushed him back inside for privacy.

"What's up?" he giggled nervously.

"Tell me what's going on," she instructed. "why does everyone suddenly hate me?"

Taco could see that she was clearly distraught, though he wasn't sure if he was supposed to say anything, considering none of the other boys had told her. "Hayley, I don't know what yo-"

"Don't give me that, please!" Hayley begged.

He looked at her pitifully. "Do you like any of these boys?"

She was slightly taken aback. "What do you mean? Of course I do, they're my friends!"

Taco shook his head and began to explain to her what was going on. She was shocked by what she heard. So Chappo was the problem! She didn't understand – she hadn't been leading anyone on, and she certainly wasn't intending on entering a relationship anytime soon; she was still recovering from her last. When the conversation ended, the two were sat on the benches inside the changing room contemplating everything they had just discussed. Hayley was confused, frustrated and a little bit hurt, especially that she had to corner one of the boys in order to get an answer.

"Well this is a funny sight," a voice sounded from the doorway leading to the showers.

"Oh, hey," she began quietly. Taco made a swift exit to leave the two alone.


"Are you?" she retorted, frustration evident in her voice though she had a gentle hint to it.

"Nice to know one of my bro's was willing to betray me," he chortled, half joking, watching Taco retreat.

"Betray you? I had to corner him," she stood and placed her hands on her hips. "because no one would tell me why everyone was sharing 'knowing looks' but ignoring me when I asked why."

"We're a brotherhood," he winked.

"No, you're arseholes." She huffed.

"Easy now, no need to turn hostile."

"Chappo, you ignored me for two days. I even texted you to ask why you seemed disappointed the last time I looked at you," she reminded him, taking a few steps towards him.

"You'll forgive me though."

"Bribe me, and perhaps I will..." she responded, the tension of the conversation beginning to ease as the corner of her lips tilted up into a sly smile.

"Would the offer of a shower with me be enough?"

She facepalmed, a blush crawling up onto her cheeks. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna pass on that."

Chappo didn't like that answer. Instead, he rushed towards her, throwing her over his shoulder and bringing her back into the shower with him. She was giggling loudly and striking his back, attempting to make him release her. She was wearing a sports bra and shorts, and he was only wearing a pair of swimming trunks.

"Chappo, I swear to Go-"

She was silenced as his body held hers under the shower head and the water began to pour over the top of them. She gasped in shock as the cold reached her body, the liquid not yet warmed through, whereas he began to chuckle, finding the current situation clearly rather amusing.

Hayley leant back against the cold shower wall to avoid the water trail to glare at the man before her, who suddenly looked rather handsome with drops of water falling from his small fringe and eyelashes. Instead, she stared at him for a few moments, taking in the sight before her and began to laugh, clearing the hair from her eyes.

As soon as the water stopped, the pair retreated to the changing room until Hayley realised she didn't have a towel as she had not intended to have a shower just yet. She shook her head and exited the building, walking up to the tower, dripping wet, looking for a spare towel. As soon as she walked through the door, questions immediately began until Chappo followed behind her, a towel wrapped around his waist which hid his shorts. When the boys turned silent, she turned around to see what had caused it.

Oh no. "This is not what it looks like!" she blurted out desperately. "He is not naked!"

Chappo grinned and released a section of the towel to reveal his visible hip bone – he had in fact taken off his shorts to exacerbate the situation, and was indeed now naked. She facepalmed again, embarrassment evident.

"Oh for goodness sake..." Instead of trying to explain further, she shook her head, ignoring the smirks and snorts of the lads as they tried to retain their laughter. "Please can somebody find me a towel before I sit on one of you to dry off!"

A towel was then thrown over her head, leaving her temporarily blind, and she just hoped for one second that this was not the towel Chappo had just been using.

- - - - -

Hello my lovelies!

I am so thankful to all of you that have been so patient with me, I cannot thank you enough! I had found that I was very tired all the time and have not had the energy to continue chapter 9, and then I found out I was anaemic so that would explain it! Oops!

This is a shorter chapter just to give you all something to read while I plan the next chapter as you guys have been so good to me!

Please keep commenting so that I know you want to read more!

I appreciate everyone's support, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow for more!

See you next time,

