Chapter 18

I woke up the next morning feeling groggy. I turned off my alarm clock then realization hit me in the face, I had school today. Which meant I had to see him. It wasn't as if I could avoid him forever plus I had two classes with him today. I would ditch but they're not easy subjects; physics and advanced math. Reluctantly I got out of bed and took a shower. I had vowed to myself to never think or shed another tear for him again yet here I was crying while showering, my tears getting mixed with the water.

After I had finished crying I wiped my eyes then got out of the shower. I put my clothes on and did the other stuff I had to do. On the way to school another thing hit me in the face; my secret! He probably told everyone. I groaned and slapped my forehead.

Great! Just what I needed.

I thought sarcastically.

The tabloids had seen our outburst at McDonalds the other day and it was all other the news; the great supermodel AJ had broken up with Eric the hottest model alive. It was hard not know since it was in every magazine. It even made the front page on some.

I got out of the car and walked the rest of the way to school as always. I tried my best not to think of him as I walked and saw posters of us hanging on the walls but I couldn't. Instead I fought back the tears and went my way. As I entered the school building I expected swarms of crazy fans but instead people acted normally as if a celebrity walked through their hallways every day. Well that was partly true but no one needed to know that. They all carried those dreadful magazines and the girls all whispered to their friends how happy they were and how they might have a chance. Not likely, he would probably lie to them as well.

But maybe he didn't tell anyone.

A voice in the back of my head said. Maybe, but this could all be an act. I went through half of the of the day just fine not even seeing him in the morning since I took all my books before first period. By the time it was lunch I still hadn't seen him and I was beyond relieved. Part of me was upset that I hadn't but that was just a little part. Still no one had come up to me and asked for my autograph and that was a good sign. At least the bastard is good at keeping secrets.

I walked to the library deciding I wanted to spend my lunch there, knowing it was the last place he would want to be found when I heard his voice call my name. Even with the rush of students I could still hear it.

"Amy, please wait." His voice was faint but to me it was as loud as a bell. I ignored him and rushed through the bodies that were blocking my way. Tears threatened to fall but I wouldn't let him see me cry again.

"Amy." He pleaded once more. I didn't acknowledge him and kept on going. Either I was too slow or he was too fast because he caught up to me and grabbed my wrist forcing me to stop. Sparks went up through my arm but I ignored them.

"Let me go!" I screamed. People were beginning to look at us. Whispers went through the crowd.

"What's he doing with her?"

"Why would he want to talk to a loser like that?"

Things like that were murmured but I could hear them loud and clear.

"Not until you hear me out." I could see the pained expression on his face but it didn't faze me. He hurt me too much.

"There's nothing to hear, Eric. Now let me go." I hissed. My tears were bound to fall at any minute but I blinked them back.

"Please Amy, just this once. I can explain, please?"

"No! What you did is unforgivable! There's nothing for you to explain, now let me go!"

"I'm sorry! I regret accepting! I was drunk and didn't think straight, I really care about you Amy. Please forgive me." He said ignoring my earlier rant. Part of me wanted to. But the smart part of me said no. What if this was a lie and he would hurt me again? The time limit for the bet wasn't over and I knew that he probably wanted me back so that he could do his thing, get the money then leave me once more.

"I can't." I whispered.

"Try." He pleaded. "I never meant to hurt you Amy." I could see honesty in his eyes as he spoke but I refused to believe him. The whispers in the crowd were growing louder as everyone wondered what the nerd Amy Sanders was doing with the hot model Eric Robinson.

"How can I try Eric? You broke my heart." With that I yanked my wrist out of his hold and walked away.

"Wait, AJ!" that made my blood turn cold and I froze in my tracks. Everyone stared at me, waiting for my reply.

"Is it true?" a random guy from the guy asked.

I turned around to face Eric and glared at him.

"Not only do you lie to me and use me but you also expose my secret! What is wrong with you? Is your mission in life only accomplished when you ruin mine?" I yelled.

"AJ- Amy I'm sorry, it just came out. You look so alike from behind."

"That's because we're the same freaking person!"

"So is it true?" another person asked.

This time the tears in my eyes weren’t just sad ones but angry ones too.

"Yes it is." I said taking off the wig. My hair flowed down my back and I took off the glasses, braces and wiped my face. Everyone gasped and I looked at Eric.

"I hope you're happy now." I said to him coldly before stalking off to the bathroom.

I locked myself in one of the stalls and cried. I didn't know why I was. Maybe because my heart broke at the sight of him or maybe because my secret was now known to everyone, but I didn't stop not until the end of school.


Hey everyone!! Sorry that the chapter was short.... I was supposed to upload yesterday but the internet wasn't working because of a sandstorm but now I did.

Happy reading!! =)



