Part 10

( Everybody is a genius. but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. - Albert Einstein )


'Oh boy this is not good at all' I think to myself I start to walk towards the pacing man child that was muttering random things. everyone heard my footsteps and turned to look who was there. they all released a sigh when they saw me. I chuckled lightly and walk over to the still pacing five.

" Hey five. everything is alright, trust me." I say softly grabbing lightly onto his arm he whips around about to slap the person when he sees me. his eyes softened and he looked deeply into my eyes. I could tell he was stressing about the apocalypse that Vanya had told me about.

" Y-y/n I can't save the world as I hoped-" he said with a small voice crack and he started to crumble into my arms. I grab ahold of him and lay him down softly with his head in my lap as I with sitting with my legs underneath me.

"it's a dead end. I can't find anything else. a-am I a failure?" he asked while pulling out the glass eyeball that was in his pocket. I just shook my head as I started to play with his hair while he continued to rant about how he should have been faster in his search and he shouldn't have waited for a second when he finally got back. I just nodded if I agreed and shock my head if I didn't agree. after around an hour later my legs were numb and all his sibling sitting in the lobby silently waiting for me to be finished his eyes started to lower slightly. his mumbling went silent as I just held his head on my lap and played with his hair. I sighed before speaking quietly.

" Hey, Luther can you come over here. I need you to take five to his room." I say trying to be as quiet as possible. I see Luther stand up from where he was sitting and walk over to me and five while nodding softly. Luther tried to grab five off me but five only wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into me more. I sighed before speaking again.

"alright change of plans. I need you to get me some pillows and a few blankets please," I say quietly as not to wake up five from his sleep. I think this is his first sleep since he has gotten back I think to myself as Luther walks away I see Allison stand up and walk over to me and five before bending down and kissing us both on the forehead. I smile warmly at Allison as she was returning the smile we hear the front door open and Diego come into the house slightly mad but his face softens when he sees five laying on my lap sleeping. I just nod towards him and he returns the gesture before going upstairs to what I think he is going to his room. Luther comes down with a bunch of blankets and pillows and places them around five and i.

"Here let me help. it's the least I could do since you calmed him down" says Klaus as he stands to his feet stumbling a bit but gains control over his legs and walks over to me and five to help Luther set up our ' bed ' that was now near the couch. once they had finished setting it up I lay down and pull five up so he was now hugging my stomach with his head laying softy on it. everyone awws at the cute man child that was holding onto me. Klaus comes up to me and five, he plants a soft kiss on both our foreheads as I smile up at him and he returns the gesture. Luther looks at me and five before smiling, exiting the room to leave me and five to sleep. the rest of them follow in suit walking upstairs to their rooms. I look down and smile softly before shifting slightly and falling asleep while five was hugging onto me for dear life.

Time skip by five being a bean.

I wake up to hear shouting and some gunshots. I cover both five and I to hide ourself from the intruder. I wrapped five up since he hadn't woken up and shoved him under the couch as I stood up to go help the other Hargreaves with the fight. I walk out to be greeted by gunshots in my direction. I quickly hide but peek my head out to see who we were up against. I see masked figures but they soon took their masks off to reveal that they were... "HAZEL AND CHA-CHA WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE" I scream in my mind. I see Diego walk into the room where I was and nodded to me as a sign to get out of here. I just smirk and teleport under the coach and grab five. I teleport behind Diego and he jumps slightly before nodding towards the door. he writes an address down on paper before handing it to me and running into the fight that was happening in the other room. I look at the address and think of it before me teleporting in front of a library. I shrug and walk in with five still resting in my arms.

" Wow, you sleep through a lot," I say out loud but just enough for five to hear if he was awake. he shifts slightly before going back to sleep. I sigh and walk through the library looking for books about quantum theory. I find a few books before going to a corner to read. I placed five down before sitting behind him and started reading. after a few hours of reading, it started getting late and my eyes started to drop. I placed the book down beside me and drifted into sleep.

Small-time skip because I need to for da story.

I woke up to feel be being hungover someone's shoulder. I look up to see Luther carrying five, I wave slightly at Luther which he responds with a nod before continuing his chat with the person holding me. I turn slightly to see the back of Diego's head. I sigh before hitting is middle back which made him drop me. I panicked slightly and braced for me hitting the ground. I never felt it so I opened one eye to see me hovering over the ground. I looked up to see Luther still holding five and his face was shocked. I turn to see Diego and his face was the same.

What am I doing?


wonder what's going to happen. Hehe, I know what's gonna happen!

But as always...

Remember to Be safe

Drink water

and don't forget your da best!! 
