Hajimete Hajime

"N-Nagito!" You rushed to his side as he passed out, and Chiaki came to help you. "Thank you so much for helping me (Y/n). Let's get our fallen ones to the infirmary OK?" she said. "O-Of course!" You were still uncomfortably hot, but there must be something in the infirmary that could stop this right?

You and Chiaki each held one of Nagito's arms over your shoulders, and started carrying him to the nearby room. Setting him down on the first bed, Chiaki then left to get another classmate. You chose to take this time and find an antidote to whatever that stuff was. Chiaki probably wouldn't go meet her friend like this, and you wouldn't be able to go home like this either, especially not with Nagito. More so not if he'd still be under these effects too. Who knows when this stuff would wear off on it's own.

"Ah! There it is... I hope...?" You'd picked up a bottle labeled 'Aphrodisiac antidote'. "What was that stuff...." You did hear Teruteru mention something like that, 'aphrodisiacs' right? And this liquid was only a slightly lighter pink. You were reading the directions when Chiaki came back, helping another sleeping student onto a bed. "Oh! You were here! Yukizome Sensei is keeping the students out of trouble but I don't know how much longer she can manage for... Did you find an antidote?" You nodded. "It says take 1 teaspoon, and it's a pretty big bottle, so I think we have enough for everyone!" You gave a heated sigh of relief and maybe a bit of something else before offering Chiaki a teaspoon. She thanked you and you both took some of the medicine before going to help your other classmates.

"Well, I hope everyone's gonna be OK, this has gotta be the most eventful day we've had, right?" Chiaki nodded at you and giggled. You were finishing up with giving the medicine, going for people who were up first so they'd calm down while they were awake. Finally you got to Nagito last and you hesitated. 'He always has such a cute sleeping face... and... He's even hotter when he's provoked apparently...' You fed him the medicine quickly, and after a while, one by one, your fellow classmates started to come to. "(Y-Y/n).... I'm so sorry for touching you like that. It must've been unpleasant..." Nagito leaned up on his elbows and started apologizing. There wasn't really a reason for him to, he hadn't done much wrong, and he wasn't even in complete control at the time. "I'm just glad you're OK Komaeda! Don't worry about it!" You smiled and sat on the edge of the bed next to him watching everyone else wake up. This day really was a fun one right? You were glad, and with the finals starting to come around soon, you were happy to have had fun before the anxiety of testing would settle in.

Damn, well now it was on your mind again. Did you even have anyway to really show your talent...? Oh god... Maybe you weren't prepared at all! "Are you ok (Y/n)? You're shaking..." You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked behind yourself at Nagito. "I-I'm fine, I just started thinking about finals. I have to prepare soon, I can't believe I never thought about it before..." You smiled nervously. "Ah. If that's all it is, there's no need to worry, you're really good at what you do. You even make trash like me feel better." He paused. Did he really just let that slip...? He took his hand off of your shoulder and looked away. How could he make such a mistake? Oh well... If his honesty made you feel hopeful again, it was completely worth it. He smiled brightly again. You smiled back at him brightly as ever, "Thank you so much Nagito...!" You hugged him. And from the distance you could hear Kazuichi grumble something along the lines of- "How did the crazy weirdo out of all of us score more sexy time than any of us..!"

It was now after school, and you left Nagito to himself so you could meet up with Chiaki. 'Out by the pretty fountain, right?' You chuckled. Just then as you passed a nearby drinking fountain, the pipe from underneath fell loose and water came gushing out. At the same time, you were unable to stop yourself from slipping in the wet mess and landing in the still growing puddle.


Tears were beading at your eyes. It hurt so bad. Your legs were trembling from the rush of the fall, and your knees were wounded from sliding too fast on the smooth floor of the halls.


You cried again as you tried to get up. You settled for resting on your knees, just to catch your breath for a second, then fix your clothes. You didn't know what that was, but you didn't want to think about it, and you definitely didn't want Chiaki and her friend to have to worry about it. So you got back up, hid your wounds, and continued toward the fountain.

You made your way there as fast as you could, and sure enough, they were both there. Chiaki, and the person with the name that rang familiar in your head. Suddenly it hit you like a car. No pun intended, he was the one that saved you before right...? You skipped the rest of the way over and said hi to them both. "I remember you! You definitely saved me from getting hit by a car! Hinata-kun right?" You held out your hand for a shake and he accepted. "Yes, thank you for remembering me. So you know Chiaki?" You hugged Chiaki and smiled, "Of course! She's like a waifu!" Chiaki giggled and hugged you back. You winced in light pain. "I wanted to discuss maybe bringing him into our class events. He's helped me plan a lot and he doesn't get to have fun often, so I think it's only fair." Hajime shook his head, "That isn't necessary, I'm already thankful that you both are friends with me at all..." He said with a sullen look. "Well I think it's a great idea, none of the reserve course students get enough credit for how much harder they work than us after all... You deserve a break!" You said. He smiled back, "Thank you, if you're both ok with it, I'll try to be there." He said politely.

"Hey! Why stop there? Join us for the school festival too! Please?" You pleaded. "Oh! That's a good idea! Please Hajime, it'll be a lot of fun, I don't want you to miss it!" Chiaki pleaded with you. "O-Ok Ok!" He held his hands up in a surrendering motion. "I'll be there. I still have to think some... other things through too, so I may be a bit out of it, OK?" "It's fine, you can talk about it too if you want, you know." Chiaki tilted her head to the side and held her bag straps. "It's nothing important right now, don't worry."

And with that, your meeting soon ended, and you still regretted not bringing snacks.
