Chapter 8 - Applying Medicine


When Teng Yun received the invitation for a meal, he was informed that Xue Junliang had ordered delicious dishes to be prepared, and was now waiting for the Empress.

Xiu Yao had insisted he had to be dressed to the ninth, his hair styled with the newest hairdo. The original Empress' figure was actually very beautiful; her jet-black hair was thick as cloud, soft and smooth as silk; her waist was slender and graceful. Only her face looked terrible.

If seen from behind alone, she could provoke the onlookers into daydreams.

Teng Yun's head, ears, and waist were decorated with jewels so lavishly he actually didn't dare move. He was afraid if he moved too much, the jewels would all fall off, but Xiu Yao on the other hand, was proud of her mistress' beauty.

When Teng Yun arrived at the entrance to Xue Junliang's residence, Xiu Yao wasn't allowed to follow him inside. Only Xue Junliang's personal servants were allowed to enter, and among the most trusted ones was Jiang Yu.

Old Jiang Yu had been by Xue Junliang's side since he was still a prince, had been watching him grew up until now. He had experienced many tastes of life.

Jiang Yu was the one to escort the Empress to enter, and inside, Xue Junliang sat waiting.

Xue Junliang saw the empress coming from afar. At this distance, he couldn't see the face, but he found the figure was very pleasing to the eyes and he couldn't help but smile.

Actually, the original Ugly Empress was not born ugly. Only a handful of informed people knew that when the empress was married, Xue Junliang had to put on a big show of wealth. He'd needed to borrow soldiers, so it was necessary to impress Feng Wang's sister.

After the wedding, Xue Junliang was very busy since it was the first years of him sitting on the throne. After all, the Inner Palace had three thousand beauties, so he soon forgot even his own empress. Feng Wang also didn't seem to care too much about his sister, so Xue Junliang thought the sister had been used only for diplomacy's sake. As a result, he just ignored the empress altogether.

A year later, it was circulated among the people of Inner Palace that the Empress actually had ugly face. Everyone talked about it until eventually Xue Junlaing heard about it.

He never wonder why, after not seeing her for a year, the empress was only now be known as ugly. For Xue Junliang, in the Imperial Harem, it was common that the wives would be fighting over him. And because Feng Wang didn't seem to care for his estranged sister, it was inevitable people would start bullying the empress.

Xue Junliang had also thought that the Ugly Empress was weak. Women always loved their appearance so much, and yet the Empress was tricked by others until her face became ugly but never said anything.

Right now, Xue Junliang felt that he had mistaken. This Empress never said anything not because she was weak, but because she was forbearing.

When he came inside, Teng Yun gitted his teeth and knelt down for Xue Junliang. It was necessary as he was now living under this man's roof. Not showing respect equaled inviting death.

Xue Junliang looked especially friendly today, he even raised Teng Yun from his kneeling position. When Xue Junliang's hands touched his, Teng Yun shuddered and almost broke his submissive acting. This man was still Teng Yun's long-standing enemy, his lifetime foe.

Xue Junliang helped Teng Yun to sit next to him, then personally served him the dishes. The scene made the maidservants waiting on them started to think, though they'd heard Xue Wang was going to take a new wife, Xue Wang still favored the Empress. Seemed like the new wife's status wasn't anything special, just another average woman.

Because he was inwardly trembling in apprehension, Teng Yun barely managed to eat two bites of his meal. He just couldn't take eating in a same table with Xue Junliang, and for the life of him, couldn't understand why Xue Junliang could still be happy eating in front of Teng Yun's ugly and unsightly face.

After the meal, Xue Junlaing did not let Teng Yun go. Jiang Yu came forward and reported, "Da Wang, Her Ladyship Defei requests to have an audience."

Xue Junliang sneered and said, "Defei? I don't call on her and she decides to call on me? Tell Defei, today I'm accompanied by the Empress and don't want to go anywhere. Send Defei back, she is grounded for a month."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Jiang Yu replied. He excused himself and silently went out to the outer hall.

Defei was younger than the original Empress, but because she was always favored by Xue Junliang, she'd become arrogant and mean towards others.

Nobody dared to say anything of it, but people also knew that Di Wang's favor was a filmsy thing, someone could be favored at one moment then disgraced the next moment as easy as turning a page of a book.

After Xue Junliang refusing Defei, Jiang Yu barely went back inside when he was sent out again to call over the royal physician. Teng Yun watched while Xue Junliang took out some red dates.

The royal physician didn't dare stalling, rushed over quickly.

Xue Junliang asked Teng Yun to sit on the long couch, then he himself sat just beside Teng Yun and waved the royal physician to come closer before saying, "Take a look at these wounds on Empress' face."

Hearing the order, the physician shook so hard he almost passed out. He had been asked to examine Empress' face countless times, now Xue Wang said 'the wounds on Empress' face', the physician was afraid he would be exposed.

Because they were indeed wounds on her face, not ugly birthmarks.

The royal physician didn't dare looking too closely at Empress' face, because after all this was an Empress, a now-favored Empress at that. One wrong look, he was afraid he'd be punished of blasphemy.

Xue Junliang watched intently as the physician examined the Empress, then he asked, "My beloved physician, how is it? When will Her Majesty's wounds be healed completely?"

"This..." The royal physician hesitated, trying to whitewash his own words and deeds. He said, "Answering to Your Majesty... This lowly servant will do everything in my power to..."

He was interrupted in the middle of his words by Xue Junliang speaking, "Speak right to the point!"

"Yes... Yes, I can cure her within one month."

"One month?" Xue Junliang muttered lowly, "That would be too long. Turns out, all this time, I've been keeping a rubbish physician. These mere bruises, he needs one long month to heal them."

"Your Majesty, please spare my life! Half a month... This lowly servant only need a half-month, I can guarantee Her Majesty will be cured completely."

[T/N : She'd been suffering for years, it actually only took half a month to heal? WTH, dude!]

Xue Junliang hmm-ed in satisfaction and added, "Jiang Yu will go back with you, I want some soothing balm for now."

"Yes, Yes."

Jiang Yu was efficient in his works; before long he came back bringing an ointment jar. Knowing Xue Junliang's nature, after presenting the jar, he sent other servants out then excused himself.

Xue Junliang opened the jar's lid and told Teng Yun to lean down on the couch, saying he'd help applying the soothing balm.

This kind of pampering, if given to a wife, her heart would soar over the moon. But Teng Yun was no woman, he could not understand his opponent's gentleness, instead suspected that Xue Junliang was planning something.

Maybe Xue Junliang planned to marry Teng's Eldest Princess while securing Empress Feng in her seat, then when his soldiers recovered enough, he'd first destroy Teng Country then aim at Feng Wang next.

Perhaps it was the nature of a king to expanse his territories, without this, a king was not a king. If so, Teng Yun could never win against Xue Junliang, he'd be doomed to defend his land all his life.

Teng Yun was holding himself still, leaning stiffly against the soft couch. Xue Junliang's face was too close to his, making him extremely uncomfortable so he simply shut his eyes firmly.

Teng Yun's pose only made Xue Junliang laugh. Looking at his nervous appearance, Xue Junliang couldn't help wanting to tease instead.

Teng Yun, bracing himself as if waiting for execution, waited for Xue Junliang to apply the medicine, wanting to just get over it. He waited a nerve-wrecking half-a-day but the other man didn't move at all. He carefully opened his eyes.

Xue Junliang was looking at him with a smile, bemusement dancing on his face.

Teng Yun realized he'd been played with and his own face turned dark. Xue Junliang only said warmly, "Alright, I won't make fun of you. Don't move, I'll apply the medicine."

A perfect re-enactment of a husband trying to appease his wife.

Usually in this situation, a wife would then act coquettishly, buttering up Xue Wang's affection.

But Teng Yun was undoubtedly a man. Hearing this king talking to him with a gentle coaxing voice, he couldn't stop a shiver go down his spine.


T/N : This one is short, but the next chapters will progressively get longer. Fun! Have a nice weekend everyone!  
