
Third Person P.O.V

Forth get inside the car. Beam just act like nothing happen. He doesn't want to say anything at that moment. Forth look at Beam.

Forth: Hungry?

Beam: Not really.

Forth: Finally you can something.

Forth continue driving his car. After sometime Beam able to predict where Forth is bringing him to. It's none other than Forth's grandma house. Beam been there during his high school time and he likes Forth's grandma so much. She is so lovely and warm. Forth grow up with her maybe that is why he follow her step. Forth reach at the entrance of the house and stop his car for a while.

Forth: It's my home. My grandma stay here with some servant.

Beam: Hmmmm,

Beam don't need all those info. Forth and beam get out of the car and they saw Forth's grandma approaching them with full of happiness and excitement.

Grandma: Forth, my son... you didn't inform me you are coming today.

Saying that she hugged Forth.

Surprise visit.. sounded Forth. He did plan to meet his grandma after the photoshoot because for Forth that is the place where could get his peace.

Ohh... Beam. It's been so long son. Now only you got time to visit this granny is it. I miss you so much son saying that Forth's grandma hug Beam.

Forth's eye get widen. Beam become speechless. He couldn't believe Forth's grandma still remember him and able to identify him. Beam just smile at her.

Forth: Granny he is not Beam.

Grandma: You don't have lie Forth. Go take rest, granny will cook delicious food for both of you.

Beam recall those memories around the house. His time with Forth during high school time. Forth remain confused with what his grandma said but he felt he should tell his past to Beam before Beam asked about it.

Forth: Beam, do you want swim?

Beam: Hmmm, can

Beam knows there is a big pool behind the house but Beam still follow Forth. Both of them swim for a moment and Forth decide to talk.

Forth: Beam, why did you go with P'M

Beam: I don't wish to but I have to.

Forth: Why?

Beam: Out of sudden you gone missing. No matter how I try I couldn't reach or meet you. P'M came to me and said he knows that we are faking our relationship. He blackmail to expose what we did to your senior. I don't want you to get into trouble so I ask him not to do that. In return I have to do as he said. Today, he ask me to pack my things and follow him. I don't even know where is he bringing me.

Forth felt extremely bad for what he did. He is trying to avoid Beam but in other hand even Forth is avoiding him, Beam is trying to protect him.

Forth: Why Beam? Why you have to do that for me? I don't do anything for you.

Beam just smile. 'What you have done in past is nothing compare to this thought' by Forth.

Forth: I'm sorry Beam.

Saying that Forth goes to Beam and hug him.

Beam feel rise in his heart beat. He feel going back to the place where he belong to.

Forth: I love someone in my high school. His name is same as yours, Beam. I love him so much but he leave me one day without saying anything. He don't do it purposely our situation turn out to be like that. I search for him in all the place but I couldn't get any information about him. Time passes, but my love for him never reduce. Until a point I thought there is no place for anyone in life. Everything changed the moment I meet you.

Beam looked at Forth"s eye. Those pair of eyes that speaks the truth.

Forth: I like you Beam. I like you so much. I want you to be in my life but suddenly my school love come back to me. I couldn't make a decision. I couldn't leave you and at the same time I couldn't say no to him.

Beam wonder whether he should reveal the truth or not. Beam turn and place his hand at the edge of the swimming pool. Forth couldn't understand Beam's silence. Forth get close to Beam and back hug him.

Forth: Don't leave me naaa Beam.

Beam is doing his mind calculation to reveal or not. Yes or no... Beam decide not take any risk anymore.

Beam: Forth...

Forth: Stand still, don't say anything.

Beam do as Forth say. Beam felt the change in  Forth's voice. He could feel some kind tension in Forth's voice.

Beam feel Forth's fingers is touching his back.

He found it thought by Beam.

Those scars... those scars are exactly the same whisper Forth.

Forth turn Beam to face him.

Who are you? asked Forth. Beam could see tears are forming in Forth's eyes.

You don't have to say. I know who you are said Forth and hugged Beam tightly.

Beam hug him back. Both their eyes are showing the love they have for each other.

Beam: Sorry Forth, I just not brave enough to reveal myself. I thought you would hate me for leaving you without saying anything.

Forth: I hate you Beam, I hate you so much. Why don't you just reveal yourself the moment we meet. How if today I didn't follow you. I hurt you Beam.

Beam: No.. Forth. No... you only love me and protect me. Even today you still come and protect me.

Both of them remain hugged for a while until the servant approach them for late lunch. They get out of the swimming pool and get dressed in mean time Forth stole few kisses and hugs from Beam. Forth smile happily after sometime. He want to freeze the time but he couldn't. He could only record the moment.

Forth took his phone and switch it on. Both of them took few selfies standing closely. Right at that moment, Forth receive the call from so call his high school love.

Forth look at Beam with a teasing smile.

Forth: Your plan?

Beam answer No with a serious tone.

Beam: Someone knows everything about you and playing with you.

Forth: What?...the...

Before Forth could answer the call. Beam snatch the phone from Forth and cancel the call.

Beam: We need to know who is doing all these. If you said you know the truth then we can never find the culprit behind this.

Forth understand what meant by Beam. He look at Beam.

Forth: Then?

To be continue 🔜
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I complete writing this while waiting for TharntypeEp5. I'm so excited for the episode. My current addiction... watch it guys. It's awesome bl.
