The Letter

"Yes sir, I've successfully retrieved the baby, her cries increase as i cover another mile" the vile Doctor voiced out into the phone.

"Oh don't you worry about that Eliot, it's soon going to be over. Get the baby to the base as swiftly as possible, I don't want any problems." a shady voice at the other side of the phone orated.

"Yes sir, Hail Hydra" Eliot placed down the phone as he looked back to see how the baby girl was holding up. Her sobs were like a bloomed flower that wasn't going to wilt away soon enough. It was the 4th of September and figuring out whether the weather was too hot or too cold for the baby wasn't rocket science to him. Though she was covered with a blanket, it wasn't warm enough for her. Eliot was mentally debating whether he should give up his jacket or not, but wanting to have that baby safe and okay as she reaches the base, he decided to give it up and add another layer of warmth. Logically, he is a Doctor and would know how to take care of a newborn.

The temperature might not have been the reason for her whines and sobs but the absence of her mother's touch was. Her mother's arms is exactly where she wanted to be, she might be a newborn with no sense of reasoning, but she is a being deserving the touch of love. The feeling of warmth by the one who took of her for 9 months is what she was crying for, the one who spent sleepless nights for her because she wasn't letting her sleep, the one who spent the day talking to her, reading stories and poems. She wanted to be with the one God gifted her with.

The colossal sobs and whines utterly annoyed Eliot to a point where he wanted to scratch his face off,

"Would you shut up already! you petty vulnerable creature!" Eliot shouted which only resulted in the sobbings to vehemently increase. Eliot smack the wheel multiple times to release his frustation. He finally decided to park the car at the side of the road, walk out trying to release the heat. He proceeded to grab the baby in his arms and rock it and softly as he could.

"Come on stop crying you, I'm going to rip my head off if you keep doing this!" He himself being a doctor did what normal people usually did to press the mute button invisibly present on a baby. He took out the pacifier from the daycare box that was given to him by the deluded nurse. He shoved it in her mouth until she stopped spitting it out.

"Finally, I dare you to cry again." He mumbles to himself as he places her on the back seat and drives off.

She dozes off as Eliot continues to drive, she slowly closes her eyes and hours later as she wakes up, she finds her self in the hands of another person.

"Oh my dear, you're awake. Well well well, it is an honour to have you here.......You should be proud of yourself, you're in one of Hydra's most powerful base and the founder of it is giving you the opportunity to work for it's well being. You will act as the backbone of this reasonable organization that's fighting for the right cause. You my child, aren't like other beings, you posses an unknown power and don't you worry about that, we'll soon figure it out soon and exploit it, use it for good. Once we take control of the world, people will bow before us and they will serve us." Schmidt, the one who wore a mask covering his true facial features, lectured as he places the baby in the crib.

He finished with an evil smile making the baby look at him with her wide sea blue eyes into his chocolate brown ones, she was cofused and so looked around herself.

Doctor Zola, the designated scientist to be specially working for the founder of hydra, helped Schmidt throughout his ugly work. Schmidt assigns Zola in taking good care of her,

"But sir, taking care of a baby, i might not be the right person." Zola uttered,

"Oh Doctor, Just do your best. My trust belongs to you" Schmidt replied as he walked out of his office.

Zola looks at the baby, emotionless. He walkes towards the crib and voices out a question,

"I wonder what he will name you"


"So why did you actually want to become a doctor anyway if you hate people so much?" asked one of Hydra's mechanics,

"Well you see, if people are dead who is hydra going to rule over? Dead bodies? I'm just preventing that from happening" Eliot replied as he leaned against a wall,

"But there are a lot of Doctors out there too?"

"Let's just say all the Doctors around the world are saving people for the same reason, they just don't know it yet and I know I am of great help keeping a quota alive. Or these insolent creatures would have been suffering, besides that because of my job i did get a trace of one of the infinity stone"

"Master sure is a surretitious person, enlighten me."

"Well one of our scientists who's basically a working spy is reasearching in the lab where Doctor Abraham Erskine is present, he's giving us details of every new conclusion via an agent because phone calls can easily be traced and reported"

"It would only be reported if our opponents have any suspicions which I gadly assume they haven't had any yet"

"Let's just hope our man is doing his best to blend in"

"Yeah, well Eliot, Duty calls", the mechanic walks off giving Eliot a pat on the back.

Eliot was feeling a little tired from that long journey and so decided to go to his room, the base was his home, ever since he was rescued from his abusive mother, he devoted his life to those who saved him from a miserable life, Hydra. He went on missions, studied science for this organization and always tried his best to impress Red skull and make him proud but he wasn't really sure if he was doing enough. Withing the train of thoughts, he found himself confronting his Master and so he stood in an erect position and saluted him.

"Eliot, you did a great job bringing her in safely and alive. I'm giving you a break from all of this" Schmidt offered,

"With all due respect sir, i believe in complete devotion utilising my time for what's best and right" Eliot refused,

"Very well then, continue to impress me" with these words, he left his sight and walked into the inventions his mechanics were working on.

Eliot was quite surprised with that his Master had just said, it's like he had marked a check on one of his life goals. He happily went to his room with dark cirlces beneath his eyes and rest his head on his comfy pillow and dozed off.

On Steve's side,

What was supposed to happen? A healthy mother giving birth to a healthy child and the family lives happily ever after.... but when things don't go exactly as you want it to, you end up thinking about it like a gum stuck to a shoe. You keep thinking about it until you admit there's nothing you can do to change it and what's left behind is totally on you.... whether you choose to regret it your whole life or choose to let it go. Knowing that what happend wasn't your fault is an essential factor while moving on, sometimes you don't get to choose for what happens next but how you react to it has unlimited options. Options to choose from and if Steve were hgiven a choice, he would've picked the one that would make him and his incomplete family the happiest.

After the Doctor had announced that Mary and Steve were okay to go home now, Mary payed the bill. She wanted to see Sarah even if it was her dead body but she thought it would be best if Steve wasn't with her right now. She sat in a taxi with him and gave the driver the address, throughout the journey he hadn't spoken a word and as they reached Mary's home he sat on the dining table and started to draw, drawing always made a way for him to jump out of reality, it made him relax to some extent and his mother always told him to draw whenever he was sad. Mary had to bear watching stains on his face due to his excessive tears, she wanted to comfort him but she thought it was best if she talked to him later. It seemed like Steve had forgotten about the necklace his mother had given him before the Doctors escorted her to the labour room, Mary took out the metal artifact from her purse and took a good look at it.

"When you open it you'll see a stone and it's going to be emitting out its illuminating rays all across the room, i kind of freaked out but my mom told me it won't hurt me unless I touched it. It's a purple stone with great power that will protect me, that's also what my mom said.... Wanna see?"

"Yeah sure I'd love to" and as she opened the locket, what she exactly said happened and she closed it as i was done taking a look.

"It's amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah! I wonder how much it's worth"

"Hey Come on Mary"

"I was just kidding Sarah, Geez!"

Both of them laughed hysterically as they spent the rest of the night gossiping.

Recalling that moment resulted in a tear streaming down her cheek, She put the necklace back in her purse and went to check on Margaret. She was with her father playing with dolls, she picks up her daughter and hugs her tightly. Mr. Carter, Mary's husband gets up from his little play with his daughter and asks if everything is alright. She puts her back down for her to play with her toys as she reveals everything to him, she couldn't help but burst out in tears. He wraps his arms around her and tries to console her,

"I don't know what *sniff* I'm supposed to do, i mean, she was my best friend and it's my duty to take care of Steve" Mary uttered as she kept teraing out,

"It's okay honey, we'll take care of him. He's like our son and he's a part of us. We'll help him go through this together" Mr. Carter replied as he caresses her back,

"Thank you so much love, because I know this is what Sarah would've wanted me to do"

"It's okay"

Should i just give the stone to Dr. Abraham? Maybe i should just wait till I make a firm decision. Yeah....I should wait.

Mr. Carter asks her if she is need of anything and she replies that she needs some rest. She goes to her room and lies down on her bed, she opens her drawer to take an anti-depressant tablet that she kept whenever she couldn't sleep well. While looking for that she stops with the feeling of paper touching her hand and a sound of rustling. She takes out a piece of paper and unfolds it, her heart stops when she recognizes the handwriting. She sits up and takes deep breaths and she starts to read,

Dear Mary,

If you're reading this letter then it probably means I'm dead, because if I wasn't I'd sneak into your room again and throw this paper away. So consider this my last letter to you if you receive it.

Mary... what you've done for me and what you're doing for me, I cannot put it into words that how grateful i am to you and how i always will be. I owe you big time and i really don't know how, i feel like a beggar asking you to do one favor me. But it's the biggest one I'll ever ask and i only trust you Mary, only you. If I'm gone someone needs to take care of my babies, I simply can't ask anyone but you Mary and I'm so sorry if I'm asking for too much but you're the only one i have.

I'm sorry that I'm not sharing my feelings with you verbally but I'm letting you know my thoughts through this piece of paper. I'm so scared Mary, I keep thinking of what the Doctor told me about how i might not be able to survive and every time i think about it my heart just shatters because if I do my babies would be left as orphans. But the fact that your always there for me calms me down and I'm sure you'll take great care of both.

So right now, the moment I'm writing this letter and days before. I'm having this feeling that my death is near, i can feel it in my blood triggering my bones and i know that my time is going to come soon enough. This feeling, it's just so real and this feeling is actually what motivates me to write this letter. I just can't ignore it and I couldn't tell anyone because it felt like if i did it would come true and i don't want that to happen. Mary, i know i should be telling you this personally ....but I'm sorry, my body just isn't coping with me anymore.

I hope you understand and forgive me, tell Steve and my Baby that i would always be watching them from above and i will always love them no matter what. Oh and I've gone through a hunt for names so if it's a boy you can name him William and if it's a girl you can name her Elizabeth.

Okay so... here comes the part where i talk about the necklace, I'm going to be giving it to Steve so you could take it later. I know my child is going to be as close to me as he possibly can so i would take that as my chance to secretly give the stone indirectly to you. If you have it then Mary, give it to the one who you think it should be given to. I trust your judgments but this might be a hard decision for you to make, either you keep it or give it to Doctor Abraham, choose wisely Mary. I know it's a mass of obliteration so i want you to choose with utmost care. If you choose to keep it with Steve, then always keep it with you, i know it will always protect you guys, but if you choose to give it away then please be careful, don't give it into the wrong hands.

Mary, i know I've already said this but really, i have no words to express how thankful I am to you and there is nothing in the world i can do that would return the favor. I love you so much, from the core of my heart, not only because you helped me when i needed help but because you were always there for me and always stood by my side. I believe in you as being their Godmother, this is all i can give Mary. I will always be in your heart bestie <3 I know you're strong enough to handle everything because you're made of my steel girl.

Your Best friend,

Sarah Rogers

Mary unfolded the piece of paper and just when she thought she was done crying she bursted out again. She thought about her, Steve and the newborn, all these thoughts converted themselves into tears and once again she covered her mouth to suppress her sobs. She lay down flat on her bed trying to take in everything, she made a promise to herself to take care of Steve and nurture him like her own. She's going to give him the life Sarah would've wanted him to have, she wore being a Godmother like an honorary badge and with that feeling she fell asleep.

Steve, on the other hand had fell asleep on the table. Mr. Carter picked him up and tucked him into his bed.
