
A/N: Wonderful trailer above by @DG_and_Reid ! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Edited: 22/4/2019 

"Brad!" I roared, as my face burned with a dangerously red shade. The same red that coated my hair, and dripped down my face. The disgusting smell of petrol irritated my nose, which was quite frankly blowing out steam to ease my anger. It even went inside my mouth, making me scrunch my face up in disgust. God, I could almost strangle this idiot. 

The Classic Paint in Bucket Trick. It didn't help in the slightest that I had missed the bus earlier, and had to walk to school in the pouring rain. But the fact that my seat, dead centre in the middle of the class, was left untouched. Oh yes, they know better than to defy the king. 

A scowl formed on my painted face when I wiped a bit of it out of my eyes. "Are you serious?! That's the oldest trick in the book, you little insignificant, pathetic, atavistic -"

"You still fell for it, so you're the grandpa here." He chucked, cutting me off like the privileged brat he was, tipping the entire class into their laughter. My anger turned into embarrassment, but I still held the glare as I listened to their laughs.

 Some sounded like dying hyenas when they laugh and the others sounded like hippos.

I would admit, that I look like Krusty Crab from SpongeBob, but that does not give anybody any right to laugh at me.  

"Calm down, redhead." He said, in between his laughter. He doesn't have a hyena laugh, he has this "Brad" laugh. It makes the other person want to choke him so they wouldn't hear that horrible noise again.

Growling, I felt my teeth clench involuntarily as I dropped my bag to the floor. "Oh, I can show you a bloody redhead you-" I started, balling my fists up, planning to show him what exactly a redhead is.

"Enough! Both of you! Detention." Mr.Smith yelled, sternly crossing his arms. 

"Why me?" I groaned, looking, undoubtedly, like a big baby tomato. Whatever. 

"You were late." He countered triumphantly, shaking his head as he looked at his watch and continued, "By three minutes and thirty seven seconds!" 

Oh, I'm extremely sorry for that crime, respected sir. Perhaps I could make it up to you by wringing that -- 

"Now take a seat, Mr Parker. You've wasted a good portion of my teaching time," he dismissed me, waving to my seat. 

Oh, I'll get you back for that, Braddy boy. 

