Xu Qiang - 1.15

Moving closer to the couple, Ye Ping 'tripped' and fell into Wang Yong's chest. Wang Yong, out of reflex, held the person who fell on him.

He felt the girl's body that was up against him and he suddenly froze. It felt so familiar, and the girl he was holding had the same scent as Ye Ping.

From everyone's perspective it looked like Wang Yong was hugging the dancer, making everyone feel a little awkward. They looked to Xu Qiang and saw her staring at them with her usual smile, but her eyes were slightly narrowed.

Ye Ping stayed in Wang Yong's 'embrace' since he was still frozen. She wrapped her arms around his waist and started crying.

The performance was over, and yet, Ye Ping still stayed and wouldn't let go of Wang Yong.

When Wang Yong came back to his senses and looked around, he saw everyone's disapproving gaze. He looked at Xu Qiang who was on the side questioningly smiling at him.

He quickly pushed Ye Ping away, making her fall to the floor, and went to hug Xu Qiang. Before he could do that, however, Ye Ping suddenly spoke.

"Wang-ge..." She softly called out, sounding like a sad kitten.

Wang Yong froze once again, he looked at the person on the ground as she took her veil off.

There she was, on the ground, tears ruining her makeup, as she kept repeating his name.

"Why does she keep calling out to you?" Xu Qiang asked Wang Yong in a volume where everyone could hear.

"I don't know! I don't know her." Wang Yong replied looking away from Ye Ping.

"You liar! You slept with me but you're going to marry her?" Ye Ping cried out.

Everyone sucked in a mouth full of air at her words. He Mingyu, who was silently watching, became mad.

So she disappeared to fool around with this idiot?

He glared at Ye Ping, silently pondering her future.

"I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, Miss..." Xu Qiang softly said.

"Ye Ping." Ye Ping harshly said and got up.

"Miss Ye, please don't slander my fiance, it causes a lot of trouble for me." Xu Qiang said as she looked at her then Wang Yong.

"Ask him! He got drunk and slept with me! And now he's not taking responsibility!"

Xu Qiang stood deep in thought. She acted as if she figured out something and quickly looked at He Mingyu's direction.

With an expression that only He Mingyu would be able to distinguish as wanting to know something, he nodded.

Xu Qiang took a step back, as if she was shocked.

"...Did you...sleep with her?" Xu Qiang asked quietly.

"No! I didn't! You have to believe me!" Wang Yong shouted out anxiously.

"Lies! We've slept together more than once!" Ye Ping shouted back at him.


'Yes host?'

'Can you give me something that would make me cry?'

'Of course host. Just blink twice quickly when you're ready.'

Xu Qiang's eyes watered as she had slight tears in it.

Ye Ping never expected that Wang Yong would not admit to knowing her. She quickly pulled out the documents that proved she's pregnant out of her dress.

"What are you going to do now? I'm pregnant with your child and there's nothing you can do about it!" Ye Ping loudly said and threw the documents to the floor.

Xu Qiang looked at the papers on the floor as she quietly bent down and picked it up.

As she read through it, she quickly blinked twice discreetly and her eyes became full with tears.

"...How could you..." Xu Qiang called out sadly, keeping her grip tight on the documents.

Everyone in the hall felt extreme sympathy for the woman holding the papers as she spoke.

"...Am I not good enough?" She continued speaking.

"It's fake! Baby you have to believe me! We used protection!"

Oh, you genius.

"So you did sleep with her." Xu Qiang sighed and closed her eyes as tears fell in two lines, making her look like she was in pain.

"...Why?" She whispered.

He Mingyu was originally mad at Ye Ping but now his focus was on Xu Qiang, his brows wrinkled in slight worry.

"I..." Wang Yong couldn't say anything because he knew he messed up.

"...I promise I won't do it again! It was just a fling." Wang Yong tried to convince Xu Qiang.

"...Just a fling?" Xu Qiang faintly said.

"You're going to be a father." She weakly spoke, a few tears escaped her beautiful eyes.

"So she's the one who ran out of your house before..." Xu Qiang started.

She mockingly laughed, sounding like she was suffering.

"...And here I thought, that she was just acting. Turns out I was wrong."

Xu Qiang looked at Wang Yong and continued speaking.

"...You could've told me...You should've said that you didn't want to marry me. I would've left and never bothered you again."

"No...I do want to marry you. Ye Ping didn't mean anything." Wang Yong hurriedly explained, "You have to marry me. Your mother already settled this before she died."

"...You really want me to suffer, don't you?"

"...I can't, I can't do this anymore." Xu Qiang took a few steps away from Wang Yong. She wiped the tears off her face and tried to look like she wasn't heartbroken.

She tried to smile happily, but it looked more like an angel in torment.

"So when's the wedding for you guys? You have to invite me." She said trying to sound optimistic, making everyone's heart ache for her.

Xu Qiang sighed when she got no reply. "...I hope you guys have a good life together."

With tears filling her eyes again, Xu Qiang turned away from the scandalous couple and saw everyone looking at her.

She gave a heartbreaking smile to the people watching, making them feel extreme distress. Her red eyes and beautiful face together with her earth-shattering smile made people enchanted and unable to look away.

Xu Qiang held her head up as she left the hall. He Shun and the other boys followed right after to check on their jiejie silently putting a reminder to ruin the person who hurt her.

He Mingyu also got up and left. A tiny bit anxious for Xu Qiang. Mother and Father Wang were in the crowd, with completely red faces out of humiliation. Everyone gave nasty glances to both their son and them.

Ye Ping went close to Wang Yong and softly said, "Now, we can be together."

Wang Yong felt disgusted as he looked at Ye Ping. She made such a big deal, and Xu Qiang handled it so well.

I'm not letting her leave me.


When Xu Qiang left the hall, she wanted to call a cab so that she can go home but suddenly, her nose started bleeding.

She looked at her hand that was slowly getting covered in blood as she put her head up and held her nose.

Her mind started becoming fuzzy as she slightly swayed.


She heard the shouts of the boys coming nearer. He Mingyu followed after the boys and saw that Xu Qiang was about to faint.

Knowing that the boys probably wouldn't be able to carry her, He Mingyu went and caught Xu Qiang before she fell.

He lifted her up bridal style leaned her close to his chest. Xu Qiang tried to get away from his embrace.

"You'll get blood on your clothes, Mr. He."

"Do you think I care, Miss Xu?"

"You know, this is the second time you've carried me, if I didn't know any better you and I..." Xu Qiang slowly spoke as her words became quieter and quieter.

"Such an idiotic human." He Mingyu said under his breath.

"Hey, you're a bit of an idiot too, dating such a flirtatious person." Xu Qiang said, practically whispering.

"Don't remind me about that woman."
He Mingyu tightened his grip on Xu Qiang subconsciously.

"Hey! I didn't do anything! Please don't take your stress out on me, Mr. He."

"Just pass out already."

"That seems like a pretty good idea. I hope you don't mind being my bed for a while." Xu Qiang said faintly, slowly losing consciousness.

Now we wait to see how the show turns out.

