Ch.7 Trouble Makers

Mature Content Viewer Discretion Is Advised⚠

-picture for the chapter has nothing to do with chapter. I thought it was funny. Thx.-

P.O.V person talking
Others talker out of persons P.O.V

°•Deku P.O.V•°

We were all sitting at the dinner table eating when Tomura asked me. Hey, Zuku do you still want to go sneak to the beach so we can sleep there▪. Yeah, that would be nice and we could watch the stars. We should probably bring blankets too. Yeah, that would be really nice¡. Said Dabi. Yeah, let's do that. Maybe you can get some better sleep like you said earlier~. Said toga. (For the rest of the story just watch for the signs at the end to tell who it talking Shigaraki is ▪ or ■ Dabi is ¡. Toga is ~. And Deku is ° or ○. Unless it there p.o.v then it's just underlined.)

Once we finished eating we went back to my room to pack some things. I grabbed a duffel bag. We grabbed a huge blanket that I had grabbed and a couple of others we stuffed all the blankets in the duffle bag then a couple of pillows so that we would be nice and comfy. Once we had everything packed I used one of my quirks and teleported us to the beach. But before we left we wrote a note saying we went out somewhere. Then we all signed it.

//Tomura P.O.V\\

Once we got to the beach we found a nice spot to seat up and laid down the bigger blanket on the sand and we all laid down. Of course, Izuku thought I was comfy like last time in his bed when we fell asleep so he laid on top of me. I think it's something to do with the cat part of him. Back at the league he rarely slept but when he did he would always grab a couple of blankets and make a spot somewhere. I don't think he realizes that he does it. Every time I would ask him about it he would just curse under his breath and set it up normally. I have to admit it is cute. He is also scarry at the same time. Toga laid on my right side while Dabi laid on my left and Izuku was laying his back on my chest facing upward. We all watched the stars for a little till I got thinking. When is his next heat and what do we do. Hey, Izuku when's your next heat. And what do we do during your heat to help you?

Ohh um well since today is Wednesday it should start on Monday or sometime soon. And umm keep me in my room since I took the heat suppressants last time this one will be worse so I probably won't have any control over what I do. NO MATTER WHAT I SAY DON'T LISTEN TO ME. It's probably not me talking and the cat part talking so please I'm asking you now please don't do anything I ask or say to do. Try to keep me in my room at all times○. Ok, but how do we know when you're in your heat. Ohh you'll know that's all I'm saying for now.○ Hey, guys let's try to sleep while we can also Mr.Aizawa gave us today and tomorrow off to help you since he saw what happened before you blacked out¡. Wait doesn't that mean he heard your secrets○. Ohh shit, that's right. Great just great who knows how long he was listening to us~. We will deal with it tomorrow maybe Izuku can erase his memory with one of his quirks. For now, sleep. And with that everyone went to sleep. Until.....

--Aizawa P.O.V--

I was doing my usual patrol around the dorms at 1 in the morning. I was walking down the hall on the villain kids' tunnel when I saw that the Problem child's door was open. I thought I should check on them to make sure they haven't killed each other but when I peaked in it was empty. I walk in some more to see I note on the bed I pick it up and it reads.

To whom finds this letter we have gone out. If you are wondering why it is because we need some fucking sleep. Anyway if you want to find us they look.


Well, shit now I have to go looking for the 4 kids. I don't get paint enough for this. *sigh*. I ran as fast as I could over to Nezu's office and barged into the room. Sitting in the room was Present Mic, All might, Midnight, and Nezu. I have some bad news the villain kids are gone. We have to find then they left a note about need sleep and for them to find them. We will look for them all of your head out and start searching. Said Nezu. Ok. And with that we all started searching we went in pairs so that if they put up a fight we could win. All Might and midnight me and mic. All Might and Midnight where searching rooftops and me and mic where searching around the city. Hey mic where do you think they went.

Well, you said that they wrote a note saying they needed sleep right well they are probably used to sleeping with an open sky so they could be on a rooftop on some abandoned building or a beach or park. Ok, let's check the beach first. After a couple of hours of searching, I spotted something on the beach. Hey, mic what that? Maybe it's them let's go check. As we were walking closer you could make out 4 bodies so I quickened my pace till I was right in front of them. They were all sleeping on a blanket. Hey, kids wake up you will be punished for this you know not to sneak out.

Shut the fuck up Hobo man this is the best goddam sleep any of us have had in a while. Let us sleep. And I swear to God you wake up Izuku I will melt your face off. He needs this the most¡.  No, get up I don't get paid enough for this. Goddammit just let us fucking sleep I don't need an angry Izuku. Last time someone woke him up he was leering at the bar table and some drunk woke him up let's just say they no longer have eyes teeth and we're hanging upside down▪. Don't care you are coming back to the dorms. I bent down about to grab Izuku cuz he looked like he was asleep but right as I was about to grab him he punched me right in the face with his eyes CLOSED. Don't you dare fucking touch me, bitch.○

1. How the hell did you punch me with your eyes closed and 2? I thought you were asleep. 1. I am a Neko I am half cat that means I have enhanced senses. 2. I was asleep till I smelled you coming closer to me. Fine, I'm calling reinforcement. I don't get paid enough for this.

°•Deku P.O.V•°

Aizawa turned around to call reinforcements. While he was turned around I decided to teleport us all back to the dorm room. 'What are we going to do now izu-kun~.' 'I don't know and I don't care. Let's just get ready for classes. OK¡~▪.


While we were sitting in class Dabi and Tomura were talking while Toga was getting in everyone's faces. Soooo I decided to take out one of my notebooks and listen to some of the conversations. I have been thinking for a while now maybe I could start writing songs to let some of my expression show. Yeah, that sounds good. While I was sitting there I was listening to some bits and pieces of some conversations and writing them down in one of my notes books. I was listening to the conversation the bakusquad was having. "I don't understand the government." "I use to eat sticks mud and rocks." "I REALLY need a hug." I feel stupid and ugly." "Wanna skip class with me." I started to listen to other conversations and started writing down the things I heard. "I like your spotty sweater." "If ladybugs are female how to they have kids." "Don't message me I might not reply." "This is hard I wanna quit." "Hey, I know karate I can teach." As I finished writing down what I heard I started to put it into a song with some of my own lyrics. Later I would probably make a beat to go with it and probably copied Yayorouzu's quirk with one of the quirks I stole to make some instruments and recording tools.

Time skip to after school in Deku's dorm room

I had just finished recording the song and now I'm editing it so that my face isn't showing. I wonder what my name should be maybe greenie maybe rabbit ohh I know what about green demon yeah that's good. That will be my singer's name since my villain's name is Deku it would be obvious that I'm Deku the villain and I don't want people knowing my name. Now, what should I name the song? Maybe boys and bugs or maybe boys will be boys. How about Boys Will be Bugs. Yeah that's it now let's post it to YourTube  (totally creative name lol)

(This is the song I give all credit to the artist of the song I don't own any songs I put in this fanfiction.)

Well, the song is posted to my new youtube channel. Hmm if I'm going to be making more songs I should probably Lear some new instruments with my learning quirk. I mean I already know guitar but it would probably be good to learn the piano drums and other instruments and I can just make the instruments with that quirk I copied today. I should also soundproof my room.
