7. Enter Asuka!

Thumbnail credit: I'm blind and can't read the name on the bottom left, so here's a link to where I found it: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/neon-genesis-evangelion-eva-unit-01-eva-unit-02-artwork-wallpaper-cpduu

Italics: The thoughts of the person speaking/ the current POV.

Bold: Actions, Set changes, POV switches, etc.

Normal: Descriptions, Exposition, etc.

"Quotes": A character talking.

*The Arctic Ocean*

*Fortress Bethany Base*


Slow controlled breathing was heard as announcements were heard in the cockpit. The light slowly powering on gave us a glimpse at the pilot slowly.


"Beginning Entry Plug sequence."


"Initializing LCL ionization."


"Plug depth stable at default value."

The pilot was a female, with a predominantly dark green plug suit and a helmet that obscured her face, on the visor was the label, "EVANGELION-05 PROVISIONAL". Her breathing continued,

"Sync ratio requirements are secure."

"Pilot, please verify cockpit communication systems are operational."

???: "Uh testing, one, two, one, two, you guys hear me?"

"Roger, Comm link active."

The plug then began to activate, beginning a boot up sequence that, along with the labels indicating its only provisional, that the EVA the girl is piloting was only temporary. A rushed to completion in order to handle a situation.

"Sorry we couldn't get you the new model in time."

???: "Or a plug suit that fits my chest," She grunts out, shifting around uncomfortably.

"If I were you I'd be more concerned with that scraped together prototype of an EVA."

???: "I'm just happy to pilot something. Finally." The boot up finished and displayed a maintenance tunnel that the EVA was activated in.

"You earned it, problem child, well, good luck."

"Ohh this is so damn exciting! Oh man, listen to that hum~". She said, while completing the final boot up sequence that was needed on her part.

"Now then, Evangelion Provisional Unit No. 5, activate!"

With that the kit-bashed EVA came to life, with both the pilot's and EVA's visors shining a golden hue. Today marked the first sortie of EVA Unit 5 and its temporary pilot, Mari Makinami Illustrious.

Nearby, a flash of light comes down the tunnel hitting a set of deadbolt locks blocking a section of the tunnel. Once it connected the metal bend and melted before exploding, sending a shockwave that shook the nearby tanks that were posted up.

Dashing through the hole was an abhorrent creature, with a vertebrae connecting to what looked like a bird's skull, and at the center of the body was curved downwards where a set of bone-like appendages met the floor. The Russian T-90's began to give chase, unloading what they could as they drove beside it.

Euro Commander: "The Limbo area must be sealed at all costs! We can't let this thing escape from Acheron!"

Euro Vice Commander: "How could it have breached a containment system as secure as Cocytus?!"

???: "Not only was it possible, it was inevitable. The fact is, that mankind is not capable of containing the Angels on its own. We stripped this thing to the bone while studying it, and that only seemed to piss it off enough for it to break through our defenses. So then good luck! he said as he put on a pilot's helmet.

Unit 5, being a amalgamation of various parts, was outfitted to traverse the maintenance tunnels well. As such, instead of two legs it was riding on 4 legs with wheels, to make the sharp turns well, and have a good acceleration.

Mari: "Time to face the day!

Mari: "time to make it snap-py!

Mari: "but you know, first you gotta to make it out of bed!

Mari: "Hello Mister Sunshine, today you're gonna be mine!

Mari: "make him pinky swear there's only sunny skies ahead!

Mari: "take on the day with the one two punch!

Mari: "and there it is! Deploy field!

A/n: (When I Heard this song she sang, it always sounded so weird. But, well, you gotta sacrifice some when you're translating. :/ )

"Target inbound. EVA Unit 5 brace for combat."

Now coming to a head on with the Angel. "Hiyah!" She went for a jab with the lance, as the Angel, quite easily, dodged the thrust and flew past her. It's only thought being escape.

Mari: "Goddamn, this thing's stiff!" Unable to stop she blew past the creature, forcing her to drop some hydraulic drills at the bottom to help it stop.

Mari: "Alright, Gonna have to do this the HARD WAY!" Forcing the EVA to move again. moving to catch up on the escaping Angel. Which had blown through another set of locks that led into a larger tunnel.

 Once through, It used its attack to slice a ring around itself to ascend out of the base.

"The upper outer wall has been compromised, the target is headed for the final seal."

"The target has breached Limbo area, ascending into Acheron."

Bethany Base Commander: "What in the world is Unit 5 doing?!"

Finally reaching the breach, thrusters fired below her, pushing her out of the base, and speeding towards the Angel.

Mari: "NO YOU DON'T! GET BACK HERE!" Thrusting her lance, it pierced its neck and forced it against one of the five pillars atop Bethany Base. In response it head reared back and fired a beam that burnt the right arm and a leg. charring the equipment and her plug suit

Mari: "SHIT, that one really hurt, if this wasn't so much fun!" Throwing her unused arm into its mouth, and grabbing hold of its core. Trying to crush it by hand would take time, which she didn't have.

Mari: "Time's almost up!" Her 5 minutes were down to 30 seconds.

Mari: "Better make this snappy!" The creaking of the strained metal mixed in with the two creatures' sounds were enough to unsettle anyone nearby this catastrophe. The more she pushed Unit 5 the more it began to fail.

Mari: "The arms weren't properly stitched on, so this damn thing is starting to fall apart on me!"

The angel fired another beam, this time it slashed through all of Unit 5's wheeled legs, with them falling off and exploding. The pain of losing your legs, along with the burns that could char an arm, were being shoved onto Mari. Who is already struggling with the Angel. Yet she continued.

Mari: "FINE here if you want it that badly. I'll JUST GIVE YOU THE OTHER ARM!" Forcing her other arm to latch onto the core. Both arms now committed to crushing the Angel's core. The strain upon her and Unit was bringing it near berserk levels, with Unit 5's jaw opened up revealing a set of teeth.





The core had shattered, and just before the coming explosion, a newly added plug ejection system fired sending her to safety.


"Target obliterated, Unit 5 destroyed. The pilot appears to have ejected."

A jet soars away from the base, with Kaji onboard, headed for Japan.

Kaji: "So Unit 5's self destruct program triggered so much without a hitch. It's all going to plan. Still it's a shame that we use these kids, to do the grown ups dirty work."

In the sea, Mari emerges from the entry plug.

Mari: "Oww that hurt, syncing with an EVA is more brutal than they warned me..." Taking off that helmet, revealed her brunette hair tied into two pig tails and her red glasses over her blue eyes.

Mari: "Well, I'm alive so its all good."

Mari: "Still, I do feel bad that I'm using these adults to get what I want."

Mari: "Bon Voyage EVA Unit 5. You served us all well."


Its a graveyard, an empty barren land, devoid of life, just perfect for its purpose. To bury the dead, all from the second impact. Poles that stand as grave markers, stretch as far as the eye can see, far past the horizon and the hills.

Commander Ikari: "How long has it been since we last came here together? Three years?

Yeah, when yo...when I ran away. It still doesn't feel real to me that mom is buried here..." It's funny, I hold so much affection towards her yet I can't even picture her face.

People let their memories fade in order to move on. although, there are some things we must never forget. your mother taught me how to be grateful of these memories, and I'm here to remind myself how much they matter.

Y/n: "Do you have a picture of her?

Commander Ikari: "They were all destroyed. Even this grave is empty. nothing remains." Bull shit, I highly doubt it.

Y/n: "So you got rid of everything, my teacher said you would."

Commander Ikari: "Everything I need is in my heart and mind, that'll have to do for now.

Commander Ikari: "Its time, I'm needed else where." He said as a VTOL was landing behind us. Obviously we came separately, I don't think I could've handled being with him for periods of time. Misato brought me here, so I'm going to be heading back with her. Honestly, as flawed as she is, she's doing much better in a parental role.

Misato: "Y'see Y/n, I know you were freaked out about it. But it was a lot easier than you thought it'd be, right?"

Misato: "And its important that you two do this together. I mean it was a visit to your mom's grave."

Y/n: "I only went because it's my mom."

Misato: "Yeah, I wish I could meet her, and she could see how much you've grown into a better person."

Y/n: "If that happened, I probably would only have regrets."

Misato: "Hey, how can you be so hard on yourself when you just saved humanity."

Y/n: "That was luck, I don't know what the next one'll be like. It could be stronger.

Misato: "Come on, you got to believe in yourself. I know you can do it."

Misato's phone began chirping, and as she answered it...


A naval gun landed in the road, with Misato narrowly swerving around it.

The cannons of destroyers near the shoreline gave out a powerful thundering, in the small attempt of suppressing the sudden appearance if an Angel. It was walking on the water, with each step it took, the water would freeze up and act as solid ground for it.

What timing, We got to get to Unit 1 now! Where's Rei too? Was she being deployed right now?

The face of the Angel opened up to let out a blast, destroying the destroyer group in one swift blow.

"Seventh Angel is approaching Sagami bay, Second division is engaging target."

Misato: "I got a clear visual on it! I'm bringing in the Unit 1 pilot right now! Implement task 03 and prep Unit 0 for launch!"

"Negative, Task 02 has been initiated."

Misato: "Task 02? You mean-!?" She shouted while looking up.

Above then, locks disengaged on a jet, releasing a red figure. It was...

Misato: "They launched Unit 2!"

Y/n: "An EVA!? I thought there was only two!"

The red shaded EVA went to grab a rifle that was dropped alongside it. Only for it to be hit away by an attack from the Seventh Angel, it fired black rods that could change directions. Now swiftly dodging an attack directed towards its head, It elegantly dodged and evaded the continuous barrage of attacks. Its almost like this is a cakewalk for the EVA. 

And as it continued to evade, the closer it went towards the Angel. finally catching up with its rifle, it grabbed it and with one precise shot. The head was blown off of the Angels and it began to fall apart.

Y/n: "Holy crap! Just one shot!"

Misato: "No that had to be a decoy!"

Right on the money, the Angel reformed itself, flipping what looked like a counterweight to the top, it shifted shape into a core. Along with revealing it's core, it had now deployed it AT field, rendering Unit 2's next shots useless.

Ditching the rifle, Unit 2 chose to use its own kinetic force from the drop to do damage. Pointing it's heel to the core, a spike shot out of it and hit the AT field head on. One layer of the field was shattered for one portion of the spike. Soon enough the field broke and Unit 2 plunged foot first though the body, coming out the other side perfectly with the core impaled. Exploding, from out of the sea a large explosion in the shape of a cross arose.

Unit 2 had tucked itself into a ball as it was flipping many times, and just before reaching the ground it opened up and boosters fired to slow its descent to safer levels.

However, it may be safe for Unit 2, not for those on the ground. Unit 2 landed right next to Misato's car, throwing it away, and flipping only for it to hit the foot of another EVA, Unit 0. Standing there, Unit 0 was about to assist with the mission, however the effectiveness of Unit 2 showed no need for that.

Unit 2: "situation clear."

*Small timeskip*

Once the operation concluded, the EVAs were now being transited back to NERV and the GeoFront. Along the way however, Y/n met up with Toji and Kensuke, who was absolutely fan-girling over getting a close up with an EVA.

Toji: "Wow! Its red!"

???: "That's not the only thing that's cool about it." a voice came from the EVA in front of them.

Atop of the EVA stood its pilot. sporting a red plugsuit, and a light brown hair with two hairclips to the sides.

???: "Unit 0 and Unit 1 are nothing but beta testing prototypes! they're antiquated machinery. Unit 2 is the final product! Its the world's first true EVANGELION! Perfect in every way!"

Misato: "And there she is, the pride of the Euro Airforce: Captain Asuka Langley Shikinami."

She slid down the side of the EVA to meet the people below. Doing some impressive movements by jumping off the tops of fences before running over to Misato.

Misato: "She's the second child, and the designated child of Unit 2."

Asuka: "It's been a while, Misato." She said happily, before noticing Rei, walking away from the group.

Asuka: "hmm, So that's the Unit 0 pilot, the teacher's pet herself." She grumbled out before turning to us. "and, one of you must be the daddy's boy who lucked himself into the cockpit." panning over the three of us. I didn't opt to speak up, lest I agree with what she said. Sure, some is true, but me and dad are not close at all.

Toji: "Uh yeah, it's him." Toji said, pointing at me. She didn't look impressed with me. Sorry im not as cool as you...

Asuka: "What are you stupid?! Were you to busy to help me out!? Not that I needed it!" she shouted out just before she swept my legs, dropping me to the ground. 

Asuka: "You would've just gotten in my way."

Y/n: "tsk. sorry," god she's got an attitude.

Asuka: "Aren't you ashamed that you were nowhere to be found during an Angel attack? Were you hiding behind your daddy?"

Thats it. "I was busy, okay? You showed up before I could get here."

Asuka: "And that's why you aren't qualified to be a pilot. You need to be ready at all times!"


Asuka left with Misato, and me Toji and Kensuke were getting on a train to the city. *sigh* that was quite the entrance she gave, these two seem to think the same.

Toji: "MAN, Who the hell does that chick think she is? Talk about BITCHY!"

Kensuke: "Yeah but still, you gotta admit, its still pretty amazing that she's a captain at our age."

I agree, my comrades,  at this moment all she has is skill and looks. Why's it always the hot ones who usually have the worst personality? Well, there are some exceptions: Rei's nice and Misato, she has other problems.

"Excuse me" someone said, interrupting my thoughts. "Do you know if this is the right gate to get to the GeoFront subterminal?"

Y/n: "Yeah this is it, you gotta transfer at the fourth stop though."

Kaji: "Hmm, I've only been gone two years and I don't recognize a single thing... Thanks for setting me straight kid. Say though, is Colonel Katsuragi around here?

Kaji: "I'm an old friend of hers, I bet we could swap stories with her snoring keeping us up at night. Right Y/n? Heh." now walking away and heading down an escalator.

Y/n, Kensuke, Toji: "Uhh..." "He's seen her, sleep?" "Who the hell is that guy?"

Y/n: "I don't know... M-maybe it's her... b-boyfriend?"

Kaji: "So... that was the boy. Now pulling out his phone to his ear.

*Brrt* *brrt* *click*

Mari: "Kaji! Hey, why am I being flown out of Bethany base?"

Kaji: "Hey, problem child. It's about time you headed out to Japan."

Mari: "Huh? But why? Unit 2 was transferred there, and there's no more available EVAs left to pilot."

Kaji: "There's no need to stay in Europe, they lost an item that was leading Angel's there, and it just so happens that it somehow reappeared here in Japan."

Kaji: "And besides, we're gonna need more pilots with experience here in Japan. While you may not be able to pilot at the moment, I'll be able to pull some strings and get you into one during your stay."

Mari: "Mmh alright, better be worth the effort."

Kaji: "It will be, the Angel's are only beginning to appear. So they're going to need you someway, Mari. I'll work out the details on your arrival soon, but I'll have to be going."

After that we went to the mall and headed to a restaurant. Any type was fine for us so we just chose the first one: WcDonald's. The two ordered some burgers and I was looking for anything myself.

Kensuke: "See anything you like, Y/n?

Y/n: "Yeah, that one." Pointing at the menu, a burger stood out to me.

Toji:"Uh, 11 dollars for a burger?"

Y/n: "With cheese Toji, with cheese."

Toji: "Alright man, you do you."

Kensuke: "The price of artificial meat has been spiking lately, so that's probably why."

After the meal and some chatting, we said our goodbyes and parted ways. Hanging out with them is great, it just tiring to do it for long enough. Now with nothing else that I want to do, I'll just head home.

It was almost night, and on the walk home, nothing spectacular happened. Some moving trucks issued by NERV passed by again. I guess another family must've decided to leave this city, I wouldn't blame them. Almost everyday, some part of the city is being repaired. Caused by the collateral damage from the Angels and our attempts to defend the city.

Y/n: "Asuka Langley Shikinami... It's surprising that she's actually happy to be piloting. I guess there are those types of people as well. She must be like an adrenaline junkie or something, there's no way I'd get in if it was only for status.... *sigh* but no~, I have to fight for mankind. Of course I have to, I don't want to die."

Y/n: "Hey, I'm back"

Y/n: "What happened to my room!?"

Y/n: "Whose crap is this!?"

The room was so packed with boxes, furniture, and suitcases. I couldn't even step 5 feet into the place without being trapped in all directions.

???: "That is not crap!"

Y/n: "Eh!" Surprised by an unfamiliar voice.

Asuka: "Those are my belongings. Asuka, who for some reason was now in our house, drinking a bottle of milk that I was actually saving for later.

Y/n: "Asuka! Where the heck is my crap!? What are you even doing here?! How'd you get in?!"

Finishing the drink and giving me a look. "Are you stupid?"

Asuka: "It's rather obvious that you've been replaced."

Asuka: "Yeahh, I guess Misato wanted a more skilled pilot as a roommate."

Y/n: "You're joking..."

Asuka: "That's what I said when I saw how small these Japanese rooms are! I mean, this can't even hold half my stuff!"

Asuka: "And these sliding doors, doesn't anyone know a thing about privacy? Seriously, how you people don't have locks when anyone can walk right in! Opening and closing the door again and again.

Misato appearing behind them, shocked the life out of both of them.

Misato: "We don't see the need in them, we see the need for consideration."

Y/n: "Mi-Misato.."

Asuka: "God, you're irritating. Now get your junk outta here so I can unpack!"

Misato: "No, no, no ones kicking Y/n out."

Asuka: "Whaa-!"

MIsato : "Look, if the two of you are going to work together, then you have to learn how to communicate. You two are fellow pilots now, so you two are going to live here together. And learn to act like it."

Fat chance on that for now. With Asuka giving a face that screams 'why the hell do I gotta stay with someone like you', It's pretty worrying considering she'll be with us.

Asuka: "Hmph"

Misato: "That's an order by the way." smiling.

Misato: "Okay all together now:"

Misato, Y/n, Asuka: "Thank you for the meal." "Thank you for the meal." "Thanks, I guess."

Considering the fact that Asuka was part German, I chose to look up a recipe and cook something more akin to what's seen in Germany. So right now, we're digging into schweineschnitzel, which essentially is pork that's been breaded and fried. And I must admit, not bad for my first try. Of course Asuka doesn't think so...

Asuka: "What is this? You actually think this was good?! There's barely any flavor, and it's only a fraction of how it's actually supposed to taste!"

Y/n: "S-sorry, It was my first try..."

Asuka: "Even so! You shouldn't even try if you can't make it correctly."

Misato: "He was just being considerate, Asuka. I think it tastes unique. More different than rice, that's for sure."

Having realized that she's been overruled, Asuka stops, and sits back down

Asuka: "Hmph, well it's okay I suppose. Now taking another bite of it."

After the meal, Misato started up the bath for everyone. Even after a filling meal, Asuka still showed some apprehensiveness. Not waiting to bathe herself in the water that I used, but also she didn't want me to use her bath water as well... But it was finally settled: Misato would go first, then Asuka and finally me.

While those two were in the bath, I began on the dishes. Scrubbing the pans, and plates when Misato finished and it was Asuka's turn. its like I'm the parent of this place. 

Misato sat down on the dining table and pulled out a beer form underneath it before opening and drinking up. First of all, where the hell did she stash that? Was it just taped to the underside of the table?

Misato: *Gulp* Gulp* "Ahhhh, Yeah! There's nothing better than an Ice cold beer after a nice bath."

Asuka: "AHHHH", I heard Asuka shout as he opened the door, shouting while still exposed.

Asuka: "Ther-there's something! A creature in there!"

Misato and Asuka both just watched as PenPen walked out of the bath behind her, and headed to his room.

Y/n: "It's just a penguin actually. His name's PenPe-PFFT!" Turning around from washing the dishes, only to come face to face with Asuka, Completely in the nude.

Y/n: "oh~OH ASUKA JESUS CHRIST! COVER UP!" I shouted while taking in as much as I could, before being compelled to turn around to try and save my dignity.

Asuka: "Hmm?" Now looking down, Asuka realized the situation she was in. She made a silly sound and instinctively turned to violence.

Dashing up to Y/n and giving him a kick to the back of the head. Throwing him to the ground, as he was just stunned from the sudden attack.

Asuka: "YOU PERVERT!" She shouted, blushing madly and covering herself.

Y/n: "Wh-You're the one who came out NAKED! What did I do!?"

Asuka: "HOW DARE YOU SPY ON ME!?" Now marching off back into the restroom.


Misato: "Heh well it sure looks like they're getting closer together." Listening to the both of them argue.

Later that night, the house was silent, and all three of its residents were in bed. Two, however, couldn't sleep.

Asuka: "You know you're better than they are." She pulled up and started moving a hand puppet.

Asuka: "They aren't special like we are." It had red hair, and a name labeled on its skirt.

Asuka: "Nothing's changed, it's just like before."

Asuka: "You're still better off on your own, Asuka." It's name was Asuka.

As the sun rose, the city began to awaken as well. Morning was not only marked by dawn, but also the building-sized solar arrays meant to power not just the city but also the military fortress beneath their feet. Everyone, living their own mundane lives, commuting to work, or school. The city, although a constant battleground, was as lively as always.

As such, it was also time to head to school. As was Rei, Y/n and his two friends: Kensuke, and Toji. Even Asuka, considering she just arrived just yesterday and had no friends as of yet, went with Y/n. Much to the distaste of Toji, but nothing a kick can't fix.

Asuka: "So? Where's the other one?"

Y/n: "What? What other one?"

Asuka: "Ugh What kind of idiot are you? I mean the first child! Who else? I mean, after I killed the seventh Angel, she just disappeared! Honestly, At least introduce yourself."

Y/n: "Uh, well.. We usually meet up outside of school. So she should be at a bench up ahead."

Sure enough, she was. Reading a book at a bench under a tree, patiently waiting for her only friend to arrive. However her thoughts were interrupted by the clacking of shoes, and a figure standing above her.

Asuka: "So you're the first child, huh? Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Asuka Langley Shikinami, EVA Unit 2's pilot. Let's be friends."

Rei: "What for?"

Asuka: "Because it's best for everyone that way. For various reasons."

Rei: "If I'm ordered to, I'll be your friend."

Toji: "I gotta say, I'm starting to think only weirdos are chosen to be Eva pilots."

Over at NERV, Ritsuko was working alone in an office when someone came up and hugged her from behind.

Kaji: "Hey there Ritsy~ You lost some weight?"

Ritsuko: "Heh, nice try. But I've gained more than Id like to admit."

Kaji: "Maybe you're wearing too many clothes."

Ritsuko: I'd show you, but this room is being monitored"

Kaji: "Was being monitored, I replaced the live feed with a loop."

Ritsuko: "Always prepared it seems."

Kaji: "Hey, when I play, I play to win."

Ritsuko: "Oh, but you've lost." She said looking up. "you should've covered the windows too." Showing a furious Misato staring at the two of them.

Ritsuko: "well Ryo, its been a while."

Kaji: "Indeed its been far too long." they said, in a small attempt to brush off the recent events.

Misato: "What the hell is this jerk doing here. Misato grumbled out while walking in. I thought you got assigned to Euro."

Kaji: "I'm on a job, looks like ill be here for a while. So the three of us can hang out. it'll be just like old times."

Misato: "Who the hell wants to try and relive the past? And I'm down here to see Ritsuko, not you!"

Misato: "HR has just given us the approval on Asuka! Bye!"

Ritsuko: "Oh my that was pure jealousy. I'd say, that you still have a chance."

Kaji: "You think so? I would've assumed she would have found someone by now."

Ritsuko: "Oh, there is, but I'm not too sure if she could make it work."

Suddenly the lights in the facility turned red, as the display nearby announced an emergency alert. 

Ritsuko: "Perfect timing, I suppose, not that Asuka's been cleared, she'll deploy with Y/n."

Up at the operations room, Vice Commander Fuyutsuki was confirming the alert.

Makoto: "Cross-checking analysis data, it's pattern blue, sir."

Fuyutsuki: "So it is an Angel. All personnel, battle stations condition 1!"

*Small timeskip*

Misato: "The interception capabilities of Tokyo-3 were severely limited due to the battle with Ramiel."

Misato: "As such they are practically useless in battle. For that reason, we're going to hit the Angel with one swift blow before it comes ashore. Asuka and Y/n, you two will be the assault team. Meanwhile Rei will stay in the city as reinforcements."

Misato: "Unit 1 and Unit 2 will take turns, attacking the target in succession with close quarters combat."

Asuka, Y/n: "Roger" "Right"

The two were strapped on large transport jets, made to specifically carry EVAs and deploy them rapidly.

Asuka: "It's not fair, why can't Misato let me fight alone. I'm better when I'm alone, and besides, Y/n already has 3 Angel kills to MY 1."

Y/n: "We can't do anything about that, this is NERV's plan after all."

Asuka: "Just so we're clear, don't do anything that will cramp my style, got it?!"

Y/n: "U-uh Y..Yeah alright."

Asuka: "Why does someone like him get to be a pilot anyway?"

The locks on the jet released and sent both EVAs gliding down, landing hard on a landing pad. Where NERV forces came to link up our power cords.

Asuka: "Two against one, I don't like it. It's not my style."

Misato: "We don't have the luxury of choosing our battles. We fight to survive, remember."

Both were equipped with different weapons: Y/n held an assault rifle, while Asuka was sporting a spear. And on cue, the water rose and burst into the air. The Angel rising out of the water, It was Sliver in color. with face with two different colors.

Suddenly Asuka ran ahead, ditching the plan of working together.

*Asuka's POV*

Y/n: "Asuka! What are you doing!? Now beginning to give chase.

I can't stand his goody two-shoes attitude. He can't possibly be better than me! And yet, he has more recognition. It's... absolutely...infuriating, I can't let that stand anymore!

Rushing at the Angel, and with a quick slash, I sliced into two.

Asuka: "Ha! There! See that Y/n!?" Turning around to see him finally arriving at the scene.

Asuka: "You're late, honestly how do you even have 3 Angel kills when you're this slow!" Now do you see the gap between us? Soon enough I'll be the bes-!

"LOOK OUT!" He rushed up to me and blocked an arm that came into my peripheral vision. It's alive!? Wait, there's two of them!

Before being able to get my thoughts together, the one that wasn't being held back by Y/n had continued the attack and flung me across the mountain. Landing hard with a loud boom, that destroyed plenty of the foliage nearby.

What, what happened?! Where Did the second one come from?

With Unit 2 out of the way, Unit 1 was left with both of the Angels. " *sigh* Fuck.." he mumbled out before being thrown himself. Landing right on me.

Asuka: "Grrr, Get the...HELL off me!" Kicking that stupid fool off me, Of course he distracted me! He didn't even bother to warn me of the other one!

Back at NERV HQ,

Ritsuko: "After you two two were thrown the angels retreated, we believe that when the angel was cut by Asuka, the two separate parts reformed themselves into two individuals."

Y/n: "S-so... we... We lost?"

Ritsuko: "Not yet, you lost the battle but the Angel retreated after it split. We believe it did so to reform itself back into one individual."

Y/n: "Meaning it will be back."

Ritsuko: "Yes."

Asuka: "Well then let's go out there and kill it while it's reforming!"

Y/n: "I-I think... that we should let it come."

Asuka: "Wha-t! Are you stupid!? If we do that and lose then we won't have another chance to kill it!"

Misato: "Not yet Asuka, we can use the time to prepare."

Asuka: "Grrr..."

Y/n: "How long do we have?"

Ritsuko: "A week."

Y/n: "So then... What do we do?"

Ritsuko: "For now, We'll come up with a plan, Misato will fill you two in later. In the meantime, you two should head home and rest."

Asuka: "Ugh, I'm out of here." I said leaving abruptly, only to notice stupid Y/n beginning to catch up with me.

*Y/n's POV*

Y/n: "Hey, Asuka, what happened with the mission? I thought we were supposed to work together on this one." I said while trailing her down a hallway.

Asuka: "Get away from me you stupid idiot. I can't stand you sometimes."

Y/n: "Wh-why?"

Asuka: "Do I really have to spell it out for you?"

Y/n: "I don't understand, Asuka, why? Finally she stopped her speedwalking and stood there, her head down and back away from me."

Asuka: "...why" she said clenching her fists.

Y/n: "?"

Asuka: "WHY DID YOU BECOME A PILOT!" She shouted as she turned around. Going from 0-100 so fast made me jump a little.

Asuka: "I can't stand it! You of all people, who doesn't even have experience fighting or piloting beforehand. Was able to pilot with ease! Not to mention that your scores are better than me!"


Asuka: "I will not live my life as your second!"

Asuka: "Just the sight of you gets on my nerves!"

Asuka: "Every breath you take is an assault on my pride!"

She then stomped off, I wanted to chase her but... what would I even say? It's okay to be weak? Yeah right, just from seeing her, I can tell she puts a lot into being the best. I have no doubt she put in the work, and here I come, out of nowhere and surpass her...

F-fuck man, that cut deep into me... She..She has to be exaggerating right? She can't possibly be that mad at me... can she?

*Small Timeskip*

What was worse, was the fact that we live together. I always hated going home to an unwanted household. And now, my roommate hates me...What the hell am I going to do then? Well, luckily enough, when I got home, Asuka seemed to be in her room. Misato wasn't back and there didn't seem to be any frozen meals in the trash.

So I decided to cook dinner, and leave a bowl for Asuka if she wanted it. Whipping up something easy, I had four bowls of pasta: Me, Asuka, Misato, and PenPen. I can't forget him. Last time I did, I was jumped in the restroom by him. We had sausages that night and he was looking to get mine.

Y/n: "Hey Asuka, I... I made some dinner, it's by the door if you need it."

Taking no reply as my cue to leave, I went back to the dining table to start on my meal. Once I had sat down, the sound of a door sliding open and shutting soon after was all I needed to know that she grabbed her food.

The next day, Misato gathered the both of us. Asuka was still upset with me, not even giving the notion of even looking at me. And It's safe to say she was not happy with the plan.

Misato: "You two are going to be dancing!"

Y/n, Asuka: "....What?!"

End chapter 7


It was good writing this. I'm still enjoying it, even though it may seem otherwise. I've been trying to meld both the anime and the movies together, but I get stuck between which scenes would provide a better experience. To put it simply, I've been procrastinating, more ways than one. Interpret that how you seem.

Enter Asuka! Asuka's here, and so is Mari (Sorry, not sorry to those who don't like her. I think she's pretty cool.) So expect them to get closer to Unit 1's pilot. Along with that, The start of Israfel is here as well, so that's nice. Anywho that's all for me at the moment, I hope you're al enjoying it as much as I am. I hope to continue working on this, not only for myself but to those who read it.

I don't plan on dropping this anytime soon, so expect more eventually, maybe a week, maybe not. Only future me knows.

Sorry about that too, I may do better.

6310 Words
