
" wanna play carter?" Joshua asked me. he held up an volley ball and was throwing it up in the air. " well i dont know dont wanna embarrass you guys." i said back. " well try not to cry." he said laughing and turning back around. i set down my glasses and took off towards the guys. " alright everyone this is carter she will participating with you guys this round." Joshua said to the people on the other side of the net." alright lets play!" I yelled/laughed. Jake served and of course we played a regular game  of beach volley ball. no need to explain. we finally finished the game and i was about to walk back,but these group of boys came and were going around doing stupid stuff i saw a boy video taping them doing those stupid/funny things. one of the boys came by and picked me up and was running around with me in his arms. i didn't know what was going on but i didn't freak out  i just laughed very awkwardly and kinda just layed there i honestly didn't know what the hell to do. " can you put me down?" i said hopeful. he finally set me down by the shore and said thanks for being so cool.  " yeah i honestly wouldn't call it cool more like shocked." i laughed. im glad he laughed also. " yeah sorry about that." he said again laughing.  " no problem im carter by the way." i said holding out my hand so we could shake hands. he gently shook my hand in such a cute way. " nice to meet you im beau." he said smiling. he looked a little familiar hmm wonder where i know him from. " so what is it that your recording?" i asked him really curious. " well we call our self the janoskians...." shit that's where i know him from. that Luke kid was in it. " wait the janoskians?" i said interrupting whatever he was saying. " yeah you a fan?" he asked me. " no i dont really know what you do i know that Luke kid i met him at a ice cream shop a few days ago well actually yesterday and there was this Luke kid and he asked for my number but didn't trust me giving his to me so i kinda had a bitchy mood and left. i feel bad now," i said looking down. he looked at me confused then started to speak. " your the girl he was talking about all  last night? and the one he was tweeting about?" he added. " i mean i dont know i hope he wasn't talking about me!" i said kinda upset he was talking about me like what if he was saying  what a bitch i was and he hopes he never sees me again but now im talking to one of his group buddies gosh hes never talking to me ever.  " no all he was saying to us was how he fucked up and how he should've just given you his number." i blushed a little and looked down. " he isn't here is he?" my head was starting to hurt because i kept overthinking things i do this all the time and it sucks. " well right now no he will be here though. wanna come meet the group?" he said all excited. i didn't feel to excited if i met them  what if they dont like me. carter  stfu why wouldn't they like you you haven't  dont anything wrong. right? " i guess will they like me?" i said kinda nervous. " well you got 2 out of 5 to like you so im sure you can make the other 3 fall in love with you." he laughed. i wasn't laughing i was still nervous. i think he could tell though he put his arm around my shoulders and said not to worry that they are super chill guys. we started walking to a group of boys and a few girls that were with them. " hey guys this is carter shes super cool." 2 guys turned around to hug me and the other was talking to a group of girls." whoa hugs already?" i laughed. " oh sorry not a fan i assume?" one tall boy said. " im skip." the other one said . " nice too meet you." i said smiling to him. he was so adorable. " and im James sorry for hugging you so tight aha its hard not to want to hug a very beautiful girl." he told me giving me a cute smile. i blushed a lot to that and tried to hide it by laughing. " awhh James made you blush i see the boy that was talking to the group of girls said. i guess the group finally left. i looked up hoping i was no longer red. " im not Blu.." " Luke?" i added. i thought he wasn't  here. " no im his twin brother jai." he said laughing. " Luke has a dot on his nose and im the hot one." he added laughing making the other boys laugh too. i was still amazed and also a bit confused on what to think. " what the actual fuck." i said out loud not knowing i did. " cool huh?" skip said touching jai's? face moving it around. " i just didn't know he had a brother." i said slightly chuckling. " yeah beau , jai, and Luke are the brooks brothers ." James said putting his arm around my shoulders like beau did on the way up to meet them. " beau too!?? what the fuck is going on! are we all brother and sister?" i said laughing the boys joined in. " i hope not it would be kinda weird to like my sister." James said kinda quiet but loud enough to where i heard it. i didn't do anything because i didn't know if he wanted me to hear it or not so i pretended i didn't hear anything . we spent about 30 minutes talking a few fans i guess came to take pictures and talk to the boys. James  arm was still around my shoulders but i didn't mind. about 5 minutes later Danny found me and said we were about to leave. i introduced them to the boys and told him id probably just walk home. " well pat said to do whatever you do so im probably;y gonna have to stay with you if that's fine." he said trying not to be to noticeable. " yeah hold on." i told him. i turned back to the now circle type shape we formed as a group. " hey you guys this is my best friend Danny well kinda my roommate but besides that is it OK if he stays with us for a while i dont know how long your gonna be here but we can just walk home after this. if you want us to go we can but i thought it would be cool to hang out for a little while."  they didn't even hesitate to answer they all said sure and mate him part of the "group" i guess this is what it was.  " hey so when is Luke supposed to be here?" skip asked beau. everything everyone else was saying all of a sudden went quiet when i heard skip ask jai that. i was waiting for an answer from jai but didn't want to seem anxious. " he said he was here but i dont know where ill text him." he said looking at his phone and typing a few things. " wait there he is!" beau said pointing over to the road/beach entrance. i started looking around trying to find him but it was so short i kinda stepped back so i could see behind James. as soon as i did that i found him and he also found me. oh no. we both just stared at each other his eyes were shocked but since i pretty much saw him when i looked at jai i wasn't to surprised. i slightly smiled at him seeing if that would make things less weird. it sorta did but also beau yelling hey Luke come here probably helped to. i didn't know what i was gonna say to him hopefully nothing rude like i was the last time. Luke didn't waste any time he came straight towards me. " carter can i talk to you ? " he asked me. i nodded my head and waited for him to talk. " privately."
