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|Nami's Perspective|

We were out at sea again as usual expect today was hot as hell "SANJI!" I called out to him knowing he'd come running like a puppy dog "Yes Nami my sweet~" I smiled at him sweetly "Could you be a dear and get me a cold refreshing beverage" he gave me a dreamy smile and yelled "OF COURSE NAMI!" and ran of to get me a nice drink 'Never fails~'

I chuckled, then Usopp come out of the upper deck after Sanji looking a bit annoyed and worried "Oi Usopp! why the long face? or is it just your nose" I gave him a grin as he gave me an unamused facial "Haha very funny Nami but, we need to find another island to stop at, we need to restock on a food because SOMEONE has been eating the food while everyone's been asleep"

Usopp and I glare at Luffy who is stuffing his face with meat, he looked at us confused "Why you looking at me?" honestly I sometimes think he's messing with us "WHY ELSE LUFFY?! YOU'VE BEEN EATING ALL THE FOOD! WE NEED TO EAT TOO YA KNOW" Usopp said to Luffy, at the same time Sanji arrived with my drink "But I was hungryyyyy!" Usopp started yelling again, then Sanji seated my drink on the small table near me "Here you go Nami~"

I started drinking my nice refreshing drink this Sanji stared to speak again "Oi you idoits we'll be fine, while I was in the kitchen I saw on the map that we're heading in the direction of an island that has good resources, we'll just stop there and stock up, we're close anyway" he said as he lit up another one of his cigarettes, I calmed down a bit and so did Usopp then we heard Luffy gasp as he spat out the bone of the meat he was eating "WE NEED MEAT!! LOTS AND LOTS OF MEAT!"

Sanji and I just ignored him while Usopp practically started lecturing him about a good balanced meal and saving food, only a few minutes later we heard Zoro yell "HEY GUYS GET OVER HERE YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!" we looked at each other confused as Robin and Chopper came out of the planning room "What's going on?" Chopper asked I shrugged "Zoro wants us to see something?" they both looked just as confused as us so we went towards Zoro only to see "What the..."

|Few Moments Before|

|Y/n's Perspective|

I was having a normal busy day today, you know the usual jobs and few breaks to teach the kids how to fight, but then I heard something in an alleyway 'There's three men and one girl?' I didn't have a good feeling so I went towards the group to see the men trying to mug the girl who's face I could not see "Give us your wallet women" she didn't compile which was good "COME ON WOMEN GIVE US YOUR FUCKING WALLET OR WE'LL MAKE YOU!?!"

She still wasn't compiling with them and so I enter feared, I was waiting to see if she would compile so that if she did I would just get it back for her but she wasn't and I noticed that one was armed with a pistol so if she wasn't compiling now she was definitely going to after she saw the fire arm 'People like this make me sick' I ran towards the group, past the men and grabbed the girl and made a run for it 'I'll try to avoid conflict for now'

"I SAI- OI?! GET BACK HERE YOU BRAT!" I didn't listen obviously and kept running with the girl in my arms, I then noticed the girl was Sivia, she opened her eye's and saw me then had a massive grin on her face "N/N! Oh is it a relief to see you!" I smiled back at her as we continued to run throughout town "Same Via, but lets catch up after I beat there asses ok?" she laughed a bit and nodded. Not long we made it to the docks, I noticed a ship but I didn't have time to think about that I had better things to worry about like these bastardsย 

"YOU BRAT HOW DARE YOU MAKE A FOOL OF US!" I shrugged and looked at him blankly which pissed him off a lot, I heard Sivia holding back her laugh which pissed them off even more "THAT'S IT" one guy then started charging towards me with a knife 'Really' I dogged with ease and kicked him onto his back while also grabbing the sad excuse for a knife and jabbed it into his leg

"You bitch! YOU'LL PAY" I'm so glad no one's at the docks today, I sigh as he charged at me with 'What the fuck...really...a fucking strew driver' I stepped to the side as he fell forward and the guys with the fire arm tried to shoot me but his aim is shit so I jumped and the bullet ended up hitting the guy that I stabbed in the leg's foot, I heard him scream "Shit" the guy with the gun said, the guy with the strew driver then charged at me again

"Ok, I'm bored" I said as I grabbed the knife out of the guy's leg and ran towards the guy and it startled him messing up his stepping more then it already was, I lunged at him stabbing his shoulder then lifting him up and throwing him on top of the guy who was already in enough pain, I looked towards the guy with the gun and he looked mortified and started making a run for it "Sorry bud can't let you do that"

Before he could even react I kicked his back and his sensitive spot, he let out a loud groan of pain and dropped the gun and fell to the floor 'There rooky muggers, this must be there first mugging, quite a pathetic first job' I sigh as I grabbed the gun and grabbed the guy by his hair and made him face me, he was bawling his eye's, I then pointed the gun to him and spoke "Listen here bud and listen well"

He nodded franticly still in pain "Your gonna take those buddy's of yours to the marine's post and turn yourselves in, don't even think about trying to escape because I will be checking the post do you understand" he nodded franticly again probably scared out of his mind, I gave him a soft smile and let him go "Good, see you in an hour" he quickly got up still limping a bit and grabbed the twoย unconscious inquired guys and ran towards the post

|Nami's Perspective|

We all stood there mouths agape from the scene that just happened, he just single handedly took down three armed large men without breaking a sweat, I tried to see what he looked like but he wore a hood with a weird symbol at the back of it "THAT WAS SO COOL" Usopp and Chopper said at the same time, I nodded still trying to process what the hell just happenedย 

"THEY NEED TO JOIN OUR CREW!!" honestly I wasn't going to argue, he could change things greatly for us, I looked over to Sanji and Zoro and there jaws were all wide open and I looked over to Robin who just had a shocked expression, I looked back towards the guy and the girl he saved and saw her applauding him 'What the?!' she didn't even look the slightest shocked or scared she locked proud, excited, and giddy instead

"That was absolutely amazing N/n! you never fail to amaze me" I guess they knew each other, the guy then chuckled a bit, as he walked towards her, our ship just made it to the docks so Usopp quickly tied us down and we went back to paying attention to the two "Thank you, so how's Julia and work?" I was honestly absolutely confused 'They just finished getting attacked and there just gonna act like nothing happened!'

"Julia and I are doing great since the incident" ok now I feel like we're just being creepy listening on there conversation, I looked at the others and they were all invested in on there conversation 'Wow, even Zoro and Robin? gez' I looked back at the two "And work is great I got a raise! which reminds me..." she then started smacking him on the head 'The heck'

"You need to stop over working yourself!" she then stopped and the guy just let out a nervous chuckle "Hehe...sorry Via I promise I'll try to take it easy k?", "I'll take your word for it!, anyways I should be getting home Juli get's worried when I'm a few minutes late" they then laugh and hug "Alright, tell her I said hello", "Oh I will, see you later" they then wave each other goodbye and left

|A While Later On Deck|

We were all on deck discussing about what to do, I mean sure we had to restock but we also found someone that could be a huge help to the team "So captain what do you wanna do about him?" Robin asked, we all looked at him and saw his already wide smile widen "Get them to join us duh!" we all smile and then Chopper spoke "It'd be nice to have a new face around!"

Zoro then calmly spoke "I wanna see what he's like with swords" he then stood there thinking about it "He better know how to clean up after himself!" Usopp said, then Luffy smiled more and said "YOU THINK HE HAS MEAT!!" after a few minutes of talking about him we went out into town to go find him...

|Three Hours Later|

|Y/n's Perspective|

After I said my goodbyes to Sivia, I spent an hour at my last job and then went to check if those guys were at the post and they were "Good job kid, just like your old man" was what the guys said, I thanked him for the compliment and went into town, it was getting dark at this point but it was alright because we had night markets today so most of the streets was lit up

'Beautiful as always' I walked around the market for two hours, and it was pleasant like always, while walking I noticed strange movement within the crowd 'Hmm, seven of you...three behind and four of you scattered throughout the front' I knew it was sketchy but I shrugged it off, but as the crowd became lesser they came closer towards me

'Alrighty then' I then walked off from the market and went to an dead end alleyway and as expected they all followed, I got to the end of the alleyway and stopped I didn't turn around but just looked upwards to the buildings "Look I don't wanna deal with another group of bastards today so later's" I then boosted myself and jumped onto the building tops, they followed but they were slow and constantly yelled at each other

'Right...here' I then dipped down and before I could fall to the ground I pushed myself mid air into an open window to a bar 'Might as well have a drink while here' I then listened as they sounded confused "WHAT THE HECK WHERE'D HE GO!" did he just call me a dude, but more importantly the good thing is they weren't quick enough to see me slip into this bar

"GOOD JOB LUFFY! YOU LOST HIM" they then jumped off the roof tops and onto the streets in front of the bar, the one they called Luffy was a teen maybe with a straw hat "NOW HOW ARE WE GONNA GET THEM TO JOIN US URHHHH" so they wanted to recruit me, that's a first I wonder what for exactly "Wait guys look, a bar! we'll go look for him after, we haven't eaten and it's killing me" they looked towards the bar and agreed to go in

'Well as long as they don't see or notice me everything should be fine' they then came in and started ordering drinks and loads and loads of food 'Now to just wait..'















A/N: Hello, I am the writer! and I decided that I would rewrite this story, it was my first book so I have a lot of horrible grammar, plot, and altogether it's a shit story so if your a future reader enjoy the more fixed up story, to past readers I'm extremely sorry

Words Used: 2079
