Suicide Mission

"I think we need to send a search team," Jupiter Terko said tapping on the table with his index finger just like he always does when he's nervous.

"Wait, what? A search team to Bermuda? Are you out of mind? If they could take that spacecraft, a small ship is nothing" Chancellor Bostic said complaining. With a sense of amazement, his eyes, brown in colour, appeared to be rounded in shape, as if he was witnessing something truly extraordinary.

"They?" Madam Jessy asked looking at Bell with raised eyebrows like Bell said something inappropriate. "Don't tell me you believe that nonsense about Bermuda" She continued in a humiliating voice.

"I don't know what it is but we lost two space crafts, two aeroplanes and three ships trying to expedition the area which left us with no detail about Bermuda. I don't think it's a good idea to send a search team" Chancellor Bostic explained. Although Bell had fair reasons to be concerned, they weren't fair enough for Jessy. She smirked at Bell making him more angry and upset.

"We can't expect it to pop up from the ocean, we need that spacecraft, and you know that's the best spacecraft we had! We need a search team and that team will include the best students from each sector, considering Bell's beliefs" Chancellor Jupiter ended his proposal with a humiliating voice to make Bell more upset.

"Does this all sound like a joke to you? We are talking about the future of humanity!" Bell asked looking at Jupiter and Jessy.

"Does it sound like a joke to you? I just told you about my opinion" Jupiter replied making the situation more awkward. Bell was running out of temper. How could Jupiter be so silly in such a situation? This is a serious matter that requests all the attention of chancellors but he's talking about sending kids! Is he playing'I'm smarter' game with Bell Bostic again? Bell could've attacked Jupiter seriously unless Chancellor Kane Johnson interrupted.

"Wait, wait, wait, Are we talking about sending kids there? "The chancellor of the chemical sector, Kane Johnson said.

"Sounds like your mission to Asia! You killed 50 innocent people by exposing them to a highly radioactive area, we are not going to do that again!" Bell Bostic said pushing away the chair next to him angrily. Oops! That's a bad sign.

"We're not talking about another suicide mission, right? Because I'm not going to vote for it, I'm done killing innocent people for your cruel missions" Elsa Blake said in a worried voice agreeing with Bell. She could remember Jupiter's suggestion to send people to Asia in order to check whether it was habitable. It was a terrible failure for the Octagon Council. They kept it a secret to avoid public hating and public panic.

"Let me clarify." Jupiter started to describe another terrible idea of his. 

" We are discussing the possibility of sending our best-trained students to participate in a scientific team, as scientists are typically more knowledgeable in this field than soldiers. It's important to note that no students under the age of 18 will be involved, and we are not coercing anyone into participating. we are simply calling for volunteers." Jupiter Terko said in a calm and polite voice which means he is seriously trying to make this crazy idea practically come true.

"What if there are no volunteers?"Madam Jessy asked in a concerned voice.

"Let's talk about it then" Jupiter said shutting down any suspicions against his fantasy.

"Let's vote," Kirstein Evens said adding more tension to the moment.

"Who agrees? 'She asked looking around the table. Her ash-coloured eyes ran passing seven faces drawn in deep thoughts. After a few minutes of being on the fence, Jessy Terko, Jupiter Terko, Kirstein Evens, Kane Johnson, Edward Sallow (The chancellor of the Nanotechnology sector) and Penny Browns raised their hands.

"So, three-quarters of the council members have agreed which means the decision is made" Jupiter said with a winning smile on his face, looking at Chancellor Bostic whose face looked frustrated and worried.

"So I'll be releasing an announcement to the communication system soon." Madam Evens said standing up and giving out another heavy breath. What was that breath for? relief? sadness? Who knows!

"Wait Nanotechnology and Environmental science have nothing to do with this" Chancellor Sallow said at an unexpected moment. What did he mean? Didn't he vote saying 'yes' a few moments ago?

"Are you refusing to send your students?'' Jupiter asked in doubt looking straight at Chancellor Shallow with an unpleasant look.

"He is right, environmental science doesn't study about ocean. It's hydrology, also Nanotechnology has nothing to do with it." Madam Jessy stepped forward to take advantage of the moment. Huh! The selfish woman is not ready to lose any bright student in her sector.

"So what about other sectors? Do chemistry and mechanics have anything to do with it?" Madam Penny asked impatiently to show her frustration about special treats for two sectors.

"Yes, It could be some chemical reaction or something causing this, also mechanics are required in repairing spacecraft," Madam Jessy said wisely avoiding any more hard questions.

"Let's just stop finding reasons for excuses and start this" Elsa Blake said in her soft voice walking to the computer.

"That's funny when it comes from you," Bell Bostic said, and everyone turned to look at him in wonder. Everyone in the room knew about the ongoing feud between Elsa and Bell, although they had never known the reason for it.

"What part of it is funny to you" Elsa answered in return. Her green eyes flashed with anger. She knew what he was about to say.

"It was your idea to send people to Asia which killed 50 innocent people, and it ruined your friend Penny's family as well," Bell said impatiently taking shots at Elsa's weak points.

"Bell, please! It wasn't her fault, my husband died because he tried to release sensitive information to the public and start a riot. Diane died because she followed in her father's footsteps. Elsa has nothing to do with it." Penny Browned said begging with a tired face. Everybody in the room was upset. They knew how hard it was for Penny to think of that mission which made her daughter and husband traitors.

"Bell this is no time for this" Jupiter said looking at Bell,in a warning voice, nodding his head to say 'no'.

"This is the right time, we are talking about another suicide mission. Last time we did it secretly which is almost close to a murder, what is this time? We are going to lie I guess" Bell said horridly. He was done with suicide missions. It was obvious to everyone by the expression on his face. His brown eyes were full of doubt and his arms were tied in front of his chest, which means he is not comfortable with this situation.

"I swear we'll be telling the truth this time and no more lies about the mission," Jupiter said in a trustable voice.

"Even the fact that this island won't last for more than three years?" Bell asked, sounding humiliated.

"Bell, you're not thinking straight. If you breathe a word of this, it will be your last. We only tell people what they need to know. We can't afford another panic. They will know they're going to Bermuda, which is risky enough to kill them, they'll also be searching for a spacecraft that holds the future of humanity. Do you have any more questions?" Jupiter asked in a rough tone. Bell understood the message. Raising suspicions about a public panic could cost him his life, so he decided to stay silent.

"Bell, you already know that every area, except for this island, is radioactive due to the nuclear wars. The only thing keeping us alive is the Nano cover. But if Parasols* blows up, we will all be dead. Therefore, the space station is our last hope, and we need that spacecraft. We have no other choice but to pursue this." Jessy explained in a soft tone which is notorious as dangerous. Bell let out a heavy breath and eventually nodded in agreement. He knew that's the truth, no matter how badly he wants to be merciful, if he's a ruler he has to make hard decisions.

"So we gather up the team and send them to Bermuda tomorrow?" Elsa Blake asked in wonder.

"We have no choice we are running out of time. We have to start as soon as we can." Jessy replied leaving everyone stuck in thoughts..

*Parasol is an active volcano in the middle of the island. It is supposed to blow up within a year and 8 months.*
