The Tenant (Vampire Romance) - (Chapter 2)

"WHAT??!" I shot up as if something had just hit my back.

"Mel, Im really sorry," my dad, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly spoke. I met his gaze, and could see pleading in his eyes. Dad usually got in a rage when I refused to obey, and this was a change of attitude. Surprised, I slowly sat down, sinking in what they had just told me.

Dad spoke again. "You have to understand our situation here. We understand how you feel, especially since youre a teenager. Its either this or you have to work, and I know you dont want to. Just this once, please listen. When the new tenant moves in tomorrow, we-"

"Wait," I interrupted. "Tomorrow? So soon?" Thoughts of not having my privacy anymore so soon were racing through my mind.

"Well, yes, the new tenant has even given downpayment, so there's no backing out now," my mom answered. "Anyway, he'll be-"

"He?" I interrupted again.

My mom sighed. "Mel, just listen to everything first before you speak," I nodded, and she continued,"The new tenant will be sharing your bed, bathroom and he'll be treating your room as his own. Well, half of your room technically," She smiled as she corrected herself.

Seeing that she was done, I urged her to tell me more about the new tenant. At this point, Dad walked out, his business finished.

"Hmm. Let's see. He's quite tall, dashingly handsome, with spiked black hair and grey cloudy eyes," She said dreamily. I giggled at her face, and deep down inside, I felt a tiny bit of excitement to meet this.. I realised I didnt know his name.

"Mom, I began. "Hmm?" She said dreamily. "What's his name? And how old is he?"

"Im not quite sure about his age, he looks probably nineteen or twenty, I dont know. But his name's Craig. Craig Joe Armstrong."

I pondered about his name, which seemed weird but familiar at the same time. I laughed to myself, his name seemed familiar because it resembled the name of Billy Joe Armstrong, the lead singer of Green Day, which happened to be one of my favorite bands.

"Well, you better clean up your room now. He'll be here at 9am, 'cause your dad and I have to leave for work by 9.15am. And sleep early!" Mom said as she went to her room.

I sat there, my mouth in the shape of an 'O'. Did she just say  9am? It was a freaking Saturday tomorrow, and even though I shouldnt really bother, since I dropped out of school, I felt so.. I dont know.. Angry i guess. Naa not really but still.. Time to clean up my room. I shuffled my feet across the room, slowly going up the stairs. It was gonna be hard to maintain the cleaniness of my room after Im done with it, because I like my room messy. It feel so..

