i. mood swings


june 12, 2019

      PRIMROSE O'NEIL HELD BACK a giggle as her friend nova made a face at the counter of the concession.  nova's day was uneventful due to no frantic mother's feeding their whiney children.  the redhead on the other hand was having a hard time.  constant fake smiles were sent out.  it was two in the afternoon on a wednesday.  it was a hot one in atlanta.  especially with it being summer and all.

      "how slow can one be?" a middle-aged man complained.

      "i'm so sorry, sir." primrose apologized.

      "you're lucky i'm not about to complain to your manager."

"i'm truly sorry, sir." primrose looked to her feet.

"sorry ain't going to cut it, missy." the man grunted.

"i'd advice you to back off, sir." nova donnely found herself in front of the register, directly facing the rude man.

"and who do you think you are, young lady?" the man spat.

"a concerned co-worker. i could call my manager. she's never had an issue with primrose. so, i'm sure she'd have a problem with you disrespecting her hardworking employee." nova chirped.

"it's not my problem incompetent women are working. women should be cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids. they should be teaching you teenage girls to do the same thing." he hissed.

"you sexist pig." nova scoffed.

with that, nova paged her manager. she quietly stood there as the man yelled some more.

"so guess what little red riding hood, i'm going to get you fired." the man pointed his finger in primrose's face.

      "i did nothing wrong, sir." primrose said.

      "you were holding me up."

     "sir, i took merely a second longer than i usually would.  i never meant to cause an inconvenience." primrose confessed.

     "i don't give a rat's ass about what you usually would do.  because last time i checked the customer is always r-"

      "excuse me, that is no way to talk to her." suzann, the manger, condemned.

      "and who the hell do you think you are?" the man growled.

      "the manager." she crossed her arms over her chest.

      "o-oh.  i'm s-sorry, ma'am."

     "cut the act.  i want you out of my store, now." suzann stated.

"you can't talk to me that way." the man shouted.

"yes i can. now get out or i call authorities." suzann smiled sweetly.

"fine. you and all the other bitches need to make a sandwich or something." the man trotted out, flipping everyone off.

"thank you, suzann." primrose said.

"it was my pleasure. no one should talk to anyone like that." suzann patted primrose's shoulder.

      primrose smiled and nova grabbed onto the redhead's hand.  suzann excuses herself and let the girls get back to work.

     "he was a sexist pig." nova rolled her eyes.

     "tell me about it."

     "better get back, before the crowd devours me." nova laughed as she gestured to an older woman patiently waiting at the concession.


      "yo-yo." jalon pirks said as he entered the break room.

      "you're on something." nova sighed.

"when is he not?" primrose giggled and took a sip from her water bottle.

"true." nova shrugged.

"sooo. what do we think about the new starbucks barista?" jalon took a seat and rested his head on top of his palm.

"what do you think?" nova raised her eyebrow.

"she's really cute. and she's like super sophisticated, but she can also be goofy. does anyone even use the word goofy? goofy. funny story. i found this 'i was today years old' post on instagram and turns out goofy might actually be a cow. i wouldn't really expect that-" jalon went on.

"bi panic at its finest." nova laughed.

"this is biphobia." jalon crosses his arms.

"how so?" prim asked politely.

"because-" he stopped as soon as the new girl, willa monet, entered.

the three stopped and stared at the girl. she was new in town and had started to search for a job fairly quickly. and there she was.

"please. don't stop on my account." willa said and made her way over to the vending machine.

"i'm jalon."

"we already met. willa, if you forgot." she stated and didn't even glance toward the boy.

"is that short for something?" nova questioned.

"yep. willa." she scoffed.

"drop the tude, sweetheart." nova ridiculed.

"how about you don't tell me what to do." willa slammed her fist into the vending machine's side.

"what's your problem?" nova stood up.

"i don't want to be here!" willa stormed out.

then a cluster of starburst fell down the shoot.

"she forgot her starbursts." jalon raised his hands and let them fall back down.


primrose stood behind the register. a smile upon her face. it lit up the entire room.

"will that be all, ma'am?"

"yes, dear." a mother let out a sigh and tried to force a pacifier into her child's mouth.

"it'll be forty-eight dollars and seventy-two cents."

the woman swiped her card and inserted her pin. her child finally latched onto the pacifier.

"here's your receipt. thank you for shopping at target." primrose handed her the receipt and placed the plastic bags into the woman's cart.

after the woman left, willa was at primrose's side. the redhead hadn't noticed the brunette at first. so she was in for quite a fright.

"ahh!" primrose gasped as she turned.

"emergency." willa breathed out.


"okay. so i could only really go to the teens about this. i can't find jalon and there's no way i'd talk to nova. so i'm here, talking to you." willa explained.

"wow. someone's changed their attitude." prim genuinely smiled.

"haha. but seriously."

"okay. what's up?"

"are you a fan of stranger things?" willa asked.

"of course." primrose replied.

"well they're here!"

"wait what?" primrose's eyes opened wider.

"yep. gaten just ordered from me. thee gaten matarazzo ordered a venti, unsweetened, black iced tea." willa squealed.

      "mood swings much?" primrose mumbled.


       "oh nothing.  i'm just really excited.  i want to see the angel, sadie sink."

      "i want to marry her!"

      "mood." primrose laughed.

      "shit.  got to get back to the register.  talk to you later." willa skipped away.

      "what the fu-" primrose said inaudibly.

      "excuse me?" a voice softly asked.

      "oh i'm so sorry." primrose was met with the eyes of a seventeen year old boy. 

      her voice went dry.  her eyes were focused on his.  she licked her dry lips.  prim cleared her throat.

      "it's fine." he smiled. 

      behind him was joe keery, noah schnapp, and sadie sink.  prim looked around and found some other members of the cast.

      "so...are you going to ring my things up?"

      "oh.  yeah!  i'm sorry.  i'm not that focused right now.  today has been rough.  what am i saying?  i shouldn't be complaining, especially to the customers." primrose began to ring up his items.

      "it's fine.  you seem to be quite the talkative one." caleb chuckled.

      "actually the opposite.  i've never talked this much to a person in one conversation in my entire life." prim admitted.

      "that's interesting.  well, if we're going to be admitting things, i-"

      "that'll be seventeen dollars and thirty-eight cents."

      "you're kidding, right?" joe chirped from behind.

     "nope." the redhead shook her head.

     caleb swiped his card and typed in his pin, "if we're being honest.  i came to this line because i thought you happened to be gorgeous and i wanted to have the chance to talk to you."

      primrose grew quiet, "here's your receipt."

      she practically threw the receipt at him.  she quickly bagged his items and handed him the bag.  before he trotted away, he glanced at her name tag.

      "well i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, primrose." caleb smiled and treaded away.


      hey sisters.  enjoy.  this is complete trash, but you know.  all my writing is anyway.
