
Zarin was shocked would be an understatement, she was confused at Arslan's words.

Zarin: Arslan what're you saying, what happened to mummy ji, how did she fell into pool?

Arslan was looking at her with angry eyes, just then someone informed them that the ambulance has arrived. Arslan held his mother in his arms and went towards the ambulance

Everyone rushed to the hospital in their cars while Arslan went with their mother!

At Hospital:

Afreen is in the emergency room and doctors are checking her out. After sometime doctor came out .

Doctor: You bring her at the right time, she is fine now and you can take her home by tomorrow morning.

Arslan: Thank you doctor

Doctor: It's ok young man, i should take my leave now!

Zarin: Arslan what happened here and why everyone is angry with me, please tell me?

Haroon: If not angry then what should we do Zarin, you ashamed me!

Zarin: Just stop stop it papa... Stop blaming me and tell me what the hell happened!

She shouted at all of them with tearful eyes

Arslan: So you want to know huh? So let me help you in reminding your memory, so listen zarin, you're the one who pushed my mom in the pool!

Zarin: Whh...whaattt... How can you blame me Arslan, i didn't do anything, infact i came there after you.

Arslan: Stop lying Zarin we saw you at the pool!


Everyone is on terrace busy in their talks when they heard a splash sound followed by a scream, they saw zarin standing at the edge of the pool and afreen in water struggling for her life, when they shouted for afreen they saw zarin running from there.

Back to Present:

Arslan: Now what do you have to say huh?

Zarin: Arslan I don't know anything, i swear, infact i was in our room at that time.

She explained how a kid came to her and how she went to their room and didn't found anyone

Danish: Zarin we saw with our eyes, same dress, same hijab, our own eyes can't deceive us right?

Zarin went towards Arslan and held him by his shoulders

Zarin: Arslan you have to believe me, don't you believe your zarin!

Arslan: Zarin I don't know what's happening here, i know your's  and mom's relation was bitter but never ever i didn't imagine even in my dreams that you'll stoop this low, how can you zarin...how can you do this, when you clearly knows mom has aquaphobia, just leave that phobia aside, how can you do this sin?

ZARIN SLAPPED ARSLAN hard on his cheek and angrily glared at everyone.

Rehana: Zarin how can you slap your husband, how dare you, say sorry to Arslan!

Zarin: I WON'T MOM , I WONT SAY SORRY TO HIM WHEN IT'S NOT EVEN MY FAULT. Let us ask mummy ji tomorrow.

They all nods to her and went to home except Arslan and Danish as they wished to stay with their mother

At morning:

Afreen got discharged early morning, and now everyone is present in the living room of Taimoor's house, Ayeza brought Afreen and made her sit on the sofa

Arslan: Mom how are you feeling now..

Afreen: I'm fine beta(child) don't worry

Zarin: Mummy ji can you tell us what happened yesterday and how do you fell in the pool?

Afreen: So, when i was busy attending the guests , i got message from Zarin to meet me at pool area though i found it strange i went there to meet her but i found no one, i stood there waiting for her but my mistake was that i stood there by facing the pool and just then someone pushed me into the water , i failed to see her face as i was struggling for my life but i just saw her dress and it resembles to ....

She stopped for few seconds and then continued

Afreen: And that dress reselmbles zarin's dress or may be it was zarin

She whispered zarin's name slowly, everyone went silent when she took zarin's name, just then saniya came and sat beside afreen.

Saniya: Auntie how are you feeling now, I'm sorry for not being there with you, i was unwell and was sleeping when all this happened, and as you know no one informed me but thanks to the maid who cared to enlighten me with the news and I'm shocked to hear it, how can zarin do this?

Zarin: Oh just stop with your drama saniya, I'm sure you're behind this.  And how can i send message to you mummy ji, when i don't have my phone, and I'm sure about this too , saniya is the one who sent messages from my phone and i was searching for my phone since yesterday!

Arslan: Stop this drama zarin, it's not a tv drama to cook a story, it's reality!!

Saniya: Stop blaming your sin on me, i was unwell and was in my room the whole day and night, you can ask anyone !

Zarin: Why are you lying saniya,i was there with you when it all happened and yeah i remember it now you didn't let me go near the pool area for sometime and kept me busy in your useless talks!

Arslan: Stop it zarin, just stop... Ok listen, let's end this matter and say sorry to everyone for your henious act, and may be I'll forgive you!

Zarin laughed at him with tears in her eyes,and shouted at him.

Zarin: SORRY FOR WHAT MR ARSLAN TAIMOOR, when i didn't do anything wrong, why should i ask forgiveness from everyone, infact I'm hurt by seeing this side of you and my whole family. I always trusted you and your words Arslan, where as you don't. So listen to me carefully i won't say sorry to the crime which I didn't do.

Arslan: So you won't say sorry huh?
Now for God's sake just go from here, i didn't want to see your face now!

Zarin: You want me to go from here huh? Where is your love and trust Arslan, and remember if i go from here I won't come back to you!

Arslan: Zarin just go from here....NOW!!!!!

He shouted at her while zarin ran from there crying profusely, while saniya smirks at this,  everyone was tensed about Arslan and Zarin.


Zarin was in her house in her room crying at her fate, when Tarannum came there and hugged her

Tarannum: Di(sister), don't cry, i trust you, though i saw you there but my heart knows that it's not you

Zarin: Thank you Tarnnum for trusting your di, when no body believed me. Taru I'm sure saniya is behind all this, but I'm unable to understand how she did all this.

Tarannum: Now what will you do di, jiju is angry right now.

Zarin: I won't go to that house unless Arslan will take me!

Just then Zarin's phone rang and it was Arslan, she picked it hurridely.

Zarin: He..helooo,Arslan

Arslan: Zarin listen to me very carefully, just tell me why did you do this and i promise I'll forgive you and we will be back like before!

Zarin: I'm not gonna explain my innocence again and again

Arslan: So you won't admit right.... now listen dammit she is my mom though i love you but i love her more than you and I can't see my mom in pain,so if you don't want to accept your msitake then forget about me and don't call me ever again!

That's it he cuts the call shattering Zarin's heart into million of pieces, her heart was bleeding with the pain and she kept her palm on her stomach
and cried bitterly.

Zarin told tarannum about their conversation. Tarannum told her to take rest and went to her parents to talk.

Rehana(Zarin's mom): I trust my daughter but our eyes can't deceive right.

Haroon(Zarin's dad): Yes may be we should confront zarin and tell her to ask forgiveness from her inlaws, may be she did all this in anger at her mother in law.

Rehana: I think you're right, we have to talk to her

Tarannum: How can you doubt your own daughter, she is your blood, can't you trust your own daughter.

Rehana: Stop it tarannum, don't poke your nose in elder's matter.

Zarin heard all this when she is on the way to kitchen to drink water, she was devastated to heard all this from her own parents and now she decides what to do


The next day zarin informed everyone that she is leaving from the city, Arslan's anger increased more on her but deep in his heart he knows he is the one to be blamed for, he remembered their yesterday's conversation and he understands that his bitter words of not contacting him again made zarin took this decision but his ego win at the end and he didn't try to stop zarin. Saniya slowly walked out from everyone and went outside.

Rizwan(Arslan's dad):But what about your marriage Arslan, marriage is not a game, you two are destroying your life, go and bring back zarin even though she did wrong but it doesn't meant you both will live seperately.

Arslan: Who said I'm divorcing her dad, I'll not leave her, she has to come to me, i won't go to her!

Rizwan shouted at Arslan and his madness but Arslan went from there.


Zarin was at airport hugging her sister bidding her farewell and after a tearful good bye, tarannum went from there. When Zarin is about to go inside, saniya came there.

Saniya: So our zarin is going somewhere huh..... See i told you that Arslan is mine and look what you have done to your life, i already warned you!

Zarin: So you're follwing me?

Saniya: Yes, and that's not important,but the thing which is important is Arslan is going to be mine soon. Oh you won't believe me, I'm so happy right now, soon I'll be his wife, soon I'll be in his life, room and..and in his arms!

Zarin: Saniyaaa

Zarin shouted at her which made saniya laughed hard

Saniya: Shout how much you want because no one is going to believe you, even your parent's didn't believed you and poor girl no one is here for bidding farewell to you that's why i came here to bid you a lovely good bye. But before you go i want to tell you, how i did this.

Zarin was looking at her with anger in her eyes though she was getting late for the flight, she wants to listen how this witch did all this.

Saniya: You was right, I'm the one behind all this, i sent that kid to you, i sent the message by stoling your mobile to that good for nothing oldy, my aunt. But but...you know the twist here, i was not the one who pushed her in the water. Infact i hired someone to do this deed, i planned everything from with your matching dress to your hijab and i was there keeping an eye at the surroundings, and that's why i kept you busy with my nonsense to let my hired lady go from there and till everyone arrives. I was in blanket roaming around pretending to be unwell so that no one can doubt me.

Zarin: How dare you saniya, she is your own aunt, how can you do this to her?

Saniya: Oh please, I won't love that oldy, i love Arslan and want only him and i can do anything for him. And you know a thing if my lovely aunt wouldn't have stand by facing towards the pool, this tradegy wouldn't have happened and you probably remain in Arslan's life. I work very hard yesterday and what do you think, do i deserve the best actor award?

Zarin: Disgusting, you're a witch who swallow everyone. Just go from here and Allah is there with me and i have believe in my Allah, he will make a way for me to prove my innocence to everyone.

Zarin went from there to catch her flight, she kept her palm on her stomach and promised herself to take care of the little life which is growing in her womb.

Unknown to them Tarannum has recorded all of this in her mobile when she is back on her way to talk to Zarin. She quickly went from there as she doesn't want to alert Saniya.


At night Taimoor's Mansion:

Everyone is on dining table when their mobiles pinged at the same time, they got the video message of Saniya's confrontation along with the audio message of Tarannum

(Tarannum's audio message): Now you people believe my di right, Allah made a way to prove my sister's innocence, jiju now you believe your wife right, mom dad now you believe your daughter right? Shame on all of you, now be happy everyone as she was gone from your life .

And that's it, saniya went pale by hearing all this, Afreen held her hand and made her stand on her feet, she slapped her hard

Afreen: How dare you Saniya, how dare you? I trusted you, and you did all this!

Saniya: Yes i did all this, but for Arslan, i love him so much, why can't he see my love for him?

Saniya went to Arslan and cups his face

Saniya: Can't you see how much i love you Arslan, just see my love for you, marry me Arslan, i can do anything for you!

He jerked her hands from his face

Arslan: Love...This is not love saniya, you're insane, you hurted my mother, she is your aunt, and i... oh my Allah, what did i do, i didn't belived my Zarin in my anger and rage. I destroyed our life and it's all happened beacuse of you witch, just go from here.....GOOO!!!!!!

He madly shouted at saniya and held her hand and throws her out

Arslan: Don't you even dare to come again and don't even think to contact us again, say thanks to us for not lodging any complaint against you and giving you a second chance, now get lost from our lives.

Saying this he shut the door and collapsed on the floor

Arslan: Mom what did i do, what did we all do, we doubted zarin and now she is gone. Dad you was right i destroyed our marriage because of my ego and rage. Now let's go we have to go to Siddiqui's house.

They all went to Siddiqui's house, even Haroon and Rehana was ashamed on doubting their daughter, they asked Tarannum about Zarin's where abouts.

Tarannum: I'm sorry i can't say, di took promise from me, she is devastated and doesn't want anyone to know about her. And you know what, you people deserve all this, you didn't believe my sister now bear all this. Where ever she is, she is happy there.

Taimoor's went back to their house, everything was shattered, there's darkness everywhere in their lives, Afreen is cursing herself if she was right with zarin from the beginning, it wouldn't have happened, she was worried for his son and zarin


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And by the way, I'm from India❤️🤗


Assalamualaikum and hello my dear readers

How's the chap😶

So the confusion got cleared and let's see what will happen in the next part

I really want to ask, is this story is interesting or not?😌🤔

Don't forget to vote and comment, i want at least 100 votes for the next chap

Till then Allah hafiz and bye my dearies ❤️
