Chapter 3: Final Duties? More Like Final Chores

We continued heading downstairs, apparently there's about four more floors to go before we get to the bottom level. It wasn't that much exhausting for me, but I guess this will suffice for morning exercise today.

The formal duties were nothing to actually worry about since anyone can get them done in less than thirty minutes tops. If we finish those duties early, I can finally go to my bucket list and do things that I actually want.

"Being positioned in the rear might be a problem since we are Academy graduates", I said a bit worriedly.

Valle then bit back with a hint of laughter, "Says you; you hate the frontline more than I do".

"Ha, ha", I laughed in sarcasm. I then nodded with a grin, "Well you got me right there".

It is true that I hate the frontlines, not that I fear my enemies, not that I fear getting killed myself, but because of the fear of losing everyone and everything I have. My father told me the story of how my mother died before I enlisted for the Academy, in the fires of a laboratory within the walls of Tecknotia, set aflame by mages.

There lies my anger. I may have never actually met my true mother, yet I have this flame inside me that wants to avenge her and help bring back peace to Tecknotia so that no one will ever suffer the same loss as I have.

Oh no, I think I've gotten a bit angry because of my thoughts. Getting worked up makes my chest burn and sometimes gives me headaches. It must be that I'm not used to feeling like this.

"You look a bit serious there Endrey", said Valle who noticed my neutral expression.

"It's nothing Valle", I reassured him, "Seems like everyone has their reasons to go fight the big fight".

"Aiming for hero, are we? You really look up to General Delagado, don't you Endrey?", Valle asked.

I shook my head while grinning, "You look up to him as well, don't you? I mean, he's not all guns blazing, the General's an excellent tactician; he's like a walking Operations Department himself".

"Ever wondered why the General's so great and skillful?", Valle asked.

"Sometimes, although I think he's just one of those people born with talent; a prodigy of war", I replied as we finally reached the first floor.

It was much brighter here now and a bit chilly since they've opened the windows and turned off the air-conditioning. From outside the window, I could see the snow laden ground.

"Prodigy of war huh? I've always believed that the General could stop the war on his own", praised Valle.

What Valle just said might even be true. A man of General Delgado's skill may just be able to stop the war, but still, the fact remains that there are other generals out there with skill and talent of their own. For me, everyone has the power to stop the war.

We continued walking forwards, the office is close to the Academy's door. Junior Cadets passed by, some reading books, some were talking among themselves, and some might also be on their way to the office. As we kept on walking, a cadet stopped in front of us.

"Junior Cadet, Wallace Grant, honored to meet you sir", said the cadet as he saluted, "I just wanted to congratulate you for finally moving up to the ranks. Best of luck to you, sir".

"Senior Cadet, Endrey Alexis, the pleasure is mine", I saluted with a smile, "Best of luck to your studies Cadet Grant, I hope to see you along the ranks one day"

"Be careful as well man, not all the seniors are going up the ranks and umm, you can drop the formality, it's just us", Valle whispered to Wallace.

Formality wasn't actually a thing for me and Valle most of the times when it's just us, we just both feel weird being too formal with each other, and we also feel a bit weird when someone else other than the instructors or higher-ups are being too formal towards us.

"Pardon me sir, for I cannot do that" replied the cadet, still in a serious tone, "I wish to follow the Code of Respect, with all due respect"

"Then it's great to meet a cadet worthy of going to the ranks one day", Valle acknowledged, then he saluted, "Senior Cadet, Valentine Cruz, it's a pleasure to meet you Cadet Grant"

"Now, we'll be on our to finish our final duties" I finally said, "I do hope we meet again Cadet Grant"

Now that was dealt with, Valle and I can now continue on our morning walk to the office which was just a few doors away. That cadet acted really formal with us, makes me feel weird, but at the same time I was amazed by his will to follow the Academy Code.

Speaking of following, I suddenly noticed that the cadet was following us as well. At first, I thought he was going to head right towards the toilet, but he didn't and he kept following us.

"Hey Valle, hey", I called out in a whisper, "That cadet is following us".

"Just act normal", Valle replied straightly without looking at me. It was evident that Valle was really weirded out by the kid, because not only was he so formal, but he's also probably stalking us.

It was a minute long of walking which felt like ages as we were being followed by this hawk called Wallace. We eventually got to the office's front table, hopefully they invite us inside, a full-proof way that Wallace won't be able to follow us. As I was still formulating my devious plan, Valle snapped and turned to face the junior cadet.

"Cadet Wallace, may I ask you what you are doing following two senior cadets towards the Office desk?", asked Valle, looking Wallace at the eye.

"Sir", Wallace saluted, "I wanted to witness how the seniors finish their duties before they move to the ranks"

"You should've just asked, junior cadet", said Valle, emphasizing those last two words.

As the both of them kept rabbling, I looked around the place, some things have changed, small renovations seemed as though they changed the whole place. More and more cadets were being enlisted by the Academy as the years passed by.

"Now what do we have here?", asked an officer in front the desk, disturbing me from my little game of spot-the-difference. It was Miss Grace, the same officer who was at this table who enlisted me to the Academy.

"Good Morning Miss Grace", I greeted with a smile, "We've come to–"

"I'll be right on it Endrey. Congratulations on your big promotion", replied Ms. Grace instantaneously. She noticed Valle and the junior cadet Wallace talking behind us in a way she was confused about, "Now what are you doing there Valentine?"

"Ah, Miss Grace, this junior cadet seems to be stalking us", Valle answered accusingly.

"Wallace, is that you? Are you following higher-ups again dear?", asked Ms. Grace as she took a closer look at the cadet.

"Miss, it is my first time seeing a senior cadet undergoing their final duties, my only intention is to witness such an honorable moment", Wallace replied with a salute. I swear this kid's way too formal with the way he speaks, it almost feels as if he's a commanding officer himself.

"Wallace, have you finished your own work in the Art of War? You were supposed to do research in that", replied Ms. Grace with a sigh, then she turned to Valle and I, "I'm really sorry boys, Wallace just has a huge interest in higher-ups and gets himself distracted".

"No, no, it's fine Ms. Grace, I sort of get what Wallace is thinking", I said, thinking of how much I looked up to General Delagado. Valle opened his eyes wide at me like he was saying, "Seriously?".

"But, but...", Valle was stuttering.

With my hand wide open, I patted Valle's shoulder with quite some force, trying my best to look normal, "Valle is absolutely fine with it as well."

Ms. Grace looked at Valle for a few seconds a gave him a smile, "Well I suppose it would be alright to have him with you for the meantime, but I do swear, I think someone was looking for him urgently, one of the Academy staff."

"That's fine as well. There's a bigger chance we'll find who's looking out for Cadet Grant if he follows us, we'll be roaming around the campus anyway.", I replied.

"Kind of you to help Private Alexis. You three can just sit down there while I go through the process to clear out your names.", said Ms. Grace in her calm tone as she went to the computer beside her.

Wait. Ms. Grace just called me 'Private Alexis' and not 'Cadet Alexis'. I haven't been promoted yet, but I felt the sense of having a rank in the TLF.

"Not to be rude sir, but these final duties seem more like final errands.", claimed Wallace as he saluted.

Valle nodded in agreement, "Now that's something we can agree upon."

"But why did you wanna bring the kid along with us?", Valle whispered to me all of a sudden.

"Well, I just, I just saw him as myself when I used to think so highly of General Colorado", I briefly answered, "I would've followed him the same way as Wallace if I did meet him in person way back".

Valle gave a sigh, "Still the same Endrey eh? You like giving everyone a chance to fulfil something".

I grinned at those words, it seems I haven't really changed much at all, other than the new experiences I gained. All three of us sat down in the front row of chairs at the office desk's left side.

Of all the levels of the Academy building, the first floor seems to be the most crowded today. Looking behind, there seems to be a fair lot of people sitting as well, waiting for something.

The television was on, the news seemed normal, looks like the prices for fuel are going up again. When I was getting tired of the television, an announcement showed up and it took my full attention as well as everyone who heard it.

Sirens of firetrucks echoed by the Academy, 'Mage Attack Within Tecknotian Walls'. My blood was boiling right now, that's the second time in three months. So, it was true, mages are still hiding inside Tecknotia, rather than choosing to live peacefully with a concealed identity they chose to destroy the lives of us powerless people.

"Five were found dead and two others were injured in an attack in an occupied apartment at Pedrado Avenue".

There it was again, the sudden urge of wanting to do something, the urge to want to help, the urge to put an end to this war. It makes me think how right my father really is about those mages: A threat.

War brandished by the strong unto the weak. They think they're on top just because they have something not every other human has. Power gifted to the wrong individuals.

"Privates, you're good to go", Ms. Grace said, hitting the 'enter' key loudly on the keyboard.

I stood up and saluted, "Thank you Ms. Grace, we'll be taking our leave."

"Thanks for everything throughout the years Ms. Grace", said Valle with a smile.

Valle and Wallace stood up as well, Ms. Grace seemed really happy for us as we started walking, like chicks leaving the nest. For a few seconds I was left silence, contemplating on my anger, it didn't feel good. I need to keep calm.

"Sir, what are your opinions on the enemy?", asked Wallace on a whim.

"I hate them, not because of their power nor their race", I started to say, "But because of what they've done with the power they have."

"Now, now Endrey, don't go all deep in thought like that right now", said Valle, putting his elbow on my shoulder, "We're graduating, be happy man."

"I'm sorry", I apologized, "You're right Valle, now's not the time for this, now let's get to returning our senior insignias."

All three of us went past the elevator doors through the left since we didn't need to go up the complex. Valle and I have a feeling that Major Frederic was teaching third rank juniors Tactics and Formation somewhere around the classrooms around here.

The morning sun shone brightly through the windows which were all wet now after the snow melted. Truly it's a day to be happy like Valle said.

A voice echoed in one of the nearby rooms. It was A-12. Yep, Major Frederic is definitely there, his voice is like a bazooka which can go into a rapid-fire mode. Valle went on ahead of us in a quick pace, he liked the Major's class since it was battlefield command tactics after all.

Once Valle knocked on the door, a loud "Quiet" was heard from what seemed to be at least 5 rooms away from the A-12 classroom. The door clicked; it was unlocked.

Opening the door, Valle went in a rush and gave a salute to Major Frederic, "Senior Cadet Valentine Cruz, sir."

"Senior Cadet Endrey Alexis", I followed.

"Fifth Rank Junior Cadet Wallace Grant, sir.", saluted Wallace.

"What brings you talented soldiers to my office? I thought you were already in the command room Valentine.", said the Major, laughing loudly at that last part.

"Sir, we've come to return our insignias by the tradition of moving up the ranks." Valle replied.

"You boys have excelled and grown a lot during your academy days.", said Major Frederic as he nodded, then he turned to the juniors sitting down looking dumbfounded at the board loaded with sketches of formations, "And I absolutely hope all of you excel like these fine men here!"

"Phalanx, form twenty-seven, rarely applicable in case of melee combat, used only by elites specifically those units in direct control by a general.", said Valle as he examined the drawing on the board. The Major raised his eyebrows and nudged his head towards Valle's direction. The cadets were dead silent.

"GET TO WRITING!", Major Frederic boomed.

"They'll get used to that Major", I said, words slipping out of my mouth as I tugged on my insignia and gave held it out for the Major.

The Major laughed, "Bet they will Cadet Alexis."

"Now who's this young one here, fifth rank?", asked Major Frederic, "You make me want to teach at fourth-rank son, it seems discipline should start early or else you'll end up like these numbskulls."

"I'll be happy to accept your proposal sir; I wish to excel like Senior Cadet Alexis and Cruz.", Wallace answered in his usual formal tone.

"A fine cadet you've got with you men, shows no fear.", commented the Major.

"Well, I'm sure he'll be a great soldier very soon Major.", I agreed.

Valle handed over his insignia as well, while Wallace kept looking in deep curiosity. I gave a little smile seeing the boy being curious as to what's happening. In the near future he'll be a senior, and it's gonna be a lot of work for him.

"Two slots are opened boys, if anyone of you wants to race for a position for Senior Cadet, then I suggest you all start getting recommendations.", boomed Major Frederic.

The class kept silent, focused on writing what was on the board. "That's all good cadets, you may now leave. Dismiss!"

All three of us saluted and exited the room and closed the door behind us. The Major sure gives off a huge aura of intimidation to be honest, he's got that whole "I'm in command" vibe.

"That's all there is Valle, now to get ready for–"

"Attention Senior Cadets admitted to the Liberation Force, due to a sudden emergency involving the military selections, your moving-up meal would be moved to 7 p.m. On behalf of the Academy, we are sorry for the inconvenience."

"Well that's that.", Valle said briefly.

"I guess we have all day now to wait for our final meal with our fellow seniors.", I replied, "Want to catch some air?"

"You thinking what I'm thinking?", Valle asked, grinning at me.

"Vultures seven and twelve are free for a ride. Let's go get some Gs." I suggested. The both us then hurriedly made a run for it on our way to the hangars. If there's anything I'd want to do before leaving the Academy, it's taking a high-speed, high-tech, and unarmed jet for a trip.
