
"WILLOW! Are you nervous?" Luz and Amity came running up to her (Holding hands, of course) as Willow grabbed her textbooks from her locker.

"Oh My God, you have no idea!" Willow replied not-so-calmly.

"Well, don't be. You're gonna do amazing." Amity reassured her. 

"Oh thanks. Though I already knew that, Blythe." Came an annoyingly stuck-up voice from behind them. Boscha and her usual posse pushed past Luz and stopped beside Willow.

"She was talking to Willow!" Luz cried.

"Ohh, it's the weird kid! Why don't you and your little girlfriend go jump off a bridge?" Boscha asked.

"No thanks, but I'd happily push You off one!" Amity evenly replied.

"Oh Blythe, you're soo cute thinking you're anything more than a (insert colourful language here) loser." Her whole group of yes-men laughed.

"Boscha, go away. You're not funny, and you and your posse all know it. Why don't you do everyone a favour and shut your goddamn mouth?" Willow asked Boscha.

"You little- "Boscha started, but Mr. Harriet interrupted her. 

"Ladies, is there a problem here?"  The slightly overweight man in his fifties asked. He didn't give them a chance to respond. "Good. Now get to class."

"Yes, sir." Willow responded. 

As soon as they were out of earshot, Amity asked. "Okay, how good did that feel?"

Willow grinned. "It was awesome."

"I bet." Said Luz.

                    (AFTER CLASS, Willow's POV)

"Ookayy, the nerves are kicking in. Wish me luck!" Willow said to Hunter, Gus, Luz, and Amity. They were standing outside the auditorium, which was where the auditions were being held.

Hunter unexpectedly hugged her. "You don't need luck." He held on for just a second too long, and both their faces turned a rather pretty shade of crimson. 

"Thanks, Hunter." She told him. To everyone else, she said. "Byyyeeee!"

"Bye!" "Good luck!" "knock their socks off!" Came the response of her friends. Willow took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hi, um, is this the talent show auditions?" She asked nervously. 

"Yeh. Arr ye here for 'em?" Replied a gruff-looking lady wearing tights and a much too small leotard.

"Oh, yeah, I'm- "Git back stage." The lady wildly jabbed a thumb at a door over her shoulder, just before the stage. There were a couple of chairs and table set up, but no judges yet.

"Okay, thank you." Willow scurried to the door, opened it with some effort, and walked in.

The first thing she noticed was that it was dark. Then, straining her eyes, she saw all sorts of props, and very few people, only about 6. There were five chairs along the back wall, ( only two of which were taken) and steps leading up to a small door. The stage.

"Wow, Wannabe, you actually showed up. That's further than I thought you'd come." Said Boscha, who was one of the two sitting in the chairs. Willow sighed. She had forgotten Boscha was going to be here, too.  

"What's the matter? Are you (You guessed it, more colourful language) scared?" Came that annoyingly snarky voice again.

"No." Willow did her best to look calm and confident. She brushed aside a hula hoop and sat down in the seat farthest from Boscha.

"Well, you should be. You're definitely not making it."

"Shut up, Boscha." She said, not looking at her.

Boscha started to say something, then stopped. The door at the top of the stairs was opening!

"Wo' Boscha Foley come ou' ere?" Said the gruff lady, poking her head around the corner.

"Alright." Boscha got up and followed the woman onto the stage, but not before shooting a smug look at Willow, who swallowed hard. 

A few minutes later, the gruff lady came back.

"Emily White?" She called out. A rather skinny girl followed her out this time. 

Willow was growing more nervous by the second. She felt like puking when she was finally called up. She walked onstage to find bright lights, a microphone, and the gruff lady mumbling about stairs while she ungracefully descended from the stage. 

"Oh, ma'am, you could just go through the backstage area again." Willow tried to be helpful.

"Ar' you 'eing smart wi' me?" The woman swivelled her head around to look at her.

"Oh, no. I just thought- "Yeh, yeh, what'ver. Ju' get to your act."  

The lady sat down next to a tall, middle-aged man with glasses at the table Willow had seen earlier. 

"Okay uhh..." He checked a sheet of paper in front of him. "Willow. What will you be doing for us today?"

"I'll be singing."

"What song?"

"Um, 'It's okay' by the Imagine Dragons."   (Real song, I heard it and thought 'WILLOW')

"Really? I love that song! Do you know- "Ahem." The gruff lady cleared her throat.

"Oh. Right, sorry. Go ahead, Willow."

Willow took a deep breath, grabbed the mic, opened her mouth and:

"She can always hear every word they say
Everybody walks like they just know the way
Every single day, holdin' back the tears
She'd never say a word 'cause there's nobody that hears
It's okay to be not okay
It's just fine to be out of your mind.   
Breathe in deep, just a day at a time (ooh, ooh)
'Cause it's okay to be out of your mind, mind
Mine is broken, how is yours?
Sure it helps to hear the news and political discourse
Fear, that is what I felt
Every single day, 'cause all of them would play
Don't you dare be weak, emasculated freak
Last up on the fence, tell me where's the sense?
It's okay to be not okay
It's just fine to be out of your mind
Breathe in deep, just a day at a time (ooh, ooh)
'Cause it's okay to be out of your mind
I don't want this body, I don't want this voice
I don't wanna be here but I guess I have no choice
Just let me live my truth, that's all I wanna do
Oh, you're not broken, just a little bit confused
It's okay to be not okay (I need you here with me)
It's just fine to be out of your mind (I can't do it all alone)
Breathe in deep, just a day at a time (just a day at a time)
'Cause it's okay to be out of your mind (it's okay, out of your mind)
It's okay to be not okay (I need you here with me)
It's just fine to be out of your mind (I can't do it all alone)
Breathe in deep, just a day at a time (just a day at a time)
'Cause it's okay to be out of your mind (it's okay, out of your mind)
(Ga-da, la-la, la-la, la-la, la)"

"Okay, thank you. The results will be posted shortly." The man told her.

"Okay." Willow hopped down from the stage (Boscha had never come back through the exit, so she figured this was what you were supposed to do) and headed to the exit of the auditorium, glad that that was over with.
