challenges of apples and princesses

It was well into the next day when the trio arrived in the next kingdom, which Nicholas explained held a king who had a challenge present.

"He's placed his daughter on top of a glass mountain with three golden apples," he explained. "Whoever is the brave man to collect and bring all three will have the princess and half his kingdom as a reward."

"He's marrying off the princess with that?" Ladybug furrowed her brows in confusion. "Am I the only one realizing how dumb that sounds?"

"Glass mountains aren't easy to scale," Nicholas shrugged.

"Okay, so I'll do it," Ladybug shrugged. "Where's this mountain?"

"Um, you do realize the challenge is restricted to men, right?" Nicholas pointed out.

"So?" Ladybug said.

"Yeah, it says for princes and knights," Cat Noir added.

"Boys," Ladybug muttered. "I'll show you. I'll show them all. This girl is about to get a golden apple and do it like it's nothing."

Or... not, considering she wasn't with the boys when Nicholas showed the way to the glass mountain. Princes and knights were already trying their hand at scaling the mountain, but no one made it a foot up. The closest prince went like a foot and a half.

"Take that!" the prince hooted when he saw the newcomers. "Say, are you two vying for the golden apple? There's only one left!"

Cat Noir wasn't sure how to say actually my friend that I love wants to try but at the moment she's not here and we tried to talk her out of it but she's still trying, so he went with a shrug.

"Yeah, these two knights showed up these last two days," another prince added. "One in brass armor, and the other in silver. We wonder if either of them will return to claim the last apple. The princess seems to favor both of them."

That's when a thundering noise sounded, and all the boys turned to see a horse come into the clearing, with a bright golden bit and saddle. A rider in golden armor rode on its back, the gold reflecting the sun's rays.

"Who is that?" a prince asked as the newcomer dismounted. He started walking to the mountain's base, but Cat Noir couldn't help but notice the stature, the way this boy was inspecting the glass...

His suspicions were confirmed when he saw a lock of dark hair come out of the helmet, not long enough for the other boys to realize, but it was enough time for him.

Ladybug ran her fingers against the glass, the gears turning in her head. There was a solution to this; there had to be.

The glass being too smooth confirmed her thoughts; simply riding or walking up wouldn't work.

And she didn't have her yo-yo avaliable; she would've used it instantly.

Then again, the way she would've used it could still work.

She quickly unhooked the coil of rope from the golden saddle, seeing how long it was, then estimated the height of the mountain. It wasn't too tall; she could see a tiny princess sitting on top, a golden apple in her hands.

It's mine, she thought.

"This knight isn't riding up yet; what's he up to?" a prince asked.

Cat Noir was also curious to see what Ladybug would pull off.

She tied one end securely around her waist, forming a loop on the other end and aiming, swinging the rope like she would her yo-yo.

"What is she doing?" Nicholas whispered.

"I think she misses her yo-yo too much," Cat Noir whispered back. "But I also think she just found a way up the mountain."

Ladybug gained enough momentum and threw. She and every boy there watched as the rope flew to the sky.

After waiting a moment, she tugged on the rope, feeling it go taut. Perfect.

Pulling slightly on the rope, she began the climb, but the metal from the armor kept slipping and she fell to the grass.

"Go barefoot!" someone shouted, like they all wanted her to succeed.

Of course, they all thought she was some great knight or something.

She slid off the armor's shoes, feeling the soles of her feet tickle the soft grass.

This was it.

Her feet weren't that sweaty, so she finally found a gripping as she started scaling the mountain.

"He's really doing it!" a boy exclaimed as she got higher. Muscles strained, but she forced herself to keep moving, the princess's curious smile getting closer and closer. Sweat beaded on her through the armor; heavy gold probably wasn't the best idea. But she'd been trying to figure out a solution when she'd run into Boots, the kid who'd worn the brass and silver armor to get the first two apples. She promised he could have the last apple on condition that she retrieved it. He'd been confused as well (most guys in this world seemed really surprised at a girl doing anything, apparently), but he liked her enthusiasm.

He said the armor would be the best way to disguise herself so she could at least have a chance.

Finally, she saw the base of the throne the princess was on.


"Oh my," the princess blushed a little (and Ladybug threw up in her mouth at the sight of it). "Who are you?"

Ladybug froze. What would the princess think?

She could only find out one way.

She took off the helmet, exposing her face in the sunlight, and the princess's face melted to surprise.

"Never in our world do girls brave such a feat," the princess said.

"Just trying to prove us ladies are capable," Ladybug said. "Why are you up here?"

"My father promised whoever could collect the golden apples would be my husband," the princess replied. "I've been stuck here for days, watching princes and knights fail. Even the brass knight and silver knight only went so far up the mountain. They could have easily scaled it."

"And this is why ladies are the better gender," Ladybug laughed. "Maybe you could use a hand coming down?"

"I'm not sure if I could," the princess said. "I was only here to give golden apples."

"Well, then here's the chance to have some fun," Ladybug held out her hand, and the princess hesitantly took it. Ladybug tugged on her rope and both of them began rappelling down the mountain, the princess cheering most of the way.

"Is that a girl?" a knight gasped once they hit the ground.

"We were bested by a maiden!" a prince realized. "But... the challenge wasn't for ladies!"

"Pfft, so?" Ladybug snickered. "You guys technically wanted me to win."

She started tossing the golden apple with one hand. "If you excuse me."

She mounted the horse and sped off.

"Do you two know her?" the prince who originally had the most height asked.

"Yeah... I do..." Cat Noir said.

He may have just fallen harder for her.

And there was nothing he could do about that.

"Why do you do it?" Nicholas asked. 

Ladybug turned to him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're doing things that are meant for men to do," Nicholas said. "Scaling mountains, getting golden apples, rescuing princesses from mountaintops?"

Ladybug snickered a little. "In my world, I'm doing all that in a way. I'm a superhero."

"Well, maybe it works in your world," Nicholas pursed his lips together. "But in this world, things are different."

He stepped closer. "Then again, these fairy tales you talk of seem like they've been in your world hundreds of years. Maybe they just need something fresh."

"Like what?" she raised an eyebrow. 

He gently brushed a stray lock of hair off her face. "Like you. You break the rules a lot. I'd just advise you to draw the line somewhere. Our world isn't ready for all the changes you're bringing."

Even if the words felt offensive, she couldn't help her cheeks from pinking. "And what if I change things?"

He smiled. 

"Then I guess we'll see what you can do."

He gently pressed his lips against the back of her hand. 

And behind it all, Cat Noir was just about ready to gag. 
