Chapter Sixteen

Once she had managed to subdue her troubled soul, Rose shakily rose to her short height and tried to form a plan on how to find Korian's location. Only the highest officials would know. She could not ask Henri or Nijah, as they would never tell her and become suspicious. Rose certainly could not tell them that she was being blackmailed, as sadly Romi's life did not mean anywhere near as much to them as it did to her. Would she have to seduce (or at least try to) Nijah's most trusted confidant or the general? She felt disgusted at the thought, and hated herself for even contemplating it. However, dire times called for difficult actions and even worse consequences.

Rose felt rather shell-shocked as she wandered through the castle lost in her head, resembling a lonely ghost. As she mulled over what she may have to do to keep her Romi safe, she felt sick and wished she could talk to someone about it. It was a huge burden for a troubled soul. Unexpectedly Rose crashed into a warm body, which turned out to be Caliana, Nijah's youngest sister.

"Oh Rosilabeth! I am sorry, I did not see you there, are you well? You caused quite a worry this morning when nobody could find you!" Caliana exclaimed.

Rose swallowed her want to be alone and forced herself to be friendly.

"Ah hello Caliana, yes I am fine, sorry about that I was just taking a walk. Are you well?" Rose asked as she stood there stiffly.

"Are you sure? You are looking quite pale and stressed my sister." Caliana replied with a worried frown.

Although her personality haunted Rose, as it was very similar to the naive, selfish way she used to act, Caliana had always been very sweet and welcoming towards Rose.

"Yes, yes. I am fine." Rose dismissed with a tight-lipped smile.

"Is it boy trouble?" Rose's gaze snapped up at the allegation.

"Well... no, what - what are you..." She stammered.

"Come on Rose, nothing is ever kept a secret around here. I know you have been spending time with one of the stable hands - Rommich is it? I bet you were with him this morning." Caliana asked with a raise of her left brow and a sly smile. She loved anything outrageous.

"Well, yes, but our relationship is purely platonic!" Rose spluttered feeling trapped.

"Oh do not worry Rose I am not judging you! I am just glad you are getting over Korian at last." Caliana smiled with pain flashing through her dark sooty eyes.

Rose was surprised that she dared bring his name up. Ever since he betrayed his country by trying to start a war against Rose's homeland, Alluvia, and kidnapped her younger sister Aurora as well as other Alluvian maidens, his name was like a disease that blackened the mood and was avidly avoided. Caliana and her sisters had never once brought the subject of him up in front of Rose because Nijah warned them that Rose was in love with him, and it was too painful for her to think about. Of course, that was not strictly true, and Rose realised after she found out she was pregnant that she was never in love with Korian, but she was thankful to be spared of the reminder of the worst year of her life.

Caliana must have mistaken Rose's shocked expression for a saddened one, as her expression melted into a concerned one and she pulled Rose into a hug.

"It is ok Rosilabeth; things will only get better with time. Even though he did terrible things he is still my brother, and I cannot help but hold some affection for him in my heart. I get sad imagining him locked up all alone with only snakes for company. He must be terrified; he has always been scared of the creatures since he was a young boy." Caliana sighed before tensing, realising she had spilt a bit of information.

"What do you mean?" Rose asked as her olive eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat.

If Caliana knew Korian's location then one problem would be solved...

"Nothing!" She squeaked as her pillow-like red lips snapped shut and her cheeks flushed a little - although it was hard to tell, as her skin was very bronzed.

"Caliana do you know where Korian is?" Rose demanded as she grabbed the poor girls wrist who looked like she was about to flee.

"Look I really cannot tell you. I may have... overheard something a few years ago when I was hiding from Nijah, but she literally paid me to never tell another breathing soul!"

Rose pitied Caliana who was starting to sweat and hyperventilate.

"Caliana... dear Caliana. I would never want to put you in an uncomfortable situation, but I just know in my heart that if I knew where Korian is I will have peace and be able to sleep at night. Of course I would never tell anyone, and it would really help me to... to move on from him. Please Caliana..." Rose begged, feeling bad for manipulating her.

"Oh Rosilabeth... I do not know, Nijah explicitly told me not to tell you..."

"Please Caliana... I have already given you my word that I will not tell anyone, and it is not like I will ever go to him - I have guards following me around all day and I have no... Love... left for him. I just know that if I know where he is locked up, then my heart will find solace as I know he will not be able to get out and hurt me again."

Caliana sighed audibly and looked down the corridor to make sure they were alone before continuing. "Please do not make me regret this Rose. I am unsure of the exact location but I know that he is locked away in a secret prison in the desert on Cobra Mountain. Everyone thinks it has been abandoned for years but it is actually the most high security prison in the land. Even if he managed to escape - which is impossible - he would not survive the journey home without adequate food or water as it is days away. So there you have it, you do not need to worry Rosilabeth."

"Thank you thank you!" Rose exclaimed feeling a weight lifting off her shoulders and like she could cry.

Maybe there was someone in the heavens looking out for her after all.

"It is ok Rosilabeth; I hope you have peace now. Just please, please do not tell anyone. Nijah will never trust me again."

Rose nodded although she could not quite look Caliana in the eyes. She was certainly fortunate that she was easy to manipulate.

"Although, I have heard about uncle Algernon's crazy scheme. I would not be surprised if they moved Korian soon. I know Nijah did order the construction of an underground prison so secure it would collapse if one of the prisoners escaped their cell." Caliana shrugged.

"Thank you so much for your help Caliana, I am indebted to you." Rose smiled warmly at her and squeezed her hand tight as she spoke.

"Of course Rosilabeth, we are sisters." She winked.

"Yes. Yes we are." Rose smiled back; glad to have found a pocket of peace in the midst of chaos.

Caliana ended up walking with Rose back to her quarters, and Rose realised that she had been avoiding the Princess, writing her off as close-minded and silly, when she was actually a little lonely. Rose knew from first hand experience how toxic the lifestyle and people could be when around Royalty. It was rare to find true friends.

Rose could almost say she felt better after talking to Caliana, until they reached her room and she saw one of the guards who cornered and assaulted her earlier posted outside. She nearly tripped in shock and gulped as he smiled cruelly at her.

"Oh Rosilabeth are you quite alright?" Caliana laughed as she reached out to steady Rose, the contrasts of their skin colour making a beautiful mix.

"Y-yes." Rose murmured timidly. "Thank you for your company Caliana. I am in need of the lavatory so I must leave you now, but I shall see you soon." Rose explained as she tried to keep her gaze on Caliana and ignore the guard who was eyeing them up.

"Of course, well I shall be seeing you! Us single ladies must stick together." She giggled before pulling Rose into a hug and departed from her humming a soft melody.

Once her humming faded to a whisper Rose stepped forward trying to be brave.

"Tick Tock. Tick Tock." The guard gibed making Rose look at him with uncertainty.

"Pardon me?" She asked quietly, her hands shaking as she reached out for the golden doorknob.

"Time is running out Princess. I would be more interested in finding out what we want then wasting time on social calls." He warned with a conniving smile.

Rose took a deep breath feeling sick to the core because of what she was about to do.

"Actually... I know something. You had better come in." She explained in a hushed tone.

As she ushered him into the room she peered behind them into the Royal red hallway to make sure nobody saw and thought something untoward was going on between them, which of course actually was. Inside her room, the curtains had been pinned back in their golden confinements allowing the brilliant golden sun to spill in through the windows and shine light upon their actions. Rose pushed aside her self-loathing as the door clicked back into place, and faced the traitorous man with her head held high. She had already resolved in her heart to do anything to protect Romi's life, so she just had to get on with it.

"Caliana overheard Nijah once, saying that Korian is in a... in a prison in Cobra Mountain. I do not know the exact location, but I think they are planning to move him to a more secure prison soon." Rose revealed with a heavy heart and shaking hands.

How could she ever look at herself in the mirror without contempt again?

"Thank you Princess," the man smirked showing sharp yellowish teeth, "you better not be lying to me though. We have people posted outside of your stable boys house. One word from me or anyone else and his entire family will be slain." He warned making Rose feel sick.

"No please! Do not harm them! I promise this is the truth and I have not t-told anyone!" Rose pleaded as tears gathered in her eyes.

"Do not worry, tonight when we have rescued King Korian your precious stable boy will be safe, at the expense of your family of course."

Rose looked down in shame. She was feeling sick with guilt. She had just betrayed her family and helped to free the tyrant Korian, a man she would rather die then see again. The guard left shortly after and Rose collapsed into tears. She knew her betrayal would eventually come out, but no matter what happened to her at least she had saved Romi and his family.


Rose moped around for a few hours feeling terrible, until there was an impatient knock at the door. Fear spiked within as she wondered if Caliana had been wrong and the traitorous guard had come back, but it was only her bodyguard assigned by Nijah and someone she had not seen before. She hurriedly swiped at her puffy face to try to conceal the fact that she had been crying before inviting them in.

"Your highness! I am glad you are safe... what did those men want who took you earlier? They were imposters!" The guard spluttered, obviously very relieved that the Princess under his care had not come to any harm.

"Erm... n-nothing!" Rose squeaked, and the other man looked at her suspiciously.

"Queen Nijah wants to speak to you." He announced in a nasally voice, which was not surprising considering he had a rather large nose.

"Well I have to -" Rose started, but the guards stepped closer to her alarming her.

"Her Royal Highness the Queen insisted you come as soon as possible."

"Alright." Rose murmured barely above a whisper.

She felt like a prisoner of war as the guards marched her to Nijah's private quarters. Once they reached the impressive triple doors with the Royal seal carved in gold on them, the guards told her to head in whilst they waited with the two other guards standing stoically with glinting swords ready to defend their Queen.

Henri and Nijah's private quarters spanned three whole floors and featured their own library and personal kitchen. Rose found Nijah sitting on her huge four-poster bed with the finest silk sheets embroidered with her and Henri's faces in intricate detail. One glance into her stormy eyes told Rose that she knew she had betrayed her.

"Rosilabeth. Let us cut the small talk. What have you done? Who were those men?" She demanded, and Rose knew she was witnessing first hand why Nijah was known as such a strong and brilliant Queen.

"N-nothing, I do not know..." She started fearful for Romi's life.

"Rosilabeth I am not going to ask again. You will tell me." Nijah demanded as she gave Rose a look that could bring the strongest of men to their knees.

"I... I am sorry... I had too..." Rose cried out, feeling her composure crumbling as she sank to her knees.

"What? What have you done?" Nijah asked in a strict tone making Rose feel like a scolded child.

"They wanted to know where... where Korian is." Nijah tensed but did not say anything. "I begged Caliana to tell me, but please do not blame her... I manipulated her into doing it."

"Where did you tell them he is Rose?" Nijah demanded, ignoring Rose's hysterical rambling.

"Cobra Mountain..." Rose revealed in a pitchy voice.

"No!" Nijah groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "How could you do this Rose? Korian will come with an army!" She exclaimed heatedly and started walking in circles, obviously trying to calm herself down.

"He said he was going to kill Romi!" Rose exclaimed pathetically, knowing how silly she sounded.

"The stable boy?" Nijah near on exploded. "You put his life ahead of your family?"

"I love him!" Rose shouted. "I-I l-love him." She murmured again quietly to herself realising it was true.

"Love?" Nijah chuckled humourlessly. "What do you know about love? You have always been incredibly stupid around the male gender - look at the situation you got yourself into with my brother!"

Nijah's words hurt, but Rose was too shell-shocked by realising she was in love to let them pierce through her.

"I cannot believe what you have done. I am so incredibly disappointed in you. Stay here and I will deal with you later. I have to prepare an army." Nijah announced before striding from the room, her frilly lilac gown flowing out behind her.

Rose stayed on the floor, feeling her heart glow with warmth despite the situation.

Two chapters and an epilogue left now!! xx

