4 months have passed. The families never gave up hope. But the news was fading to the background as other people had given up.

The day was gloomily spent in the Hills and Browns households. With a very sad and lonely atmosphere.


Judy tried to keep calm. But every once in a while, she'd find Katie with the stone expression whispering 'they are coming' or 'warn them' to her. Judy mostly spent her time crying; thinking about her parents, Katie and this place.

As far as she knew, she and Riana had warned almost everyone in the place. Some gave thoughtful looks while some just rolled their eyes. It was weird considering something similar has happened to them before and now they didn't care. They didn't tell this to Luke, no one wanted to get shouted at. And Luke definitely didn't care about the stirring among the children or the whispers.

One day when Judy woke up, she saw that she was the only one left in the sleeping hall. It was weird. Usually it was half full when she woke up. So she quickly cleaned herself and ran to the Big hall.

There some children were sitting on the floor. Some were walking here and there impatiently. Judy couldn't help but notice the less number. Where are the others? She thought. It's like only 50% of the children were here. She noticed Katie, Luke and some others. Despite the restless mood in the room, Luke was incredibly calm. Judy spotted Riana in a corner and ran to her.

"Riana! What's going on? Where are the others?" Judy asked, grabbing her hand.

Her face was pale and her face looked older.

Tears began to roll down her cheeks, "I told you," she sobbed, "something is happening. Like your friend said,"

Not even a second passed, when they heard a large BANG. Like something hit the house. The entire place vibrated. Everyone covered their ears. Then The Door began to open, and out walked G Richems. Her grey hair in a bun and wearing the musky apron she wore the very first day.

Judy shuddered. She noticed that most children weren't much stunned.But it was obvious they were scared.But no one dared to say a word. Judy suddenly looked at Katie who was having a grave expression, she had also begun sweating. Judy noticed that her hand was trembling too. It was like she had become really frightened. Judy couldn't leave her to suffer like that. She was her friend. They came together. True she had forgotten her but that is no excuse for her to leave her best friend alone like that. So she ran and locked hands with her. Katie looked at her but didn't say a word.

The atmosphere became tense. G was just staring at them. The place was silent with the creaking fans as the only sound source.

"Greetings, my life savers," she boomed, "as you might have noticed, most of your fellow friends are gone now. They are free now. Not trapped. They were lucky to be our first choice indeed,"

Judy looked at Katie. But she had her eyes transfixed on the lady.

"We don't intend to carry on. The time has come. And they.." G pointed a crooked bony finger at Judy and Kaatie, " made it possible. Be thankful. We no longer have to suffer. Your time will come soon."

And with that saying, she left. With The Door closing behind her.

Judy heard several wails and saw many weakened looks. What did that mean? They made it possible?

Judy squeezed Katie's hand, "Oh Katie, tell me you are you right now. Please. This is really bad. I need you," she whispered between tears as she hugged her.

"Judy.." she whispered back.

Judy looked at her with hope in her eyes, "I can't help it. I brought it on us.On everyone." and she fell down,unconscious.

Judy held her quick, "someone please, help me please," she called out. Some kids including Riana ran to her help. Some like Luke pretended not to notice. Judy was crying like mad. "Please, what's wrong with her?!" she cried.

"Let's take her to her place," shouted a bulky boy she never knew the name of and with his help, Katie was kept on her mattress.

"Riana, what's going on??" asked Judy between her sobs.

Riana shook her head, "I don't know Judy. As G said something will happen soon. This is our life. So I don't think much. It was gonna end anyway. Actually I am happy that this will all end. Staying here till our time comes does cause us more pain plus it's our duty for our parents," she said as tears welled up her eyes and turned to leave.

But Judy held by her hand, "please, it's not our duty! We can' can't end for us!"

Riana gave a sympathetic smile, "I am sorry. I don't think I can help," she said and went, leaving Judy with the unconscious Katie.

Judy buried her head between her knees and cried, "Katie, please...come back...this is not our life. We can't die.." and she kept on crying and crying.

She was woken up by someone shaking her.

"Wake up Judy, wake up!" shouted Riana.

Somehow Judy had fallen asleep in that awkward posture. And Katie is still lying still.

"What is it?" asked Judy, trying to open her eyes that were held shut by the dried tears.

"You might wanna see this," she said pointing to the big Hall.

"But I can't just leave her here," pointed out Judy wearily.

"She'll be okay. Just come," reassured Riana hurriedly and ran to the hall. Judy took one look at Katie; let out a huge sigh and followed her.

A group of children were surrounding something. Something on the floor. Riana beckoned to Judy as she made her way towards the center of the group.

It was Luke's book!

Judy gasped as she looked around, hoping to see a furious Luke running towards to kill them all. But she didn't see him.

"Luke went from the door.." explained Riana reading Judy's thoughts.

"The door?!" asked Judy, shocked.

Some other guy nodded .Maybe Younger than her. His expression was weird. Like scared and confused.

"Well, technically yes. But the door just opened. And he just walked through it. Just casually walked in. And he left this book too!" he said, running his hand through his hair.

Judy looked at Riana for approval.

"Yeah. and then he just ran for the book and opened it. We were curious too. He never leaves his book. And it's..." Riana was struggling for words. Something Judy thought Riana could never do. She always had something to say. Positive or negative.

Judy tried to act surprised. She has seen the book after all. She knew it wasn't a drawing book. But she was actually surprised why Riana came to her, of all people. It's not like she is a major character here. Just plain old curious her who cried half the time she was here.

Judy didn't open the book, "But why call me?" she asked.

Some girl snorted, "I knew you were stubborn. You wanna see it or not, blondie?" she said, rolling eyes.

Judy planned to ignore her. But according to them, she hasn't seen this before.

She slowly opened the book.

"We think it's like a record of the ones who were here. Since the beginning. But somehow Luke has written all these.How and Why would he do that? He even came after me.." pointed out someone.

Everyone was discussing questions of their own and answering them. But Judy couldn't focus on them. She held her eyes as she looked at the last page that was written.

There their names were!

Katie Hills - 2020

Judy Browns - 2020.

But it was different, their names had been circled in red by about a hundred times and beside it was written,

First from away....the dark magic unveils... vengeance on mankind....centuries to seconds....

Judy stared at the words, trying to think of something. But her mind was too dazzled. These words didn't mean anything to her. They were like phrases written halfway.

She looked at the other children, but they all wore dull expressions.

"We all think this is about you, you are the ones from away after all..." started Riana.

Judy was speechless, she felt this was bad. Unveil the dark magic, that wasn't very nice. Judy wanted to talk to Katie soo badly. She was the only person in her place. And she was the reason this all began.

Judy turned the pages slowly, absorbing everything again.

"Are these all the people who were here?" she asked no one in particular.

"Well yeah. We knew most of these people here. The already cut ones are the ones who went through The Door. Sacrificed," pointed out a guy wearily.

"Luke was a weird guy, but how come he has something like this. He is someone like us," asked a tall girl.

Judy was in no mood for a discussion, she just gave the book to a nearby person she didn't know and went near Katie.

Katie laid motionless. Judy sat near her..

"Oh Katie, what have we got ourselves into?" she whispered.

The time went by. Everyone shared their thoughts about the book and that weird poem and Judy came to know more about the kids there. Some have been there for more than 10 years. How awful! But everyone just said it was their duty and if they get selected to end up here, they'd consider themselves a blessing to the family. Judy thought how plain and wonderful her life has been without knowing such a place existed. But she felt bad for these kids. Well, the townsfolk brought it on themselves, but they had begged for mercy and got some horrible curse in return. And for such a thing to go on for centuries?! The Richems ought to be put in Jail, which might not be possible considering their tricks.

Katie still didn't budge. It looked weird. With Katie in her mattress all day, Judy even found it hard to focus at all.
