Chapter 1: I saw a great famine

Once upon a time, there were two girls who were born at the Frasivilla on the twentieth day of October. The first baby girl born is Princess Luciana; she has her very own loving mother Ciara and the great, magnificent, brave king Ferrence. They are ruling the great Kingdom of Analasia. Analasia is the greatest, and the richest kingdom before. The second one is Giselle who was born a pauper and loves music just like Luciana. Giselle is unhappy for what she was now she wishes to be a princess too. Because she is poor and her aunt Emma is abusing her and she is always commanding Giselle to do chores. One day, Luciana went out to the castle without the permission of the Queen together with her best friend Sean, an intelligent, gorgeous, and a handsome boy. Sean and Luciana went out to the village without the queen's permission. Sean and Luciana go to the village and explore the kingdom.

"What does it feel like?"-Sean

"Feeling of what?"- Luciana

"Breaking the rules?... Probably"- Sean answered with a kidding voice

"Ha!" Luciana snapped Sean's right shoulder "Well, all I feel is like the guards may catch us" She continued with a mocking intonation.

"Well, Your Highness, You also need to explore the world. Not because you're a princess, it doesn't mean that you should just sit on your throne behind the castle walls." -Sean

Luciana just smirked to Sean.

 Luciana is very happy and thankful to Sean because he let the princess to go out of the castle even though it's forbidden. While they are in the village, Sean picked up a flower named "Rosa-Lasair-centifolia" (a flower like rose but has tiny little flames on the middle of the petals; But its flame wont harm anybody.) and gave it to Luciana because it's her favorite flower. After a while in   the village, Luciana heard a beautiful humming voice a bit far away from them and she followed it. Because the voice is so harmonious and luring. Until she saw a crowd of people and it looks like the sound of the song is coming from there. She walked and she saw a girl like her singing in the middle of the crowd. She quickly goes there and joined this girl who sings a song. Later on,  she saw an odd old lady scolds a girl on the crowd. It was aunt Emma and Giselle. (Later on, Aunt Emma took all of Giselle's money in the can and Luciana got shocked because of the old lady's actions.)

 But Luciana gave Giselle more money than Giselle collected. Elaine was impressed and stunned to Giselle because, they really look like sisters! Meanwhile,

Elaine moved forward and told the old lady,

" You shouldn't have done that to her! She earned those money and she worked for it! Your'e so mean!"

The old lady replied, " And who are you? You don't care on what I will do because this silly girl is just a tailor and a rag!"

Elaine's temper became high because of the old lady's attitude to her. (This is the first time someone will raise a voice to her.) But she still acted proffesionaly, and with poise and grace, she raise her head and said,

" I am Princess Luciana. Now, I order you to give her money back. You don't have the rights to get those."

Then the old lady answered, " And how will I believe you're the royal princess? The princess is in the castle and is forbidden to go outside! Run along little girl."

The princess showed her birthmark on her chest, and the crowd was surprised, stepped back, kneeled and bowed down.

All together they say, "You're highness"

Luciana make herself humble, and say, but she use her jolly attitude,

"Uhmmm... People, stand up. It's just me. Please just talk or just treat me like an ordinary person you meet"

(She said with a sweet smile on her face.)

And the people stood up, and smiled as their response to the princess's kindness.

Meanwhile, aunt Emma startled and don't know what to do and say due to the shame she made to the Royal Princess.

So Luciana raised her right eye brow, then Aunt Emma stepped back, and run away but she didn't give back Giselle's money.

Luciana felt pity to Giselle, so she gave her more money than Giselle collected. Elaine was so impressed and stunned to Giselle because they really look alike!

.Harry came along, holding a jug of water. Harry was surprised when she saw the princess and the girl. The two girls were laughing so hard because of Harry. Elaine introduced Giselle to Harry. Then both smile to each other. But for interruption their time is over. They need to go back in the castle before the queen notice that they're not in the castle. Luciana told Giselle that "one of my assistant will fetch you so that you can also sing in the castle and the queen, my mother may discover your talent and make you the humming lady of our kingdom". Giselle was so happy when she heard that. Now Luciana needs to go home. She promised Giselle that they will see each other again. But while they are on their way back to the castle, she saw a famine in some part of the village again.. She felt pity for them. And can't help to make a sad face. Sean noticed it.

"Why milady? You seem so loney while a while ago, you're full of happiness in your eyes."

"Why do these people experience this kind of unfairness? While the other village near the castle are bounty and well? I thought the kingdom is always stable and the people are treated fairly and nice? Why Harry?"

"Well,Princess, as much as I know, our kingdom's resources are degrading, and more people are having a problem, so-called, free-ride problems."

"Oh, Is that so?" the princess said with a lonely voice.

 The time they arrive in the castle,

"Thankyou Harry for this wonderful day"

"No problem your highness, remember, I'm always here." *smiled* "Just get over with it. I know, we can fix it." He added.

"Yes. Thankyou again." I said happily and smirks as I go.


So Hey Guys! This was my first chapter of my book to share with you. I hope you enjoy it! And have some comment to help me make some more fabulous ideas for Luciana's Adventures with the Super Naturals. Perhaps, you can follow me on Twitter: @CNomil Vines:*.Christine.* and instagram: Gizelle_09

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