Tomura is a child

Drug addiction is an ongoing problem in Japan, although not many people probably know this. Aside from the usual villain attacks, most other crimes are kept underground- so this kind of case is common.

"Hey." Aizawa asks to the teen, slumped over the alleyway, he looks scraggly, smells stinky, he doesn't reek of drugs, cigarettes or alcohol but there's something clearly wrong with him, "you alright?" He asked.

"No." The teen bluntly replies.

"Oh." Aizawa stares, the teen does too, "wanna come with me? Where are your parents?"

"Don't have one."


Poor guy. No wonder he's out here like this, "do you have a home?" The teen atleast nods, "hungry?" He nods again.

"Come with me, I'm hungry too anyways." The teen sighs, before standing up- he looked a lot taller but Aizawa's surprisingly taller by a bit, he walked and he heard the teen following him, "where do you want to eat?"

"I want ramen." Ramen it is then. Aizawa brought him to the nearest ramen shop and bought him a meal, they ate in silence although, he does notice that the teen held his chopsticks with a pinkie up, must be a quirk thing.

"Can you get back home by yourself?" He asked.


"Alright, tell me where it is, I'll get you there."

"...It's a bar downtown." Is all he said.

There's a lot of bars downtown though.

"I'll lead you to it." The teen says, finishing up his meal, Aizawa just nods, curious.

He probably shouldn't follow suspicious people he found in alleyways but the guy was just a teen, he probably can't do shit against him, probably. Right? And Aizawa would like to think that maybe since he bought the kid ramen, the kid wouldn't kill him.

They left the ramen shop and Aizawa followed the guy down to... wherever.

"What's your name?" Aizawa asked in the middle of their walk.



No last name? Oh well, atleast he has a bit of a clue of who this guy is, Tomura, huh? Sounds like a nice name.

"What about you? What's your name, Eraserhead?" Aizawa tensed a bit, so the guy knows his hero name. Big blaring sign of danger but... he didn't seem like he's out to attack him, maybe he's just a fan?

"Do you need to know that? Just keep calling me Eraserhead." Tomura just let out a chuckle.

"You're funny, Eraserhead."

There was nothing funny with that, then again, what does he expect out of a guy he found looking half dead in an alleyway?

"Say, Eraserhead, do you usually do this?" He asked.

"Do what?"

"Be this helpful, if you do, it's bound to bite you back in the ass one day."

"Don't worry, you're a special case." Tomura was infact, not a special case and Aizawa does this more often than he should but in his defense, he's a hero, it's his job.

Tomura stops and just looks at him, like he knows Aizawa's spouting some bullshit before he went back to walking.

Awkward. Did he know? No way.

"We're here." He said, and like he said, this does look like a bar, just a common, same old one as the others, Tomura went in, Aizawa planned to leave after that then he felt his wrist tugged, he looked down and saw Tomura holding unto it, still with his pinky up, "don't tell me you plan to leave so soon after? Atleast let me repay you for the ramen."

"There's no need, I don't drink alcohol."

"It doesn't have to be alcohol." Tomura paused, "you look like a guy who likes cats, we have a stray inside, barely two months, we-"

Aizawa went in he bar before he could finish and was delighted to see the little thing on the counter, meowing and walking around, it didn't look like it knew what to do, Aizawa sat at one of the bar stools and took out a small can of Tuna that he hid in his scarves like he usually does, opening it and watching the small critter hungrily eat it.

Absolutely fantastic. This is definitely worth it.

"Eh? It's Aizawa-san!" Aizawa stilled when he heard a somewhat familiar voice call out to him, before he can turn his head and look he felt arms wrap around him and someone pressing against him behind his back, "do you remember me, Aizawa-san?! You do, right?"

"Toga Himiko... right?" Aizawa scoffed, so much for his anonymity.

"Aizawa, that's your name then?" He glared at Tomura who sat beside him, a shit eat grin on his face.

"Wow, you remember me? It's been ages!" Himiko chirped, "I never forgot you, I have you in my dreams every night, Sensei~"

"All I did was buy you ice cream when you forgot your wallet."

"Multiple times!"

"You were creating public disturbance and it was the only way to stop you."

"I was crying like a little baby and you totally went soft for me!"

Aizawa sighed, it's true, she was crying and he went soft for her so he bought her ice cream to make her feel better. Damn kid, making him feel soft.

"I even called you mister Aizawa back then, do you remember?"

Aizawa sighed, he does.


The next time Aizawa sees Tomura, he was outside of UA, waiting. Creepily, he was on his way to his school when he saw him, just kinda standing there.

"Do you want to go in?" He asked, "I could use an assistant for the day. Only for this day though." He said, Tomura just glances at him, before he smiled at him creepily.

"You're too soft, EraserHead." He said, "maybe not today."

"Hm, my offer has an expiry date." Tomura just laughed and left. Nothing else happens that day and the USJ wasn't attacked. When Aizawa finished school, Tomura was there, Mic noticed him and stopped Aizawa.

"Look, there's a creepy guy outside the gates." He pointed out through the windows.

"That's Tomura, I think he's a teen overcoming his addiction." He said, "I'll go check what he's up to." Mic stared at him weirdly before he left.

"What are you doing here?" Aizawa asked, "thought you weren't earlier."

"Perhaps." He said, "let's go on a date."

"Funny." Aizawa rolled his eyes, "ramen?"


Ramen it was then.
