29: Next Destination!


Naruto's gaze drifted upwards, his cerulean eyes fixed on the sky above. He watched the clouds drift lazily by, their fluffy forms casting ever-changing shadows on the deck below. The orange trees swayed gently in the breeze, and a couple of birds sat on the branches.

For the past few days, Naruto had found himself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts as his mind was consumed by the events that had unfolded at Cocoyashi Village. The memory of Nami's cold, distant eyes and her evil-like smile haunted him like a ghost. Would she really have gone through with killing Usopp? And if she had, would Naruto find it in himself if he had to take her down? Why is everyone forgiving Nami like she didn't just leave? Would Luffy have forgiven her? Perhaps the most troubling thing is what's stopping Nami from leaving them again.

As Naruto grappled with these weighty questions, Zoro's sharp call interrupted his thoughts. Startled, Naruto blinked in surprise, his thoughts scattering like leaves in the wind.

"Oi, Naruto! Get down here!" Zoro's voice rang out, commanding and authoritative.

With a quick shake of his head to clear his thoughts, he leaped down from his perch atop the roof. Landing with a soft thud on the wooden deck below, he smiled brightly at the green-haired swordsman.

"What's up, Moss Head?" Naruto greeted Zoro, his voice infused with his usual playful energy as he approached the rest of the crew

Zoro's gaze shifted towards Nami. "We need to decide our next move," Zoro explained, his tone serious. He nodded towards Luffy, who stood nearby with a grin as wide as the horizon.

"Let's head straight for the Grand Line!" Luffy proclaimed, his voice echoing with anticipation.

"If we're going to the Grand Line, then we'll need to stock up on supplies," Nami suggested. We should stop at Louge Town first.

Usopp's eyes widened as his voice trembled with nervousness. "A-are we sure we wanna go to the Grand Line?" he stammered. " There is plenty to do here in the East Blue."

But Luffy dismissed Usopp's concerns with a hearty laugh. "Nope, we're heading to the Grand Line," he declared, his grin widening as he met Naruto's gaze.

"Actually," Naruto began, "can we stop before we reach Louge Town?"

"What's on your mind, Naruto?" Luffy asked as his eyes lit up with curiosity.

Naruto hesitated momentarily before continuing, his gaze distant as he spoke. "Kakashi-Sensei told me to visit the Leaf Village before we set sail for the Grand Line," he explained. "Can we make a detour there?"

Zoro furrowed his brow with contemplation, his gaze piercing as he mulled over Naruto's request. "That's where you're from, right?" Zoro asked, his voice measured yet tinged with curiosity.

"Yeah, that's right!" Naruto exclaimed eagerly, a wide grin spreading across his face like the sun breaking through storm clouds. "I haven't been back in so long," he admitted, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I wonder what's changed."

Luffy's boisterous laughter rang out like a bell, the sound carrying across the deck with infectious joy. He slung an arm around Naruto's shoulders, pulling him into a playful embrace.

"That sounds like a blast!" Luffy exclaimed as he slung an arm around Naruto's shoulders. "It'll be cool to see where my little brother's from!"

Nami's brow furrowed with concern as she observed the exchange between the two brothers. "Wait, guys," Nami interjected, her tone cautious as she addressed the duo. "We can't just waltz into a shinobi village."

"Nami's right," Sanji said, his voice solemn as he echoed her sentiments. "Shinobi villages are notorious for their distrust of outsiders. Especially those who arrive on pirate ships."

Naruto's expression fell, disappointment etched across his features like cracks in fragile glass. He turned towards Sanji, his eyes wide with disbelief. "You too, Curly Brow?" Naruto exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and frustration.

But Sanji's response was a resigned sigh, his gaze meeting Naruto's with a heavy heart."I'm sorry, kid," Sanji said, his tone laced with genuine remorse. "But it's just too risky."

Naruto's fists clenched involuntarily at his sides, knuckles whitening with the force of his pent-up emotions. How could they dismiss his request so quickly, as if his connection to the Leaf Village meant nothing to them? "You're all just scared!" Naruto's voice cracked with barely contained anger.

Zoro's brow furrowed with irritation at Naruto's accusation. "Watch your mouth, kid," Zoro growled, his tone low and threatening.

But Naruto refused to back down."No!" Naruto shot back, his voice rising in volume. "You're all so focused on the risks that you've forgotten what it means to have a home!"

Nami's expression softened with empathy as she stepped forward, her voice gentle yet firm. "Naruto, we understand that this is important to you," she began, her tone soothing. "But we have to consider the."

But Naruto's anger only intensified at her words, his fists trembling with the force of his emotions. "Consider what?!" Naruto spat. "The risks? My feelings? My home? Do those mean nothing to you?"

Sanji sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples. "No one's saying your feelings don't matter," he interjected. "But you can't just expect us to throw caution to the wind because of a whim."

"A whim?!" Naruto asks. "This isn't just some plan I made up! This is the home we're talking about! My past! And you're all just treating it like it's nothing!" His breath hitched, his chest rising and falling with the rapid rhythm of his anger, while his once bright blue eyes turned red.

"Calm down, Naruto," Zoro warned, instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword.

Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath as his fists unclenched. "Fine," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper as he reluctantly conceded defeat. "Forget it. Let's just go to Louge Town."

With heavy steps, Naruto retreated to the far end of the deck, the echo of his footfalls a somber reminder of the rift between him and his crewmates.

"Naruto, wait—" Nami began, her voice laden with concern, but Zoro's firm hand on her shoulder halted her mid-sentence.

"Leave him alone," Zoro interjected, his voice carrying a note of finality as he directed a stern gaze at Nami.

Nami's brows furrowed in frustration, her mind racing with doubts and regrets. "Is he ever going to stop being mad at me?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Luffy scratched his head, a perplexed expression crossing his features. "The only time I've ever seen him that mad is when I ate his last limited edition ramen," he admitted, his tone puzzled.

Zoro's piercing gaze bore into Nami as he probed further. "Are you going to pretend you killed one of his friends again?" he questioned, his tone cutting through the air like a blade.

Nami's eyes widened in disbelief at the accusation. "What? No, I... I just wanted him to stop messing with Arlong!" she defended herself, her frustration evident in her voice. "I saved Usopp from being killed. I thought he would understand."

Sanji jumped to Nami's defense, his voice laced with indignation. "Yeah, moss head! Leave Nami alone!" he chimed in, his loyalty unwavering.

Zoro shot Sanji a warning glare. "Only the kid calls me that." Then he turned his attention back to the group. "Look, when the kid found out about Usopp, he had to process it himself. Now that Usopp is alive, he feels angry," Zoro explained.

Nami's uncertainty deepened as she sought guidance from her companions. "How do I fix this?" she asked, her voice heavy with uncertainty.

Zoro pondered for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. "We could go to the Leaf Village," he suggested, his tone contemplative.

Nami's eyes widened with surprise. "But it's too risky, and besides, we need to go to the Grand Line," she countered.

Zoro shook his head, his resolve unyielding. "All I'm saying is, if you want the kid to forgive you, then going to his hometown is your best bet. " he insisted before leaving.

"Where are you going?" Usopp asked, curiosity coloring his voice as he watched Zoro's retreating figure.

"Training," Zoro replied simply, his voice trailing off as he disappeared into the distance, leaving Nami and the others to ponder his words.


Naruto's fists collided with the punching bag in a rhythmic barrage of strikes, each impact reverberating through the room like a thunderous drumbeat. With every punch, his thoughts raced, swirling with frustration and determination. How could they not understand the importance of returning to the Leaf Village? It wasn't just about nostalgia but about reconnecting with his past and understanding his roots.

Naruto's mind raced with urgency as he pivoted on his heel, delivering a powerful kick to the bag. His only chance was to return before they set sail for the Grand Line. He couldn't afford to let this opportunity slip through his fingers.

The muscles in Naruto's arms tensed as he clenched his fists, channeling all his pent-up emotion into one final punch. The force of the blow sent the punching bag hurtling across the room, the sound of its impact echoing like a gunshot against the walls.

"Woah," Zoro's voice cut through the air, a hint of surprise coloring his tone. "Hard day?" he asked, his eyes studying Naruto with curiosity and respect.

Naruto wiped the sheen of sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, his muscles taut with exertion as he reached for a bottle of water. "What do you want, Zoro?" he asked.

Zoro leaned against the doorway. "Training," he replied simply, his tone hinting of challenge. "You wanna spar?"

Naruto's eyes lit up with excitement at the proposition, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Spar with you?" he echoed a note of disbelief. "Sure, but no swords!" he added, a playful glint in his eyes.

A smirk played across Zoro's lips as he pushed himself off the doorframe, his gaze locking with Naruto's. "If I can't use swords, then you can't use ninja tricks," he declared, his tone firm yet laced with amusement.

Naruto rose from his seated position with a determined nod. "Alright," he affirmed, the spark of competition gleaming in his eyes. "Deal," he added, his voice steady as he shifted into a fighting stance, muscles tensed in readiness.

Zoro's fist shot forward with calculated precision, aimed directly at Naruto's midsection. "What's on your mind?" he inquired, his voice cutting through the air as his punch reached its target.

Naruto's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly ducked to evade Zoro's blow, a playful grin dancing across his lips. "Nothing much," he replied, his voice casual despite the intensity of their spar, his movements fluid and agile.

Zoro's brows furrowed with amusement as he pressed the offensive, his punches coming faster and harder. "Come on, kid," he urged a hint of challenge in his tone. "You're usually a chatterbox. What's got you so quiet?"

Naruto's grin widened, a glint of mischief sparkling in his eyes as he countered with a sweeping kick, aiming to catch Zoro off guard. "Maybe I'm just going through puberty," he quipped.

Zoro sidestepped Naruto's sweeping kick with practiced ease, his lips quirking into a smirk as he smoothly evaded the attack. "Puberty, huh?" he remarked with a chuckle, his voice carrying a hint of amusement as he launched into another series of strikes.

Naruto's grin widened as he followed up with a flurry of punches, his movements fluid and precise. "Yeah, you know," he retorted playfully, his voice light despite the intensity of their sparring session. "Growing pains and all that."

"Listen, about what happened at the—" Zoro began, his voice trailing off as he was abruptly interrupted by a sudden punch to the face. "Hey!" Zoro exclaimed, taken aback by the unexpected strike. His hand instinctively rose to touch the spot where Naruto's fist had made contact.

Naruto grinned mischievously, his eyes alight with playful defiance. "You were too open," he quipped, his tone teasing as he watched Zoro's reaction.

Zoro shook his head, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Always catching me off guard, huh?" he remarked, his tone carrying a mixture of admiration and amusement.

Naruto shrugged nonchalantly, the grin still plastered on his face. "Hey, you gotta be ready for anything," he replied.

"Let's take a break," Zoro  said as he put his arms down. 

Naruto furrowed his brow in confusion, a hint of disappointment clouding his features at the prospect of ending their training session so soon. "But we just started..." he protested softly, his voice tinged with reluctance as he glanced at the still-standing punching bags.

Zoro let out a weary sigh, his shoulders sagging as he settled against the cool wall, his muscles aching with fatigue. "Well, I'm tired," he admitted with a rueful chuckle, the weariness evident in his voice as he closed his eyes and focused on catching his breath.

With a nod, Naruto settled down beside Zoro, the worn wooden floor cool against his heated skin as he sank into a sitting position.

"I was going to use my sword on you," Zoro confessed, his tone solemn as he broached the topic weighing his mind.

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation, his heart skipping at the implications of Zoro's words. "What?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he turned to face Zoro, searching for some semblance of understanding in his friend's gaze.

Zoro met Naruto's gaze with a steady expression, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and curiosity. "When your eyes turned red," he elaborated, his voice tinged with solemnity. "I was going to use it."

A pang of guilt tugged at Naruto's chest as he looked away, a heavy silence settling between them. "Oh," he murmured softly.

Zoro's brow furrowed with concern as he regarded Naruto, his gaze gentle yet probing. "Does that happen often when you're angry?" he inquired, his voice laced with genuine curiosity.

Naruto nodded slowly, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his confession. "Whenever I get angry, the nine tails want to control me," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of shame and resignation.

Zoro's brow furrowed with concern as he listened to Naruto's confession, his gaze probing as he sought to understand the depths of his friend's emotions. "So at Baratie... you got so angry that the Nine-Tails took over?" he inquired, his voice gentle yet insistent.

Naruto shook his head slowly, his expression weighted with remorse as he recalled the events. "No," he admitted quietly, his voice tinged with shame. "I let it," he confessed, the weight of his admission hanging heavy between them. "I was so angry and sad. I thought you died. The only thing I wanted to do was kill Mihawk."

Zoro's eyes softened with understanding as he absorbed Naruto's words. "I'm sorry, Naruto," he murmured softly.

Naruto's lips quivered slightly as he mustered a sad smile, his eyes reflecting a complex blend of emotions — gratitude, sadness, and a touch of resignation. "It wasn't your fault, Zoro," he assured him. 

There was a brief pause before Naruto spoke again, his tone grave yet determined. "Can you do something for me?" he asked, his gaze locking with Zoro's.

"Sure," Zoro responded without hesitation, his eyes unwavering as he met Naruto's intense stare.

"If I go Nine-Tails on you guys and you can't bring me back, then I want you to kill me," Naruto said, his voice firm and resolute.

Zoro's eyes widened slightly, surprise flickering across his features at Naruto's unexpected request. "What? Why would you-" he began, his voice trailing off as he searched Naruto's determined gaze for answers.

Naruto held Zoro's gaze steadily, his expression resolute as he spoke with unwavering conviction. "I've been pretending that the Nine-Tails doesn't exist since I was a kid," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of years of inner turmoil. "It's a reality that I'm still trying to understand, but if Baratie has taught me anything, it's dangerous."

Zoro's expression softened with understanding as he absorbed Naruto's words, a silent acknowledgment of the pain and uncertainty his friend had endured. "I see," he murmured softly, his voice tinged with empathy as he reached out a comforting hand to rest on Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto offered a grateful nod in response to Zoro's gesture, a small measure of relief flooding through him at the understanding he saw reflected in Zoro's eyes. "So if you can't bring me back, I want you to kill me," he reiterated, his voice steady despite the gravity of his words.

Zoro's brow furrowed with concern, a mixture of disbelief and understanding crossing his features as he absorbed Naruto's words. "Naruto..." he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

But Naruto held up a hand, cutting off Zoro's protest before it could fully form. "I know it's a lot to ask," he admitted, his voice tinged with a note of resignation. "But I need to know that you guys will be safe, no matter what."

Zoro's grip tightened slightly on Naruto's shoulder, a silent promise of solidarity and support. "I understand," he said as he met Naruto's gaze. "Even if it comes to that, I'll do it."

Naruto felt a rush of gratitude swell within him at Zoro's solemn vow. It was a promise that spoke volumes, a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared. "Thanks," he said, his voice brimming with heartfelt appreciation.


Naruto rubbed his eyes, trying to dispel the sleepiness in his gaze. "What time is it?" he muttered, glancing around the dimly lit cabin. His eyes fell upon his sleeping crewmates – Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro – their figures shrouded in the shadows of the night. The absence of Usopp stirred a sense of unease within him, prompting Naruto to leap from his hammock and rush to the deck above.

"Usopp?" Naruto called out into the stillness of the night. "Where are you?" he shouted again, his voice echoing across the empty deck.

Scanning the area, Naruto's eyes darted from one corner to another, searching for any sign of his missing crewmate. He ventured into the kitchen but found it deserted, save for the flickering light of a lone lantern casting eerie shadows upon the walls.

Grabbing a glass of water to quench his parched throat, Naruto stepped back onto the deck, the cool night air sending shivers down his spine. But as he emerged into the moonlit expanse, his heart skipped at the sight before him.

There, bathed in the moon's pale glow, stood Nami, her figure silhouetted against the darkness. But she held a gleaming blade in her hands, its surface stained with crimson – Usopp's blood.

"Nami Nee-chan? What are you doing?" Naruto's voice trembled with disbelief as he rushed towards the scene unfolding before him. "Hey buddy, wake up," he pleaded, shaking Usopp's lifeless form. "Usopp, wake up!"

But Usopp remained motionless, his eyes closed to the world, his chest still and silent. Desperation clawed at Naruto's heart as he turned to Nami, her face contorted with guilt and horror.

"Naruto... It was an accident," Nami's voice quivered with emotion as she pleaded her innocence, her eyes swimming with unshed tears. "You have to believe me."

Naruto felt a surge of helplessness wash over him, his mind reeling with shock and confusion. Without another word, he turned and fled, his footsteps echoing against the wooden deck as he raced towards the familiar sight of the giant gate looming in the distance.

"Nine tails..." Naruto's voice wavered as he reached the gates, his breath in ragged gasps.

"Well, well, well... Look who's come crawling back," the sinister voice of the Nine-Tails sneered, its tone dripping with malice.

"What do you want?" Naruto demanded, his voice trembling with defiance. "I'm not letting you control me anymore!"

But the Nine Tails merely chuckled, its voice echoing with dark amusement. "That vile woman just killed your friend," it taunted, its words like poison in Naruto's ears. "Are you going to do anything about it?"

With a steely resolve, Naruto squared his shoulders, his gaze unwavering as he met the Nine Tails' malicious stare. "Nami Nee-chan didn't mean to," he declared, his voice firm with conviction. "She was protecting Usopp."

The Nine Tails let out a derisive snort, its eyes narrowing with disdain. "If that woman was protecting him, then he wouldn't have died!" it roared, its voice reverberating with anger.

Naruto's eyes widened in sheer terror as his hand instinctively clutched at his racing heart, each beat echoing loudly in his ears. His chest rose and fell rapidly, the air coming in short, shallow gasps as panic threatened to consume him whole. The weight of guilt pressed down on him like a leaden weight, and his mind flooded with images of Usopp's lifeless body and Nami's tear-streaked face.

"If I had just acted differently... If I had been stronger... If I saw..." The barrage of self-recrimination pounded against his consciousness, each thought driving the panic deeper into his core.

"Nami nee-chan, I... I couldn't..." Naruto's voice trembled with emotion, his words choked off by the overwhelming flood of despair. He felt like drowning in a sea of regret, his chest tightening with every passing moment. "Nine Tails...help me..."

Then, a voice echoed in his mind, a sinister whisper that sent chills down his spine. "Gladly," it hissed, its tone dripping with malice.

Before Naruto could react, a searing pain tore through his body, a blazing inferno that consumed him from within. It felt as if his essence was engulfed by flames, each agonizing moment stretching into eternity.

He cried out in anguish, his voice lost amidst the chaos as darkness enveloped him, swallowing him whole. His senses dulled, his consciousness slipping into the abyss as his world dissolved into nothingness.


Naruto screamed as he jolted himself awake. Then he fell to the ground with a loud thud.

With a groan, Naruto rubbed his sore backside, the sensation grounding him in the present moment as he tried to shake off the lingering disorientation. "That was just a dream, right?" he muttered to himself, the words sounding more like a desperate plea for reassurance than a statement of fact.

Summoning all his courage, Naruto pushed himself up off the ground, his limbs trembling slightly as he steadied himself. With hesitant steps, he made his way up to the deck, bracing himself for the worst, his mind still plagued by the unsettling visions of his nightmare.

But as he emerged into the morning light, Naruto's breath caught in his throat as he beheld the scene before him. There was no bloodbath, no chaos or destruction. Instead, the deck was bathed in the rising sun's warm glow, and his crewmates were going about their daily routines as if nothing had happened.

Luffy and Usopp huddled together by the railing, their laughter carrying on the gentle breeze as they fished for breakfast. Zoro was engrossed in his training. The sound of weights filled the air. And even Sanji could be heard humming a tune as he busied himself in the kitchen, the tantalizing aroma of breakfast wafting through the air.

And there, amidst it all, was Nami, her brow furrowed in concentration as she poured over her navigational charts, her every movement a testament to her unwavering resolve.

"Naruto!" Luffy's voice pulled him back to the present with a start. "Man, you slept like a log!"

Naruto offered a sheepish grin in response. "Guess I needed it," he replied, the tension slowly melting away from his shoulders.

"Well, hurry up and get dressed!" Luffy exclaimed, his excitement palpable. "We're almost in Leaf territory!"

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected news. "R-really?" he stammered, his heart leaping with anticipation.

Without wasting another moment, Naruto dashed back downstairs, a newfound excitement coursing through his veins. Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in his journey, and he couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited him in the Leaf Village.




You guys! so much happened in this chapter! It was supposed to be a short transition chapter, but I just kept writing! Let's break the chapter down for a second.

1. Naruto sure knows how to hold a grudge, right? I'm kidding, but think about it! Naruto had to process everything by himself before he met Haku, so all of the anger and sadness he felt during that time flooded out.

2. I cried full-on when I wrote Zoro and Naruto's interaction! My poor baby! I can't even imagine what's going through that kid's mind. What did you think about that? Is Naruto overeating? or do you think it's the right move?

3. Naruto and his nightmares! Hopefully, he can get some help or end up like our favorite red-haired, one-tailed jinchuriki.

I can't wait to share my version of the chunin exams! I have a lot in mind, so watch out for that! I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I will see you soon with a new chapter!

