The after midnight club.

This chapter surprisingly is one of the harder ones to write. The after midnight club was something out of the movies and as cheesy as it sounds it felt like a movie too. After all the uncertainty, all the moving around, all the new faces. A group of somewhat broken kids decided to become friends. And not only did they decide to become friends, they became what seem to be inseparable. and I guess that's what makes the story so hard to tell, because spoiler alert the after midnight club doesn't make it to the final credits.
The after midnight club started on July 6. If you're wondering why it's called the after midnight club, that simply because all of our memories were made after midnight. All the late nights we spent an hour going on random adventures, random car rides, all the talks we had about things we have never talked about to anybody else, all the laughs, and all the cries. Shared between five individuals.
It was Maya, Jacob, Ryan, Elmo and I. when we first all started hanging out we were very confused, we were all very different people, coming from very different places. But for some reason none of us questioned it, we were all just happy to have each other and we were happy to experience the things that we were. I don't know if the boys took out of this group with me and maya did, but if I'm being honest this friend group really opened my mind up about so many things and I'll forever be grateful for it even though it ended.
One night, Jacob, Ryan and I were all hanging out. Ryan had added maya on snap a day or so before and when I brought him up he really wanted to meet her, so me being the good wing man I was, I texted maya and asked if she wanted to hang out, of course she said yes. The problem was this was the fact that ryan was shitfaced wasted in the back of my car, and Jacob was high off his ass in my front seat, so in conclusion I was working with children and I didn't really warn maya ahead of time. after picking up maya and introducing her to ryan, we decided to pick up our friend Elmo too. This would be mia's first time meeting him as well. We all sat in my car and just talked in a parking lot, and for some reason it was easy, and it felt good.
Elmo had always been a really good friend towards me. So after everyone ended up having to go home, I stayed at his house. And before people at my school read this and assume that there was ever something between me and him I just wanna go ahead and clarify now that there wasn't. Elmo is my very best guy friend and I wouldn't trade him for anybody and it's always going to be that way.
      After the first night we all hung out, we immediately started making more plans. The next day we went to one of our many summer spots and went bridge jumping. It was off of a bridge that was in a quiet spot, but not too quiet. The water was lake water of course, going about 20ft deep to catch our falls. Bridge jumping was so far out of my comfort zone because well, who the hell jumps off a bridge for fun, me apparently. That night we had one of our first big sleepovers. unfortunately, it would be one of the last ones too.
At this point maya and ryan were together, sorta. We head back to jacobs house because that's where we always stayed for a hot minute. Everything was good. That was until one night, everything would change the dynamic of our group, for good.
