18. Getting the job

I woke up to noises coming from downstairs wonder what's going on? I groan so loud because all I want is sleep. I slept late last night thinking about the job I was going to get at the diner. I was so stressed that I even talked to Jonah for advice. We then just ended up talking all night about random things.
I look at the clock and see that it was only 10 am. I get up from my bed and get ready for the day. I have to look good if I want to make a great first impression for the job. I go to my closet and try so hard to find something decent to wear. As you can tell that was hard to do but I found a plaid button down shirt with slim blue jeans and the one and only black converse. I tuck the shirt in the jeans and go to the bathroom to put my hair in a ponytail.
"Perfect." I say to myself while putting my scrunchie box away. I step out of my room and go downstairs to see that Claire and Rob were here. Oh lord have mercy.
"Buenos días Natalia! Como amaneciste?" My mom cooed. I try my hardest not to make a face so I faked a smile like always.
"Morning ma..." I pause and sighed that I knew I had to also greet Claire and Rob. "Morning Robert and morning to you too Claire." I deadpanned. My mom just look at me furiously but Rob didn't seem bothered.
"Good morning, how are you doing Natalia?" Questioned Rob. I am screaming on the inside but I don't want my emotions to be projected or else my mom would take out the chancla and whoop my ass.
"I'm fine actually I won't be here long to bother you all." I answered and turn to my mom. "Uh ma I'm going to that diner I said yesterday so I can see if they can get me a job there."
"Well how wonderful Natalia! However I need you to get some food in your system before you go." She says while bringing the food to the table. "So come sit with us at and eat."
"Ma but you've been complaining so much about me getting a job and now I'm going to get one." I whined. I just don't really want to be in this house with them here.
"Yes I understand but-"
She gets cut off by Rob. "Luciana just let her go. You have been bugging her about this for days." He got the idea that I really didn't want to be here. I don't know if I should feel bad or not.
"Fine but at least get something to eat when you are out there." My mom requested.
"Ma I'm going to work at a diner remember. I'll get something from there." I remind her.
She sighs and gets up. "Okay fine let me go get my purse."
"Don't need to bother Luciana I'll give Natalia what she needs." He gets up and gives me the money. "Hope this is enough" he says.
"Yeah this is more than enough thank you."
*At the diner*
I stand in front of the glass door and take a deep breath. I just really hope I get a job here so my mother can stop bothering me about getting one. That could also mean that I would become even more busy than I ever was. This can be both a curse and a blessing. I step in and a girl my age greets me.
"Hello how may I assist you today?" She grinned. I take a look at her name tag on her uniform and it read 'hello my name is Molly'
"Morning, uh I saw the sign yesterday wondering if you guys are still hiring?" I asked her. Her face lit up all of a sudden and she gave me the biggest smile.
"Oh of course we still are, you interested in getting a job here?" Questioned Molly. I slightly nod my head in response. "Okay I'm going to have to ask you a few questions so wait here for just a moment." She then leaves the cashier register and comes back with a clipboard and a pen.
She signaled me to go sit at a table so I do. "Let's get started! First question how old are you and what grade will you be going into?"
"I'm 15 and will be a sophomore." I answered. She starts to write on the clipboard and asks the rest of the questions which were just basic information like my birthdate, height, if I had an allergies excederá excederá the list goes on. When I also answered her questions we would get caught in the moment since she then started mini conversations.
"Well it was nice meeting you Natalia! I'm sure we will get along and become friends in no time." Beamed Molly. "It gets pretty lonely here and sometimes crowded so it's too much for me to handle."
I giggled and gave her a smile. "Of course I just wanted my mom to get off my case because she wanted me to get a job so bad."
"Now you don't have to worry about that since you got the job! You can start tomorrow morning at 9 am." She informed me.
"Great! If you want we can chat more right now-I mean if you aren't even that busy." I insisted while remaining in my seat. I literally forgot I skipped breakfast.
"Oh no need to worry it's a slow day today anyway so it's fine."
"Is it okay if you can take my order... I didn't have anything to eat this morning." I admitted.
"Of course whatever you want. It'll be like a celebration for you getting the job." She chirped happily. I guess working here won't be that bad after all. It sure will be a lot of work but it will also be a great distraction.
Oh fuck I am such a horrible person... I am truly sorry about now updating this book for like i don't even know how long, I'm guessing when the book had just reached 7k reads and now we are at 8k thank you all of that. Mind you I am writing this at 2am so I am getting tired as fuck and this quarantine shit ain't it. So like before that and right now I have been very busy and unstable. I know I know "NaTaLiA! ThAt Is NoT a GrEAt ExCuSe AnYmOrE!" I'm being for real... also a bunch of shit happened like dude I confessed to my crush with a meme and he nicely rejected me because he was already talking to another girl. Shit hurts cuz that was a month ago and he now has a girlfriend... ANYWAYS! So yeah online school got me fucked in the head and I hate this... also I feel like I'm typing too much but I feel like I owed you guys an apology and a new chapter. Again I'm truly sorry and thank you for 8k reads you guys are the best!!! Don't know when imma update again but I hope it isn't in a decade haha okay guys stay safe love you all ~Natalia G. 💜
