Chapter 26: One Fire Burns Out Another's

This chapter is brought to you by Cross My Heart I Hope U Die by Meg Smith. 


Bel came back to the Monttevi Compound in the evening, utterly exhausted by the day's event. He wanted to sob in the privacy of his bedroom. 

It was for naught because he had a mission to prepare for. 

He sent the men who were involved in the brawl to the barracks and forced them to train until they dropped. 

They should be thankful he was so merciful. 

Quin and Juno were Tobus' kittens, but Bel knew Tobus was fair and would not hold back on teaching them a lesson. 

The thought of Tobus irritated him. 

He was behaving so strangely, and Bel didn't know what to do to help him. 


Bel spotted his uncle quickly approaching with a troubled expression. 

"What's the matter, Uncle?" he asked, concerned. 

His uncle looked at him for a moment, and then, slowly, he said, "I heard you and Lord Arcadia were involved in a brawl earlier today." 

Bel averted his eyes at the reminder and clenched his hands into fists. 

He shook his head and answered, "His men insulted mine and they fought. Then he showed up and attacked one of our own, and to be fair, Abramo did try to stab Juno, but still..." Bel trailed off. 

"We crossed swords." 

His uncle paused. He stared at him, almost in pity.

Oh wow. 

Bel thought.

That was rude. He didn't even have the whole context, but thanks for assuming that my relationships are imploding as we speak, uncle. I love you, too.

"He has always been unreasonable," his uncle said as if he was dealing with a delicate matter.

He should have simply asked about Bel's day and left him alone to sulk for the remaining hour he had left before the big mission that was super important and should be the sole focus of their current conversation, but no. 

Let them discuss the inevitable collapse of his and Tobus' relationship. Truly, it was top priority. 

"He is, as many have known him, akin to a cat. Calyptos are all like that, even if he was not Valerius' kin by blood." 

Thanks, uncle. That makes me feel so much better. 

Bel made a noise of affirmation, regardless of how he felt. "I'm simply frustrated, uncle. We've worked together for so long, and I thought everything was alright. Now he acts like I'm not even worth his attention and refuses to confide in me when there is something obviously troubling him." 

"This too, you shall overcome, Belwyn," his uncle answered. "The feud of our family has prolonged for many generations, though it has not affected our professions. You are not the first of our House to be sent on missions with Tobus. Long before you were an agent, he had worked with men of our House. He has a record of cooperating well with our House. So be at ease and know he will not endanger you despite his sudden misgivings." 

Bel didn't know what to say to that. 

His uncle had somehow thought Bel was upset because he didn't know if Tobus would have his back now that they weren't on speaking terms. 

That's not the problem, uncle!

Still, he nodded and let his uncle assume what he wanted to assume. 

It was better than explaining the actual problem he was facing.

Back when they were children, no one had been happy when Lord Eartha paired Bel and Tobus together. While the Calyptos tolerated their best agent being partnered with those who worked under the Monttevi House, Be; was his uncle's nephew.

They argued that Tobus was apparently too good for him. The Calyptos feared Bel was going to "leech" off of him.

Surprisingly, it was Tobus who agreed despite the multiple objections being laid out in that meeting. Bel always knew Tobus never treated the whole rivalry thing seriously, even when they first met and he claimed they were enemies. 

It was a false assumption to say they were "rivals," but everyone in Vesna had assumed this was the second coming of the infamous rivalry twenty years ago between his uncle and Lord Calypto.

"You are right, uncle. I thank you for your counsel," Bel said, halfheartedly. 

"Anytime, Belwyn. Now come inside and join your aunt and I for a meal. Your cousin has been unhappy as of late and I believe you will be the balm to his heart."

Bel paused at this news. 

"... Does this have anything to do with Rasa?" 

His uncle snorted. "You mean the Calypto-Stella girl? I would think he'd be more nervous about his initiation, yet his heart is fickle and he has become a romantic." 

Bel winced at his uncle's displeased tone. "He's been in love with Rasa since before he was even potty-trained. Did you not tell him Saintly Sisters do not wed?" 

Then his uncle laughed uproariously as if it was all a joke.

"No. I thought my son would be smarter than that, but alas, my only child and heir seemed to have been dropped one too many times by the nursemaids as a babe."


Bel sent Rowan a silent prayer. 

"Your jokes never change, Uncle. To not even spare your only heir?"

His uncle shook his head derisively, and pushed him inside, "If only that boy was made of tougher skin! Have a meal first and then go comfort his poor heart, Belwyn. I'd be damned if I were to know he was killed on his first mission because he was too distracted by a lady's rejection."

"Of course, uncle." 


After dinner found Bel picking Rowan's locks. 

A neat trick he learned from Tobus. 

"Why the sad face, cousin? Are you unhappy about tonight?" Bel asked, not even bothering to apologize for breaking and entering. 

Rowan was lying on his bed face down. He made a noise like he was dying. 

"Nooooo..." his voice cracked, "Lady Rasamund has rejected my advances. Apparently, the Saintly Sisters are vowed to celibacy."

Bel wished he could slap him.

"Rowan, how long have you been alive? And you just discovered this now?" 

The boy rolled over and groaned. "It pained me when she said no. Why didn't anyone tell me I never had a chance? I've pined for her for so long..."

"She was basically your babysitter," Bel deadpanned. "And much too good for you, even if she wasn't a Saintly Sister." 

Rowan made another dying noise.  

"She hath forsworn to love, and in that vow do I live dead. Nothing shall mend this invisible wound. I feel empty, Bel. Leave me to die in peace. My heart is forever broken and will never heal from this pain." 

Bel rolled his eyes at his dramatics.

He wasn't exactly sympathetic about Rowan's rejection. At least Rasa still talked to Rowan. Tobus wouldn't even spare him a single look anymore and treated him as if he was nothing but a nuisance. 

The thought of Tobus ignoring him left a bitter taste in his mouth. 

"Take my advice, stop thinking about her," Bel said, "You cannot afford distractions tonight unless you wish to fail the mission."

Rowan groaned, "Not without the love of Rasa. What is there to live for if not for her?"

This little fucker!

Bel struggled not to strangle him. 

Rowan was... young. He was the heir, and he had been sheltered within Vesna's walls longer than most children his age. 

Bel thought back to himself, who had been a Monttevi mercenary since the age of twelve, and then to Tobus, who had been killing people since he was eight. 

Marriage wasn't anything profound for those in Vesna.

Most agents, those who were similar to Tobus, tended to swear off love. Bel was also meant to swear off love. Having someone to care about so intimately was... terrifying. 

A normal civilian would not understand the mission and the danger, while a fellow agent knew it all and felt it was better not to feel the pain of losing a lover to a mission. 

Bel's mind flashed to an image of emerald green eyes and copper skin. 

"Rasa was nice to you because you were tiny and cute. Now you're all grown up and have spots," Bel said with no pity, "You will find another woman to love in the future, Rowan. Once you see them, they will be a swan to Rasa's crow."

He pleaded to the gods that Rasa would not find out he compared her to a crow. She may like it at first, but once she figured out the context of the conversation, she would skin him alive. 

"Now get dressed. We have a meeting with Lord Eartha tonight."

For his efforts, Bel received a pillow to his face.

Then he heard something meow. 

It was then he noticed a wiggling lump underneath Rowan's covers. 

"... Is that Tobus' cat?"

Rowan rolled over and buried his face into the fur. "I picked her up when I went out and she didn't fight it. Tobus won't notice. He has millions of them." 

"... You know you can't keep her, right?"


"... I will truly disown you." 


They somehow arrived at the Tower of Truth half an hour early. The cat did not leave Rowan's room by the time they left. 


From behind the shadows of a pillar emerged a man dressed in fine purple silk. He was a spot of chaos against the muted backdrop of the white stone Tower, with his brown wiry hair perpetually untamed and wild, he looked more like a wild dog than Lord Eartha's heir.

The man grinned broadly, his white teeth flashing like the light of a dagger. Two small canines could be spotted peeking out from behind his lips while his violet eyes landed on them. 

"Mercury," Bel responded. 

"I hear you got into a brawl with the Prince of Cats today."

Bel wanted to hit his head against a wall.

"Does everyone in this city know?"

"Everyone," Mercury answered with a playful grin. 

There was a tightness to the corners of his mouth, and Bel knew he was also troubled by Tobus' behavior as of late. 

"Are you ready for your first mission?"

The question was directed at Rowan, who suddenly grew nervous with the attention.

He nodded. "Yes." 

Mercury snorted, "Welcome to the Tower." 

Bel noticed the bags under his friend's eyes as they made their way toward the mission office. 

"How are you?" 

Mercury shrugged his shoulders, feigning nonchalance as he kept walking. 

"I've been having the strangest dreams ever since the Midsummer Celebration. Every time, I see myself fighting someone with a sword. I am angry, but I don't know why."

Bel scrutinized him for a moment. 

Was Mercury having prophecies? 

Members of House Stella were known to have future visions. Any children who inherited violet eyes were automatically taken in by Lord Eartha as potential heirs. 

So far, Mercury was the top candidate, with Venus coming second and Pluto coming third. 

"How does it end?" He couldn't help but ask. 

Prophecies were often confusing, and if read wrong, could lead to disastrous things. 

Lord Eartha did not rely on them heavily as he was not a constant dreamer. He was first and foremost a logician and found prophecies to be unreliable. 

Mercury, on the other hand, has been dreaming of the future since he was fourteen. 

"I die," Mercury admitted, "I die from a measly stab wound and no one bothers to take me to a damn healer."

Bel pursed his lips.

Death in prophecy didn't always mean death. 

He wasn't worried or panicked because it was not the first time Mercury dreamt of someone's death. 

Dying was usually metaphorical, so he wasn't too concerned. 

"Perhaps, once we finish this mission, we should consult the Saintly Sisters. They may find an answer to your problem."

Mercury wordlessly agreed with another shrug.

As they made their way up the Tower, Mercury began to inform them about the mission.

"Venus has been replaced by Pluto." 

"What?" Bel asked, surprised. "Why?" 

Venus was one of the best handlers in the Tower.

Mercury sighed, "My cousin has returned to the city. Uncle absolutely loves him, and claims he has learned from the best in the sister city. He's not fully replacing Venus, but for any mission involving Tobus, he requested to be his personal handler." 

Bel and Rowan shared a glance.

"Does he favor the Calyptos?"

Mercury grimaced. "He met Cat when they were children. You should see the way the kid looks at him. It was like Venus wasn't even in the room."

Bel felt a painful twist in his chest. 

"So everything's been approved? Whatever mission Tobus goes on, he's handling?" 

"Aye. And for joint missions between you and him. Venus had been reassigned to Rowan and some other Calypto kid I can't remember the name of. It was something confidential, but I guess we'll be meeting them soon. Cat is bringing them here."

"What of Venus' thoughts? He's been Tobus' handler for many years."

Mercury snorted, "He's pissed, but he'll live. My brother thinks he's one of his kittens, and Cat doesn't deny it. You know how he is with kids." 

That was the thing, wasn't it?

They weren't kids anymore. No longer cute enough to endear themselves to Tobus, who constantly gave in whenever a few tears were shed. 

Halfway up the Tower, they arrived at a platform. Mercury stepped in front of a wall and knocked once, twice. The stones slide apart, revealing a hidden room.

Torchlights lining the walls came to life, bathing the room in a warm hue. In the very center of the room, a large round table stood, surrounded by a few chairs.

Rowan looked around and said with a confused tone, "It's... ordinary."

"Did you think we would have weapons and magical arrays?" Mercury asked teasingly.

Rowan pouted, "I assumed."

Mercury chuckled. "You assumed correctly. This is a decoy."

Bel watched Mercury try to impress his cousin in amusement. 

The new features to the Tower were only recently added. The renovation was under the suggestion of Tobus, who thought the Tower needed more security. 

Mercury swept around the table and climbed on top. 

Bel jumped up. "Come on, Rowan."

His cousin looked unsure for a moment, probably thinking this was either a prank, or they wanted him to look stupid. 

He climbed on hesitantly. 

"Alright, let's go." Mercury tapped his foot against the center of the table. A seal appeared beneath their feet. 

A high-pitched scream broke out, which both Mercury and Bel ignored. 

The feeling of being sucked into a portal took some getting used to. 

Bel exhaled, ignoring Rowan's hysterics.

He exchanged an amused glance with Mercury.

Seconds later, all traces of the three men were gone. 


The author has something to say:

You see what you did here, Tobus?! Bel was supposed to a be sweetheart in the original draft, but now look. Look what you did. You can't fix him, now.

In the original outline of this story, Bel was not supposed to be such a prominent character of any importance. He was listed as Rowan's supporting cousin and Tobus' rival. And yet, fate did nt allow that. I have no tears left to shed.... -_-
