Aether was standing in the castle's courtyard. In his hand, he held the golden dagger that Lumine had given him as the tool that would carry out the assassination of Sucrose.

He was pondering everything that had gone down over the past two days. Had he really made the right choice in killing Sucrose? Although he wanted to make his sister happy, was he himself really and truly happy?

Tears welled up in Aether's eyes as his grip on the dagger tightened. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and he quickly dabbed his eyes so that they would be void of tears.

Aether was about to walk down the hall to do some of his duties as a servant in the castle, but then he felt a warm, but a slightly firm, grip on his hand. Aether also felt someone press against his back. He turned around to see that the person who had grabbed his hand was Lumine.

"The hour for my tea time has arrived, Aether," Lumine giggled. "Would you be so kind and begin getting everything ready?" Aether was lost and distracted, but the chiming of the bells brought him back to the present. He looked at his sister and nodded.

"I'm sorry, Lumi." Aether whispered, stroking her hand. "I'll get your tea ready. Just wait for me in your bedchambers, since there's better light in there right now, during this time of day."

Lumine agreed and separated ways from Aether. She went down the hall and to her room. She sat and waited at the table just like Aether told her to.

However, after fifteen whole minutes, Aether still had not shown up with Lumine's tea and brioche yet. Lumine impatiently tapped her fingers on the table. Aether had never been late before, and this was a first.

Lumine arose from her chair, determined to find Aether. However, as if reading her mind, Aether opened the door suddenly, holding the tea tray in his hand. His eyes were oddly swollen and puffy, and he looked absolutely exhausted. The cuffs of his sleeves looked stained with a dry red substance.

"There you are Aether!" Lumine exclaimed, striding over to him immediately. "I have been waiting for you for fifteen whole minutes and you've never been late before. Is there...a specific reason for your lateness at all?"

Aether remained silent for a while, gazing off into space. Finally, he said, "I... I'm so sorry, Lumine." Aether mumbled, stifling a dry sob. "It won't happen again."

Lumine raised her eyebrow at the noise that her brother just made. She cast a look of concern upon him, and she said, "Are you alright, Aether? You really haven't seemed like yourself as of late, and as your older sister I just wanted to check on you. So tell me, are you okay? Is there anything that I need to adjust?"

Aether shook his head quickly, which roused a slight suspicion in Lumine's eyes. Knowing that Lumine was still suspicious that he wasn't telling the truth, Aether looked at Lumine with reassurance evident on his face. "I'm fine, Lumi, really." Aether said, plastering a wide and seemingly sweet smile on his face. "Take a seat, and I'll serve your tea and brioche to you in a moment."

Lumine obliged and delicately took a seat by her table. Aether picked up the teapot and began pouring the tea into Lumine's cup, but then, the door to Lumine's bedchambers slammed open.

The loud sound startled Aether and he dropped the teapot, causing it to shatter into little pieces that scattered all over the floor. The tea that had been inside spread all over the floor, and Lumine lifted her feet so that the tea wouldn't seep through her socks.

"What is the meaning of this! How dare you intrude into my private bedchambers in such a brute manner!" Lumine shouted at the man who had slammed open the door.

"My deepest apologies my queen, but the message I carry is very urgent!" the sweating messenger stammered, recoiling because of the cold glare that Lumine was giving him. "There is a horrible, horrible group of people that have begun a rebellion against you!"

Lumine and Aether gasped simultaneously. Quickly, Aether asked, "Who is leading this rebellion?"

"I believe I am not mistaken, but the one who is leading this rebellion is none other than the son of the former Army General, Crepus." the panicking messenger replied. "And to make matters worse, the rebellion has taken up a massive alliance with the Kingdom of Blue! They've already gotten past the palace gates, as well! What would you like me to do, so that we may resist against the rebellion?"

Lumine opened her mouth to give the messenger orders, but Aether butted in and said, "The queen and I will discuss this privately. Please leave us."

The messenger bowed and quickly ran from the room, and he closed the door behind him.

"Aether! What was that for?" Lumine protested. "I...I thought I had a plan already, so why did you butt in?"

"I know you have a plan, Lumine, but listen to me first." Aether said in a quiet, yet urgent tone.

"But, Aether..." Lumine said softly, now beginning to tremble and sink down to the ground. "The real truth is, I don't have a plan at all. I'm...really scared, and worried. I...I don't want to die, Aether!"

Aether caught his sister in a tight embrace to try and calm her down. "There's no need to be scared, my dearest sister. I believe that I have a plan. I won't let anyone hurt you, nor will I let them take your life."

Aether removed the dagger that Lumine had given him from his belt. He strode over to Lumine's closet and took some things out of it. A yellow gown identical to hers, and some black shoes.

"What is your plan, Aether? Please tell me, and quickly..." Lumine said urgently. She didn't understand why Aether went to her closet, but it didn't give her a good feeling at all.

Aether walked away from the closet and over to his sister. He began to whisper his plan to her. Lumine was horrified when her brother told her everything in his plan, and seeing no other solution in this tragic moment, she burst into tears.
