You're Still Lying Even if its to Yourself

"So what did you want to talk about?" Vincenzo took a deep breath.

After reaching that great epiphany at lunch, he had been feeling all sorts of complicated emotions. There was a mixture of happiness, embarrassment, relief, anger and confusion all bundled up together. He truly didn't know what to make of it. All he knew in that moment was that he needed to get out of there as quickly as possible, before he let his feelings drown him. So that's how he found himself aimlessly walking around the halls, looking for any excuse to not go back and face Luca.

Somehow that would only lead him to more questions.

Vincenzo turned at the corner, only to nearly crash into Carlos.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Carlos said, trying to pick up the box of books he'd dropped.

"O-Oh yeah sorry." Vincenzo looked down shamefully, still red faced. He quickly bent down and began to pick up some of the scattered books.

"Pfft why so serious? Relax, it's not that big a deal." Carlos casually swatted the air. He looked up, noticing the distracted look in Vincenzo's eyes. "Uh you okay man?"

"Huh? Yeah! Of course I'm okay!" Vincenzo quickly shouted out, dropping the books into the box. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Carlos gave him a pointed look. "Then why are you so jittery?"

"Jittery?! I'm not jittery! I'm very calm. You're the idioti who dropped all this stuff. You should relax and watch where you're going!"

"Uh huh."

"I'm not jittery!"


"Look I was just distracted about something, okay? Some of us actually like to think instead of being nosy jerks like you."

Carlos scoffed. "I'm not nosy. I just like to be informed."

"Yeah right you-"

"Carlos!" Rosa called from down the hall. "What are you doing?! Signor Colombo needs those boxes already."

"Ugh I'm going already. It's just that loverboy over here is too distracted and made me knock everything over."

"Loverboy?! How did you know-" Vincenzo paused mid sentence seeing Carlos's annoying smug grin.

"So you are distracted by love troubles huh?" Vincenzo stood there a stuttering mess. Rosa clicked her tongue and gave Carlos a light shove.

"Quit bothering him and pick this stuff up already."

Carlos rolled his eyes. "Why do cute girls like you always turn out so bossy?"

Rosa flicked his forehead, causing him to yelp out in pain. "Just pick this stuff up." She looked over to Vincenzo, who still looked very embarrassed. "Don't let this jerk bother you. He's always just looking for a good story to tell."

"I'm right here."

"And you're not picking stuff fast enough." Rosa huffed and turned to Vincenzo with a sympathetic look. "Do you wanna talk about what's wrong?"

Vincenzo bit the inside of his cheek. He really didn't want to share about his new found feelings, but he really didn't know how to deal with them either. It was all too much to handle. He knew he was going to go crazy if at least he didn't share them with someone else.

"I don't know." Vincenzo finally mustered up to say. "I just don't know how to feel about all this..."

Carlos was about to open his mouth when Rosa shot him a glare. She turned back to Vincenzo and gave him a small smile. "Hey don't worry, sometimes even a wonderful feeling like love can be complicated. What's the big thing that's bothering you?"

"It's just..." Vincenzo scratched his arms nervously and looked to the side. "This one is very different..."

That wasn't a complete lie. Luca was nothing like his previous crushes.

Vincenzo had always liked pretty girls with bright eyes, pink cheeks, long flowy hair and  would wear flowery dresses. Isabella, Mia and even Rosa were all very similar to each other. Pretty, bubbly girls with sweet personalities. They wore ribbons in their hair, swished their skirts and fluttered their long lashes.

Though Giulietta wasn't like that either. She was definitely a sweet, pretty girl, but was far more opinionated than most. He liked that she was brash, excitable and could go on long tangents about her passions without any shame. She was unapologetically her whole self and didn't care what others thought.

Now that Vincenzo thought about it, there were many similarities between Giulietta and Luca.  

It should have made sense considering how well the two got along. They both were intelligent, easily fascinated with the stars above them and had a shimmering look in their eyes when they'd start rambling excitedly about their interests. The only difference that Vincenzo could think of is that unlike Giulietta, Luca was an anxious person with many fears. Yet, that never stopped him being himself. That was something truly amazing.

"You know 'different' isn't always bad." Vincenzo snapped out his thoughts. "It just means that you really like this person."

"...You think so?"

"Of course! Love doesn't always make sense. If we could control those feelings it wouldn't be half as fun or exciting."

"I suppose you're right." Vincenzo rubbed his arm awkwardly. "But there's no point in even thinking about it. It's probably hopeless anyways..."

"Please! Enough with this self pity." She grabbed him by the shoulders. "Unless that person has made it clear that they don't feel the same, there's always a fighting chance. Forza Vincenzo!"

Vincenzo was taken a little back by Rosa. He turned to the side. "I don't know..."

Rosa sighed. "Well if that's complicated why don't you try going on a date?"

"What?!" All his blood quickly ran to Vincenzo's face.

"Hold on before you start freaking out. It doesn't have to be like a real date-date. You two can just hang out with some friends and just see how well you two get along. If you end up enjoying it then you got your answer."

"That-" He thought for a moment. "That actually makes a lot of sense..."

"See?" She let go of his shoulders and gave him a wink. "Now smile loverboy and good luck on your not-date. I hope it goes better than what happened between us."

Carlos immediately whipped his head while Vincenzo groaned. Why did she have to remind him of that?

"Did you have to bring that up now?" He didn't try to hide his annoyance at the girl.

"Oh Vincenzo I thought you were over-" Rosa stopped once she noticed Carlos learning in with a giant grin on his face.

"Wait a minute. Did something happen between you two?" Vincenzo wrinkled his nose.

"Thank you for the advice Rosa though I must get going now. I'll leave you two." He swiftly made his exit but not before hearing his classmates' bickering echoing down the hall.

"So you and Vincenzo huh?"

"Carlos I might be a lady but I'm not above punching your dumb face."

After that little encounter, Vincenzo spent the rest of day contemplating how he should go about this plan of his. However, anytime he even caught a glimpse of Luca, he would freeze on the spot. That didn't matter anymore, as now Luca stared at him anxiously waiting for an answer.

"I wanted to talk about tomorrow's," Vincenzo made a hesitant pause ""

"O-Oh right. I-"

"You can call it off." Luca blinked rapidly.


"W-Well not entirely." Vincenzo stammered. "It can just be a friendly hangout."

"A hangout?" Luca slowly repeated incredulously. Were his bad days finally over? "You don't want the date with Giulia?"

"...No I don't."

"Why?" Beads of sweat began to run down Vincenzo's face.

"Why? Well because- It's obvious. I erm- I'm a gentleman before anything else and it would be cowardly to get a date through such a way. Plus it would be uncomfortable as you and your friend would be there with us-" Vincenzo felt his cheeks heat up. "Us being Giulietta and I. That's the d-date I'm referring to."

Luca scrunched his brows together in confusion. He opened his mouth as if he were going to say something but was cut off.

"-And anyways, you obviously haven't even told her that it was supposed to be a date in the first place. You spineless- I mean." Vincenzo pinched the bridge of his nose, inhaling sharply. "What I'm trying to say is that this is clearly the best way to fix this misunderstanding. Seriously Paguro, you should thank me right now."

Luca took a moment to process the little tyraid he just heard until something clicked.

"Vincenzo, you realized why Giulia and I were fighting didn't you?"

"Well it wasn't hard to put two and two together but..." Vincenzo rubbed the back of his neck shamefully. "That's not my angle."

"Oh." Luca looked disappointed which only made Vincenzo's stomach churn with an ugly guilt. Maybe he should have lied about that.

"Hey," Vincenzo said in a much softer voice. "Don't worry I won't tell her about all this. You can relax now. We're just going to have fun okay?"

"Really?" Luca's tense shoulders eased up, looking up with a bright shine in his eyes that had been missing for some days. A heavy weight sank into Vincenzo's chest. Perhaps he should let it crush him for being so horrible.

"Unless you get annoying, no one will know about the deal or your dumb letter." Did Vincenzo really have to sound so bitter? As if he couldn't be more obvious in that moment, yet careless little Luca was too overjoyed to notice. It was really adorable the way his focus caused him to miss out on important details. Not that Vincenzo wanted to share these with Luca; no one ever likes to admit how stupidly selfish and jealous they are.

Though for Luca, this moment was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel leading to Porto Rosso. Finally his nightmare was over: He didn't have to worry about sharing his feelings yet or betray his best friend's trust. He could finally rest easy tonight knowing everything was right in the world. His letter, along with this whole incident, would stay tucked away safely between his folders. No one would know.

Well Luca and Vincenzo would know.

Ugh there it was again. That pit in Luca's stomach.

"Right." Luca looked down at the ground. Maybe it would go away after a day of fun. "I guess thank you Vincenzo..."

Vincenzo sighed. Luca was too sweet for his own good. Vincenzo deserved to be mocked and ridiculed for this whole charade he'd been carrying on with. He almost wished he had been. At least then his conscience would be more at ease. What gentleman Vincenzo truly was. So horrid and vile he'd convinced this poor kid he'd been blackmailing to thank him for keeping quiet. Shame was the bare minimum.



"You can call me Cenzo." He said. "Friends give each other nicknames, don't they?"

Luca looked up with mouth gape. Was this finally it? Was this Vincenzo's way of showing Luca that he truly meant no ill will? He really hoped so.

"I guess you're right Cenzo." Luca said carefully with an awkward smile.

Vincenzo's heart fluttered. Now who's really the spineless coward between the two? This was supposed to be a symbol of truce. Pathetic. Maybe he should let that Alberto guy kill him with his stare. It would certainly help ease his pain.

"Right." Vincenzo said. Anything else and Luca wouldn't have been able to miss the hopeless sigh in his voice.

"Well if that's all I think I should head back."

"Right. I'll see you tomorrow." Vincenzo let out another sigh once Luca was gone. He covered his burning face with both hands.

Maybe the universe would be merciful with him and hit him with a lightning bolt, because between the pounding of his chest and the bile of guilt lodged in his throat, he didn't know what would end him first.


"So, bet you wanna know why it's been terribly awkward right?" Giulia asked, sitting down on a bench.

"Uh yeah..." Alberto said but kept his gaze fixated on the same spot as it had been for the past few minutes. Giulia tried her best not to inhale her nose.

"Alberto? Are you listening?"

"...What? Yeah I am."

"What did I say?"

"That's it has been awkward which yeah it has..." He continues looking away back and forth distractedly. "Um quick random question, so what's the deal with this Vincenzo guy? Luca's never mentioned him and they seem kinda close." Too close actually.

Giulia clicked her tongue. "Does that really matter right now? I thought you wanted to talk to me." It was obvious they were going to talk about Luca, but could he at least pretend like he actually cared what she had to say.

"Well what do you think I'm doing right now?" Alberto scoffed. "I had a question, okay. Sheesh can't a guy be curious anymore."

"Curious is an interesting way to put it."

Alberto frowned. "Is there something you want to say?"

Giulia accepted a lot of things in life, like how no matter how many times she brushed her hair it would always stay a curly mess. She accepted that Machiavelli was a grumpy cat. She accepted that she had weird fish friends that thought stars were anchovies and ate with their hands instead of forks. She accepted that not everyone could appreciate the joys of trumpet's melody so early in the early hours of the morning. She even accepted that she was also weird because she talked too much and was intense about everything.

But did she have to accept that she always came in second place? Why was it always Luca first? Alberto was her brother now. Could he not, at least a second, pretend like that meant something? It's not like they were on bad terms anymore. At least they weren't supposed to be.

He wasn't supposed to be that jealous kid anymore and she wasn't that annoying, oblivious kid, right?

"Just thought that by now you'd be more mature that's all."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you seriously that immature that you can't stand the fact that another boy is talking to Luca? He said he'd be back soon Alberto." Giulia crossed her arms. "Seriously get a hobby and for once use your stupid brain to think of something other than Luca."

"Shut up I'm not stupid!" Alberto's face felt hot. It seems like he was still too easy to read. "Plus if you wanna talk about being immature just look at you. You're the one that's been mad for no reason!"

"Well maybe if you tried listening instead of worrying about Luca for more than five seconds then you'd know why! Sometimes I feel like the only way to get you to listen is if I mention Luca."

"What that's not true. We talk about loads of other stuff."

"Oh yeah? Okay then what are you doing now?"

"I'm-" Alberto let out an exasperated sigh. He was supposed to be apologizing to Giulia, not getting angry with her. Why did she have to be difficult?

No, that wasn't right. Maybe she did have a point. That's exactly why he was going to apologize in the first place because he was too wrapped up with Luca to notice something had been wrong.

"See?! You never listen unless it's about Luca!" She was right. He was just dumb boy in love who still didn't know to handle his feelings. He always had to let it fester up inside until one day it exploded in the worst possible way. He always expected this from his uglier emotions like anger and jealousy. No one ever told him love was ugly too. Is that why he purposely ignored his friend and sister?

And now both Luca and Giulia were facing the consequences of his dumb stupid heart.

"I'm sorry, okay? But that's exactly why you have to stop being mad! Luca's not doing good either. He's really worried and this week was supposed to be fun for all of us. It will be months before we get to hang out like this, don't you want that?"

Of course she does. It's so obvious that being asked such a question had been far more insulting than anything Alberto has said or done thus far.

But there it was again. Luca's not doing good. He's been hurting. He's the one Alberto is worried about.

Giulia sighs. "Yeah I did-- I do." That's not a lie. It's true. Alberto might not care for her, but she does care about Luca. She'd seen exactly how bad he'd been. "You're right. He doesn't deserve this. Maybe I have been a little immature lately but I'll fix this."

"Great." Alberto relaxed his shoulder with a relieved sigh. Things were finally going to be better. "So are we good...?"

Giulia frowns and looks away. "I'll talk to Luca. I promise."

"Oh cool..." So maybe not all things are better but at least it will be for Luca and Giulia. That's all that really matters.

"Alberto!" He turns to find Luca running back to him waving his hand excitedly. Whatever selfish doubts he had were easily washed away at the sight of that beautiful smile. Alberto was about to run towards this precious boy he held so dearly in heart when he stopped. Giulia stood next him, frowning and looking to the side dejectedly.

Way to go and show her that what she thinks of you is true stupido.

Before Alberto can think of anything else Giulia speaks up. "Just go to him already. He probably needs you."

Without any hesitation, Alberto turned away and sprinted towards Luca, picking him up in a warm hug. Giulia tried to smile but it proved to be difficult. 

She decides that it's better to look away and wait for them to acknowledge her. It would be rude for her to impose on such a sweet sight. She should stick to her role on the sidelines and let herself fade away into the background until she's necessary once again.

"Beto what's with all the hugging?" Luca asked while Alberto buried his face into his shoulder. "We just saw each other."

"Dunno..." Giulia was right he was being ridiculous, yet he felt so much better knowing that Luca was in his arms. Alberto rested his chin on Luca's shoulder, lightly brushing his lips on it. "I think I just missed you."

Alberto looked over to find an adorable shade of pink covering Luca's cheeks. It was selfish, but he hoped Vincenzo never saw this. He really hoped Luca was only like this when he was with him. God he really was pathetic wasn't he? Maybe he should let Giulia yell at him some more.

"I was only gone for a few minutes." Luca said, looking away bashfully.

"Yeah but it felt like forever." Luca tried to bite back the smile growing on his face but failed terribly. His luck was truly turning around. He could have spent all day in Alberto's arm had his eyes not landed on a certain redhead, sitting far away from him.

Luca slowly broke free of Alberto's hold. "I t-think I need to talk to Giulia."

Alberto looked between the two. "Right. Go ahead. I'll give you space."

"Thank you Beto." Alberto quickly pulled Luca back into a quick hug.

"Silenzio Bruno. Everything will be fine I promise." Alberto whispered close to his ear, before sending Luca his way. Somehow Luca felt a little more confident that he almost didn't falter until Giulia began to apologize.

"I think I've been misinterpreting things lately..." She started off carefully. "I didn't like to ignore you. It was awful."

Luca felt slightly relieved. At least he knew Giulia didn't hate him. "Yeah I'm sorry too. I probably should have tried harder to talk to you. I'm sorry I've been nothing but useless..." Perhaps Vincenzo had not been far from the truth; Luca was a coward and for many different reasons too.

"Can't say I've been any better." Giulia gave him a small smile. "How about we forgive, forget and have loads of fun tomorrow at the festival? I'm tired of fighting and I miss my best friend."

Luca gives her a teary eyed smile. "I miss my best friend too." He rubs his eyes with his sleeves. "I don't think I've ever been this quiet in school. It's terrible. Let's not do that again."

"Oh Luca." Giulia pulls him into a hug. "Being quiet is the worst isn't it?"

"Yeah it is." He buries his head into her shoulder, sniffling quietly. "Bianca and Carlos don't understand the beauty of space exploration."

Giulia giggled. "Truly tragic isn't it?" A beat of silence followed.

"Luca?" Giulia slowly said. "This was never meant to be a date, right?"

"...Right." She grimaced at his hesitation.

"We're just going to have fun together. Okay?" Together. Giulia really hoped so.

"Luca you know you can tell me anything right? If it's important you won't hide it from me, right?"

"Yeah I promise." Liar. That's another word that perfectly describes Luca. Along with stupid, coward and lovesick. His friends deserved so much better.


Alberto anxiously paced around, with his hand sitting idly in his pockets. Any minute now, his friends would return with bright smiles on their faces or at least he hoped so. He couldn't take another day of this awkwardness.

He kicked a small rock that rolls off until it's stopped by a foot. Alberto looked up to see Vincenzo staring him down.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Vincenzo said with a curt nod. Alberto frowns.


"You don't sound excited too."

"Why would I be?" Vincenzo narrows his eyes.

"What's your deal huh? Don't like to spend time with friends?" Alberto scoffed.

"We're not  friends."

"If that's what you want. Suit yourself." Alberto stood in front of Vincenzo, blocking his way. 

"Look I'll say this once," Alberto jabbed his index into Vincenzo's chest. "Luca is my best friend and nothing is ever going to change that, got it?"

"Alberto!" Luca called, walking in their direction with a much more cheerful Giulia by his side. Alberto took a step away from Vincenzo then turned with a smile, waving at Luca. However, his smile faltered as he looked over to see Vincenzo staring forward with a dazed expression. There was a sickeningly sweet gentleness in gaze that he recognized all too well. Alberto felt his stomach drop a thousand meters under him.

"That's fine." Vincenzo said in a low voice, waving at Luca. "Because I don't want to be just his friend."

Alberto stared at him. He decided at that moment Vincenzo would look better with his face bashed in.

"Alberto, what are you doing just standing around?" Luca asked, oblivious to the tension between the two boys. "Let's go now!"

Giulia stared between the boys. "Um, is everything okay?"

"Of course." Vincenzo shot a quick glance at Alberto before turning away, giving Luca a graciously charming smile that had Alberto's blood boiling. "Just telling him how excited I am to hangout tomorrow."

"Great." Alberto grits his teeth. Luca didn't have to smile when he said that.

"Yeah I'm definitely excited." Giulia says with a friendly smile, hoping to cut off whatever stupid thought Alberto was dying to say. "Glad you'll be hanging out with us Vinny."

"Yeah, it will be a nice change of pace." Oh Giulietta. She hadn't a clue what was going on. She shouldn't have been dragged into this mess in the first place. Would she smile at him if she knew what he'd done only for him to back out because he's too dumb to figure out his feelings? Giulietta is so wonderful she doesn't deserve that. Even though he yearns for Luca's sweet smile, there's a tenderness to Giulietta's happiness that should never be absent. He should apologize but what difference would that make now?  Silence atonement was all he could do now. As tempting as it was to continue to engage in this petty fighting with Alberto, for her sake, he'll keep civil.

He scratched the back of his head, looking down with shame. "I'll see you then." Vincenzo waves them goodbye, before giving a lingering look to Luca, which does not go unnoticed by Alberto.

Alberto clicks his tongue and doesn't waste the opportunity to grab Luca's hand. "Come on Bubble. It's getting late and Caterina is going to get worried if we don't get home soon." He roughly brushes past Vincenzo, dragging Luca along.

I already know how he feels. Vincenzo thinks, sighing as he saw the flushed look on Luca's face. I only want to confirm what I feel. That's all this is. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"Beto, hold on!" Luca turns back, barely able to keep up to pace, and waves Vincenzo goodbye.

"Bye Cenzo see you later."

 Vincenzo looks up with a lovesick grin, while Alberto tugs at Luca again. But feelings change right? 

He barely notices Giulia, who once again has been left behind.

"Until tomorrow!" He stammers out, quickly walking away.

Giulia sighs. The stage lights are starting to dim and the main scene has ended. Now she must run along before the next act begins. Perhaps next time they will give her role more prominence and with more lines.

She started to run in the direction the boys ran off. "Since when are all boys this weird?" She said to no one but herself. After all the audience was far more interested in the romance up ahead than in her sad lonely existence.

She was only there to make silly jokes and entertain her friends when they pleased.
