
Tom Kaulitz sat leaning back in his desk chair with his headphones on. Blasting his favorite music he could finally breathe. He always had anxiety when his parents would leave for the weekend, but at least he had his brother to keep him company. His identical twin, Bill always helped him get by. Whenever Tom was close to having panic attacks just looking into his twins eyes always calmed him down. Bill had the softest touch anyone could want and the sweetest smile. Tom laid his head back, taking his hat off he placed it over his eyes for darkness. Outside a violent storm raged on, loud thunder and horrifying lighting. Tom never minded storms but his brother was easily scared of them, ever since they were little he would always have to comfort his little brother during storms for him to fall asleep. Tom took his hat off of his eyes and looked at the clock, 11pm. Just as he was about to go back into his relaxation state the power went out. Everything went black, the only light being the lighting that struck outside. Tom jumped out of his chair and felt around his room for a flashlight. Looking around he banged his knee on the bed frame.

"Damn it." he muttered rubbing where it hurt. He still needed to find some sort of light to see. Running his fingers over multiple things he finally found what he was looking for. Tom turned it on and the room filled with light. Now the second part, finding his twin; he knew Bill had to be scared about now. He could feel it in his gut. He and his twin always had the ability to feel when the other one was hurting or scared. Tom opened his bedroom door and stepped into the hallway, looking around for any sight of Bill.

"Billa?" Tom called into the darkness.

Tom walked down the hall listening for any sign of his brother. He walked in front of his bedroom door and called out again.

"Bill are you in here?" Tom opened the door to see a single candle lit on his brother's desk.


"Tommy?" a small voice called to him.

Tom followed the voice and found his brother, under his bed.

"It's ok Bill, come here." Tom sat the flashlight down on the floor and reached out for his twin who bolted into his arms and hugged him tight.

Tom could feel Bill's face wet with tears of fright and he was trembling.

"Shhh, I'm here don't worry." Tom whispered soothingly in his ear.

Tom held his brother tight, holding him close as Bill grabbed onto Tom's oversized shirt with his fists and held it tight. Tom got up off the floor still holding Bill and standing him on his feet. He gently sat Bill on his bed and whispered to hold on a minuet but giving him the flashlight for comfort. Tom grabbed the candle off the Bill's desk and walked back to his room to get something he knew would calm him down. Tom re-emerged into Bill's room holding his headphones and music player. He picked music he knew would relax his twin, Tom playing the guitar instrumentals to Bill's favorite songs. Tom placed the headphones over his brother's ears and turned it on. Instantly Bill loosened up, Tom pulled him down to lay on him. Both boys laid in bed together, holding each other through the storm and during the night.

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