15-The Epilogue

Darry was set on focusing the camera as everybody found their place outside of the Curtis household. It was small but chunky and you'd never seen anything like it. He was twisting some knobs and setting the timer up.

"Alright, alright! Get into your poses guys!"

Two-Bit slicked his hair back and practised his smiles while Steve and Soda fought to get the top arm around each other, arguing about who's got most muscle. Ponyboy sat down on a small wooden crate and you leaned over on his shoulder.

You guys were recreating the 1966 photo, almost two years later. Everything seemed in place, but the photo was missing something which would never come back: Johnny and Dally. You smiled to yourself, thinking only about the good times you shared with Johnny and Ponyboy. The times that Dally protected you, being the only girl in the gang. Those two people meant a lot to you and have stained themselves in your memories forever. You laughed to Pony and he grinned goofily back to you, giving you a small peck. You smiled towards the camera as Darry ran back to the gang behind us all. He grinned the same grin as he counted down aloud. "Five, four, three, two, one!" The camera clicked and everybody broke apart.

Sodapop and Steve had to go to work, and Darry didn't want to waste time to go and get his film developed. Two-Bit was runnin' off to find trouble, it left you and Ponyboy free to go runnin' amok. You ran off into the day, to the hill where you could see the city.

"I really do love you, y/n." Pony said to you, breaking silence from the beautiful view. You were caught up reminiscing in happiness about the past, about everything you've gone through with Ponyboy. You laughed, failing to reply. "And, I know we're young. But, would you marry me? I'll get a job not long from now and I'll get you the most beautiful ring. Just a few more years and we can promise to each other for life, the way the people are supposed to and-" You cut him off with a long and plump kiss, after you pulled back you nodded gently.

"Yes, but I've already promised you my lifetime. You know that. You know how much I love you Ponyboy. You know I'm here to s-" And this time he kissed you, you laughed through his lips.

"You're amazing, Ponyboy Michael Curtis. No words can explain just how much I do love you. Well, for start, it's an aweful lot."

Thanks guys, I'm out ;)

thanks for 6k too, looooooveeellyyy(i told my dad about this(not that it was a fanfic) and he's boasting about it to everyone and i'm like goddamn stop) but i wuv woo guyzz x

this is my dog on the makeshift bed i made for her coz she's not allowed inside but shhhhhhhhh but now she's like trying to rip it up and i feel so under appreciated by her coz she's ruining it and she's laying her yuckiness(i love her) on my favourite fluffy war, blanket just man i swear to god if she gets down to that imma fucking rip her face off bitch.

-Lily 🌅🌅
