4: Who Sent It?

Jerry has added the Squip Squad to ‘Who sent it?’

Jerry: Um...did any of you see that last message?

ProudGay: It's your name in a really spread out format.

JakeyD: that was really weird…

BiArsonist: who sent it?

Leader: roll credits!

Trees: Jared, this is serious! Jeremy might have a stalker!

NotLohst: guys, this is weird…

ProudGay: wait, Jere, u said ur migraine left at around six, right?

Jerry: yeah?

JakeyD: the message was sent at around 6.

BiArsonist: you don't think…

ProudGay: the Squip?

Jerry: what? no. no no no no no no no no no no no no no!

Jerry: that demon thing is NOT coming back!

Jerry: it can't come back!

ProudGay: Jeremy, calm down. I can feel your panic attack coming.

TheaterGeek: everything will be fine. It's fine. Everything is fine…

GossipGirl: u don't sound too sure about that…

BiArsonist: wot do we do!?

BiArsonist: holy s**t this is serious…

Leader: guys, I'm sure it's just an error in the chat. Nothing to worry about.

Trees: y-yeah, um, u gotta think positive.

Trees: I'm sure you'll get thru this. 😊

JakeyD: we appreciate the encouragement, Evan.

ProudGay: we really do, but u have no idea what this thing has put us through…

BiArsonist: Jeremy, has it said anything in your head?

Jerry: no...which still worries me.

Jerry: what is it so concentrated on that he's silent?

ProudGay: He's not even supposed to be here!

Jerry: I KNOW!!!

Jerry: guys…

Jerry: I'm really scared.

Jerry: like...really really scared.

Jerry: like, what if it tries to get rid of Michael again…

Jerry: or anyone of you?

Jerry: I don't want to hurt you guys.

ProudGay: Jeremy, we don't even know if it's back yet, so stop overthinking things and breathe. Just breathe, relax, calm down.

Jerry: Mikey, can I come over?

ProudGay: I'm on my way to you now. I'll be there soon.

Jerry: plz hurry.

ProudGay has left the chat

Jerry has left the chat

Valentine: where r they going?

BiArsonist: Jeremy probably needs some cuddles. He's going thru some hard stuff.

NotLohst: poor Jeremy…

TheaterGeek: I hope he'll b ok.

GossipGirl: same.

Trees: I hope so too.

Leader: I'm sure he'll b just fine.

JakeyD: hopefully…


(392 words)

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry kts so short. Congrats to any Eagles fans out there, even though it was rigged, lol. If you guys enjoyed, you know what to do! I'll see u guys on Wednesday! Love you guys, bye!

Unknown has changed his name to ‘imback’

Imback: well, it's in my name, but…

Imback: I’M BACK
