Chapter 8 My colour changing eyes.

After getting out the house me and Ace ran into the forest to get far away from the house. Luckily none of the devils henchmen had followed us. But I had packed a lot of supplies enough for a week or two. We had ended up in the spot where we first properly met. And we walked on past there I was trying to have at least to have a normal conversation with Ace however he didn't want a normal conversation he just kept on flirting with me and pulling his stupid grin when ever I got all blushed up because he new what he was telling me was affecting and that it proved to him that I cared. At one point there was no more greenery of the forest left to be seen only ice and snow. I asked Ace "how far away was his village from hear". He said "it's not far from hear sweet heart". I started getting blushed , annoyed with him so I started walking faster and be for I new it the ice underneath my feet hand broken and I had been plunged into the icy cold sea I tried my best to swim back up however I had gotten seaweed tangled on my foot I tugged and tugged to try and get it off but then I started to loose air I started trying to scream but that made it worse more water hand entered my lungs the last thing I saw was Ace with out his top on coming to rescue me from drowning. When I woke up I found myself lying in a bed and in what I believed was a strange hospital which had futuristic technology. In shock I sat up and looked at what I was wearing. I was wearing Ace's jacket and his white top. they felt comfy and warm and it makes me feel safe and it smelled like him which I liked because it made me feel close to him. I heard some people starting to walk into the room I started getting really scared and the fact that I didn't know where I was or where Ace was and also the devils henchmen where after me so I have my reasons to be scared. I decided to wait for the people to walk in the room and from there will decide on what to do from there. The people who walked in where two people who looked like doctors and Ace who had no top on cause I was wearing it. I says "I see your finally awake. I asked him "what happed to me? why am I wearing your clothes? and who changed me? where are we? Ace started nervously laughing and saying "well you fell under the ice so as fast as I could I took my jacket and top off and swam to save your life. when I got you out off the water in the distance I sore one of my old friends coming over on his sledge and I begged him to take us to the hospital in the village to save you. I was told by the doctor Smith that you needed dry clothes so I offered my jacket and my t-shirt however the nurses weren't willing to change you cause you are human and no one in this town really likes humans so I had to change you instead" he said with a smirk. I was mad that he had sore me undressed but blushing at the same time. I asked Ace "did you really change me?". Ace says "yes and speaking of which may I say you have quite a fine body" he then realized what he had just said and says straight away " sorry I don't even now why I said..... uh Charlie your eyes have turned pin..." I grabbed him by his hair and kissed him. After the kiss my eyes changed back to there original colour I fainted back into my trans.
