Track 8: Let Her Go - The Passengers


I am alone in my room enduring the cold i am having and the cold i am feeling. Em left immediately as i asked him to. At first he insisted to just stay with me but i didn't let him for he should be at his mother's birthday.

I was lying on the bed reminiscing the moment P'Arthit acted different. I felt my cheeks heated up as i thought it over again. I glanced at the window and noticed the curtains were open. I can clearly see the room opposite to mine; It's kinda melodramatic scenery; the light of his room that penetrates through the curtain and the moon together with the shining stars being placed above the room. The scene itself made me smile, though i didn't see him inside but i know he's in there i feel it.



I just arrived at my apartment complex from the bar. We've been there since we arrived from the beach and i could tell it's quite tiring and i'm exhausted. All i wanna do was to lay down on my bed and get a lot of sleep.

I opened my room with my key and saw the lights were opened. Did i forgot to turn it off when i left at dawn to get to the beach? Arthit, you're not helping saving the earth. I left the light as it was and went straight to the bed without even planning of changing.

"Ahhh.." i moan.
It feels so really good.

As i was about to fall asleep and my mind was about to shut down when i remember someone who was sick and alone.

"Will he be okay?" i muttered.

I turned my body facing my left side where my window is located at and noticed the room opposite to mine at the space between the two gray curtains. I got my self up out of surprise and went straight to the curtain immediately. I slowly pull the other curtain to the side giving me way to expose someone in that room lying on his bed like an angel. I felt my heart skipped beats. Am i dreaming or was it really him? I remained silent while watching him asleep from a far. I took my phone from the top of my study table and took a picture of a beautiful scenery. I took as many as i can and squealed right after.

"sh*t blackout!" i blurted.

I glanced at the opposite room and slowly couldn't see clearly the man inside it anymore. The skies were turning gray not letting a ray of moonlight set foot on top of every thing on earth not even an inch. I myself, is shaking of such horrible moment. I was trying to be calmed but failed when a lightning struck the sky into half. Every struck gives the opposite room to mine light 'til such time when it's not just a lightning anymore but, lightning with loud thunder. The man suddenly jolted inside the room. He flashed straight to his window and closed the curtains which made me lost vision of him.

I'm standing still facing the opposite room to mine. Standing still, until the vision's becoming blurry. The skies were crying.

I had my senses back by the loud noises of rain tapping one by one on my window. I immediately took my jacket out of the closet, grabbed my umbrella and went off the door. I was in the middle of running when my phone rang. It was Namtarn.

"Hello Nam?"

"Ai'Oon? can you pick me up? I'm here in the club."

"Ahh.." i paused as i remember where i ought to go. "Nam, i'll just asked Ai'Knott to come pick you up i'm sorry i have something to do." I said in just a breath and end the call immediately to call Ai'knott. Luckily Ai'Knott agreed to pick Nam so i continue running to where i'm rushing to.



I was awaken by the loud thunderous sound in the sky. It was scary together with some flashes of lightning. I immediately got up from bed and slide the curtains close. I am shaking, my knees were trembling as the reason why i fell down on the floor. I couldn't got up; I couldn't make a move even the slightest. I remained lying on the floor hugging my knees to decipher the cold i am suffering to. But, it seems not working. I can feel the heat of my body rises up and my surrounding lows down at the same time.

Behind the loud thunder and rain tapping on my window i am hearing, i can here someone knockin' my door. My body twitched to the horrifying momentum. Whose gonna knock a door at this time? I closed my eyes not giving a damn to whoever is knocking.

"Kong.." I hear someone's calling me.

"Kongpob!!" He yelled this time.

I feel someone's shakin' me. Then, i felt like i was lifted from the floor and felt how comfortable a bed was. I opened my eyes and felt like i wanna cry. It's..

"P'Arthit krub."



My heart was in deep misery and guilt seeing Kongpob on the floor shakin' and trembling. I immediately lift him up, put him on his bed and cover him with his thick bed sheet.

"Kong!!" I yelled. I was relieved as i saw him opened his eyes.

"Are you okay?! You didn't locked your room! What if someone will take advantage of that!?! what if something bad happened to you!?! Sh*t! You're burning!! Did you take your medicine?!?!" I'm quite anxious right now, i can't control my self to be calmed. I won't forgive my self if something bad happened to this brat i swear.

"N-no.. i di--dn't.." he answered with a stutter.

I was about to stand up to look if he got some food frozen inside his fridge when he grabbed my arms and pull me closer to him. I find my self lying on the bed beside him suddenly with his arms around me.

"Don't go.. please." He pleaded in a husky voice.

"I-i won't i was just going to take your medicine." I explained. "and I'll make porridge for you." i continued.

I looked down, to see his eyes sparklin' not wanting me to go.

"I won't go, promise." I assured him couldn't control the smile.

Well you only need the light when it's burnin' low

He let go of me and so i immediately prepared everything. Luckily, the electricity came back. I prepared a porridge and prepared his medicine as well. I fed him, and took care of him 'til he fell asleep.

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

I almost jumped out of my seat when my phone rang.

It was Namtarn.

Only know you love him when you let her go

My thumb was actually on its way to slide the answer button when someone muttered something.

And you..

"Let her go P'...
