28. The Final Battle Pt1

Bellatrix was right. Voldemort wasn't happy and neither were our parents.
Draco and I were sent back to Hogwarts a few weeks ago. My uncle is headmaster trying to keep Hogwarts safe but to everyone else they just think he's doing the Dark Lords bidding. The grounds are littered with Death Eaters, something that Severus hasn't been able to stop. The worst are the Carrows, brother and sister and their punishments are cruel, Umbridge cruel
I'm currently sat in the Slytherin common room curled up to Draco when we get called to all go to the great hall where my uncle is stood. We get into our houses as he starts talking to us
"Many of you are surely wonderingwhy I have summoned you at this hour. It's come to my attention that earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade" this causes a lot of murmuring and chatter between everyone. Draco takes my hand in his and gives it a squeeze "should anyone student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore any person found to have knowledgeof these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as......equally guilty" the room stays silent. Many of the student have their heads hung low, looking at the ground rather than my uncle. Severus begins to walk down the middle of the student "now then if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter'smovements this evening. I invite them to step forward......now" again it stays quiet for a while until the only thing we can hear is footsteps. Looking over Harry appears behind loads of Gryffindors. There's a bunch of gasps and everyone turns around.
"It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster. And I'm afraid it's quite extensive" the doors to the great hall open and enters The Order. I can see how angry Harry is just as he starts to berate Severus "how dare you stand where he stood? tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye,a man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them" I look at Draco worried about how this will play out, but instead of a look of reassurance he too also looks worried. I look back at my uncle and gasp when I watch Professor McGonagall point her wand at Severus, he quickly doing ti same back. Instead of fighting back from McGonagalls spells, Severus just blocks them before leaving the room through the window. The room erupts with cheers from all except me, Draco and a few Slytherins.

After Voldemort tells everyone to devliver Harry to him and Pansy telling someone to grab him Filch comes running into the hall
"Students out of bed. Students out of bed!students in the corridor!"
"They are supposed to be out of bed,you blithering idiot" McGonagall tells him
"Oh.Sorry, ma'am"
"As it happens, Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you, please to lead Miss Parkinson and the restof Slytherin House from the hall"
"Exactly where is it I'll be leading them to, ma'am? the dungeons would do"
"Come on" Draco drags me away from the rest of the Slytherins and out of the hall
"What are we doing? where are we going"
"Just follow me" he tells me
"Haven't got much choice" I try to joke while Draco's hand is still wrapped around mine.

Draco ends up taking me to his room to get both his mothers wand and my mothers wand. They had lent them to us while Harry had ours, but their wands just don't work the same way ours do. After getting the wands we end up bumping into Crabbe and Goyle near room of requirement
"Hold it, Potter" Crabb said looking past Draco and I. Both of us turn around to see Harry
"That's my wand you're holding, Potter. I'd like it back and YN would also like hers back if you happen to have it"
"What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry asks
"It's my mother's. It's powerful, but it's not the same. Doesn't quite understand me. Know what I mean?"
"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix" Harry asks changing the subject looking between Draco and I "you knew it was me. You didn't say anything and YN you said..."
"Come on, Draco.Don't be a prat. Do him" Crabb says annoyed
"Easy" Draco puts his and up
"Expelliarmus" I hear Hermione shout. Draco pulls me out of the way as Goyle says
"Avada Kedavra!"
"Idiot" I groan
"That's my girlfriend, you numpties!"
"Enough!" I pulling away from Draco and stand between the two sides "I suppose you want to go into the room of requirement since your here. I'm guessing there's a horcrux in there so shall we proceed in getting it before you end up killing us?" I huff and turn around "Draco open it up" I cross my arms annoyed at Crabb and Goyle being here. Draco does just that and opens up the room of requirement.
"How did you..." Harry asks confused
"I virtually lived in hers all last year. I know how to get in"
"Your the reason the Death Eaters...."
"Yes, not really our choice though. Now what is it your looking for?" I ask but instead of an answer I'm asked a question by Ron
"Why should we trust you?"
"We could have ratted you all out many times. We're the reason you got that sword and now we're the reason why you are going to find that horcrux and destroy it" Draco says to the group. We all walk into the room and look around
"Ok erm we're looking for Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem" Harry sighs. We all look around for it when Harry finally finds it at the top of stacked chairs.
When he gets it Goyle stupidly points his wand to Harry
"We will have it now"
"Now we won't you idiot" I slap him over the head but now Goyle points his wand at me
"Your on their side aren't you?" Crabb now asks
"Wow you two and really slow, yes" and with that fire comes shooting out from his wand Draco pulls me to the side and thankfully I dodge it, however now the room is ablaze. Harry, Ron and Hermione start running, but before Draco and I can follow them Crabb and Goyle take both Draco and I by the arm
"What are you doing?" Draco shouts looking at his two former friends... well if you can even call them that. I push Crabb off me and pull Draco away from Goyle. We both start climbing up chair and tables to get away from the fire. The two idiots then realise that they are about to die so the climb up after us, but both loos their footing and Draco and I watch Crabb and Goyle get engulfed by the flames.
Thankfully Harry comes through for us. He helps Draco on a broomstick while Hermione helps me.
We exit the room and both Draco and I take off after Draco takes his wand from Harry.
