Real family; Wendy Marvell

Adopted family; Wendy Raizeo

Age; 13-15 (You decide but I recommend 13 or 14)

Skin color; Fairly tan

Height; 4'11 or 149 cm

Weight; 37 kg or 74.9Ibs.

Date of birth; June 26th

Look; Dark Blue hair that reaches her waist, usually tied in pigtails with two bangs framing her face which reaches her chest, with brown eyes and sharp canine teeth

Magic; She specializes in Sky Magic but named it Sky Dragon Magic because she was fascinated in dragons.

She eats air to regain energy and magic

A/N; For now she only knows how to use for now are heal, troia, enchantment Vernier and Armour, sky dragon roar, sky dragon + heal, Anormaly resistance enchant; Re raise, Body anormaly reverse magic, raise and momentary wind 

Heal; She uses clean air to heal people

Troia; Uses it to heal motion sickness

Sky dragon roar; She breathes out a hurricane like blast at her target

Sky Dragon roar + heal; 

Sky dragon wing attack; Expells whirlwind from her arms to attack her surrounding

Sky Dragon claw; Wendy jumps and lifts her feet and unleashes wind the moment the her leg is swung down

Sky Dragon wind wave; Wendy swings her hand and generates a very powerful tornado

Leading sky arrow; Wendy cloaks one of her legs in a whirlwind of sky dragon magic then thrusts it to her opponent

Momentary wind; Gathers wind at her feet to boost her speed


Sky Dragon Enchantments; 

Vernier; A spell that speeds up the movement of the targets and the caster. The incantation is "Fast wind that runs heaven VEINIER"

      Ile Vernier; It increases the spell twice as much

Arms; After reciting the enchantment, the caster then targets a region of the damage output for a short period of time. Incantation is "Power of the stout arms that tears the heaven ARMS"

      Ile Arms; It increases the spell twice as much

Armor; A spell that enhances the defense power of the caster and target

       Ile Armor; It increases the spell twice as much

Body anormaly, recovery Magic, Raise; A supportive spell that allows the user to negate any spell that has an effect on their's or the target body (Immensely strong magic can break the spell)

         Anormaly Resistance Enchantment; Re-raise;  spell that will protect Wendy from any magic (immensely strong magic can break the spell) anomaly effect targeted toward her and the target

 Basic Enchantment

Deus Corona; It increases her defense but powerful attack can break it 

Deus Eques; It increases her physical capabilities

Residual thought Enchantment; It allows the user to enchant someone's thought or memories as power

High Enchantments

Separation Enchantment; It allows her to separate magic from a person or object

Deus Zero; Wendy is capable of casting this high-level enchantment, which allows her to negate magic, and enchantments from people

Personality; This allows Wendy to augment a personality

Magic enchantment; This allows Wendy to attach her friends magic to a her weapon or other's weapons

Dragon Slayer secret arts

Shattering light; Sky Drill; A special spell where Wendy forms a wind barrier by spreading her hands out and by moving her by counter-clockwise, causes the barrier to contacts inwards toward her opponent

Milky way; It allows her to communicate with the souls of the dead but she cannot with those whose magic has vanished

Dragon Force; Her power is comparable to real dragons, she gains pink eyes and hair that curves and points upward. White dragon scales springs out of her back and an smaller scales on her wrists and ankles. Her power is said to be better in an enclosed space because she can jump on the walls. She get enhanced strength and speed

Dragon Force mode

Likes; Anos nii, Her mum and dad, Dragons, Misha, her hair because of her parents, sweets

Dislikes; Blood, jerks, people who bullies her for her hair, pickled plums, any form of vehicles, not being strong enough to help her brother

Personality; Shy with strangers, Clumsy, Easily flustered, she hates fighting but she will do it, kind, forgiving, excellent manners, intelligent, brave

Weaknesses; Motion sickness and pickled plums

Background; She was in the Marvell family who were killed by unknown people super gore (The reason she is scared of blood), she was found by Izabella at the age of 7 and was taken in


Father; Steve Marvell

Mother; Carla Marvell

Weapon; Fleuve d'etoiles English name is river of stars
