Day 4 ending

~ Ethan's p.o.v ~

I open my eyes and it's still day out. I pull myself up and see G where I was laying and he was asleep. I stand up.

G: Ah your awake.

Me: Oh I thought you were sleeping.

G: I was resting while waiting for you.

Me: Shall we go then?

G: Ya.

I grabbed the keys and waited at the door for G.

Me: Ready?

G: Ya

We exit and get into the car.

G: So do you know any skating places that we can go to?

I look it up on my phone and show him one that was close by.

Me: We can go to this one.

He looks and nods.

G: Okay. I'll put it in the GPS.

He does that and we leave.

We get to the skate park and get out of the car.
I go in top of a ramp and place my skate board down and ready myself to go down.

Me: Hey G watch this!

I go down and turn to a stop.

Me: Pro!

G: Oh ya!

He tries to do a kick flip but fails.

G: Skate pro!

Me: Your on!

G: Let's play horse but skate verson.

Me: You start.

G pushes his foot off the ground make the skate board wheels roll. He crouches and jumps and lands on his board.

Me: pfff! That's easy.

I copy his move and do my own. I stand at the side and watch G fail to do my trick. He tumbles and falls on me. My back slams against the ground and I look deep into G's eyes and smile.
He lowers his head and kisses me.

G: I'm starting to get tired let's go home.

Me: Okay.

We leave and go back to the hotel and get cleaned and lay in bed.

Me: What time do we have to be at the airport tomorrow?

G: Around noon.

Me: Alright. Goodnight. Love you.

G: Goodnight love you too.

I roll over and go to sleep.
