Final Epilogue (The Ending)

A/N: hallo! Okay, so to make this as simple as possible, I'm not going to put '10 years in the future' or whatever. I'm just going to the put the age of the people in that section so it will make sense. I promise, it's going to be fine (is secretly just telling myself that). Anyway, enjoy! :)


Camila: 26 Lauren: 27 Charlotte: 5


Just as promised, Lauren and I went into the doctors in early December to see about having a kid together. Apparently, it all went well and we ended up doing the procedure to have Lauren and I's child. Yes, science has improved that much to where it is biologically Lauren and I's.

Dinah and Normani watched Charlotte for that day, just so we could do it all without having to worry about watching over her at the doctors' office. When we picked her up, we explained to her what happened and she was extremely excited.

Much to her disappointment, unfortunately, we don't know if it worked. So, that's why we are going into the doctors again today to see if it worked. We had to wait a month to see. It's the middle January and we are all so excited.

"Grab my jacket, won't you?" Lauren hollers from inside the garage.

"Sure!" I call back, snatching her blue jacket off the coatrack. Charlotte follows beside me, putting on her own jacket.

"Mama!" Charlotte giggles, taking my hand in her's. "Are you excited?"

"Yes," I grin, opening the garage door and leading us out. "Are you?"

"Definitely." Charlotte squeals, bounding toward the car. She gets into her seat, buckling up.

Clara, Lauren's mother, is meeting us at the hospital. She is going to watch Charlotte in the lobby because we can't bring children under eight in the back. I don't think it really matters to Charlotte, as long as she is there.

I hop into the passenger seat, looking over to Lauren who is already in her seat and all ready. I hand her her jacket, earning a small smile from her.

"You okay?" I inquire, resting my hand on her thigh. She nods weakly, shrugging.

"I guess," she whispers, a faint smile flickering on her lips. "I mean, I'm so excited for another child but what if it didn't work?"

"Then we will try again." I promise, caressing her thigh with my thumb reassuringly. "It will all be okay."

"I'm sure of that." Lauren chuckles, pulling out of the garage. "I can't believe you may be carrying our child. Isn't that incredible?"

"It's mind-blowing." I grin, looking in the rear-view mirror at Charlotte's ecstatic face. She wears a huge grin, barely containing herself.

"Lets go, babes."


"Camila Cabello-Jauregui and Lauren Cabello-Jauregui." The nurse says into the lobby room at the hospital, looking up from her check board.

Charlotte immediately looks at us when our names are called. Clara smiles at us as we stand up to head back.

"Good luck." Clara smiles, squeezing my hand tightly.

"Thank you." I grin as Lauren kisses her mother's cheek.

"Bye, Mom." She waves farewell before we head back. I sneak one kiss to Charlotte, waving goodbye.

The nurse leads us to the back room, occasionally looking back at us. "My name is Abby Reads and I'll be your nurse today." She addresses herself.

"I'm Camila and that is Lauren." I tell her, gesturing to my wife when I say her name. The nurse nods in acknowledgment.

"Are you guys excited?" Abby asks, lifting her eyebrows.

"Very." I squeal, squeezing Lauren's hand. Lauren grins at the nurse, her face betraying how excited she is.

"Our room is right here," Abby says, directing us into a large room with a few chairs in it with a desk. "Doctor Rob will be here in a few minutes."

And with those as her last words, she dips her head and leaves us. I sit in a chair, nervously bouncing my right foot on the ground. Lauren sits beside me, holding my hand tightly.

I lay my head on her shoulder, breathing deeply to calm my nerves. I can't believe we are doing this.

The door suddenly opening, revealing a tall man clad in a doctor uniform. "Hello, ladies." He smiles friendly, slipping on latex gloves.

"Hi." I squeak.

"Hello." Lauren waves, giving my hand a tight squeeze. I gaze over at her and grin widely to show how much I appreciate her.

"Who is excited?" Doctor Rob asks, standing facing us.

"We both are." Lauren nods, her left foot beginning to bounce wildly on the floor. I giggle softly to myself. It's always my right foot and her left foot.

"And is this your first child?" Doctor Rob inquires, opening a cupboard and pulling out a small cup.

"No—our second." Lauren explains, keeping her eyes on the tall doctor. "We adopted a lovely little girl named Charlotte."

"Really?" Doctor Rob lifts his eyebrows. "That's wonderful! Now, if I remember correctly, Camila is the one who we impregnated?"

"Yes," I smile, taking the cup he offers me. "I'm Camila and they did the procedure on me."

"Perfect," the man smiles, taking a seat beside me. "And you have been feeling fine?"

I think about this for a moment before nodding in confirmation. "Yes, I've been wonderful."

"Spectacular." Doctor Rob says softly, nodding at me. "Now, if you will go pee in that cup and bring it back out here. That would be great."

"Alright," I oblige, waving to Lauren before walking into the door that leads to the bathroom inside the doctor's room. I do as the doctor told me, being very careful not to trip and spill it.

"Thank you." Doctor Rob grins, taking the cup once I'm back out. I sit back down beside Lauren, taking her hand in mine again. "I'll be back in a few minutes with the results."

Before we can respond, he exits the small room.

I curl up on Lauren's side again, allowing myself to relax. Lauren tucks a strand of my brown hair behind my ear in attempt to soothe me. Now, we know that we could've just did a pregnancy test at home but the nurse insisted we come in because the baby didn't get in there naturally and they want to make sure everything is okay.

"Are you scared?" I whisper to Lauren, looking up at her face with bright eyes.

"A little bit." Lauren admits, rubbing her thumb along my hand. "But it will all be okay. Charlotte will love him or her and you will be an outstanding mother."

"So will you." I giggle, kissing her cheek swiftly.

"We have results." Doctor Rob announces once he opens the door, barging in on us unexpectedly.

"What are they?" Lauren and I ask in harmony, not even caring about how in sync we are.

"Camila is definitely pregnant." Doctor Rob beams, handing us over some papers. "In nine months, she will be ready to give birth."

"Oh my god!" I squeal, jumping up from my seat and shaking my arms wildly. Lauren joins me, bouncing up and down excitedly. I wrap my arms around her neck tightly, feeling her arms snake around my waist.

"We are having a baby!" Lauren shouts joyously, squeezing me tightly.

"Careful, love." I giggle, pulling away from her and placing my hands on my stomach. "We are having a baby." I whisper the last part.

"I know!" She laughs, kissing my lips chastely. "I can't believe it!"

"I'm happy for you two." Doctor Rob smiles before leaving us. We are alone in the doctor's room.

"We have to go tell Charlotte and your mother." I tell Lauren, brushing some loose hair out of her face.

"I know! Lets go!" She giggles, taking my hand and rushing us to the front again. We burst into the lobby, seeing Charlotte laying across Clara's lap in boredom. Clara is laughing softly to herself at her grandchild.

Clara looks up from her granddaughter's face, her eyes landing on us. She sees the papers in my hand, a small smile spreading across her face.

"Hey," she nudges Charlotte gently, stealing the young girl's attention away from twirling her ring on her finger. "Look who is back."

Charlotte sits up immediately, her eyes searching the lobby for our familiar faces. When her dazzling brown eyes land on us, a grin spreads across her lips.

"Mom! Mama!" Charlotte calls out, snatching everyone's attention in the lobby room away from their phones or companions. She rushes over to us, hugging us both.

"Guess what?" I bite my bottom lip to keep my smile from giving away the news.

"Are you..?" Charlotte inquires, holding one of Lauren's hand and one of mine. Clara leans in to listen as well.

"We are having a baby!" I beam loudly, a grin breaking out on my face. Lauren's face is practically glowing.

"Ahh!" Charlotte screams, jumping into my arms and hugging my neck tightly. I hold her securely, hugging back. Lauren wraps her arm around my waist.

"That's my baby." Clara smiles at Lauren, kissing her head gently.

"Thanks, Mom." Lauren grins, hugging her mother tightly. "Thank you for watching her while we went back and thank you for everything else."

"Anytime." Clara nods once, casting me a wide grin as well. "Congratulations, Camila."

"Thanks, Mama J." I laugh, still holding Charlotte on my side. The younger girl is practically exploding with glee.

"I should go now," Clara sighs, kissing my head as well before grabbing her purse back from the floor. "Mike will want to hear the news."

"Yes," Lauren agrees. "Tell him Camila, Charlotte, and I all say hi."

Clara smiles at us. "I will."

My mother-in-law walks out of the lobby, waving to us once more before disappearing from view. The other people in the lobby are staring at us with happy faces. I bet they all heard the announcement.

"I'm going to be a big sister!" Charlotte cheers, squealing after her sentence. I've never seen her so happy before.

"Yes," Lauren giggles, her smile huge and giddy. "You'll be the best big sister ever."


Camila: 27 Lauren: 28 Charlotte: 5 Dinah: 27 Normani: 28 Alyssa: 5 Beckett: 5 Opal: 3 Ally: 30 Grayson: 8 months


"Aunt Dinah!" I complain, leaning against her side. "When is Mama and Mom going to be home?"

"Well," Dinah pulls out her phone, scrolling her finger up the screen. "Your mom just texted me saying that they just got released from the hospital. So... soon."

"Don't tease the poor kid," Normani shoves her wife in the side, appearing serious. "She just wants to know when her new baby sibling will come home."

"I just want to know if it's a boy or a girl!" Alyssa cries, sinking to her knees beside me. I giggle at her softly.

"Camila and Lauren didn't want to know the gender until the birth of the baby." Ally explains, attempting to rock Grayson to sleep on the couch.

"Who does that?" Dinah inquires, scoffing.

"Your best friend and her wife." Beckett retorts from beside Opal, handing his sister another wooden block to stack on her tower.

"Thank you for that, Mr. Know-It-All." Dinah playfully rolls her eyes at her son, earning a grin from him.

Dinah and her family have been looking after me for the few days my parents have been at the hospital. Camila was due to go into labor on August 28th and Lauren called home saying she gave birth but they have to stay there for a few days until they are allowed to come home.

Now, it's the second day of September and I'm growing impatient.

Everyone came over today to see the baby when they bring him/her home. I can feel the excitement throbbing in the air.

"Charlotte!" Alyssa yells, jumping onto me. She clings to my body, squeezing me tightly.

"What do you want?" I groan, smiling nevertheless.

"Hi." Alyssa whispers, not letting go anytime soon. I scoff at her, fighting the smile on my lips.

"Nice to see you, too."

"Alyssa," Normani sighs, rubbing her temples. "Stop harassing Charlotte. I don't think she appreciates you pouncing on her."

Alyssa frowns, sliding off my body. "Fine," she sighs, sitting down beside me instead of on top of me. "I'll stop."

"Thank you." Normani says.

Alyssa and I go to the same school, and unlike what Mama said, she is in my class and my grade. Apparently, she barely slips in the right time frame to be considered old enough for school this year. We have gotten considerably closer.

"Ally," I look to my older aunt, laying my head on her leg. "When will they be home?"

Ally sighs, shrugging. "I don't kn—"

The sound of the door opening cuts off Ally's words.



I push open the door once we get home, Lauren behind me trekking the baby carrier carefully to the door. She pants, exhausted.

"This thing is heavy." Lauren complains, wiping some pretend sweat off her forehead. I roll my eyes. If she has the right to complain about carrying the baby in a carrier, then I have the right to complain because I just gave birth to that baby and I've been carrying it for nine months.

"Get used it to." I tell her, sticking my tongue out.

The second we walk through the door, the room full of our friends erupts in cheers and cries. They were all waiting for us to come home from the hospital.

"Right now, I guess." Ally says to Charlotte, chuckling.

Charlotte jumps up from her seat, rushing over to us. "Mama! Mom!" She cries, bouncing around.

"Hello, sunshine." I sink down to my knees, hugging my daughter tightly. Lauren sets the baby carrier on the ground.

"I missed you!" Charlotte murmurs, pulling away after our hug. "Where is the baby?"

"She is right here." Lauren says, emphasizing the 'she' in that sentence. Everyone in the room gasps.

"It's a girl?" Ally asks, standing up with her baby on her chest. Grayson is sound asleep on his mother.

"It's a girl!" I giggle, wiping a single tear from my cheek. Jeez, giving birth makes a person emotional.

Alyssa jumps up from her spot next to her mother, but Dinah places her hand on her knee. "Sit down, love." Dinah tells her daughter. "They will bring her around. You will get to see her."

Lauren unbuckles our baby girl from her carrier, holding her carefully in her arms, swaddled in a pink blanket. A tiny pink hat sits on her head.

"Ugh," Lauren mutters to herself, taking the pink hat off her. "We asked for a yellow blanket and hat but they still gave us pink."

I giggle, joining my wife and newborn baby. "She is still adorable."

"Have you named her?" Normani asks, standing up and stopping at Lauren's side. She looks at the baby girl, grinning widely. "Aww, she's so cute!"

"Why does Mommy get to go see the baby?" Alyssa pouts, crossing her arms.

"Mommy is an adult." Dinah tells her daughter, shaking her head lightly.

"Of course, we named her." I grin, gazing in adoration at the little baby in Lauren' arms. She is really tiny, but the doctor said it was fine. She came out at six pounds. "Her name is Londyn."

"Londyn?" Beckett inquires, growing curious.

"Yep, it means wild and bold." Lauren smiles broadly. "I picked it out."

"She wanted it to be 'Lauren Jr.'" I roll my eyes playfully, kissing my wife's cheek.

"Londyn is just as great." Lauren retorts, grinning.

"Can I see her?" Charlotte asks, tugging on my arm gently. I look down at my daughter, smiling faintly.

"Of course." I promise, holding my arms out to Lauren. Lauren hands over Londyn, allowing me to hold her securely in my arms. Lauren then picks up Charlotte, holding her high enough to see the baby.

"She is adorable!" Charlotte cries, cooing loudly. "Look at her nose! It's so tiny!"

Due to all the noise, Londyn squirms and crinkles her nose. She blinks her tiny eyes open, revealing her baby blue eyes. I have a feeling they won't stay blue. Dark brown hair like Lauren's already covers her head barely.

"Oh my god!" Normani gushes, running her thumb gently over Londyn's hand.

"Can I hold her?" Dinah asks, looking up at me with happy eyes.

"No." Lauren says bluntly, laughing afterwards nevertheless.

"Rude." Dinah sticks her tongue out at my wife.

"Of course, Cheechee." I smile, walking over and slowly handing her the baby. Londyn squirms when I hand her over but settles in nevertheless. Alyssa climbs up next to her mom, looking at the baby girl.

"She looks like Lauren!" Alyssa exclaims, looking up at Lauren with surprised features. "But Camila gave birth to her."

"Camila and Lauren made this baby together." Ally explains, patting the younger girl's shoulder. "So she is going to look like both of them."

"Oh." Alyssa mumbles, gazing at Londyn. "She is really cute."

"Of course, she is cute." I scoff playfully. "She has my genes in her, along with Lauren's."

"Dinah," Ally whines, nudging friend's side. "Don't be greedy. Share her."

"Fine, fine." Dinah grumbles, handing over Londyn. Ally squeals when the little girl is in her arms after she hands over Grayson to Lauren.

"Hi, buddy." Lauren says to Grayson, kissing his head gently. "How've you been?"

Grayson doesn't respond, he just giggles.

I sit down beside Ally, laying my head on her shoulder. Lauren sits at my feet with Grayson in her arms, cradling him and making strange noises with him as well. Alyssa continues to coo over the baby with Charlotte and Beckett.

This must be what pure happiness feels like.


Camila: 29 Lauren: 29 Charlotte: 8 Dinah: 29 Normani: 29 Alyssa: 8 Opal: 6 Beckett: 8 Ally: 32 Londyn: 2


I sit in the hospital waiting room, resting my head in my hands. I take deep breaths, waiting for my callback to see Lauren.

After long talks with Lauren almost every night and a lot of decisions and making sure we really wanted to do this, Lauren and I shared the news that we wanted to have another child.

They, of course, supported us and we went into the doctors in early September to get the procedure done again. But, this time, Lauren is carrying the child. It's been almost nine months since September and we got the confirmation in late September that Lauren was pregnant.

This morning, Lauren was having extreme pain in her stomach so we came into the hospital and Lauren swears her water broke. They took her back to make sure it wasn't just contractions. They said they would come get me if it was the real thing.

Charlotte and Londyn are at home with Dinah and Normani and their kids. I called them immediately, and they bolted over. Lauren and I had to leave quickly but we couldn't bring our girls. Dinah texted me and said that Ally came over also, but she left Grayson at home with her husband, Troy. So they are all safe.

I'm kind of scared, to be honest. I mean, Lauren was incredible when I gave birth. She was supportive and considerate. I'm scared that if it really is the real deal, then I'll just freeze up and quit.

So many things could go wrong. I try to push those thoughts out of my brain, attempting to keep my mind calm.

"Camila Cabello-Jauregui?" A deep voice slices through my thoughts, bringing me back to earth.

"Yes?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"Your wife is going into labor." The man informs me loudly. A few people start to stare at me. Some crack excited smiles. I grin back at them but I truly feel like crying.

"Alright." I say shakily, getting to my feet and following the man into the back. He brings us to a door, handing me a doctor's mask. I strap on the mask to my ears, letting it stick to my mouth.

"Please come in, Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui." The man says, opening the door to reveal my wife panting on a bed.

It's now or never.

"Take a deep breath, Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui." The nurse says, keeping an eye on the monitor above the bed Lauren is laying in.

"Please, call me Lauren." Lauren grunts, her face contorting in pain. I rush to her side, grabbing her hand tightly and sitting in the chair beside the bed.

"You must be Camila." The nurse smiles at me, waving slightly. Two other doctors stand in the room, one near Lauren and the other a few feet away.

"Y-yes." I stutter, taking a deep breath.

"Ah!" Lauren groans, shutting her eyes tightly. She squeezes my hand so tightly, I feel like my hand might break.

"The baby is ready." The nurse says to one of the doctors, making him nod and stand closer to Lauren. He slips gloves on.

"Oh, so this is happening now?" I inquire, my voice trembling. Lauren lets out loud groan, whimpering afterwards.

"Yes, Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui." The nurse says politely.

"I told you to call me Lauren." Lauren chokes out, loopy.

"I'm talking to your wife, Lauren." The nurse smiles.

She must be in so much pain that she didn't notice me come in. "Camz," Lauren whimpers, shutting her eyes tightly again before gazing up at me. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I cry, her hand squeezing mine tightly—it hurts a lot.

"Push!" The doctor yells in a thick British accent. He lifts the piece of cloth covering my wife's legs and everything around there.

Lauren pushes, panting. Beads of sweat form on her forehead. She groans loudly, shaking her head. "C-Camila.."

"Shh, baby, it's okay." I soothe her, trying to convince myself as well.

"Again!" The doctor shouts again, his tone sharp.

Lauren obliges, moaning while she pushes. Her face is bright red and I take my weight while I caress her knuckles with my thumb, no matter how much my hand hurts.

"We are close!" The other doctor yells, pointing at the nurse. She nods, pressing a button on the monitor.

"Do you guys know the gender?" The nurse asks me, slipping on new gloves.

"No." I answer, watching as Lauren pushes again. A few tears slip from her eyes at the amount of pain she is in.

"Cool." The nurse gives me a thumbs up, bending down and taking some bedding out of the cupboard. She walks over and lays the white bedding on a tiny, boxed-in, bed.

"Push!" The taller doctor shouts, putting one finger in the air. The other doctor is beside him, kneeling down to be level with my wife's entrance.

Lauren screams weakly, pushing one last time. The sound of a baby screaming fills the air.

"We have the head!" The shorter doctor cries, placing his hands on the baby.

"Push!" The other doctor hollers. "We are almost there!"

Lauren groans after her push, extremely tense on the bed.

"Calm down." I soothe her, continuing my stroking. She settles down, sighing loudly.

"One more!" The doctor calls out, looking down at the other doctor who is wearing a full hospital gown. He must be the one to take the baby from her when it comes out.

Lauren takes a few more deep breathes before pushing one last time, whimpering afterwards. I kiss the back of her hand, my breathing spiking as well.

"Baby is out!" The doctor who was yelling the whole time announces, stepping aside. The shorter doctor takes the baby a foot or two away from Lauren, holding his hand out. The shouting doctor hands him a pair of scissors. The doctor cuts the umbilical cord.

The screams of life shriek throughout the room. The doctor takes the baby to the bed beside me, leaving the baby there. The nurse strides over with a diaper. She puts it on the newborn.

"You ready?" The nurse smiles at me, taking some clothes from one of the doctors in the room. She cleans the baby off with a cloth before putting clothes on the newborn.

"Yes." I smile, a happy tear escaping my eye.

"It's a boy!" She cheers, swaddling the baby boy in a blue blanket and handing him over to Lauren who looks basically dead. But when the nurse hands her our baby, she grins widely and takes him.

"A boy you say?" Lauren says weakly, smiling. She gazes down at the baby in her arms.

"Yes." The nurse smiles, peeling off her slimy gloves. The two other doctors leave the room, waving goodbye and wishing us their congratulations.

"Any name ideas, my love?" Lauren asks me, gazing up at me with adoration in her emerald eyes.

I take a moment to think about this. A lightbulb suddenly goes off in my brain. "Do you remember the name Charlotte loves?" I ask, smiling. Lauren shakes her head. "It was Raegan."

Lauren grins, nodding. "That is really cute." She coos, pressing a light kiss to Raegan's head. "Sounds great."

"Raegan?" The nurse asks, standing at her computer again.

"Yes. That is his name." Lauren says, taking my hand in her's again. This time, her grasp is tender and not crushing my bones.

"Perfect." The nurse types something into her computer. "Well, I'll leave you two to have some time with your baby."

"Thank you." I wave her farewell, casting her one last smile before she exit the room.

"Raegan Cabello-Jauregui." Lauren hums to herself.

"He needs a middle name." I pipe up. "You know how Charlotte is Charlotte Michelle Cabello-Jauregui after we adopted her and Londyn is Londyn Karla Cabello-Jauregui?"

"What about Beatrice?" Lauren suggests, smiling faintly. "For our dear friend, Bea."

"Sounds wonderful." I grin, kissing my wife's cheek.

"Karla Camila Cabello-Jauregui, Lauren Michelle Cabello-Jauregui, Charlotte Michelle Cabello-Jauregui, Londyn Karla Cabello-Jauregui, and Raegan Beatrice Cabello-Jauregui." Lauren recites all of our names.

"Our family."


Camila: 36 Lauren: 37 Charlotte: 18 Londyn: 14 Raegan: 12 Alyssa: 17 Beckett: 17 Opal: 15 Dinah: 36 Normani: 37


"Londyn!" I shout, shaking my leg trying to rid of my younger sister. "Get off my leg!"

"I don't want to." Londyn pouts, holding on tighter. "I'm clingy! Get used to it!"

"You're too old for this." I complain, giving up and leaning against the wall. "It was cute when you were 3 and I was 8 but you are fourteen now!"

"So?" Londyn retorts, looking up at me with our mama's brown eyes. She has the same eyes as Mama but she looks just like Mom and she has Mom's hair color. "You are still bigger than me!"

"Why do I hear yelling?" Lauren asks, poking her head out of the kitchen. "I'm trying to cook you dinner so stop fighting."

"I'm eighteen! I'm an adult so please stop clinging to me like a koala!" I grumble, running my hand through my long, wavy, dark brown hair.

"Now, sunshine, there is nothing wrong with koalas." Camila comments from the couch, looking up from her book.

"But, I love you, Charlotte." Londyn whimpers, pouting up at me. I roll my eyes, finally shaking her off my leg. She grumbles, standing up.

"And I love you, too." I tell my little sister, setting my hands on her shoulders. "But you are driving me crazy."

"You're already crazy." Londyn retort, flipping some of her medium length, dark brown hair over her shoulder. Her hair trails down to her mid-torso.

"Char, Londyn!" Raegan shouts, tumbling down the stairs. He almost trips on the last step, catching his balance just in time. He got his clumsiness from Mama. "Wanna play video games with me?"

"What kind?" I ask, crossing my arms. Londyn turns around to face her younger brother. Londyn and Raegan only get along sometimes while Londyn and I get along really well. We always had that connection from the start.

"Mario Kart." Raegan's emerald eyes gleam in the light from inside the house. He flicks his head to the side, fixing his chocolate brown hair that curls back on the top of his head.

"You're going down." I laugh, taking a controller from him.

"You'll be eating those words." Londyn nudges me, taking the last controller from Raegan's hands so we each have one.

"Well, I'm going to leave the war-zone." Camila laughs, closing her book and sitting up. I grab her hand, pulling her back down.

"No, Mama, stay." I plead, reaching into the bucket under the couch and pulling out another controller. "Play with us."

I sit down on the ground against the couch, criss-cross. Londyn strolls over, sitting down in my lap. I roll my eyes, wrapping my arms around her waist, holding my controller with both hands in front of her stomach. I rest my chin on her shoulder so I can see the television.

Camila takes a few moments to process this before she takes the controller. "Fine." She grins, sliding down to the ground to sit beside her children. "I'm pretty good at Mario Kart if I say so myself."

"You always taught us not to lie." Londyn giggles, nudging Mama in the side gently. Camila sticks her tongue out at her child.

"Whatever, prepare to be served." Camila winks at Raegan who logs in into the gaming system and allows everyone to pick their character.

"Hey, Charlotte?" Lauren walks into the living room, leaning against the wall. I look away from the screen, picking my character before giving my attention to my mom.

"Yes, Mom?" I ask.

"Isn't tonight your night with Alyssa?" Lauren inquires, leaning her head back and checking the clock. "And doesn't that start at 6?"

I take a deep breath, looking down. "She had to cancel. You know, her boyfriend comes before me." I shut my eyes tightly, sighing. "Like always."

I hate Alyssa's boyfriend, Trevor. He is annoying, stupid, selfish, cocky, and a pain in my butt. Those may or may not be the only reasons why I hate him..

"Charlotte, please come see me in the kitchen." Lauren says softly, gesturing to her. "We need to talk." I nudge Londyn off me, much to her displeasure.

"I'm coming, too." Camila states, handing her controller back to Raegan who seems disappointed.

"Me three!" Londyn yells.

"No, Londyn." Lauren shakes her head, pursing her lips. Londyn sighs, sitting back down with Raegan as they begin their Mario Kart game. I sigh, turning off my controller and setting it down.

"What do you want?" I ask after we are all in the kitchen at our large table. Camila sits down beside me, Lauren at her side.

"Just tell us the truth," Lauren takes my hand in her's, her eyes pleading. "Do you have feelings for Alyssa?"

My blood freezes in my veins, making my heart beat unnaturally. How could they know that? I never told anyone, keeping it inside and letting it eat me alive. I hate the way it feels to see Trevor and Alyssa at school. They became official in November, so they've been together for two months.

"Sunshine," Camila asks suddenly, her voice worried. "Are you alright?"

"I—I'm not.." I stutter, shaking my head wildly. "I don't... how?"

"Love," Lauren chuckles, brushing some of my hair back behind my ear. She smiles tenderly. "Camila and I can read you like a book. The day you came home from school when Alyssa told you about Trevor, you were so angry. And whenever Alyssa is around you, you get really nervous."

"You also never call Dinah or Normani 'aunt' anymore." Camila pipes in, her brown eyes staring at me intensely.

"But.." I try to grasp for anything to change their minds. Alyssa is my best friend, I can't like her. "But what about Anthony? I dated him last year."

"Anthony was so gay!" Camila laughs, slapping her knee. Lauren shoots her a glance and the smile disappears off Camila's face and she looks down in embarrassment.

"Charlotte, just tell us." Lauren looks at me with her loving green eyes. They shine like emeralds in this lighting.

I close my eyes, burying my face in my hands. "I like Alyssa, okay?" I mutter, taking deep breaths. "I'm bisexual."

I feel Lauren's hand on mine. "And that's okay, babe." Lauren says softly. "Have you ever thought about the fact that we are into girls as well? You have nothing to be worried about."

"No, I'm straight." Camila deadpans, narrowing her eyes at Lauren.

"Well, I married a straight girl." Lauren laughs, kissing Camila's cheek. Camila giggles, kissing Lauren's lips before she gets the chance to pull away.

"No, I'm hella gay." Camila winks at me, looking over to Lauren afterwards, her eyes concerned. "Is that what the cool kids say?"

"Of course," Lauren giggles, taking Camila's hand in her own. I smile at my parents' everlasting love.

My grin then flattens. "But Alyssa is my best friend." I sigh, shaking my head. "I can't like her."

"If my contacts are right," Camila comments, mischief creeping into her eyes. "Then don't be so sure about anything."

"Go get your girl." Lauren grins, squeezing my hand.

"How?" I cry, helpless. I've liked Alyssa since we were freshman. Maybe even before that.

"Do you what you love most." Camila tells me, her gaze fixed on me. "Didn't they go to a karaoke place?"

"How did you know that?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrow. I begin to spin the ring around my finger for comfort.

"Dinah is my best friend. She tells me stuff." Camila winks, standing up and walking away for a spilt-second. She then returns with a peeled banana in her hand.

"Sing for her." Lauren assures me, shaking our hands slightly. "Go get her."

"Right now?" I ask, nerves bouncing through my body.

"It's now or never." Camila says through a mouthful of banana.

Either I'm insane or my parents are, but I decide that I need to do this. If it doesn't work, then I'll know to move on. I stand up, kissing my mothers goodbye before grabbing my jacket and storming out into January's freezing weather.

I grab my keys out of my pocket, hopping into my car. My limbs are shaking wildly at the thought of confronting Alyssa. I plug the keys in, pulling out of the driveway.

Typing the address of the karaoke hang-out spot into my phone, I begin to drive there. It doesn't take as long as I thought it would take, or maybe it's just because my mind hasn't been thinking of time, it's been treading bad thoughts.

I pull into the parking lot, parking my car and stepping out of the car. I enter the building, the heavy smell of sweaty teenagers entering my nostrils. My eyes search the sea of people for Alyssa, naturally finding her first.

Her body is swaying with Trevor, her long, straight brown hair floating with her. Trevor has his hands on her waist, getting to close for comfort. I know Alyssa like the back of my hand, and I can see she is uncomfortable.

My eyes float up to the stage. No one is up there at the moment. This is my time.

I roam through the people, being careful to avoid Alyssa and all her friends. I make my way up to the stage, seeing a teenage boy sitting by the stage.

"Do you have a song request?" He asks me, pulling the toothpick out of his mouth. He ruffles his black hair.

"Yes," I answer, my body trembling. I take a deep breath, imagining my mothers' reassuring words and happy voices. I open my eyes. He shows me a list of songs. I scroll through them, picking the one I want. The one I relate to most. "I want number 13."

My mothers did say to sing my heart out.

"Hit the track!" The boy calls to the DJ backstage. "What is your name?"

"Charlotte Cabello-Jauregui." I mumble, grabbing the microphone up on stage. My legs feel weak but I'm ready for this. This is it.

"Give it up for Charlotte Cabello-Jauregui!" The boy yells out to the crowd, collecting everyone's attention. The first pair of eyes I see are Alyssa's intense blue ones.

Oh god.

The music starts and I take a deep breath before starting to sing to the wordless music. "You walked into the room and now my heart has been stolen." I begin shaky, gaining confidence. "You took me back in time to when I was unbroken."

People are beginning to stare and one of them is Alyssa. She seems extremely proud of me. Alyssa has always loved my voice so I know I'm not the worst singer.

"Now you're all I want and I knew it from the very first moment." I continue, allowing my emotions to seep through my words. "'Cause a light came on when I heard that song and I want you to sing it again."

Everyone begins to disappear one by one until it is just Alyssa in the room.

"I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me. Like it was a private show but I know you never saw me. When the lights come on and I'm on my own, will you be there to sing it again? Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories?"

I pause, my voice throbbing with raw emotion.

"Can I be him?"

I take a deep breath, starting the second verse. "I heard there was someone but I know he don't deserve you." I steady my voice out. "If you were mine, I'd never let anyone hurt you."

I can hear people cheering but I can't see them. I can only see Alyssa. I shut my eyes for this next part, bending my knees slightly while singing. "I wanna those dry those tears, kiss those lips, it's all I've been thinking about."

I open my eyes, seeing everyone again, all jumping and cheering for me. For me. That's crazy.

"'Cause a light came on when I heard that song and I want you to sing it again. I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me. Like it was private show but I know you never saw me. When the lights come on and I'm on my own, will you be there to sing it again?"

The beat practically floods through my veins, engulfing my body and brain. I am my emotions.

"Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories?" I sing softly, allowing my voice to echo in the microphone.

"Can I be the one? Can I be the one?" I take a deep breath, pausing before singing the last line. "Can I be him?"

I take a step back from the microphone, my eyes glued to Alyssa's. Our eye contact is extremely intense but I don't dare look away. Trevor is trying to get her to look at him but she isn't paying attention.

"Give it up for Charlotte!" The boy who runs the karaoke claps for me, everyone already going crazy.

I jump off the stage, immediately being enveloped in the crowd of teenagers. A few girls push up against my side, which I admit are tempting but I only want one girl. I notice some boys staring my way but they don't try anything.

"Charlotte!" I hear an achingly familiar voice shout to me, footsteps following the voice. "Wait!"

"Alyssa!" A deep voice calls after her.

"Later, Trevor!" Alyssa shouts back to him, pushing through people to get to me. I run out of the karaoke hang-out spot, not having anymore confidence to be there.

I push the doors open, allowing the brisk air to envelop me. Suddenly, a hand grasps my arm, pulling me back.

"Don't leave." Alyssa says, turning me to her. Her piercing blue eyes drill into mine. "That was incredible."

"Thanks." I sigh, looking down from her eye contact.

"You were singing so passionately, it's like you were singing to someone. You know?" Alyssa laughs, taking both of my hands in her's. Her breath turns into steam in the cold air.

"Yeah," I don't bring my eyes back up from the ground. "I know."

Alyssa doesn't respond, she just continues to stare at me. My heart spikes up. She knows. I can feel it. She knows. Something changes between us.

"You were singing to me, weren't you?" Alyssa whispers, her eyes burning a hole into my head. I nod slowly, keeping my head low. I know she has a boyfriend but I'm so much better for her than him.

Alyssa slowly bends down so her head is under mine, gazing her at me. She suddenly gets really close, way too close for comfort. I don't realize what is happening until it's too late.

Her lips press against mine, bringing my head back up slowly. She leans into the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. My heart beats incredibly fast in my chest, making me light-headed.

She bites my bottom lip, causing my arms to wrap around her waist. She pulls me closer to her, becoming dominant. She tastes like blueberries and the sunrise. Two things I love.

Once we run out of air, we pull apart. My lips are swollen from the kissing. They aren't used to this. God, my moms are definitely going to know.

"Jeez," Alyssa giggles softly, hooking her fingers into my belt loops. "Took long enough."

"What do you mean?" I ask, my heart still beating abnormally in my rib cage. Alyssa laughs melodically.

"Charlotte," Alyssa says seriously. "I like you. Like, I really like you. How did you not know?"

"B-but what about Trevor?" I stutter as her face gets closer to mine.

"We broke up weeks ago, he just didn't want to tell his friends so he is staying friends with me but there is nothing between us." Alyssa gets on her tip-toes to be eye level with me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, my head spinning.

"I tried but every time, you said that you had to leave before I got the chance." Alyssa sighs, shaking her head slightly so some of her brown hair falls in front of her face.

"No, I mean that you like me." I rephrase my sentence, taking a deep breath.

"I could ask you the same question." Alyssa smirks slightly.

"You confuse me, Hansen-Hamilton." I scoff, smiling nevertheless. Alyssa's blue eyes gleam in the dark.

"Join the club." Alyssa grins, unhooking her fingers from my belt loops. She then continues to nudge my side gently. "Hey, can you take me home?"

"Shouldn't I take you on a date first?" I retort, causing the younger girl's cheeks to tint pink.

"You win that round, Cabello-Jauregui." She snaps, walking beside me as we head to my car. I go out on a limb and wrap my arm around her waist; something I've seen Mom do to Mama.

She turns her head and grins widely at me, causing me to dip my head slightly.

Everything is perfect.


Camila: 38 Lauren: 39 Charlotte: 19 Londyn: 15 Raegan: 13


"Sunshine, can you get the mail?" Camila yells from inside the kitchen, washing dishes and pans.

"Sure!" I call back, crawling off Londyn who I was laying on. We were watching a movie because we didn't have anything else to do.

I open the door, walking down our driveway to the mailbox. I open the slot, grabbing the few letters and one big letter. I furrow my eyebrows at it, turning it over and reading the address it came from.

Florida International University.

I applied to Florida International University after I graduated from high school a few months ago and this letter is from them. I tear it open, scanning through the printed words on the paper. I'm accepted into it.

"Mom! Mama!" I scream, running back into the house. Londyn stares at me as I sprint back in, and Raegan walks down the stairs with wide eyes.

"Yes, sunshine?" Camila asks, setting the final clean dish back into the drawer. I show her the paper and she reads it. "Oh my god! You've been accepted!"

"I know!" I squeal, being immediately enveloped in a hug from my mother. She bounces us around.

"Lauren!" Camila yells up to Mom. "Come down here!" She then looks back at me. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Yes, my love?" Lauren asks, walking down the steps and entering the kitchen. Londyn and Raegan also accumulate in the kitchen.

"Charlotte got accepted into Florida International University!" Camila beams, leaving my mother astonished.

"Really?" She stares at me, a grin growing on her face. "That's amazing!" She rushes over to hug me tightly.

"Thanks, Mom." I giggle, growing embarrassed.

"Don't leave me!" Londyn cries, hugging me as well. I giggle, kissing her head.

"I'll come back." I chuckle, hugging her back. She pouts, crossing her arms. "And you have your boyfriend, Kyle, to keep you company while I'm gone."

"But he won't lay on me like you do." Londyn whines.

"He better not lay on you." Camila growls protectively, making Londyn blush and roll her eyes.

"When do you start?" Lauren asks, leaning against her wife who has tears in her eyes.

I scan the letter again. "In two weeks. September 2nd."

"That's so close!" Camila cries, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into another tight hug. I'm going to miss her, too. I'm going to miss everyone.

"Jeez, I'm only thirteen and you're already leaving us." Raegan chuckles, making me ruffle his hair. "Oh, come on, Char!"

"I'll be right back," I tell my family, turning to the stairs. "I have to call Alyssa."

Dreams really do come true.


Charlotte: 19 Alyssa: 18 Opal: 16 Beckett: 18


"Bye, Mom! Bye, Mom!" I call out to my mothers as they leave for work. I then slam the door shut, beginning to pick up various things in the living room.

"Don't freak out!" I warn my siblings and Charlotte who sit on the couch.

"Um, you're the one who is freaking out." Alyssa retorts, laying against her girlfriend, Charlotte. They sit together on the couch, basically connected, their hands intertwined. Opal sits next to them, scrolling through her phone.

"Leave me alone!" I shout at her, running a hand through my short hair. Opal looks up from her phone to stare at me.

"What is going on?" She asks, looking over at Charlotte who shrugs.

"I don't know, this isn't my house." Charlotte remarks, continuing to run her fingers through her girlfriend's hair.

"I'm inviting my girlfriend, Kimberly, over today." I share with them, feeling my cheeks heat up immediately.

"Awww," Alyssa coos, earning a tiny giggle from Charlotte. "My brother has his first girlfriend."

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes, hearing the doorbell ring. "J-just don't tell Mom or Mom, okay?"

"You got it." Alyssa winks at her twin. Charlotte nods and Opal clicks her tongue twice. I have everyone's word on it now.

I open the door, revealing my girlfriend. She has a bright smile on her lips, her brown eyes glittering friendly. Her loose green sweater practically hangs off her shoulder and her brown hair trails down her torso. She wears square black glasses on her face.

"Hey," she says shyly. I must look like a dork. "Can I come in?"

"O-of course," I say, taking a step to the side. She comes in cautiously, waving at my siblings and Charlotte on the couch.

"Hey." She says to them. Opal looks up, smiling at the girl. Charlotte looks away from Alyssa's face to look at Kimberly.

"Hey, I know you." She says, furrowing her eyebrows. "You're that hot girl from my gym class."

"Hey!" Alyssa whacks her girlfriend's arm while Kimberly blushes and fixes her hair.

"Oh," Charlotte chuckles nervously, rubbing her neck. "Sorry."

"Back off." Alyssa growls to Kimberly. "She loves me, not you."

"Okay," I drawl nervously, taking my girlfriend's hand. "Lets get away from my siblings and Charlotte. They are weird."

"Fight me!" I hear Charlotte yell as we walk upstairs. I roll my eyes at my sister's girlfriend.

Maybe inviting Kimberly over wasn't the best idea. But I really like her so I hope it works out.


Camila: 48 Lauren: 49 Charlotte: 26 Londyn: 22 Raegan: 20 Alyssa: 25 Opal: 23 Beckett: 25 Dinah: 48 Normani: 49 Ally: 52 Grayson: 23 July: 36 Michelle: 30 Chris: 46
Taylor: 43


"I'm already crying!" I wail, looking to my wife with wide eyes. She laughs softly, grabbing my hand.

"She is growing up." Lauren kisses my head, squeezing my hand. "We have to get used to it."

"Next it's going to be Londyn then Raegan." I ramble, running my hand through my hair. "I'm not ready!"

"We have to be ready for them." Lauren assures me, her emerald gaze comforting me.

"Walz, I've been ready for this since they met." Dinah hollers, a broad grin on her lips. Normani smiles at her wife, taking her hand in her's.

"I can't believe she is getting married." Londyn says from beside me, wiping a pretend tear from her cheek. "She's my baby!"

"Londyn, Charlotte is older than you by five years." Lauren laughs, looking over at her child.

"Does this mean when they have children that I'm going to be an uncle?" Reagan asks, looking to Lauren for answers because I don't have any of those.

"Children!" I cry, clutching my heart.

"Stop being so dramatic, Walz." Dinah scoffs, leaning back in her seat.

"It's funny that Alyssa is getting married before Beckett, even though they are twins." Opal remarks, laughing at her brother.

"I'm not ready to propose to Alexa yet, okay?" Beckett rubs his neck, shaking his head.

"You've been dating her since you broke up with Kimberly and that's been years." Opal complains, shoving her brother in the side. "Get some!"

"Yeah, man." Grayson says to Beckett, the scrawny boy leaning forward to see over Lauren. "Get your girl."

"Shut up, Grayson." Beckett rolls his eyes. "Just because you're engaged doesn't mean you have much say over me."

"Sure." Raegan comments, fixing his hair with his fingers.

"Maybe marriage won't be Alexa and I's thing." Beckett sighs. "I don't see why we would have to change."

"That's okay, baby." Dinah ruffles her son's curly hair. Grayson flicks his head to the side, his blonde hair moving with it.

"Alright, everybody." I hear Ally's voice on the speaker. The wedding is about to start. "Can everyone quiet down?"

No body hears her.

"Everyone, shut up!" Lauren yells loudly. "This is my daughter's wedding!"

"And my daughter's!" Dinah adds, yelling just as loudly.

Everyone stops talking; most of them casting looks over to us.

"Thank you for that, Lauren and Dinah." Ally's voice says over the intercom. "Everyone get in your spots."

"That's our cue." Lauren says, taking my hand and pulling us along with Londyn. Opal stands up with us, walking back behind the curtain behind the chairs.

Charlotte is back there in her wedding dress. Her hair is done in a bun that Lauren did, one curled strand left out. When she sees us, she hurries over to us. "Is Alyssa out there yet?"

Alexa, one of Alyssa's bridesmaids is also back here, along with July and Michelle who are Charlotte's other bridesmaids. Alyssa's very close friend, Emily, is also back here.

"Yes." I answer, smoothing out my yellow dress. Charlotte smiles at me, looking over to Londyn.

She takes the ends of Londyn's teal dress, lifting them up slightly. "You look beautiful, Londyn." Charlotte grins, her eyes dancing down Londyn's straightened hair.

"So do you." Londyn grins, her eyes shining unnaturally in the dim light. She might cry. A slow song starts, cueing the bridesmaids to start going out.

Opal and Londyn hook arms, their teal and purple dresses mixing as they walk out of the curtain. A few seconds after, July and Alexa hook arms, exiting the curtain. Finally, Emily and Michelle hook arms, leaving the safe curtain behind.

We wait behind the curtain for the music to change to the wedding march. I can't believe my baby is getting married.

Suddenly, the music stops and the wedding march begins.

Charlotte looks to us, her face glowing. I connect arms with her left arm while Lauren hooks arms with her right. We begin to walk out of the curtain together.

The second we are out of the curtain, people start clapping for us. I smile over to Lauren who grins back. Her washed-out pink dress compliments mine perfectly. I go to smile at Charlotte but her eyes are glued to Alyssa.

Alyssa is standing under the arch, clad in her beautiful wedding dress. Her long brown hair has been curled and is sprawled along her shoulders and back. She is beautiful.

We walk to the song, breaking apart at the end of the carpet. Lauren and I sit down in the front row while Opal, July, and Michelle stand beside Charlotte, identical to Alyssa's bridesmaids.

The priest does his ramble on marriage but I don't hear most of it. I can't take my eyes off my daughter. Oh god, she is getting married to Alyssa. She is growing up. I might have grandchildren! I'm not okay.

"I do." Alyssa says, grinning widely at my daughter. I see unshed tears in her eyes.

"And do you, Charlotte Michelle Cabello-Jauregui, take Alyssa Kordei Mikaela Hansen-Hamilton as your lawfully wedded wife? Through sickness and in health, to care for her and love her till death do you part?"

"I do." Charlotte giggles, holding hands with Alyssa. They gaze at each other like there is no worry in the world—which there isn't for them.

"Can we have the rings?"

Raegan walks out of the curtain, the pillow with rings on it in his hand. His tuxedo has a white tie on it which matches Alyssa and Charlotte's dresses.

He stops in front of Alyssa and Charlotte, holding the rings out. Alyssa takes the ring, slipping it on Charlotte's ring finger. Charlotte does the same to Alyssa, her hand shaking slightly.

"I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Charlotte cups Alyssa's cheek, pressing her lips against Alyssa's kiss. Alyssa wraps her arms around Charlotte's waist.

I swear, I'm not crying; Lauren is.


July: 16 Amanda: 15 Riley: 16


"Bye, Dad." I kiss my father's cheek before waving goodbye. "I'm heading out today."

"With?" Chris asks from the couch, pulling his phone away from his ear.


"You guys are friends again?" Chris inquires. "What have I missed out on?"

After I texted Amanda again, we became really close again. I started developing feelings for her so I cut it off with Riley. Apparently, Riley had been cheating on me with  Adam from math class. So she didn't really care.

"Nothing," I shrug it off, but inside I know it is a date. "Tell Mom I love her."

"You got it." Chris clicks his tongue, winking before I walk out the door. I see Amanda waiting for me near the mailbox.

"Hey, gorgeous." Amanda says to me, taking my hand in her's once I'm close enough. I grin widely at her comment.

Maybe I'll start listening to Camila from now on out.

Grayson: 26 Lillian: 26 Ally: 55


"You scare me sometimes, Gray." Lillian, my wife, says to me, carrying our newborn baby boy, Evan.

"I didn't tell my mother that we were having a baby because she has been in New York, she just flew back in this morning." I explain, kissing my wife's cheek as we approach Ally's door.

"What about Troy?" Lillian asks, brushing her blonde hair out of her green eyes.

"I told him but he promised not to tell Mom. Plus, he is at work." I grin, reaching my mother's door. "I'll knock." I rap my knuckles against the door.

"I'll be there in a second!" Ally's voice yells from inside the house. A few seconds after, she opens the door. When she sees me, her face brightens up. "Grayson! Lillian!"

"Hello, Mrs. Hernandez." Lillian says, waving to my mother who is hugging me.

"Hush, dear. I told you to call me Ally." Ally grins, kissing my wife's cheek. Her eyes then land on the baby. "Grayson..?"

"Surprise!" I cheer, a large grin on my lips.

Ally's eyes don't move from the newborn baby. For a second, I'm scared but then a smile spreads across her lips. "Grayson!" She squeals, cooing at the baby. "Can I hold him, Lillian?"

"Of course, Ally." Lillian hands over Evan. Ally cradles him in her arms, her eyes shining with happiness. She pokes his stomach a few times before looking up at us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ally asks, a tear dripping from her eye.

"That's why." I laugh, wiping away her tear.

"What's his name?"

"Evan." Lillian smiles, wrapping her arms around me.

"He's so cute!" She squeals. She as a lot of glee for how old she is. But I love her anyway. "I'm a grandma!"

Surprises are always the best.


Londyn: 25 Raegan: 23 Samantha: 23


"You make me want to go jump off a cliff." I rub my temples, staring intensely at my brother.

"Can you be serious for one second?" Raegan pleads, clasping his hands together.

"I am!" I retort, narrowing my eyes. "Why can't you grow a pair?"

"This is nerve-racking." Raegan remarks, ruffling his hair. I roll my eyes.

"You are a grown man fresh out of college. Go propose to your girlfriend, you wimp." I tell him, pointing to the door.

We are currently standing outside Samantha, Raegan's girlfriend's, house. And, no, he doesn't live with her because he never asked if he could move in or if she wanted to move in. Raegan called me over before he got there because he needed moral support. Idiot.

"If she says no, I'm blaming you." Raegan growls at me, walking up this his future wife's front door.

"Cool. I'm going to hide in that bush." I tell him, pointing to a huge shrub near by. Raegan ignores me so I turn around and jump into the leafy plant. I move a bit of the leaves so I can see the front door.

Raegan knocks on the red door once, glancing a look over his shoulder at me. I give him a thumbs up he can't see.

Samantha opens the door, a bright grin on her face when she sees Raegan. Her blueish green eyes sparkle in the daylight.

"Hey, Rae." She coos, stepping off to the side to let him in her house. "Want to come in?"

"Uh, no. I'm okay." Raegan nervously rubs his neck. Samantha cracks him a confused, crooked smile.

"Alright, then." She says politely, running a hand through her straight brown hair. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm peachy, actually." Raegan laughs awkwardly while I plant my forehead in my hand. Peachy?

"You sure?" Samantha laughs. "You seem a bit off."

"It's just that I wanted you something." Raegan begins, his hand disappearing into his back pocket. He sinks to one knee, pulling out his ring box. Samantha brings her hands up to her mouth.

"I love you so much, Samantha." Raegan pops open the ring box, revealing the actual ring. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

"Y-yes!" Samantha nods frantically, her grin huge. Raegan smiles as he stands back up. They hug and exchange a long kiss, to which I close my eyes for.

I think Raegan owes me for this.


Camila: 50 Lauren: 51 Michelle: 32


"The phone is ringing, love." My wife yells from downstairs. "Can you get it?"

"Of course!" I holler back, beginning my search for the ringing phone. I end up finding it in the bedroom on the nightstand. I press the green answer button, holding the phone up to my ear. "Hallo?"

"Aunt Lauren!" Michelle's voice says through the phone, her excitement very clear to hear. "Is Camila with you?"

"No, but I can get her." I promise, walking down the stairs to meet my wife on the couch. Camila is sprawled out on the couch, eating a banana.

"You really couldn't get the phone?" I ask her, lifting both of my eyebrows.

"No way." Camila says through a mouth full of banana. I giggle, putting the phone on speaker.

"I have Camila with me now." I tell Michelle, making Camila sit up and swallow the food in her mouth.

"Hi!" Camila pipes in, her tone happy and light.

"What's up?" I inquire, scooting closer to my wife. She lays her head on my shoulder.

"Okay, I was just calling to tell you that I'm engaged!" Michelle squeals, making my jaw drop. Camila stops nibbling on her banana.

"About time!" I laugh, grinning. "But congratulations!"

"Thank you!" Michelle replies, clearly ecstatic.

"When is the wedding?" Camila asks before taking a big bite of her banana.

"Next year but I'll give you the date when it gets closer." Michelle explains. "I'm going to call the Cabello-Jauregui-Hansen-Hamilton's after this so don't tell them."

"Oh my god, just say their actual names. Their last name is so long put together." I rub my temples, laughing.

"They wanted to keep all our names." Camila shrugs, seeming happy with their choice.

"I feel so bad for their future children." I shake my head, imagining the poor teachers writing down their name or the child itself writing its full name. Jeez.

"I should go now, Tyler is waiting." Michelle says, her voice becoming distance.

"Oh yeah, go to your lover." I say suggestively, earning a scoff from my niece.

"Whatever." She giggles. "Bye, guys!"

"Goodbye!" Camila and I say in harmony, hanging up on her. Camila then continues to eat her banana, her body totally dependent on mine. I bury my face in her neck and wrap my arms around her waist.

Beautiful things happen when people fall in love.


Camila: 50 Lauren: 51 Charlotte: 28 Londyn: 24 Raegan: 22 Alyssa: 27 Beckett: 27 Opal: 25 Dinah: 50 Normani: 51 Ally: 54 Grayson: 25 Samantha: 22


My phone dings.

I snatch it from beside me, reading who it's from first. "It's Charlotte! They're outside!"

I'm literally shaking because of how excited I am. Charlotte and Alyssa are coming over with their baby girl. Alyssa gave birth to her about a week ago and now they're ready share her.

"I can't believe I'm an uncle!" Raegan beams, his arm around his new wife. They got married about a month ago.

"Don't get used to it because I'm not having kids." Londyn crosses her arms, shaking her head. "My husband and I decided we don't want kids."

"Jake doesn't want kids?" Dinah asks, curious suddenly. Londyn shrugs, her face troubled.

"We talked about it a bit but nothing too extreme. We don't really have much interest in kids. You know.. they get in the way.." Londyn says innocently, earning a loud groan from me.

"You don't even know what I gave up for you." I retort playfully, making Raegan cover his ears.

"Enough of that. Thank you." He says, his emerald eyes wide. I laugh at my son who is now being teased by his wife.

The door then opens slowly. Charlotte and Alyssa walk through, a baby carrier in Charlotte's hand.

"Hi!" Alyssa cheerfully waves at everyone while Charlotte sets down the baby carrier. I find myself on my knees, trying to peer into the carrier.

A tiny bundle of lime green is suddenly in Charlotte's arms, pressed against her chest. I can see a bald head and one tiny hand.

"Meet Addison." Charlotte says, gazing down at her baby girl. My baby girl had a baby girl. I'm a grandma. Oh god.

I can't help it. A tear falls from my eye as I clutch Lauren's hand tightly. My baby is all grown up. Everything we've been through has lead up to now. I can't believe it.

"Mama," Charlotte notices me, strolling over. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Yes." I beam, holding out my arms. She sets the baby in my arms, making sure she is settled before taking a step back.

Lauren places her arm around my waist, one of her arms under Addison as well. We both gaze at her tiny face. She looks a lot like Charlotte but when she opens her eyes, I can tell those blue eyes are going to stay.

"She's beautiful." I take a deep breath, feeling Addison's hand brush mine. I look up at my daughter. "And so are you."

"Mama," Charlotte says, embarrassed. "You make this so much harder than it has to be."

"That's just because you are all grown up now. Look at you with a baby." I sigh, seeing Ally wrap an arm around her son.

"Mama.." Charlotte says bashfully, glancing at Lauren whose eyes haven't left Addison since she came over here.

"What's her full name?" Lauren chuckles. Everyone in the room also puts in a laugh. Alyssa appears at her wife's side.

"Addison Karla-Kordei Cabello-Jauregui-Hansen-Hamilton." Alyssa spits out, laughing afterwards. Lauren begins to giggle at how long her name is.

"I feel so bad for her." Ally comments, laughing. "That's such a long name."

"Why the two middle names?" Normani asks, sitting beside Grayson and Ally. Dinah sits on the floor in between her legs.

"Well, I wanted her middle name to be Karla or Morgado because those are names from my mothers but Alyssa wanted one of her parents' names so we compromised." Charlotte explains, taking her wife's hand in her's.

"Long name or not, she is adorable." Lauren grins, taking Addison's tiny hand in her fingers. "So tiny.."

I gaze down at the baby in my arms, a smile sticking to my lips. I know I'll have to let someone else hold her soon, but I don't want to let her go yet. This is my granddaughter. She will grow up just like Charlotte did.

She will have children that I probably won't get the chance to meet. She will fall in love just like I did with Lauren and she will be gorgeous just like her mothers.

I look up at Charlotte's face, still seeing the four-year old with short curly hair, even though she is long gone.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Mama."


Camila: 56 Lauren: 57 Charlotte: 34 Londyn: 30 Raegan: 28 Alyssa: 33 Beckett: 33 Opal: 31 Jackson: 31 Dinah: 56 Normani: 57 Ally: 60 Troy: 60 Grayson: 31 Lillian: 30 Samantha: 31 Chris: 54 Taylor: 51 Vanessa: 54 Justin: 52 Addison: 6 Evan: 7 Alexa: 33 July: 44 Amanda: 43 Michelle: 39 Tyler: 40 Skyler: 4 Stevie: 4 Athena: 3 Louis: 2


"Babe," Alyssa sits on the couch with two different shoes in each hand, facing our daughter. "Just pick one."

"I don't know, Ma." Addison shakes her head, her blue eyes looking at each pair of shoes intensely. "I like both of them."

"We have to go soon, Addi." Alyssa stresses, looking to me for help. I laugh softly, walking over and sitting next to her on our couch. "Pick one pair."

Addison sighs, looking at each pair of running shoes before sighing and gazing at me. "Which one do you like, Mom?"

I pretend to be in serious thought, rubbing my chin and humming before saying my answer. "I think the teal ones compliment your eyes."

"Then the teal ones." Addison tells Alyssa who sighs loudly, handing over the shoes.

"Finally." She says, making me smile. I kiss her cheek, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"She's only six." I giggle, whispering in her ear. "Cut her some slack."

"We have to be at your mothers in ten minutes and everyone is going to be there so Addison was worrying about her shoes." Alyssa runs her hand through her hair, her blue eyes watching Addison. "And her shoes of all things. Why not that shirt? It's so weird."

"Love, you picked out that shirt." I tell her, making her look at me incredulously. Addison runs her hands over her white shirt, which has a green giraffe with sunglasses on it.

"Why didn't you tell me it was weird?" Alyssa cries, leaning into my side. I bite my bottom lip to keep me from laughing too hard.

"I think it's cute." I assure her, kissing her head.

"You're just saying that." Alyssa pouts, standing up and grabbing her jacket. "We really need to go. Camila will be expecting us soon."

"You're right." I agree, helping Addison out the door. She happily skips to the car, excited to see all of her family members at Mama's house.



"Is everyone here yet?" Lauren asks, sitting down beside Ally on the couch. I shake my head, sitting with Skyler on the ground. Skyler is one of Raegan and Samantha's twin girls.

"No, Charlotte, Addison, and Alyssa haven't showed up yet." I tell her, making a funny face at Skyler who copies it.

"Well, they are the only ones not here." Lauren replies. Evan comes up to Grayson who is sitting beside Lillian, plopping himself on his father's lap.

"I haven't got to meet little Addison yet." July pouts, playing with her wife's fingers. Amanda nods in agreement.

"Charlotte hasn't brought her over yet." Amanda shrugs, looking disappointed.

"They're coming today so you will be able to see her." I assure them, nodding slowly. "Addison is the cutest little thing."

"Grandma!" Skyler protests, her jaw dropping open. "You said I was the cutest little thing."

"You're both cute in your own ways." I explain, brushing some of Skyler's brown hair out of her face.

Stevie, Skyler's twin and Raegan and Samantha's daughter, bounces into the room, her brown trailing in the wind behind her. Her emerald eyes reflect Lauren's perfectly, it's uncanny while Skyler's brown eyes look just like mine.

"When is Addison getting here?" Stevie asks, skipping over to me. She kneels down, staring into my eyes. It's crazy because Skyler and Stevie look exactly the same except their eye color.

"Soon." I promise, earning a sweet smile from the four-year old. She skips away happily, Skyler jumping up and following after her.

Suddenly, the door opens.

Charlotte walks through the door, Addison close behind her with Alyssa's hand in her's.

"Stevie, Addison is here!" I call out to the young girl, who squeals afterwards. The sound of footsteps running follows after.

"Hey, Mama." Charlotte greets me, leaning down and kissing my head. "Hey, Mom." She smiles at Lauren, kissing her cheek.

"Hey, love." Lauren smiles. Addison makes her rounds of hugging her family members, right now she is on Ally.

"Addison!" Stevie cheers once she is in the living room again. When Addison sees her, she grins. They share a quick hug before Addison goes back to hugging Ally.

"How've you been?" I ask Alyssa when I see her, smiling at my daughter-in-law.

"Great!" Alyssa grins, walking past her to her mothers. "Hey, Mom. Hi, Mommy." She greets them, hugging them both.

"Hi, baby." Dinah smiles, hugging her daughter back. Alexa and Beckett's child, my niece, Athena, rushes into the room with Skyler. Alexa and Beckett never got married, but they did have a baby.

"Where is Louis?" She asks her father, her long black hair bouncing up and down with her. The toddler is always extremely happy about something.

"I'm not sure," Beckett admits, rubbing his scruff before looking over to Opal. "Ask his mom."

"Okay, Dad." Athena nods, rushing over to Opal, Louis's mother. "Where is Louis?"

"He is sleeping upstairs, actually. He got really tired so Camila let him use her bed." Opal explains, ruffling Athena's hair. Athena looks down with her big brown eyes.

"Oh, okay." She then spots Addison, waddling over to her. "Addi!"

"Hi, Athena!" Addison beams, hugging the toddler.

"Why don't we have more kids, Rae?" Samantha asks her husband, leaning close to his face.

"We already have twins, babe." Raegan chuckles, seeming nervous.

"Yeah, but I'm sure Stevie and Skyler would like another sibling." Samantha retorts. Both Stevie and Skyler look away from whatever they were doing, glancing at their mother.

"No." Both of them say, shaking their identical heads. Samantha then purses her lips and looks down for a second before turning to Grayson.

"Are you and Lillian planning on having any more kids?" She asks, lifting both eyebrows. Grayson looks to his wife, shaking his head.

"No, we aren't planning on more." He shrugs, nudging Evan to go play. Evan hops down, joining Addison and Stevie's conversation.

"See? Everything is fine." Raegan says, smiling faintly. "Stevie and Skyler are amazing and a handful at the same time."

"Right?" Chris comments, laughing and nudging his wife. "Two kids is hard!"

"Try three!" Lauren, Dinah, Normani, and I all shout at the same time. We all stare at each other after our unison comment, laughing.

"That's why we only had one." Taylor giggles, leaning against her husband, Justin. Justin smiles, nodding.

"Yeah, Connor was a handful anyway."

"Zero kids is the best." Londyn comments, Jake running his fingers down her arm. "I mean, kids are great but they aren't for us."

"C'mon, Londyn." Charlotte nudges her sister. "If I can do it, so can you."

"But Addison is perfect so of course it's easy!" Londyn cries, laughing slightly.

"I can't argue with that." Charlotte chuckles, winking over at Alyssa then at me. She is referring to how 'perfect' she was. She was pretty perfect; it isn't her fault she is a sixth generation.

"I feel you, Londyn." July says over to my daughter. "Amanda and I didn't have kids either. Neither did Michelle."

"Didn't have the time for one." Michelle shrugs, relaxing on Tyler.

"I'm not a grandpa." Chris pouts, looking down sadly. Vanessa rubs his shoulder.

"At least Taylor and I carried out the family name so 'Jauregui' won't die out." Lauren chuckles, kissing my cheek.

"'Jauregui' won't ever die out." Alyssa chuckles, gesturing to Addison, Skyler, and Stevie.

"Neither will any of us." Raegan grins, intertwining fingers with his wife. "Our love will last forever."

"You say it, kid." Lauren grins, ruffling her son's hair. I lay my head on her thigh, taking a strand of Charlotte's hair and playing with it. Addison sits in Charlotte's lap, playing cards with Stevie, Skyler, Athena, and Evan.

"This is all because two people fell in love." I gush, gesturing to us all. "Our family is huge and beautiful."

"Our family is forever." Alyssa grins, taking Charlotte's hand in her own. Ally looks over to her husband, smiling widely. Taylor lays her head on Chris's shoulder, smiling contently.

"We are forever." Ally announces, ruffling her son's hair. Lillian laughs at the face the man makes at his mother.

"And so is the length of Addison's full name!" Dinah cheers, earning everyone's laughter.

I don't think I've ever been so happy before. Being with my whole family, which I helped make, makes me joyous. I can't wipe the grin off my face. I gaze over at Lauren who grins at me widely. She squeezes my hand lovingly.

If someone were to tell me when I was sixteen, just meeting Lauren, that in 40 years we would have this beautiful family. That so many things would happen to make us who we are. That we would be happy together. I wouldn't believe them. But look at us now.

Life has taught me the biggest lesson ever. That one needs to love as much as they possible can. Hate takes up too much time to feel. Love is what can make everything better because love is bigger than hate.

Love comes around and stays around.


A/N: hallo!! First off, THANK YOU!!! Thank you to everyone who read this and supported it through everything. You guys mean so much to me! Also, thank you for being a trooper through this long chapter. I love you guys so much. You make me love and I want that love to stick around.

If you enjoyed this chapter, please star it! Thank you so so so much and have a beautiful, amazing, magical, incredible day! I love you!!


(P.s: the song Charlotte sang to Alyssa is Can I Be Him by James Arthur.)
