
Captain caviar cookie: Ah shit..

As I had The little cookie on my hand still, I swam away with him leaving his friend panicked

*awhile later*

Captain caviar cookie: where r we. *growls*

Black pearl cookie: Stfu.. We are at my home/palace, it's called tearcrown also.
(idk duh fuck?)

Captain caviar cookie: eh.. It looks nice ngl.

Black pearl cookie: yea yea whatever.

Captain caviar cookie pov: as I was placed down gently I look at the huge siren until she transformed small, like my size, seeing her face I flushed, how is she this.. Cute..


Time later..





Captain caviar cookie:So.. What is ur name.?

Black pearl cookie: my name is Black pearl cookie.

Black pearl cookie:What about u, what's urs.?

Captain caviar cookie:I'm captain caviar cookie!

Black pearl cookie: eh lame.

Captain caviar cookie:I'm not lame!

Black pearl cookie grabs him

Captain caviar cookie: uh..-

Black pearl cookie: Shut.. UP..

As black pearl cookie makes Captain caviar cookie quiet, she decided to keep him for awhile.

Black pearl cookie:Not to mention this but.. U look handsome.. *blushes slightly*

Captain caviar cookie: oh? *turns away, flustered* u too.. U look precious..

Black pearl cookie pov: As I called him handsome I blush slightly, thinking about him now after what happened in the past, I'm not sure if I'm feeling this emotion.. Is it.. "love?".. there's no way it's that emotion, I can't.. It gives me flashblacks of  "him" betraying me.. But captain caviar cookie.. He's a lot different ;however,..I just met him.. But he called me Wonderful, I can't stop the emotion..

Black pearl cookie: I-I...Well thank you..

Captain caviar cookie: No problem, but how long I'ma be here.

Black Pearl cookie pov: As he told me how long he was gonna stay, I widen my eyes, I didn't want him to go.. He made me feel..Not so lonely but giving me company..

Black pearl cookie: I uh..im not sure..

Captain caviar cookie:What!? * he widen eyes*

Black pearl cookie: don't be surprised, I really want some company here, I'm very lonely not lying.. It's been awhile.

Captain caviar cookie:Oh uhm.. *sighs* alright.. I'll stay for awhile.

Captain caviar cookie pov:as I told her I was gonna stay a bit more she got in a happy mood, seeing black pearl cookie happy made my heart so warm..

Thank u for reading this part 12 right, not sure, but next part will probably be longer, not so sure ! 🖤 x 🤎
