Chapter 6:"Mates"

The man had put Tate and I into a corral together. He left, and I started talking to Tate again.
"I am really glad he bought us together and now we don't ever have to go back to that horrid place again," I said.

"Yea I'm really glad," he said.
There was no one around the stable, so I shifted back into my human.
"Wow," Tate said,"you are um- really pretty."
"Why don't you shift too?"
"Ok I will."

He shifted, and turned to face me. His hair was sandy blonde, just like his horse's mane. He looked at me.
"Hey April."
"Are we-"

"Yea I think we are." I told him.
"Can I give you a hug?" he asked.
I giggled," Yes, you can."
He came over and wrapped his arms around me. Where he touched me, I felt what was like pins and needles.

We both jumped back with shock. I stared at my arms.
"What just happened?" I asked Tate.
He didn't respond, he just stared at me, with what looked like tears in his eyes?

All of a sudden Arizona spoke,
Mate! Mate! He is your mate!
I burst into tears. He did too.
"Tate, I-"
"I know," he said.

I ran up to him, and he held me in his arms.
"April, I-I don't know what to say."
"You don't need to say anything."
We stayed like that for what seemed like forever, but we were interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

We quickly shifted back, but it was too late. The man saw us and he shifted into his wolf. He growled at us, and we galloped away, trying to outrun him. He caught up to me and bit into my back leg. Arizona freaked out, and she took over.

She thrashed him around, trying to get him off. The wolf just bit down harder. I was tired, my leg was bleeding so bad that I fell to the ground. I had lost so much blood that my vision started to blur.

All I can remember is seeing Tate attacking the wolf, and then everything went black.
