And you are?

I looked up and saw 2 elves and 2 humans. They weren't normal human though. One looked familiar like from a fairy tale. He looked like he was magical. The human girl was obviously a criminal, I could feel her bad presence yet she seemed sweet. Where was I?

The human I presume to be magical offered to help me up, I said "sure", he had a strong grip and lifted me up, we froze and our eyes locked. Until the elf girl stopped our silence by touching him on the shoulder. I asked who she was and she proudly stated "i'm Amberle Princess of Aborlon" and her other friend shortly after exclaimed " I wil I'm half elf" he let out a little chuckle. A soft alluring voice piped up behind " i'm Eritrea and I'm just a Rover, a human I mean"
" A Rover?" I replied
" she steals stuff" said wil, quickly.
I thought so,
Confused I said "well what am I? who are you and where am I?"
The man who helped me up said, "these are all valid questions my dear, I'm Alanon the last known Druid."
" Druid? like with magic!" I stupidly replied
"Yes," he laughed, " like your magic!"
" how do you know I've got magic?"
"He knows everything!" Said wil, again.
I told him my magic is not like his, I assured him. he asked me to show him but I refused, they all came closer and I let out shield of ice! I held my hands close to my chest while a white flurry of snow was swirling in my palms.

They gasped and I don't blame them. I turned away before feeling allanons hands on my side. He read my mind. Knowing what I was trying to say in my head to him. I thought
"Why am I here? Why am I like this? My magic was concealed before I was brought here!"
He said out loud, "I understand your frustration, but amberle saw you in her visions, you were with me. Fighting the demons"
Demons? I'd never heard such fairytales in all my life, and I was the first person on the earth!
"Why am I here Druid? With a half breed, an elf princess and a rover?"
"You are here as a duty, to the Ellcrys!"
Thats their sacred tree, if you didn't know. I planted it to stop all evil from coming back to earth.
"Look, your our only hope, to stopping it!" Said eretria
"Stop what?!" I cried
"To stop the demon hord" shouted amberle
"To stop the dag da morde" finished the Druid.
Shocked I fell back. But Allanon caught me. I felt a sudden deep love for him, like it was planned?
Wil then went on to tell me that he is here to protect amberle but also because he is the last known shannara. I'm a shannara!
"Wil, your father was a great hero" I said
"How do you know my father" whispered wil
"He's my bother! Wil, I'm your auntie..."
He ran into my arms and cried on my shoulder, he was my nephew, but wil was more happy that he had a family.
