23: Hope

The night settled over Tatooine, with stars adorning the dark canvas of the sky. Sombra's steps were resolute, a blend of apprehension and hope fuelling her as she pressed forward. Through the bustling spaceport, she moved with purpose, her golden eyes scanning the faces of those around her.

Her speeder remained abandoned in the labyrinthine pathways of the bustling hub. Now on foot, she followed the guiding touch of the Force, an unseen thread pulling her ever closer to the presence she sought. The air held a charged anticipation as she navigated the sea of unfamiliar faces and alien species, her small form weaving through the crowd.

Meanwhile, Qui-Gon Jinn found himself in the home of Shmi and Anakin Skywalker. The simple dwelling provided a respite from the day's challenges. Around him, the warmth and hospitality of this unexpected encounter offered comfort in contrast to the chaos of his mission. Speaking with Shmi and Anakin, he sensed an awareness, a whisper in the Force signaling the approach of something significant.

Amidst the quiet exchange, Qui-Gon felt it—a presence, delicate yet potent, reaching out through the currents of the Force. Briefly, he closed his eyes, deepening his connection. There it was again—a familiar signature, encountered before on Batuu. The same presence that had intrigued him, igniting his curiosity.

Qui-Gon's focus sharpened, his awareness expanding to encompass not just the presence, but the depth of the connection. It was her—the young girl, Sombra. He sensed her determination, uncertainty, and emotions converging into a beacon of energy, tugging at the threads of fate.

In the shadows of the spaceport's bustling activity, Sombra felt a pull at the edges of her consciousness. The Force guided her steps, leading through the maze-like pathways until she stood before a dwelling made of sand and stone.

Sombra's breath caught, and she steadied herself, gathering thoughts and courage. Her heart beat with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, mirroring the swirling currents of the Force.

Standing there, on the threshold of a new chapter, Sombra felt a profound purpose. Whatever lay ahead, whatever revelations awaited her, she was ready to face them.

Approaching, her steps heavy with recent events, Qui-Gon emerged, his presence exuding calm and strength. As their eyes met, a rush of emotions overwhelmed the young girl. She surged forward, seeking solace in his embrace.

Tears flowed freely as Sombra found herself enveloped in Qui-Gon's reassuring arms. His presence offered the security she desperately needed. She clung to him, finding comfort and understanding. In his embrace, the weight of the world lifted from her shoulders.

Qui-Gon held her close, his gentle strength a haven amid her emotional chaos. He allowed her tears to flow, her pain to be felt and acknowledged.

As sobs subsided and emotions calmed, Sombra's tear-streaked face turned to meet Qui-Gon's gaze. Genuine concern emanated from him, melting the ice of her fears. Yet, she carried a burden—the truth of her father's nature and Sith training.

Qui-Gon spoke softly to her."You've had a difficult journey, haven't you?" Sombra nodded, and Qui-Gon wiped her tears with care. "I understand. But the Force has united our paths once again. I am glad to see you, young one."

He didn't push her to reveal everything. Trust needed time. He continued to hold her, offering support unconditionally.

In the desert night's hushed silence, Sombra found her voice, words whispered in the wind. "I want to learn, Qui-Gon. Please teach me?" she implored, eyes searching for the promise of a new path. Vulnerability and longing threaded her request.

Qui-Gon's gaze softened, voice gentle as he replied, "Are you certain, Sombra? The Jedi's path demands patience, discipline, deep commitment, and a serious mind. If you're truly ready, Sombra, I'd be honored to help you discover your connection to the Force."

Sombra's heart soared, and hope ignited within her chest. "I'm sure. I won't fail you."

In the humble confines of the Skywalker home, a sense of warmth and solace permeated the atmosphere. Sombra's tear-streaked face and disheveled appearance didn't escape Shmi Skywalker's perceptive gaze. As Qui-Gon explained the situation to Shmi, her heart reached out to the young girl, and her nurturing instincts took over.

With a soft smile, Shmi approached Sombra, her eyes conveying gentle understanding. "Hello, dear. I'm Shmi, and this is my home. Qui-Gon tells me you're a friend of his, is that correct?"

Sombra nodded, her cheeks still flushed from tears. "Yes, ma'am." Shmi offered the girl a sweet smile. "Well then, let's get you cleaned up before you rest. Are you hungry?"

Guiding Sombra to the table, Shmi offered her a seat and placed a plate of pallie fruit before her. Sombra's stomach rumbled with hunger, and she gratefully started eating the fruit.

Shmi's tender touch acted like a balm for Sombra's soul. As she wiped away tear remnants and gently cleaned her face, Sombra felt a hint of something she had been longing for. It contrasted sharply with the harshness she had recently endured.

While Shmi carefully untangled the knots in Sombra's hair, the young girl felt a sense of maternal comfort that she had never experienced before. Shmi's gentle humming filled the room, creating a soothing melody that healed her broken heart.

As Shmi continued brushing her hair, Sombra's shoulders relaxed, tension melting away. She allowed herself to fully experience the moment, embracing the nurturing touch and simple kindness that Shmi offered without reservation.

In that ordinary yet extraordinary scene, Sombra began to realize that life wasn't just the dichotomy of light and dark she had been taught. There was room for compassion, understanding, and healing. A space where the choice between dark and light, Sith or Jedi, didn't have to burden her shoulders.

When Shmi offered to style her hair into the knots she had before, Sombra hesitated. The need to mimic her father's appearance had lost its significance. With newfound determination, she requested something different. As Shmi deftly braided Sombra's hair into two sections, weaving yellow ribbons into the strands, Sombra waited patiently. With each twist of Shmi's capable fingers, Sombra shed the weight of her past and embraced a fresh sense of self.

As Shmi finished the braids and ribbons, she turned Sombra toward a mirror. Sombra's reflection stared back at her, adorned in a way that felt uniquely her own. The yellow ribbons contrasted beautifully against her dark hair.

Sombra felt a rush of warmth and confidence, causing her to break into a smile. She whispered her thanks to Shmi, feeling the emotions in her voice. Shmi's gentle laughter filled the room, and she gave Sombra's hand a reassuring pat. "You're welcome, dear. You look beautiful."

Sombra's heart swelled at Shmi's words, warmth spreading through her chest. With a genuine expression of gratitude, she thanked Shmi once again. The conversation shifted, and Sombra's curiosity was piqued as Shmi mentioned her son. She wanted to learn more about him, about the person raised under Shmi's nurturing care. But before she could inquire further, a sudden shift in the Force seized Sombra's attention.

A voice—a familiar one—resonated in her mind, uttering a single word: "Angel?"

Sombra's heart raced as recognition dawned. She looked at Shmi, awe and excitement mingling in her expression, and then back at the door, as though anticipating someone's entrance.

Sombra felt the profound connection she had established with someone she had only met in her dreams. As the echo of that voice lingered, she knew her path was about to take an unexpected turn.
