Chapter 21ii

I exit Zürich International Airport with Tiberius following close behind. In the end, Augustus decided that my life was worth protecting. It would have attracted too much attention to bring an entire tactical team, so Augustus sent his trump card.

The two of us needed fake passports and had to fly in economy class. I've always told myself that Adrian's wealth would never change me, but after you've gotten taste of the good life, it's hard to give it up.

In order to keep our negotiations a secret and to avoid an ambush, the meeting was arranged to take place in a public square called Bellevueplatz. I agreed to come alone, but I'm nowhere near stupid enough to honour that agreement. Tiberius will be waiting at a distance. "Remember, I can see and hear everything." He reminds me through my earpiece. I have evolved from warrior princess to Sydney Bristow.

"Are you sure you can protect me from that far away? We're in the middle of Ashcroft country right now." I reply.

"Your lack of confidence is insulting. Let them send an army. I'll send them back in body bags." The thought obviously excites him. A stretch limousine approaches from down the street. Clearly, Verina and I have vastly different definitions of secret. Her driver opens the door, and she strides towards me.

Verina Keller is at least the same age as Octavia but looks twenty-two. The amount of money she spends on Adrian's blood must be astronomical. She'll be delighted to know that I'm here to lessen her expenses. "Ashcroft Highness." She curtsies in front of me.

"Lady Keller." I return the gesture. It's not so bad once you get used to it. "Take a seat. We have much to discuss."

She removes her sunglasses and settles down with me on the bench. "From a purely business perspective, I should deliver you to your father right now. You claim that House Shang would ease our financial dues, but William Ashcroft has the same power. He would certainly consider it in exchange for his renegade daughter's head. And the whole process would much simpler – no treason, no civil war."

"And yet we are still talking. There must be something holding you back."

The corner of her lip rises slightly. She wants something from me. "After your little stunt in the New York Harbour, House Ashcroft has requested to borrow a vast sum of money in order to maintain their operations in Africa. This is a loan that we have not yet approved. They would be paying interest for years, which means very good business for us. If we agree to deny House Ashcroft's loan, then House Shang must agree to compensate for our lost profits."

Crap. I don't know if Augustus can afford that. "Is that all?"

"I also expect them to send a large portion of their army to Switzerland of course. I will be counting on their protection once I incur the wrath of your father. And... "

"What is it?" This woman is going to milk me for everything I have.

"My daughter, Maddelen. I want you to take her with you back to Shanghai." Verina releases a heavy sigh. "She has leukemia. No amount of Adrian Shang's blood will heal it, so I want him to do it himself."

"Ok, I think he would be willing to do that." Verina's fingers tap the bench, a gesture of dissatisfaction. "And?"

"And I want Adrian Shang to marry her."

Oh hell, no! "What? That is outrageous! There's no way in hell Adrian or Augustus would agree to that!"

"That's my price. I want my daughter to be a queen. It is the best way to solidify our new position as a major house."

"Saving your daughter's life isn't good enough for you?" She just stares at me impassively. This was a waste of my time. I don't need her help this badly. "Our business here is done." Who the hell does this bitch think she is?

"I'm not stupid. I know you have a relationship with the Shang Highness. I know that you love him." I pause, but she doesn't see my scowl. "Maddelen is fifteen years old. The doctors say she won't last another year. She is innocent in all this. There is no reason for her to suffer. Your boyfriend can help her."

"Exactly, my boyfriend!" I scream at the old hag. "Adrian would use his abilities to help anyone without expecting anything in return. But he's not going to marry your daughter for the sake of bankrupting House Ashcroft!"

Then she appears. Verina's driver helps a little girl out of the limo. She is paler than snow, and she has a canella attached to an oxygen tank. She slowly staggers toward us, holding the driver's forearm the entire time. "Take her to Shanghai. Explain the offer to the Shangs. Even if they refuse, at least have Adrian help her. And if they accept, then House Ashcroft will begin its downward spiral. And you will have made a powerful, new ally in Europe."

I stare at Verina incredulously, my disgust for this woman laid bare. "You would exploit my sympathy for your sick daughter as a tool for political gain?"

She just shrugs. "Would it work?"

Maddelen stands before me, both alive and dead at the same time. The way she gazes at me, it's as though even opening her eyes is tiring. She tries to smile, but all she manages is a twitch of the lips. I close my eyes and hold on to what remains of my humanity. What did I expect? This is the Shadow Kingdom.

I curse the vile woman and her insane demands, but I won't deny her daughter the chance to live. "Ok. I'll take her to Adrian, but that is all I promise." Verina nods.

Tiberius and I help Maddelen into our car. I don't know if she even has the strength to speak, but I try to be friendly to her. "Hello, my name is Scarlett. You won't have to suffer through this much longer."

Her empty eyes meet mine. "The man you love, he can heal any sickness?" Every time she speaks one word, she has to take three breaths before she can speak the next one.

My mind drifts to the day we were in Pittsburgh with Andrea, and a heart-warming smile takes hold of me. "Just about."

She blinks slowly as though she is trying to speak but fails. "You are a very lucky woman." Indeed, I am.
